change in boosts cost



  • Kelbris
    Kelbris Posts: 1,051
    edited January 2014
    How much you want to bet one of the devs got stood up on a date and put this in out of spite?

    Seriously. The fedora was a terrible idea.

    Anyway, 10 HP might be okay, but 100 is just silly.

    To those who are saying they're uninstalling: just don't play for a month or so and check it out later. Unless you lack the willpower to do as such.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    Amateur hour. Again.

    I love this game but the devs have no idea what they're doing. It's just a constant kick in the nuts.
  • The +3 AP is way overpowered for its cost. The Hunt: HAMMER boosts were 200 HP I think and they're nowhere as good as that since the hardest fights in the game does not involve fighting HAMMER guys.

    +3 AP should've been limited to PvE events only to begin with. I don't like the change to costs but I guess it's prohibitively expensive enough to not matter that much on PvP (you got to be really rich to burn through those to win now).

    For what it's worth I did DC while triple boosted the whole time and still slowly increased by Isotope 8s. You actually get enough random boosts + progression rewards for this to be roughly iso8 neutral for a very long time and I don't think that's what they want.
  • DD-The-Mighty
    DD-The-Mighty Posts: 350 Mover and Shaker
    I think its being blindsided that the worst part. They mention all these things in the update and disclose other data trying to give the appearance of being completely forthcoming and then wack you over the head with increases.

    Im trying to figure out why they didnt tell us beforehand, and here are the possibilities ive come up with:
    1. They forgot. This seems unlikely given the recent memories of the rag fiasco.
    2. They were afraid of the backlash and thought that no one would notice if it were introduced stealthily. Unlikely because they should have known that backlash would occur regardless and that its better to just tell us right away. Its also a pretty obvious change. The backlash would also be less significant if they told us about it earlier.
    3. Some event forced them to add this in last minute, making it so that even if they were to tell us, it would be too close to when the change is actually added. Maybe some higherup told them that they needed to monetize more or something.

    Im hoping that its option 3, since the first two would be extremely disappointing.

    Nope. they've been wanting to slow this game up and make it all about the matching with a little bit of powering for the longest while. but their sloppy after-the-fact approach means that the few remaining speedy characters will be the dominant ones. all you folks running 40 and under 2*squads that don't have 1.5k+ life, get ready to be lapped by the max level 1* dream team (juggs, storm, im35 and maybe widow)

    prepare to see them eventually get nerfed as well. i mean funbalanced.
  • Unknown
    edited January 2014
    I'm really not sure what everyone is complaining about, people begged for this to happen. I read thread after thread of people asking the devs to remove the +3 boosts, which now they essentially have. This proves the devs listen lol. From this point forward, if you think there is an exploit or an advantage in the game, don't run and post it on the forums. SMH
  • Hm, what to say. I have a side that thinks it's some good -- the AP stockpile was was not cool and provided for bad tricks mostly, and had far-reaching consequences. However that could be fixable by any of the suggested changes like delayed delivery.

    Less stockpiles will mean more risk on battles, more wipeouts even for good teams, and hopefully bring back some of the scare factor. I was all the way for reducing the attacker advantages to have the defense some fighting chance.

    With all that said, the move still triggers 'what sore losers this bunch' -- that could have been easily prevented announcing the change as coming, or at least announcing that it happened. Sneaking in such hikes is the worst approach and worth maximum PR penalty in my book. It took the last ounce of my confidence on the game developers and put me on the leaving track probably.

    Also HP for boosts (along with mandatory shield usage) pushes the game way to far on the pay2win scale and for no good reason. IMO it could be balanced better for more occasional payups so providing broader and more consistent income. It's a fragile ecosystem. Like in the tale of the sock and the hole -- the latter growing too big makes it disappear in the end.
    Users browsing this forum: bahukma, Ben Grimm, cedhun, ClydeFrog76, Deer717, Derethus, djsquillz, Dovahkiin777, dtm7817, DumDumDugn, DX_das, Evilbeavers, GEFPenst, ibontherun, jojeda654, jozier, kareal, Kelbris, Killjoy00, KLoganR, Kyosokun, Marty17, MarvelMan, mecha, mischiefmaker, MTGOFerret, mytisbrewin, Narkon, Nemek, OneAC, Phantron, Polkio, Purty Hawkeye, Roya PQ, someguy321, Spoit, Stillhart, synthorange, The Ladder, Toxicadam, Xeonic-Ice and 50 guests

    A fair few people. Wonder why lol. icon_rolleyes.gif
  • Kelbris wrote:
    10 HP might be okay, but 100 is just silly.

