Let's all rate MPQ for Avengers vs Ultron

Taken totally out of context from the Thor et al Nerf discussion thread:
Other folks later in the thread pointed out that that would have an impact on the business end of things. That's totally true, but we've also seen that improving underpowered characters doesn't have a noticeable impact on any of the ways we try to understand how much people are enjoying the game: ratings of how fun the game is and how likely you are to recommend the game from one-on-one interviews, how much people play in a sitting, how much they play in a day, how long they stick around, how much they think the experience is worth and are willing to spend, ratings on the app store, the mood of these forums and other places on the internet where MPQ players hang out, the feedback that shows up in the mail. If we saw that improving underpowered characters had big effects in those areas, I bet my bosses would choose a short-term loss of revenue in order to get to a game that people enjoy more and stick around in longer - we've made that trade-off many times.

To be totally clear: I think balance is really important. I think it's important in vital and subtle ways that only show up in the game's success in the very long term. I think improving underpowered characters plays a part in the long-term success of Marvel Puzzle Quest. We're going to continue to make balance changes, and just today I reviewed early drafts of changes to several underpowered characters. It's a piece of the puzzle, but we'll probably continue to put the majority of our effort into other things that seem to bring more joy to more people.

So it's clear what needs to happen. If Avengers vs Ultron is in fact as cool as we all think it's going to be, we need a way to show a "noticeable impact" on something they register. The easiest thing to affect is probably "Ratings on the app store". Let's all go give MPQ a 5 star rating on R74 for the new content.

Maybe if the rating increases dramatically, or they see enough 5* ratings in this short time period, the message will get across that "This is how we want to PvE forever now" icon_e_biggrin.gif

Just put my 5* rating and review on the Google Play store. Come join me!


  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Every time I've tried to rate it, Google Play wants me to create a Google+ account, first.

    That's more of a hassle than I'm willing to deal with.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    I want to see the scaling first icon_e_wink.gif
  • Arondite
    Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lerysh wrote:
    So it's clear what needs to happen. If Avengers vs Ultron is in fact as cool as we all think it's going to be, we need a way to show a "noticeable impact" on something they register. The easiest thing to affect is probably "Ratings on the app store". Let's all go give MPQ a 5 star rating on R74 for the new content.

    Maybe if the rating increases dramatically, or they see enough 5* ratings in this short time period, the message will get across that "This is how we want to PvE forever now" icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Just put my 5* rating and review on the Google Play store. Come join me!

    How about instead of that, we

    A - wait to see if it's even good at all.
    B - determine on an individual basis whether or not we as a singular person or player is [more] happy about the additional content or [more] frustrated/angry about the hamfisted character changes that prove yet again D3 has no direction or idea what to do at top-end play, then rate the game accordingly
  • DFiPL wrote:
    Every time I've tried to rate it, Google Play wants me to create a Google+ account, first.

    That's more of a hassle than I'm willing to deal with.

    Your gmail.com account is already a google+ account. Think of it as one more email you will never use.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lerysh wrote:
    DFiPL wrote:
    Every time I've tried to rate it, Google Play wants me to create a Google+ account, first.

    That's more of a hassle than I'm willing to deal with.

    Your gmail.com account is already a google+ account. Think of it as one more email you will never use.

    It wants to actually complete the setup process and won't give me the option to say 'no, just let me rate and be done with it.' If I don't complete setting up the G+ page, it won't let me. I don't want a G+ page, so...
  • Hulk11
    Hulk11 Posts: 435
  • Hulk11
    Hulk11 Posts: 435
    Arondite wrote:
    Lerysh wrote:
    So it's clear what needs to happen. If Avengers vs Ultron is in fact as cool as we all think it's going to be, we need a way to show a "noticeable impact" on something they register. The easiest thing to affect is probably "Ratings on the app store". Let's all go give MPQ a 5 star rating on R74 for the new content.

    Maybe if the rating increases dramatically, or they see enough 5* ratings in this short time period, the message will get across that "This is how we want to PvE forever now" icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Just put my 5* rating and review on the Google Play store. Come join me!

