Lets all be nice to each other.



  • Ben Grimm wrote:
    One thing that might tone down some of the anger: There are a few situations going on right now that are causing distress, and the mods weighing in on a few of them would tone things down. Not necessarily the nerfs, but there are a few issues (like the bizarre situation with the taco tokens) where we're not getting a lot of information (one mod has weighed in but given us slightly less information than we need) and others (like the, let's say, total failure of the RNG on cover order lately) where there's an opportunity to make a very easy fix to improve the game a bit.

    There's a perception among some of the players that whenever there's bad news, the devs flee the forums. And given the vitriol, I can understand that, even if they do. But an effort to address some of the problems a little more directly - and to make more of an attempt to balance the bad news with some good news - could improve things around here.

    These are all valid points my friend but unfortunately the mods are not a voice for the devs. We really are just volunteers who are here to try to keep order on the forums and we have no insider info. If a mod weighs in on an issue with more info it's because he read it in a post or heard about it from an alliance member. We are not under an NDA and we don't have any more idea than you about the inner workings of the game. I agree with you wholeheartedly that the devs could spend a lot more time addressing these issues. All I or the other mods can do however is keep the forum organized and ban people who start flaming lol.

    I wish I could provide more info and clarify things for everyone but sadly I am as in the dark as you.
  • These are all valid points my friend but unfortunately the mods are not a voice for the devs.

    Mods was probably a typo; I meant the devs. I recognize the limitations of the mods' empowerment.
  • bonfire01 wrote:
    I don't get to see the PMs you receive but, TBH, I don't really see the thing you are getting at.

    I see a lot of ppl arguing with each other but in all the cases I can think of it was a 2 sided argument rather than someone getting picked on.

    I have seen a few ppl getting downvoted for asking questions (not a big fan of that personally but i'm also not the king of reasons to downvote) but i've also seen their questions being answered. I get the impression that my "not caring at all about downvotes" outlook is in the minority though, other ppl seem to take them a lot more personally.

    I'll say this though to try and justify what i'm saying.... I posted a thread saying the nerf to Xforce's green essentially wasn't as terrible as ppl thought. I did say I thought it went a bit too far, but was essentially expressing an unpopular opinion. I did, on the other hand, do my best to justify what I said and explain my reasoning (the board shake is pretty damn good and shatter dmg is unchanged. Just a shame they knocked 2k off not 1k). Some ppl agreed with me, some disagreed, some said it was an interesting opinion but they would reserve judgement.

    I got 1 downvote....

    I don't think ppl shower posts with downvotes because they disagree with the content and I don't think the forum community is some toxic mess. I think ppl are tetchy with the recent barrage of nerfs and are being less tolerant of "lower quality" posts where someone just jumps on, pops out a 2 line post which could be paraphrased as "I don't agree with you, I see no reason to justify this" and that's it. When ppl in favour of the changes don't throw around insults (calling ppl whiners/ragers/kiddies etc) and try to explain their reasoning I haven't personally noticed anything other than discussion... Maybe I don't read enough posts though.....

    There is perhaps a biased opinion amongst the mods(we are responsible for dealing with all those who do start breaking the forum rules after all) that things are becoming uncivil on the forums. Since the announcements there has been a significant uptick in bans from us(we still don't ban too much). Hell we had to ban someone for issuing a death threat... Maybe we are wrong but personally I feel like I have not seen much other than rage on the forums lately. Now I am not saying it's wrong. There is a lot to be mad about right now. But I am not also seeing the other side, the "what build are you shooting for now?" posts and I have heard enough from some forum visiters that they are afraid to post or at least don't feel like it would be worth posting. That is what I would like to see change.
    Maybe I am wrong and that is not a thing, but if it is I thought it was worth trying to change.
  • Ben Grimm wrote:
    These are all valid points my friend but unfortunately the mods are not a voice for the devs.

    Mods was probably a typo; I meant the devs. I recognize the limitations of the mods' empowerment.

