Character Rotations For Season XIII

David [Hi-Fi] Moore
David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
edited April 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Greetings MPQ Community,

Here's the latest Character Rotation plan set to go live with the start of Season XIII on Thursday, April 02, 2015. (To see the original post outlining the Character Rotation Plan visit: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=17494).

Rotating In: Captain America (Steve Rogers), Hulk (Indestructible), Iron Man (Model 40), Professor X (Charles Xavier), Ragnarok (Dark Avengers) and Unknown Character (Coming Soon).

Rotating Out: Blade (Daywalker), Rocket & Groot (Most Wanted), Storm (Mohawk), The Hood (Classic) and Wolverine (Patch).

The Full Slate Of 3-Star Characters Available For Season XIII (and Professor X, for completeness):
    Black Widow (Grey Suit) Captain America (Steve Rogers) Cyclops (Uncanny X-Men) Daken (Classic) Daredevil (Man Without Fear) Doctor Doom (Classic) Gamora (Guardians of the Galaxy) Hulk (Indestructible) Human Torch (Classic) Iron Fist (Immortal Weapon) Iron Man (Model 40) Loki (Dark Reign) Luke Cage (Hero for Hire) Magneto (Classic) Mystique (Raven Darkholme) Professor X (Charles Xavier) Punisher (Dark Reign) Ragnarok (Dark Avengers) Squirrel Girl (Unbeatable) Thor (Modern) Unknown Character (Coming Soon)

3-Star Characters Excluded In Season XIII:
    Beast (Classic) Black Panther (T'Challa) Blade (DayWalker) Captain Marvel (Modern) Colossus (Classic) Deadpool (It's Me, Deadpool!) Doctor Octopus (Otto Octavius) Falcon (Mighty Avenger) Psylocke (Classic) Rocket & Groot (Most Wanted) Sentry (Dark Avengers) She-Hulk (Modern) Spider-Man (Classic) Storm (Mohawk) The Hood (Classic) Wolverine (Patch)

Characters that are taken out of packs will start rotating back in as other characters ahead of them in the rotation queue return. We'll always communicate in advance which characters will be rotating out.

Thank you!

IceIX edit: Added clarification on Professor X. He didn't get downgraded to 3*. Just there in the list for completeness so people don't get confused.


  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Patch gets his second turn on the bench, huh? Can't say I expected that.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,609 Chairperson of the Boards
    Is Unknown Character going to be in the tokens less than a week after being released?
  • wgasadude
    wgasadude Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
    Prof X is a 3*? icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    scottee wrote:
    Is Unknown Character going to be in the tokens less than a week after being released?

    Every new character who is released before next season start is included (based on past experience)
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,493 Chairperson of the Boards
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]Greetings MPQ Community,

    Here's the latest Character Rotation plan set to go live with the start of Season XIII on Thursday, April 02, 2015. (To see the original post outlining the Character Rotation Plan visit: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=17494).

    Rotating In: Captain America (Steve Rogers), Hulk (Indestructible), Iron Man (Model 40), Professor X (Charles Xavier), Ragnarok (Dark Avengers) and Unknown Character (coming soon).

    Rotating Out: Blade (Daywalker), Rocket & Groot (Most Wanted), Storm (Mohawk), The Hood (Classic) and Wolverine (Patch).

    The Full Slate Of 3-Star Characters Available For Season XIII:
      Black Widow (Grey Suit) Captain America (Steve Rogers) Cyclops (Uncanny X-Men) Daken (Classic) Daredevil (Man Without Fear) Doctor Doom (Classic) Gamora (Guardians of the Galaxy) Hulk (Indestructible) Human Torch (Classic) Iron Fist (Immortal Weapon) Iron Man (Model 40) Loki (Dark Reign) Luke Cage (Hero for Hire) Magneto (Classic) Mystique (Raven Darkholme) Professor X (Charles Xavier) Punisher (Dark Reign) Ragnarok (Dark Avengers) Squirrel Girl (Unbeatable) Thor (Modern) Unknown Character (coming soon)

    3-Star Characters Excluded In Season XIII:
      Beast (Classic) Black Panther (T'Challa) Blade (DayWalker) Captain Marvel (Modern) Colossus (Classic) Deadpool (It's Me, Deadpool!) Doctor Octopus (Otto Octavius) Falcon (Mighty Avenger) Psylocke (Classic) Rocket & Groot (Most Wanted) Sentry (Dark Avengers) She-Hulk (Modern) Spider-Man (Classic) Storm (Mohawk) The Hood (Classic) Wolverine (Patch)

    Characters that are taken out of packs will start rotating back in as other characters ahead of them in the rotation queue return. We'll always communicate in advance which characters will be rotating out.

    Thank you!

