Final DDQ survival node team strategy/composition discussion



  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    Maybe I have no creativity or something. I've been using 4hor/Loki/Mohawk. It's a great pve team in general and 4hor basically owns survival nodes like it's her job. Basically collect blue and green then start stunning and collecting all the extra ap from charge tiles with lightning storm. Having green, purple, and yellow all shake the board is really nice. Ai basically never gets to move the board so I can see bringing a different 3rd over Loki, but illusions comes in handy so I like to keep him in there.
  • Wonko33
    Wonko33 Posts: 985 Critical Contributor
    Main account I use Groot, Lcap and Xforce (although I'm looking to change Xforce since nerf)

    on my phone account (no 166 no fully covered 3*) I used 2thor - OBW - cstorm with a yellow-red damage boosts if the goons are those damn ninja upinsmoke attack tiles bastards (I know because i play it with my main account first). Focus on yellow for thor, build green , use Cstorm green to load up on all AP- I rarely wipeout,
  • Wonko33
    Wonko33 Posts: 985 Critical Contributor
    mohio wrote:
    Maybe I have no creativity or something. I've been using 4hor/Loki/Mohawk. It's a great pve team in general and 4hor basically owns survival nodes like it's her job. Basically collect blue and green then start stunning and collecting all the extra ap from charge tiles with lightning storm. Having green, purple, and yellow all shake the board is really nice. Ai basically never gets to move the board so I can see bringing a different 3rd over Loki, but illusions comes in handy so I like to keep him in there.

    would be great if Loki black could do something about attack tiles too though
  • GTannen73
    GTannen73 Posts: 145 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2015
    Depending on what characters are needed elsewhere (featured in PvP or essential in PvE), I'll use either She-Hulk/Capt. Marvel/GSBW or Cage/R&G/Deadpool. They're both rainbow teams*, which I place a premium on.

    For the first team, I focus on red (for Power of Attorney), green (Sniper Rifle), and purple (Deceptive Tactics). I try not to use any powers in the first and third rounds, unless I'm unable to remove a dangerous countdown tile or I've filled one of the colors listed to 30. I keep a Hypersonic Punch handy to take out the last goon, then flip the strike tile with Settlement. Unless things have gone poorly, I usually have a Sniper Rifle ready to blast the incoming team, followed by a POA, then Deceptive Tactics to reload if I need another Sniper Rifle shot. There's usually little more than a few pieces to pick up after all that.

    For the second team, I focus on yellow (for Righteous Uppercut), black (Jab, Jab, Cross), and purple (Whales). I'll try to drop a Plan during goon nodes if I can, so the countdown doesn't get matched away. I save Blammo for troublesome countdown tiles, to either pick off the tile or down the goon responsible for it. JJC's stun is useful in a pinch as well. If all goes well, I have an Uppercut and Whales ready to greet incoming tile matchers, after taking A Little Off the Top of the strongest one(s).

    * Yes, She-Hulk/Capt. Marvel/GSBW has no active yellow. I originally used Colossus in this team, but when I stopped getting his covers, I made the switch. I'd actually rather have Cyclops in this team, but mine isn't viable yet. Cage would work nicely as well.

    (edited for punctuation and to clarify the asterisk note)
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    Spidey, Punisher and Panther.

    Spidey raises protect tiles to shield from match damage and uses his stun to delay countdown tiles or big damage skills, or redirect AP use to other skills. Punisher tosses out Judgement a few times early on to build strike tiles. In round two, toss a few Molotovs for full team damage and building attack tiles. The Molotovs will do a good job of almost finishing off the enemy team. By the start of round 3 you should have enough enough yellow and enough team-up AP for Panther to have laid down doubled-up high-yield strike tiles. Punisher's Molotovs will have generated enough attack tiles for an addtional 1500 to 2000 damage each turn. Aim to collect a bit more black for a few more Molotovs on the last round and build some blue reserve to stun with Spidey and buy an additional turn (and an additional 1500 to 2000 damage from the Molotovs). Start of round 4, carpet bomb enemy team with Molotovs for ~2500 per use. Low hitpoint oppononts are dead instantly. Use Retribution to finish off the rest or use that built up blue to delay for a turn or two and get that sweat second kick from the attack tiles to do its thing instead.

    I pretty much come out of each and every DDQ at 80% to 90% health remaining with this strategy.
  • monsterjoe77
    monsterjoe77 Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    I use Spidey and Punisher as well. But I match them with Daredevil. I get all of the colors covered plus the team can create strike, protect and attack tiles. Purple matches create protect tiles, but also build up the Radar Senses ability. So if I come up against strike, attack or protect tiles, I can easily remove them. Plus, using Radar Senses after I have a few Judgment strike tiles makes short work of whoever I'm facing. Using ambush when there are lots of red tiles on the board with the judgment strike tiles also downs goons pretty quickly.
  • Vladdy
    Vladdy Posts: 130 Tile Toppler
    Thor, Daken, Falcon

    Only failed a few times due to lucky AI cascades. I am boosting strike tiles during goon phases (1 and 3) and try to kill the last goon with thor's red. Quite often I can welcome the non-goons with thor's yellow followed by thor's green. Pretty much game over. Daken and Falcon are only there for their passives.
  • 166 LThor (3/5/5), 166 BP (5/3/5), 166 GSBW (5/3/5)

    - first wave and third wave building green and black (GSBW Pink is excellent at building green)
    - 2nd wave and 4th wave use Call of the Storm (LThor Green) and Rage of the Panther (BP Black) to defeat them before they even get an attack off.