    Fair nough. Yeah this definitely is not a post from the devs. This is a plea from the mods. Hopefully the devs will come back and weigh in on these issues soon icon_e_smile.gif.
  • bonfire01 wrote:
    I don't get to see the PMs you receive but, TBH, I don't really see the thing you are getting at.

    I see a lot of ppl arguing with each other but in all the cases I can think of it was a 2 sided argument rather than someone getting picked on.

    I have seen a few ppl getting downvoted for asking questions (not a big fan of that personally but i'm also not the king of reasons to downvote) but i've also seen their questions being answered. I get the impression that my "not caring at all about downvotes" outlook is in the minority though, other ppl seem to take them a lot more personally.

    I'll say this though to try and justify what i'm saying.... I posted a thread saying the nerf to Xforce's green essentially wasn't as terrible as ppl thought. I did say I thought it went a bit too far, but was essentially expressing an unpopular opinion. I did, on the other hand, do my best to justify what I said and explain my reasoning (the board shake is pretty damn good and shatter dmg is unchanged. Just a shame they knocked 2k off not 1k). Some ppl agreed with me, some disagreed, some said it was an interesting opinion but they would reserve judgement.

    I got 1 downvote....

    I don't think ppl shower posts with downvotes because they disagree with the content and I don't think the forum community is some toxic mess. I think ppl are tetchy with the recent barrage of nerfs and are being less tolerant of "lower quality" posts where someone just jumps on, pops out a 2 line post which could be paraphrased as "I don't agree with you, I see no reason to justify this" and that's it. When ppl in favour of the changes don't throw around insults (calling ppl whiners/ragers/kiddies etc) and try to explain their reasoning I haven't personally noticed anything other than discussion... Maybe I don't read enough posts though.....

    There is perhaps a biased opinion amongst the mods(we are responsible for dealing with all those who do start breaking the forum rules after all) that things are becoming uncivil on the forums. Since the announcements there has been a significant uptick in bans from us(we still don't ban too much). Hell we had to ban someone for issuing a death threat... Maybe we are wrong but personally I feel like I have not seen much other than rage on the forums lately. Now I am not saying it's wrong. There is a lot to be mad about right now. But I am not also seeing the other side, the "what build are you shooting for now?" posts and I have heard enough from some forum visiters that they are afraid to post or at least don't feel like it would be worth posting. That is what I would like to see change.
    Maybe I am wrong and that is not a thing, but if it is I thought it was worth trying to change.

    Ban all deaththreaters. Some folks think the internet isn't "serious" and anything you do here is "JUST FOR FUN LOLZ" but studies show if you type that stuff out there's a connection between the actual act
  • I think all opinions are important, actually crucial to a full and open conversation, but I'd argue that decency and respect are equally important, and perhaps moreso.

  • kidicarus
    kidicarus Posts: 420 Mover and Shaker
    Every day I have less and less desire to come to these forums. When I started playing this was a great place to get info about the game and discuss new characters and strategies but since the nerfs where announced all I see is posts about how D3/Demiurge is tiny kitty. I have seen fewer and fewer posts from people I used to love to read(when was the last time you saw a post from Northern Polarity?) and I would not be surprised at all to hear that this was because they are receiving hate pm’s after the changes.

    Polarity has quit the game and now enjoys the match 3 brilliance of Puzzles and Dragons. A lot of us have been playing this game religiously for more than a year and for many of us, apart from the collect em all pokemon allure of hero/villain covers, this game has not offered anything new for a very long time now. PVE requires more of a time commitment than a full time job and the recent PVP changes which has slowed the game down has not made this game any more fun for all of us. Every season, I have said good bye to many old vets who have just been burnt out from the game.

    Believe me when I say a lot of us vets don't really give a **** about upvotes/downvotes on the forums. I'm a big puzzle quest fan and I bought into this based on that brand name. All I can say is that with what I know now, I would think twice about playing another puzzle quest game.
  • forch
    forch Posts: 11
    I think we all need to remember some simple double think truths.