    What is the difference between rotated out and "Excluded from season 12"? I.e. I realize that blade won't appear in any tokens, but will Black panther show up in token drops?
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    So I'm never gonna get my last red cover for colossus until it comes up in the DDQ. Poor Piotr, he's been on the bench for like 4 seasons now...
  • The Gunslinger
    Phumade wrote:
    What is the difference between rotated out and "Excluded from season 12"? I.e. I realize that blade won't appear in any tokens, but will Black panther show up in token drops?
    Excluded from season 12 gives the full list of all 3-star characters who are vaulted and not available in tokens. Rotating out shows the 3-star characters who will be newly added to the vault for Season XIII after previously being available from tokens. So no, BP won't be available.
  • So there goes my three best covered characters (Blade, Grocket, MStorm) At least they should be coming up in DDQ starting tomorrow (fingers crossed) so I can get one more for each of them before they go. Hoping for 2 for at least one of them tho so I can take them to 166.

    And weird that Patch is going out for a second time before others that have yet to go. And that characters like Hulk are coming back after a rather short stay while BP and Psylocke are both still out... Guessing we'll be seeing a run of The Hulk PVE during next season.
  • mjh
    mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
    what's going on with Black Panther icon_blackpanther.png? Another season? Seriously?

    The last time he was in rotation was Season 6, October! That was before they started rotating out characters! This is ridiculous now. To top it all off they have given out his blue and yellow multiple times between the Gauntlet and now DDQ. Someone really needs to answer for this. What is going on?

    IM40 and GSBW can rotate out. Re-think this please!
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    Unknown Character (coming soon)

    Wonder if that means they will be slowing down. if 2 was going to hit, shouldnt it said CHARACTERS?
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,493 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wow, The vaulted list is almost as big as the in play list! Maybe someone needs to be thinking about the token pack problem. Day 365 and I'm still looking for my fifth Black panther black cover!
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phumade wrote:
    Wow, The vaulted list is almost as big as the in play list! Maybe someone needs to be thinking about the token pack problem. Day 365 and I'm still looking for my fifth Black panther black cover!

    Pffft. Day 401, still looking for my 4th black cover.
  • mjh
    mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
    Phumade wrote:
    Day 365 and I'm still looking for my fifth Black panther black cover!
    Day 370-something here and i'm still waiting on my 3rd icon_blackpanther.pngblackflag.png. That's right, he's only 5/5/2....TWO!
    i'm pretty pissed
  • eaise
    eaise Posts: 217 Tile Toppler
    Why the tinykitty is Patch being vaulted AGAIN!
    They choose to vault the best 3* for multiple seasons but all the terrible 3* are vaulted for only a season.
    I guess they don't want anyone to get characters that are competitive and fun to use
  • so happy Hulk is coming back. I've wanted to get him since I started playing and was vaulted when I joined. icon_e_biggrin.gif Still on my wishlist Black Panther, and Falcon purple cover since i'm missing that one. I'm no where near the stock resupply for Black Panther and so I guess I'll have to wait and be patient so I guess keeping him in the vault longer makes no difference to me.
  • Wow! This is not great for me personally & I usually wait till 100 tokens to open them all, so:
    If I wait till the session after this one and hopefully the characters I'm lacking return;
    Will my tokens save?
    Is there a maximum limit on tokens?
    I might have as many as 200.
    (~30 a week.)
  • Unknown
    edited March 2015
    mjh wrote:
    Phumade wrote:
    Day 365 and I'm still looking for my fifth Black panther black cover!
    Day 370-something here and i'm still waiting on my 3rd icon_blackpanther.pngblackflag.png. That's right, he's only 5/5/2....TWO!
    i'm pretty pissed
    Try 5/5/0 icon_redface.gif
    I even have x-force at 4/5/2 icon_e_wink.gif
    Seems bpanther blackflag.png is rare as hens teeth!
    Good luck to us all!
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    Grocket and Blade leaving rotation kinda makes me a sad panda, since I have 0 and 4 covers for them, respectively. Hopefully I'll pull a Grocket before the next season starts, so I can at least get some covers for him through DDQ.
  • Marc_Spector
    Marc_Spector Posts: 625 Critical Contributor
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]Iron Man (Model 40),

    Will the long-awaited IM40 re-work be a part of his return? Or, will shellhead continue to remain my oldest *** benchwarmer? icon_e_smile.gif
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Today is day 368 for me - STILL have only four yellow patch, three of those from recent events. Not helpful that he's benched TWICE in recent times.

    My bigger complaint on these ones is we have had ZERO Grocket yellowflag.png PVP's before rotation out. You guys really need to make sure there is one of each color (ie: no more "RNG" selected") PVP's before they rotate out.

    Still looking for that 5th Green Blade - I'll be seeing the last blade and last patch covers I need in about 60 days from DDQ before I can find them in tokens again.