A new 4* this soon is a terrible idea



  • orbitalint
    orbitalint Posts: 511 Critical Contributor
    Adding to the list of people that say this is ****.

    If this was to coincide with the dd Netflix, call off kamala for fricks sake. I'm trying to stay positive these last few months but either you are getting the screws turned tight by marvel for this release, don't look at a release calendar, or need the cash because you are burning through vets so fast that you are about to close up shop and want to get what you can.
  • Scoregasms
    Scoregasms Posts: 373
    What da ****?!? Ugh, so a new 3* will be essential for a new 4* and it's a week long over Easter weekend? Way to set the bar even lower, I didn't think you could do it. You have an out with April Fools! Pull the plug on this traveshamockery, doooo iiiittttttt.
  • Unknown
    edited April 2015

    i recently just gave up on pve entirely even for new characters and this just helps validate that decision for me. this is too much. its just not fun anymore. i play this to enjoy myself not have an extra part time job. screw it just wait for him to hit pvp and season. no one except the richie riches are going to be able to use him right away anyway. thats my advice anyway.
  • rawl316
    rawl316 Posts: 114
    Don't play. I'm not going to. I'm tired of them being pricks. I don't feel bad missing out on a 4* that I can earn in 1/100th of the time in pvp and having a flawed merc system that ruins alliances.
  • Oldboy
    Oldboy Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    Add me to the growing voices of discontent about this.

    Used to be fun to get new characters. Now it's just a chore and getting to the point where i dont want to play for it but have to because of my alliance. Worse when they only give out to top 50
  • I thought as well that they were *only* going to do new characters every other week. I doubt there is even more than 5% of the player base that even wants a new character every month.
    Ugh back to back with a week long pve that is rewarding a 4* to only the top 50, so greasy. Also, TaT is a pretty awful grind Irrc, plus no alliance sub rewards?
    Normally I go for T50 anyways for the 2nd cover, but Kingpin looks pretty meh, so I think I might sit this one out for the first time. Such incompetent design, it's like they want players to try out different games.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    So you're REALLY doing this, back to back new character releases? I'm off this hamster wheel
  • By the way, it's 6.5 days long.

    There is no way I'm joining this thing before Friday evening.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards
    **** anyone know how to merger a topic into this. Though i posting in here and made a new topic...

    ITS EASTER WEEKEND D3 a time for family to be together not this 4 star ****. You can shove your 4 star, and only the top 10 get anything good

    Who the hell wants purple. destroy 4 of the strongest color you get 4 yellow in return.

  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    So, everyone who's in here complaining about it...who's actually going to take a stand and not play the thing out of principle/protest?

    Cos, y'know, if you complain something and then go right ahead and do it anyway...it's kinda worse than not complaining at all.
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    Wow. 2 character releases back to back? Another 4* release where only the top 50 get a cover? A 7 day event over a holiday weekend for a 4*? Hey, maybe we can make all nodes worth 20 ISO even the first time you complete them too! And maybe we can have a node with Iron Man and Magneto that has a Blue/Yellow feeder! (oh wait, we already have that).

    Well, if nothing else it is worth ISO and tokens, and no doubt there are some folks that will have a ton of fun grinding it and getting their 4*. But I think I'll just be happy with whatever I get.

    Just in case I wasn't clear, I hate 4* releases with only the top 50 getting 4* rewards.
  • Spider_Jerusalem
    Spider_Jerusalem Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    So, everyone who's in here complaining about it...who's actually going to take a stand and not play the thing out of principle/protest?

    Cos, y'know, if you complain something and then go right ahead and do it anyway...it's kinda worse than not complaining at all.

    I'm going to play it but I'm going to stop at the Kamala Khan progression reward.
    All you need is a decently leveled X-Force and a diverse army of 3*s (and boosts and shields) and you can still climb to the top of any PVP event.
    4*s are a waste of time and ISO and they're not even that fun to play with.
  • So, everyone who's in here complaining about it...who's actually going to take a stand and not play the thing out of principle/protest?

    Cos, y'know, if you complain something and then go right ahead and do it anyway...it's kinda worse than not complaining at all.
    Herein lies the problem. D3 makes money by preying on player ignorance and addiction. But they aren't the first nor will they be the last to take advantage of it. They are the freemium gaming version of a cigarette manufacturer or Vegas casino. It's a degenerate business model that pervades F2P.

    At least D3's product isn't slowly giving its customers cancer, right?
  • Thanks for releasing this 4* this early, it gives us something to see people complain about besides the recent character nerfs.

    I look forward to trying to win Kingpin, but if I don't that's OK too. Because it's OK not to have every character! You can still enjoy the game and have a good time without every character released!
  • KillStormFirst
    KillStormFirst Posts: 140 Tile Toppler
    I was hoping that a new 4* would be an April Fool's Day prank.. nope.. I mean the K.ingpin? Really? A 2* Gorgon would've been understandable or finally giving us (a variant of)) Norman Osborn, B.ullseye (Classic), Mr. Fantastic, Nightcrawler etc... Hell even aunt May would've been better than Fisk as a 4*. I guess it makes sense from a developer/financial standpoint.. ironic. icon_eek.gif
  • Roswulf
    Roswulf Posts: 87
    D3 needs to realize that there is something deeply wrong with their release model when the introduction of new content attracts primarily disgust and anger from their engaged customer base.
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    This too shall pass.
    This too shall pass.
    This too shall pass.

    Just give them your money or your silence. They don't want anything else.

    Don't worry about it, just remember "this too shall pass".
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    By the way, it's 6.5 days long.

    There is no way I'm joining this thing before Friday evening.

    Pssh, it's going to be a race for everyone in the last day or two jumping in at the last possible moment of this one, since no one will want to run the new character as the essential, or run over Easter weekend. I'm hoping a shard opens up Tuesday, one day of this kittyTiny will be plenty.
  • Carnage_78
    Carnage_78 Posts: 304 Mover and Shaker
    Not that I am going to go for Kingpin or anything (I very happily quit chasing new releases in PvE a while ago now & that much improved my quality of life playing the game)...but what I find disturbing in this back to back release of new characters is that if you missed out on Kamala Khan for a reason or another then you will most probably miss out on another new release simply because you won't have the essential character for most the event.

    Somewhat unfair in my opinion...new releases should be competed for based on an even playing field & not on how you got the latest new release in the PvE just before with no other chance what so ever to have gotten that character any other way while playing the game.

    Good on those who might get to double dip on rewards for this Kamala Khan grind...but that won't be most players unfortunately & that is just wrong I think. icon_eek.gif
  • Unknown
    edited April 2015
    taloncarde wrote:
    Thanks for releasing this 4* this early, it gives us something to see people complain about besides the recent character nerf.

    I look forward to trying to win MrClean, but if I don't that's OK too. Because it's OK not to have every character! You can still enjoy the game and have a good time without every character released!

    Oh good, so all we have to do is pretend that this is not a competitive game that's purposely designed to put you at a disadvantage if you don't have every 3 star and learn to enjoy being too weak and losing all the time and we're all set? If only someone had told us all sooner!

    Seriously though, that would have sounded a lot more sincere if you weren't so terribly smug about it.