    Just because a **** baboon with half a crayon would do a better job of balancing these characters, please don't call them idiots -- it just isn't polite or consistent with the forum policies.
    War is Peace

    Despite any actions our MPQ overlords take, no matter how stupid, dishonest or unethical their actions, we should respect the EULA. Furthermore, we shouldn't expose these truths in the forums, downgrade our ratings to 1 star, or express discontent in our reviews.
    Freedom is slavery

    Finally, we should thank them for purging those despicable veterans that spread their evil mathematical analysis that clouds our understanding of the great truths. Now we are blessed with the enlightened commentary of this thread.
    Ignorance is strength
  • mhorham
    mhorham Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    First of all let ma say thereis nothing wrong in being passionate about this game. A lot of people have enjoyed marvel comics for more years than the developers of this game have been alive. In addition the characters lend themselves well to the match and collect format. Let me assure you passion is better than apathy and is reflected in the over a million downloads boast of d3. Passion spawns both anger and love. When a person invests his time and money into strategies to make himself successful in something he loves it is only natural that he should get angry when his apple cart is upset. The problem I see is to many people having thin skin. My gosh somebody calls someone a tinny kitty (whatever in the hell that is) and the next thing you know they need either therapy,an encounter group,or a calgon bath complete with candles and a glass of wine. If somebody called me atinny kitty i'd laugh in their face.so for all the shrinking violets out there who want to sing kumbaya and not passionately defend their opinions maybe managing a roster of freaking super heroes is not for you.
  • Ok, I don't post here much but this made me think how deceiving the devs are.

    They are getting private messages saying how great everything is and how their terrible business plan is working out? Of course they are, maybe it's just coincidence that we can't see these messages. More made up **** to justify them being greedy and destroying a decent game
  • TheWerebison
    TheWerebison Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    Sir Daktor wrote:
    Ok, I don't post here much but this made me think how deceiving the devs are.

    They are getting private messages saying how great everything is and how their terrible business plan is working out? Of course they are, maybe it's just coincidence that we can't see these messages. More made up **** to justify them being greedy and destroying a decent game

    While I would agree that it smacks a bit of "made up stuff we can't verify", I would also notice that, in my long and storied career in retail, a person who is really, really satisfied will ask to speak to a manager or just leave with a good feeling, whereas a person who is really, really dissatisfied will create a scene, attempt to start boycotts, or give the absolute worst reviews possible, even over a minor thing that may only have involved a small portion of the entire company.

    I am not attempting to white knight, nor do I think we should believe everything we read (I have my own doubts), but there is information we are not privy to, and I would imagine it is both justifying and damning.

    For my two cents, I would definitely appreciate if the devs would be a bit more transparent about their actions and intentions.
  • Here's the thing; opinions are like poopholes. Everybody has one. Some people here feel cheated, others don't. However, simple human courtesy, while rarely prevalent on web forums, should always be practiced and observed. Those that feel cheated should be allowed to voice their frustrations the same as those that do not.

    Meh, whatever. It's kind of interesting to see things explode in emotion. It turns the Marvel Puzzle Quest forums into the Maury Povich Quest forums.

    "Is XForce really just Bagman in disguise? Does D3P really care about our feelings? Is Invisible Woman saving the world while wearing see-through panties? Stay tuned!"

  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    Sir Daktor wrote:
    Ok, I don't post here much but this made me think how deceiving the devs are.

    They are getting private messages saying how great everything is and how their terrible business plan is working out? Of course they are, maybe it's just coincidence that we can't see these messages. More made up **** to justify them being greedy and destroying a decent game

    You know, after playing/reading for almost a year and a half, I wouldn't put that past the devs. They have certainly made some very shady moves in the past.

