Please OFFICIALLY comment on the Taco Token Stockpiles



  • Kavel wrote:
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    Yeah..."exact same odds as the group you originally won them in". Does that mean the odds never update, and tokens this week (pulling Colossus+) will pull those same odds forever?

    Or does it mean same group in the sense that the ones that used to pull "odd week" odds will continue to update to "odd week odds"?

    The latter.

    That answers all questions perfectly clearly. If you want to hold your old tacos for a chance at a better draw pool later, it will still work. You just have to figure out which of your old taco stockpiles correlates to the even or odd group numbers.

    So was it the even or odd week tacos that disappeared for a bit? I had 30 that disappeared but my other stockpile was only 25, so I will be able to figure it out once I know which group disappeared. Sucks if you had the same number of tacos in both piles though.

    Odd group (group 1, 3, 5, etc.). Missing tokens match last group, the current group is "even" or "Group D".

    Also weeks are not 5 days long.
  • Currently I have 3 piles of Post Event Taco Tokens (Note:

    1. 2x Last "DP Week"
    2. 10x Restored Tokens A
    3. 10x Restored Tokens B

    I just received a Colosus Cover from the middle stack which means it is in sync with the current week. ... So it does look like the restored tokens still do the even/odd switching.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    tjmurdoc wrote:
    Currently I have 3 piles of Post Event Taco Tokens (Note:

    1. 2x Last "DP Week"
    2. 10x Restored Tokens A
    3. 10x Restored Tokens B

    I just received a Colosus Cover from the middle stack which means it is in sync with the current week. ... So it does look like the restored tokens still do the even/odd switching.

    If that was the order of your stockpiles, the 2x shouldn't have been last round (round 11, an odd week).
    If you had: Active (?? - even week, newer non-stockpiled), Stockpile (10 - odd week, old), Stockpile (2 - odd week, newer stockpile), Stockpile (10- even week, old):

    That might indeed mean that the "new" stockpile tokens will only update to current week draw, which also might mean we are only ever getting one stockpile going forward. This would actually be OUTSTANDING, since it means your stockpile will continue to grow and you'll be able to use 100% of tokens for whichever character you are trying for (currently you could only ever use half of the stockpiles for that character). It would mean that certainly the stockpile updated, it doesn't stay static to that round.

    Some set of tokens were drew a Sentry this round (12), which was a draw rate from last round (11) [viewtopic.php?f=7&t=23942&start=380#p335735]; some of the tokens are updating to a previous round, likely the first stockpile (odd week, old).
  • Professa D
    Professa D Posts: 111
    TLCstormz wrote:
    It goes without saying that everyone is wondering which stockpiles pull from which group.....not to mention why and how our tokens were deleted in the first, can someone please let us know what us what?

    Your tokens will pull from the exact same stockpile, at the exact same odds, as the group you originally won them in.

    The details on this are very mundane, but I'll do my best to explain. We needed to update the IDs for tokens. This worked in our testing environment, but we missed a detail in how older event tokens are stored. When we started seeing reports, we scrambled to setup duplicate token redemption screens that point to the old IDs. That's why you see two token redemption screens for some events; they both redeem the exact same thing but they use different token IDs.

    Hope that helps, but let me know if you still have questions.

    Funny how we got an official comment and yet people STILL aren't settled on how it actually works. I think it's better if we ask a more basic question: If we are trying to get ONE specific character cover, is there ANY way to increase our chances of pulling it by stockpiling tokens?
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Professa D wrote:
    TLCstormz wrote:
    It goes without saying that everyone is wondering which stockpiles pull from which group.....not to mention why and how our tokens were deleted in the first, can someone please let us know what us what?

    Your tokens will pull from the exact same stockpile, at the exact same odds, as the group you originally won them in.

    The details on this are very mundane, but I'll do my best to explain. We needed to update the IDs for tokens. This worked in our testing environment, but we missed a detail in how older event tokens are stored. When we started seeing reports, we scrambled to setup duplicate token redemption screens that point to the old IDs. That's why you see two token redemption screens for some events; they both redeem the exact same thing but they use different token IDs.

    Hope that helps, but let me know if you still have questions.

    Funny how we got an official comment and yet people STILL aren't settled on how it actually works. I think it's better if we ask a more basic question: If we are trying to get ONE specific character cover, is there ANY way to increase our chances of pulling it by stockpiling tokens?

    Let's make it even easier:
    When is Iron Fist going into tacos, and is there a way to stockpile tacos for when he gets put in?

    Cause that's what this really is all about icon_e_wink.gif
  • Kavel
    Kavel Posts: 85
    If you have old stockpiled tacos and don't open the new ones you are getting, you will have two piles of tacos to open for a chance at IF whenever he goes in. If he goes in on an "even" numbered group, you'll have however many old pre-tacos-disappearing-glitch "even" tacos you have saved from then. That pile is set now and will not grow any larger. You'll also have however many "even" tacos you save up from the cycles of DDQ post-tacos-disappearing-glitch. Both will draw from the "even" pool of available draws.