    Enh, wait a couple of days. It'll likely change again.
  • LordWill
    LordWill Posts: 341
    I agree they should have made an announcement but the game is still new. Give it time. It takes time to iron out all the bugs. And another thing, ANY change and I mean ANY change is going to make someone upset.

    The positives:

    1. At least they are making changes and updating.
    2. They are providing new content.
    3. They are running more events.
    4. They are running new events for PvP
    5. They are listening to feedback and balancing the best they can.

    Give it time.....

    And another thing for those new to MMORPG type of games (I know this isn't really one of those but it does have the a lot of the same elements), they will ALWAYS be changing the game and making tweaks FOREVER. So buck up and get used to it.
  • D3: Your HP change for Stockpile **** sucks. STOP BEING SO **** GREEDY!!

    Roll it back now!
  • Kiamodo
    Kiamodo Posts: 423 Mover and Shaker
    Looks like everything we feared has come true. Looks like all we have have to do is imagine the worst and like stay puff it will come to life.
  • why is everyone so angry? They had to offset the incredibly generous boosting of ISO rewards from 105 per to 127 per.
  • Xeonic-Ice
    They should have kept the Preview Edition tag. This is definitely still a beta. Not a single one of my missions in Thick as Thieves event are under level 230 and I shouldn't have to tank missions to get a lower matchup.

    I hate how it's essentially REQUIRED to go to the forums for any information in this game. It's all tucked away in the dark corners and only shows up when you made a mistake. How awesome would it be to spend 600HP (roughly $6) on boosts only to get a phone call and lose it because the app can't figure out what to do with a game in progress. I spent $50 on the game a few months ago and every time I think "okay, they're starting to do stuff right. I'll give some extra money toward it" the game falls apart or they do these stealth updates that most players will never understand why. I mean how hard would it be to add a help section where you could see news instead of popups every time you do anything?

    It's such a shame because I enjoy the core game, but I absolutely hate how convoluted and opaque everything is in the game. All of my friends who play get so confused because they don't visit the forums.
  • MattR42
    MattR42 Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    I sure wish I had known about this before I mindlessly clicked through the warning. There's 100hp I'll never see again.

    Thanks for the communication, D3...
  • I think this pretty much puts me out of the running for the Thick as Thieves event. Not sure I can handle the wall of 230's without boosting. I've been avoiding the 'war of attrition' method since I don't think it's very fun. Amazingly, this event got even less fun to play...
  • LordWill wrote:
    I agree they should have made an announcement but the game is still new. Give it time. It takes time to iron out all the bugs. And another thing, ANY change and I mean ANY change is going to make someone upset.

    The positives:

    1. At least they are making changes and updating.
    2. They are providing broken new content.
    3. They are ruining more events.
    4. They are ruining new events for PvP
    5. They are listening to feedback and balancing the best way they can make money.

    Give it time.....

    And another thing for those new to MMORPG type of games (I know this isn't really one of those but it does have the a lot of the same elements), they will ALWAYS be changing the game and making tweaks FOREVER. So buck up and get used to it.

    Fixed it for you.
  • Kiamodo wrote:
    Looks like everything we feared has come true. Looks like all we have have to do is imagine the worst and like stay puff it will come to life.

    Ray, when someone asks you if Ragnarok is a god, you say YES!
  • Kiamodo
    Kiamodo Posts: 423 Mover and Shaker
    Who wanted this change again?! Do we as a community need to get better expressing concerns? Because this isn't a good change. And it's only gonna get worse from here on.
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    I've always thought boosts were ridiculously cheap. Sad to see an old favorite go, though (defitely cost prohibitive.)

    I was surprised they are in the game in the first place.

    Not sure yet if it's a good or bad thing for me. While it definitely slows me down, it should also make other teams less likely to attack teams much higher level than they are.
  • It'd probably help if they at least told you what changed when you patch your game. I have no problem with any of the changes, but it'd indeed be a nasty surprise if I was chugging my +3 AP like a crack addict and didn't realize they were 100 HP for 3 now.