    That said, the OP is a mod, rather than a dev, meaning he/she is a volunteer that helps keep order on the forum, rather than someone on the D3/Demiurge payroll. So, I don't think that's the case here.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sir Daktor wrote:
    They are getting private messages saying how great everything is and how their terrible business plan is working out? Of course they are, maybe it's just coincidence that we can't see these messages.
    I wonder if the devs really want the lesson learned here to be that if we're pissed off, we should all PM them too...
  • I can agree that the forums are, in general a sounding board for the vast majority of downright **** angry people to vent and that could definitely be cut back, but at the same time, a lot of this has been brought on by the way D3 handles updates and outright ignores issues for far longer than they should. Characters so rarely get changed in any way that people get complacent with them and rank them based on how useful they are, and really that list doesn't change all that much. However, that being said, when a character IS looked at, there's a 50/50 chance of a MASSIVE over-compensation for their abilities, characters that were top tier consistently get completely annihilated while others actually become useful, and that is the bigger problem. When it can take upwards of a year to farm a 4* only to have them very suddenly completely overhauled, means of course you're going to feel cheated. Whereas if every few months one ability or other was tuned to be in-line with other characters of the same rarity, at least you'd know about it well in advance and you could alter your priorities.

    It can't honestly be that hard to have 1 person changing AP costs/damage numbers on characters once a month or so, and yet it happens so rarely that the last time someone like 2* Wolverine was looked at was when he was nerfed a year ago, 2* cap has never been a good option and he's been left to rot with Moonstone. I could go on, and on, and on, and I have been for the past few days, and before that, a year ago with the same complaints, but I'll get back to my point... The only way to change how the community responds is to change how you handle the community. Look at feedback and RESPOND, try to implement changes more often than once a year or so, it'll take about 3-4 events to see the results of tweaking characters but small changes more frequently will stop things like this from happening.

    It was pretty tasteless to rapid fire off releases as they did, especially during Easter (who wanted to hang out with family anyway?). I can only assume their release schedule was dictated by Marvel or someone that doesn't actually play the game at all and doesn't realize just how much time that will absorb, so I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt there, but it's all about PR, and from my experiences so far, there's almost no PR, save a couple of people that show up on the forums every now and then.
  • rednailz
    rednailz Posts: 559
    forch wrote:
    I think we all need to remember some simple double think truths.

    Just because a **** baboon with half a crayon would do a better job of balancing these characters, please don't call them idiots -- it just isn't polite or consistent with the forum policies.
    War is Peace

    Despite any actions our MPQ overlords take, no matter how stupid, dishonest or unethical their actions, we should respect the EULA. Furthermore, we shouldn't expose these truths in the forums, downgrade our ratings to 1 star, or express discontent in our reviews.
    Freedom is slavery

    Finally, we should thank them for purging those despicable veterans that spread their evil mathematical analysis that clouds our understanding of the great truths. Now we are blessed with the enlightened commentary of this thread.
    Ignorance is strength

    That's a little epic for a phone game IMO
  • kidicarus wrote:
    Every day I have less and less desire to come to these forums. When I started playing this was a great place to get info about the game and discuss new characters and strategies but since the nerfs where announced all I see is posts about how D3/Demiurge is tiny kitty. I have seen fewer and fewer posts from people I used to love to read(when was the last time you saw a post from Northern Polarity?) and I would not be surprised at all to hear that this was because they are receiving hate pm’s after the changes.

    Polarity has quit the game and now enjoys the match 3 brilliance of Puzzles and Dragons. A lot of us have been playing this game religiously for more than a year and for many of us, apart from the collect em all pokemon allure of hero/villain covers, this game has not offered anything new for a very long time now. PVE requires more of a time commitment than a full time job and the recent PVP changes which has slowed the game down has not made this game any more fun for all of us. Every season, I have said good bye to many old vets who have just been burnt out from the game.

    Believe me when I say a lot of us vets don't really give a **** about upvotes/downvotes on the forums. I'm a big puzzle quest fan and I bought into this based on that brand name. All I can say is that with what I know now, I would think twice about playing another puzzle quest game.

    There are a TON of mpq players now playing pad. It's not actually a traditional match-3 like bejeweled but here's why we're flocking there.