    How about instead of that, we

    A - wait to see if it's even good at all.
    B - determine on an individual basis whether or not we as a singular person or player is [more] happy about the additional content or [more] frustrated/angry about the hamfisted character changes that prove yet again D3 has no direction or idea what to do at top-end play, then rate the game accordingly

  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,274 Chairperson of the Boards
    They have gotten about everything wrong lately but let's congratulate them on doing one good thing? icon_rolleyes.gif

    And we are not even sure if that event will be any good.
  • sinnerjfl wrote:
    They have gotten about everything wrong lately but let's congratulate them on doing one good thing? icon_rolleyes.gif

    And we are not even sure if that event will be any good.

    More "Hey, how can we show appreciation for a thing they got right" and "do more of this thing" which is exactly WHY they claimed going after strong characters is easier than buffing weak ones.

    I want them to do more of this thing, here is how I can show appreciation for a thing they got right.
  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    Lerysh wrote:
    sinnerjfl wrote:
    They have gotten about everything wrong lately but let's congratulate them on doing one good thing? icon_rolleyes.gif

    And we are not even sure if that event will be any good.

    More "Hey, how can we show appreciation for a thing they got right" and "do more of this thing" which is exactly WHY they claimed going after strong characters is easier than buffing weak ones.

    I want them to do more of this thing, here is how I can show appreciation for a thing they got right.
    But they haven't done it yet! Play it and vote, and keep in mind that there likely won't be any new PVE content for months afterward, regardless of of their rating. Voting before an event starts to show support is... not going to do that, to put it politely.

    In my months on here, the only feedback they actually seem to have taken in was a) addressing the ridiculous amount of ISO needed by adding DDQ and b) nerfing IF within a week of release.

    They aren't doing this event because you demanded new content. They're doing it as part of a massive coordinated marketing blitz for a movie coming out... And all the rush of new characters that you'll need to spend your hp on (and if you are a newer player, it'll be buy with $ or sell for ISO) are not because people want Quicksilver, it's because a movie comes out next week (and a Netflix show in Kingpin's case).

    Kingpin, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and Hulkbuster are all for promotion, not because we demanded it.

    So you send a 5-star rating for one event. I'm going to rate it after this event, and keep in mind the slog they've turned PVP into, and how utterly dull the Simulator has been. This simulator has been by far the least popular PVE since I've started playing... People weren't clamouring for Iron Man progression... Rating them 5-stars over the one bit of solid content they put out... <A: "Your husband beats you, you have to leave!" B: "No, you don't understand, he going to buy me flowers! I'll give him a 5 star rating and he'll change!">
  • I already rated MPQ a long time ago, I will give them HP if the tokens don't suck and I buy $20/month HP anyway
  • Xenoberyll
    Xenoberyll Posts: 647 Critical Contributor
    i don't want to rate them for a future event that i haven't played yet based on my expectations. i gave them a 1 star rating for what i know: the nerfs and matchmaking changes. if the event turns out great they'll get that rated the next time.
  • Square wrote:
    Lerysh wrote:
    sinnerjfl wrote:
    They have gotten about everything wrong lately but let's congratulate them on doing one good thing? icon_rolleyes.gif

    And we are not even sure if that event will be any good.

    More "Hey, how can we show appreciation for a thing they got right" and "do more of this thing" which is exactly WHY they claimed going after strong characters is easier than buffing weak ones.

    I want them to do more of this thing, here is how I can show appreciation for a thing they got right.
    But they haven't done it yet! Play it and vote, and keep in mind that there likely won't be any new PVE content for months afterward, regardless of of their rating. Voting before an event starts to show support is... not going to do that, to put it politely.

    In my months on here, the only feedback they actually seem to have taken in was a) addressing the ridiculous amount of ISO needed by adding DDQ and b) nerfing IF within a week of release.

    They aren't doing this event because you demanded new content. They're doing it as part of a massive coordinated marketing blitz for a movie coming out... And all the rush of new characters that you'll need to spend your hp on (and if you are a newer player, it'll be buy with $ or sell for ISO) are not because people want Quicksilver, it's because a movie comes out next week (and a Netflix show in Kingpin's case).

