Troubleshooting Connection Issues



  • topherdrew76
    topherdrew76 Posts: 9 Just Dropped In
    Yes... I'm back playing too.
  • Mpqdr72
    Mpqdr72 Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
    Was it a server error or what caused it?
  • Mine just now started to work but I had pre-joined the Hunt pve for slice three and now I'm 10 hours behind and in last place. None of my pvp end times were affected. I was having the same issue as everyone else and filed a ticket last night.

    Ign Smij
    iPhone 5c
    Cell- AT&T
    Wifi- centurylink
  • After almost 20 hours of not working. I was able to play for 3-4 hours today and it happened again. Loading endlessly.
  • I'm back in!!
  • Demiurge_Kevin
    Demiurge_Kevin Posts: 23 Just Dropped In
    Hi all, glad to hear some of you have been getting in. Is anybody still having problems? Please keep the reports coming in with the info Anthony asked for. Thanks!
  • back in - thanks for fixing it. Hopefully it doesn't happen again. :/
  • after seeing everone else's was fixed I tried again an mine was still broken but then I tried my 20'th turn on and back on and it started working
  • It seem to be working again after almost 24h down time, great. It would be nice with some info on what caused the problem. Also, will there be some kind of compensation?
  • Had this problem all Night and most of the day. Got home from work and it seems fixed. Little angry that I didn't place as I had been tracking my events, but happy it's far.

    Brooklyn Clan
    143 days in.
  • Hey all,

    We are looking into the issue many of you are experiencing regarding not being able to connect to the game. Below are a few questions that will help us troubleshoot the issue. If you could either post to this thread or PM me that would be most appreciated.

    - Versus Name:
    - What error are you seeing and on what screen are you experiencing the issue? (Screenshots go a long way!)
    - Platforms (iOS, Android, Steam)
    - How are you connecting to the game (Wifi, Cell network)
    - If you are connecting via Wifi, What is your Internet Service Provider?
    - If you are connecting via cell network, what is your Cell carrier?

    Hello Anthony,

    - my player name is Kiwi7756
    - i had a loading screen with logos looping enlessly when hiting the "fight button". To be precise it's the second "fight" btn, the one that actually loads the board, not the first that leads to the teamup selection
    - platform Android 5.0.2
    - Wifi connection

    Looks like the game is back to normal for me now, I have been able to connect tonight but in the mid day and all the afternoon it was impossible to play.
    (I'm in the France timezone BTW : UTC+1).

    I Hope those infos were of some help and you could resolve the problem for everyone.
  • It seem to be working again after almost 24h down time, great. It would be nice with some info on what caused the problem. Also, will there be some kind of compensation?

    Nothing? No feedback? Seriously?
  • That's me back up and running, thanks to Tony Starks nanomachines fixing it icon_e_wink.gif
  • ProfessorGumby
    ProfessorGumby Posts: 132 Tile Toppler
    It seem to be working again after almost 24h down time, great. It would be nice with some info on what caused the problem. Also, will there be some kind of compensation?

    Nothing? No feedback? Seriously?

  • Well, in the email they sent to me they said that there will be compensation... I think we just need to wait icon_neutral.gif
  • Hi I have been stuck trying to connect for a week or so now. Still unsuccessful.

    Nickname in Game - Plumpykind
    Platform - Steam / PC
    Error - Upon startup of steam and MPQ it says app is already running even though it's the first time I clicked it. Before that it was just "check your internet"
    Connection - non-wifi ie. with an internet cable
    Internet Service Provicer - T-Online

  • Demiurge_Anthony
    Demiurge_Anthony Posts: 156 Tile Toppler
    We are continuing to investigate the issues associated with the outages between March 9th and the 12th. If you are still experiencing issues, it is unrelated and you should create a ticket so that you can be properly taken care of.

    Again, we would like to thank all of you for your patience and understanding.
  • It says "app is already running.." when I start up.. it's not running. Could this be my internet provider?