    You play at your own pace. There's no sense of mandatory grindyness where you fall behind if you miss a refresh. When you get a character, you get the character, not 1/13th. What you earn isn't nerfed. You don't have the feeling that your reward will just be changed shortly after you earn in. But most of all what's missing from MPQ is progression. Someone who started mpq yesterday is playing for the same reward as someone who started 15 months ago. And they actually have a decent chance of getting the reward with a 2* roster vs someone who's maxed everything in the game. There is no sense progression left in mpq.

    There may be a sense of hatred or rage from the player base and they probably shouldn't lash out at people directly. The problem is the players feel deceived. Why does every change to the game take out a fun factor and make it seem like a chore? I used to enjoy aspects of the game even when I wasn't at the top end. Now I had to step away because every aspect is tedious. It doesn't have to be this way but the design and reward structure and every nerf takes away a fun element.

    Being nice is fine and all but people still need to sound off when the game is neutered. MPQ has always had so much unreached potential left out there. Lets see some of that come to fruition and make the game fun again.

    I'll be back only when there's something new that gives it that fun factor because characters 50 to 100 certainly add nothing
  • Trisul
    Trisul Posts: 887 Critical Contributor
    LoreNYC wrote:
    But most of all what's missing from MPQ is progression.
  • LoreNYC wrote:
    kidicarus wrote:
    Every day I have less and less desire to come to these forums. When I started playing this was a great place to get info about the game and discuss new characters and strategies but since the nerfs where announced all I see is posts about how D3/Demiurge is tiny kitty. I have seen fewer and fewer posts from people I used to love to read(when was the last time you saw a post from Northern Polarity?) and I would not be surprised at all to hear that this was because they are receiving hate pm’s after the changes.

    Polarity has quit the game and now enjoys the match 3 brilliance of Puzzles and Dragons. A lot of us have been playing this game religiously for more than a year and for many of us, apart from the collect em all pokemon allure of hero/villain covers, this game has not offered anything new for a very long time now. PVE requires more of a time commitment than a full time job and the recent PVP changes which has slowed the game down has not made this game any more fun for all of us. Every season, I have said good bye to many old vets who have just been burnt out from the game.

    Believe me when I say a lot of us vets don't really give a **** about upvotes/downvotes on the forums. I'm a big puzzle quest fan and I bought into this based on that brand name. All I can say is that with what I know now, I would think twice about playing another puzzle quest game.

    There are a TON of mpq players now playing pad. It's not actually a traditional match-3 like bejeweled but here's why we're flocking there.

    You play at your own pace. There's no sense of mandatory grindyness where you fall behind if you miss a refresh. When you get a character, you get the character, not 1/13th. What you earn isn't nerfed. You don't have the feeling that your reward will just be changed shortly after you earn in. But most of all what's missing from MPQ is progression. Someone who started mpq yesterday is playing for the same reward as someone who started 15 months ago. And they actually have a decent chance of getting the reward with a 2* roster vs someone who's maxed everything in the game. There is no sense progression left in mpq.

    There may be a sense of hatred or rage from the player base and they probably shouldn't lash out at people directly. The problem is the players feel deceived. Why does every change to the game take out a fun factor and make it seem like a chore? I used to enjoy aspects of the game even when I wasn't at the top end. Now I had to step away because every aspect is tedious. It doesn't have to be this way but the design and reward structure and every nerf takes away a fun element.

    Being nice is fine and all but people still need to sound off when the game is neutered. MPQ has always had so much unreached potential left out there. Lets see some of that come to fruition and make the game fun again.

    I'll be back only when there's something new that gives it that fun factor because characters 50 to 100 certainly add nothing
    You forgot how that one has DC characters
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards
    jackstar0 wrote:
    Social contract. It CAN exist on this forum.

    "Be excellent to each other." - Abe Lincoln

    that was until he found out they were going to nerf his x force then he went all AXE crazy on everyone icon_e_smile.gif