    I very rarely take any damage in waves 2 and 4 because I am normally able to build enough green and black in the waves 1 and 3 to use two AoE to kill the team.
  • TheVulture
    TheVulture Posts: 439 Mover and Shaker
    I tend to favour an overload of special tiles, so:

    Punisher > Black Panther > The Hood

    Or - if saving Black Panther for another mode:

    Punisher > Psylocke > The Hood

    The hazardous part is the initial build-up, but most goon powers aren't really that damaging to L166 character.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    lvl 142 Lthor 5/5/3 94 OBW 3/5/5 94 Marvel 5/5/3

    OBW to manage goon timers, and heal if needed, also stealing AP so when nodes 2 and 4 come around, they start with nothing.

    Round 2, a call of storm with thor and a sonic boom leave them all low enough to tile match them away, maybe a thunder to rebuild green if one with too high HP is in there.
    Round 4, usually maxxed AP on Green, yellow, red and black

    Call storm, change to next enemt, call storm, change to next highest, thunder.. sometimes i get another call after that, if not another thunder does it, call storm

    usually nothing is left, but occasionally i have to toss out a sonic boom to end it.
  • My way is slow, but steady. Character choice dictated less by what I find interesting and more by what I happen to have leveled up icon_e_smile.gif

    My group:
    Captain America - Steve Rogers (166)
    The Hulk (153)
    Spider-Man (153)

    This group has insane survivability. Both the Captain and The Hulk have high hitpoints. Spider-Man makes protect-tiles with purple matches and can heal with yellow AP if need. Captain American makes protect-tiles with blue and more protect-tiles with yellow if need be. Protect-tiles all up in this house! I can't do much damage, but by the end practically the entire board is covered up with my protect-tiles. No matter what the enemies, they ain't taking me down.
  • Arimis_Thorn
    Arimis_Thorn Posts: 541 Critical Contributor
    I still use LThor/MNMags/CStorm even after the nerf. I just find that I use Magnetic Flux a lot more often than I used to.

    LThor Yellow makes Green, Storm Green makes bursts of AP, Mags red makes LOTS of AP. In the 2nd round I can usually stun 2 with Wind Storm and down the 3rd with almost any other available ability. Round 4 usually goes Wind Storm > Wind Storm > Call the Storm > Gold card.
  • Patch (5/3/5)-->Daredevil (5/4/4)-->Cyclops (5/3/5)

    All level 144

    Full rainbow of actives. Focus on collecting green and purple for beserker rage and radar sense (around 3k damage after beserker), with blue next on the list for the stun. I like to let the board fill with red to launch Cyclops yellow to trigger Ambush multiple times from cascades, and with the strike tiles out there it makes short work of the goons, or anyone. Anytime there is going to be an attack, I get Patch out there to take the damage, then heal on up. I usually have enough blue to stun 1 or 2 during wave 2, and take out the other with almost anything. Just keep building on this for later rounds. Typically enough strike tiles out there to do 2-3k from each match, and full blast will take out anyone!
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks everyone for posting your compositions - it's interesting to see such variation in strategy.
    I use patch/luke cage/Daredevil every single time. Rarely if ever I get defeated. Strategy is basic. Use first round to build up green purple yellow. Second round slam with berserker and follow with radar sense. Repeat. Uppercut and jab leftovers. Rebuild ap on 3rd round. Repeat 2nd round strategy on 4th.

    Hehe... "Uppercut and jab leftovers." I pictured you taking a quick break from PQ, going to the fridge pulling out some meatloaf in tupperware, and punching it savagely a few times before returning to work on the 3rd wave. icon_e_smile.gif
  • recently i've been using star.pngstar.pngstar.pngicon_thor.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngicon_storm.pngstar.pngstar.pngicon_blackwidow.png

    basically goon rounds is where i build up AP using OBW to manage timers
    2nd round i generally have enought for 2 rounds of COTS and a Thunder Strike, this wipes out this team
    3rd round recharge my APs
    4th round do what i did in the second round.

    I generally pretty much come off without getting hit once... It's very effective
  • Greggles
    Greggles Posts: 18
    Patch + Falcon + Loki

    Works every time. I spend the first wave gathering green and black, then if all goes well, I launch Berserker Rage and Trickery (both at 5 covers). This pretty much covers me for both offense and defense. Falcon comes in handy by buffing the existing attack and protect tiles via yellow and removing enemy tiles via Redwing....and if I'm ever in need of extra protect tiles I'll occasionally use his purple.

    Using this approach, the second wave ends up being the toughest because the enemy may have enough AP from wave 1 to get a couple powers off and I haven't quite buffed my tiles enough yet. After that though, I spend the 3rd wave gathering AP and down the last enemy in that wave with Berserker Rage, which then allows me to unleash on the last wave, who usually don't even get a chance to attack. And if they do, I have so many buffed tiles that even their strongest powers can't hurt me.
  • mjh
    mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
    icon_wolverine.png Patch, icon_loki.png , icon_deadpool.png all day.

    BR only when you have enough for Trickery.

    BR into Whales to 1 shot any enemies waves.
  • I have yet to lose with L.Thor, Steve Rogers, and Black Widow (Original).
  • Best team composition is iron fist black panther. Just collect 30 black and win.
  • ApocryphicV
    ApocryphicV Posts: 118 Tile Toppler
    Steve Rogers (166), Blade (155), Falcon (110) for me. Get Falcon's 5 blue AP to negate countdowns with his passive, Use Blade's black to steal AP from goons so 2nd and 4th wave characters can't fire off abilities straight away. Put tons of Steve's blue on screen for the protect tile (and stun ninjas) and Falcon buffs both Steve's protect or Blade's strike tiles/ attack tiles with his yellow. By the 4th wave, enemies normally do 1 dmg thanks to the amount of protect tiles on screen.

    Thinking of subbing Blade for She-Hulk soon tho and get the green coverage as well as her AP drain for 6 green. That'll be very useful for the 2nd and 4th waves so once again no free abilities for them.