    Kingpin, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and Hulkbuster are all for promotion, not because we demanded it.

    So you send a 5-star rating for one event. I'm going to rate it after this event, and keep in mind the slog they've turned PVP into, and how utterly dull the Simulator has been. This simulator has been by far the least popular PVE since I've started playing... People weren't clamouring for Iron Man progression... Rating them 5-stars over the one bit of solid content they put out... <A: "Your husband beats you, you have to leave!" B: "No, you don't understand, he going to buy me flowers! I'll give him a 5 star rating and he'll change!">
    well said too bad I can't upvote
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lerysh wrote:
    I want them to do more of this thing, here is how I can show appreciation for a thing they got right.
    I wish I could have this kind of Gump-like irrational optimism in the face of everything that's consistently gone wrong lately...
  • Really excited to see what the Ultron event brings, but as an aside...

    If MPQ announces full health rejuvenation for non-downed heroes post match, I will immediately run, not walk, to purchase an IAP and drop a 5* update review to show my appreciation...

    Who's with me?! [you should be imagining it's William Wallace saying that part for full affect]

  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    Xenoberyll wrote:
    i don't want to rate them for a future event that i haven't played yet based on my expectations. i gave them a 1 star rating for what i know: the nerfs and matchmaking changes. if the event turns out great they'll get that rated the next time.

    I agree with this, except if the event turns out well I'll probably rate the game a 3 or so rather than the 1 it has now, since doing this one thing right does not erase the terrible things they've done in the past.
  • Unknown
    edited April 2015
    The event hasn't even started and you've given them a 5* rating and are asking people to rate them soley on this event? Just NO. Even if this event was fun, it doesn't discount the **** that's happened for the last 2 months. In my eyes, they don't deserve a positive rating. I am, once again, taking a break from this game, dropping in for the Daily Deadpool and not wasting any more of my time on the mess that is MPQ.

    Oh, and D3 doesn't really consider those Google Play or iTunes ratings. That is what IceIX said a year ago and it prompted a bunch of negative ratings. They didn't care.
  • Matthewking72
    Matthewking72 Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    I don't post here very often, but I decided to post today just to ask one question, to all of the people that are saying that MPQ is a **** game and give it 1 star in a review, why are you still playing? Do you have nothing better to do than to choose to play a game that you think is so horrid that you give it a single star? I don't agree with all of the changes that they have made recently, but they have done enough right that I am still playing, and right now I would give it a 3 or 4 star review. Not perfect, but good enough to keep me playing. If the game gets to a point where it is a one star for me, I am gone. I have a long list of things I would rather do than play a one star game.

    I think giving it 5 stars before we even see the new PvE is also a bit much....liking new things because they are new is just as bad as hating change because it is change. But maybe that's just me. Oh, and I am on day 256, so not a full on vet, but also not a new guy either.
  • I don't post here very often, but I decided to post today just to ask one question, to all of the people that are saying that MPQ is a **** game and give it 1 star in a review, why are you still playing? Do you have nothing better to do than to choose to play a game that you think is so horrid that you give it a single star? I don't agree with all of the changes that they have made recently, but they have done enough right that I am still playing, and right now I would give it a 3 or 4 star review. Not perfect, but good enough to keep me playing. If the game gets to a point where it is a one star for me, I am gone. I have a long list of things I would rather do than play a one star game.

    I think giving it 5 stars before we even see the new PvE is also a bit much....liking new things because they are new is just as bad as hating change because it is change. But maybe that's just me. Oh, and I am on day 256, so not a full on vet, but also not a new guy either.

    Even when I was enjoying MPQ, I still wouldn't give it a 5* rating, but you can see from my post above that I am barely playing. I stopped for 3-4 months last year around this time for a boatload of reasons, some of which have repeated over the last few months. If it wasn't for the Daily Deadpool, I'd be gone.
  • This event is going to fulfill some of my wishes I suggested before:
    -Non-competitive events
    -Alliance events
    -Boss fights
    -New game play mode
    So if this event is going to be also fun to play I'll say they take some steps in the direction I like