    Your "odd" tacos (from pre-glitch or post-glitch) will not.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    daibar wrote:
    Actually lots of games. For example, Minecraft doesn't (or at least didn't) tell you how to make a single item. You had to figure it out for yourself. Most old school games required you to figure out tons of things on your own. It's only with more recent games pandering to a wider audience that people are told how to do everything.

    You consider it "pandering" for a company to DELETE players' hard earned and possible to pay for rewards, put them back up "incorrectly," and then do nothing to explain what said rewards now offer?

    Really? Have a seat.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    For the person who just down voted me, why would he specifically mention being pandered to, if he was not SPECIFICALLY talking about our currect situation? Also...that's so immature. If you disagree with something that someone said, man up and just make a post saying so or PM the person.

  • TLCstormz wrote:
    For the person who just down voted me, why would he specifically mention being pandered to, if he was not SPECIFICALLY talking about our currect situation? Also...that's so immature. If you disagree with something that someone said, man up and just make a post saying so or PM the person.

    I disagree with what you said. Also the downvote is public, so it's not like I'm hiding. Immature would be calling someone out for disagreeing with you AFTER calling someone out for speaking their opinion.

    What he said was "Games didn't always use to hold your hand for everything." What you heard was "MPQ doesn't owe you anything so quit ****" apparently, which is A) not what he said and 2) it was about video games in general, not MPQ specifically.

    The token IDs changed. They put in new DDQ tokens for whatever reason. Don't know why, don't care. Now there are 4 piles. All your old tokens are still pile A or Pile B, they just won't merge with the new tokens.
  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    Am I the only one who opens these as soon as I get them? There are hardly any covers I need so I'm hoping for the HP, for which I must have really bad luck because I've only gotten 250 HP 3 times.
  • MojoWild wrote:
    Am I the only one who opens these as soon as I get them? There are hardly any covers I need so I'm hoping for the HP, for which I must have really bad luck because I've only gotten 250 HP 3 times.

    I save up to 20 tokens for a week and then drop them. It usually nets me at least 1 250 HP drop.

    Edit: also if i don't need a character for the week, I will save the tokens. No sense in possibly getting a cover I don't want or need.
  • For me, the only characters that I need more than 2 covers for that I think are strong to play are Cage, Fist, and Khan. I have a surplus of HP right now, so there is no reason not to stockpile tokens for a better chance at something that I would find useful and immediately add iso to.
  • Arondite
    Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    Recap + Update of current situation.

    Lost 30 Taco Tokens.
    Received notice here on forums that fix was coming.
    Awaited fix.
    Patch / download came through, tokens not restored.
    Messaged customer service hours later that day.
    They told me "it's fixed, thanks rate us."
    Opened a new ticket.
    Customer Support told me it'd take ~72 hours (on the 10th).
    Waited 72 Hours counting only on Business days, notified Hi-Fi nothing has happened. He said it was escalated and I would hear back in a timely manner.
    Still zilch.
    8 days have passed thus far. No light gleams beyond the horizon. No sign of life.
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    Good luck but maybe this:
  • @Arondite Notify Hi-Fi again I think for that situation. He can escalate tickets through the queue apparently I think? It's a bummer that happened, but I'm sure Hi-Fi is in your corner. Hope it works out.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    From papa07: My stockpiles are 26-9-30. The 26 is odd (week 5,7, and 9). The 9 is odd (week 11). The 30 is even (Week 6,8, and 10).
    And from Lerysh: (Active) Group D (4) - Group A (39) - Group C (9) - Group B (20)

    We went into round 13 this morning, and the stockpiles post round 11 are indeed stacking/rotating. I have 12 "active" tacos (round 11 + round 13) and 10 "stockpiled" (round 12): confirmed can once again hoard tacos for better odds on a character.

    Last week I drew one taco to differentiate my old stockpiles with the quoted information, last week I had:
    10 (Active, group D, newer even rounds)
    50 (Stockpile, group A, older odd rounds)
    10 (Stockpile, group C, newer odd rounds)
    49 (Stockpile, group B, older even rounds)

    Now my stockpiles are in this order:
    12 (Active, group C, newer odd rounds)
    50 (Stockpile, group A, older odd rounds)
    49 (Stockpile, group B, older even rounds)
    10 (stockpile, group D, newer even rounds)

    So it looks like the order will either rotate between these two options, or possibly next week it will go old/old/new/new.

    Any confirmation of this order from others would be appreciated!
  • I can add to what SnowcaTT said that my older stockpile that was supposed to have rotated in stayed on a stockpile page but did get the new active odds as I claimed a bunch of the tokens and got the currently active 3*s (LThor and Cyclops to be specific) out of them.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    So, one more week, before everything is 100% fool proof?
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    TLCstormz wrote:
    So, one more week, before everything is 100% fool proof?

    Probably for the old tokens. It looks like we have the new (last three weeks) tokens rotation figured out: still various reports on if old tokens pull all "current" week or two week spread.
  • rawl316
    rawl316 Posts: 114
    I admit I'm confused as to what I should open. I want these cyc and doc tokens. Which ones should I be opening

    I have the following:

    12 (currently accumulating, clearly open these)

    Any advice?