Troubleshooting Connection Issues



  • Mortisbot wrote:
    One clarification please:

    Is this happening when:
    Pressing the fight button from the character selection screen to the boost/team up screen
    Pressing the fight button from the boost/team up screen into the game?

    On the character selection screen. I never make it to the team up selection screen. Just endless loading images.

    Me too.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Same issue here - not progressing from the character selection screen.
    Platform: Android
    Connection: both wi-fi (Bahnhof) and cellular (Hallon)
  • Mpqdr72
    Mpqdr72 Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
    Maybe it's a bug in the new TU implemetation.
  • cydude808
    cydude808 Posts: 17 Just Dropped In
    edited March 2015
    ign: cydude808
    PVP/PVE/Story missions - neverending character logo flash after pushing fight on the character select screen, just like everyone else, apparently
    Android 5.0
    Verizon 4g
    xfinity wifi
    played just fine until the Hunt preview came up, nothing since
  • Same as all above. Android OS, Wifi and cellular (ATT).
  • not fonctionne on 2 android (samsung tab and phone android operator).
    problem since ~19 hours.
  • orionpeace
    orionpeace Posts: 344 Mover and Shaker
    - Versus Name: orionpeace
    - No errors. Just endless flashing of the logos indicating loading when clicking the first "Fight" button, before TU selection
    - Android
    - Wifi and Verizon wireless
    - Tried it on several Wifi networks. Same issue
    - Verizon wireless
  • Same.

  • Same here. After choosing team, load screen continuously goes on and on.

    King in yellow
    Android s4
    All battles
    Was able to play all day until The Hunt loaded
  • Name: Duranda
    PVP and PVE
    No error message appears, just the spinning logo over the character select screen.
    Happens on both wifi and 4g
    WiFi ISP is Verizon
    4G provider is AT&T
  • Same issue as previously described. I can do everything except enter the 'battle'. Endless load screen after character select screen (before boost selection screen). On an iPad - recently updated.
    IGN: MasterOfMushu
  • The same problem as everyone else. Won't go past pressing the fight button. I've missed several lightning rounds, 2 events started this morning which I can't participate in. I'm on Android, I've tried WiFi and data, both no good
  • Mpqdr72 wrote:
    Maybe it's a bug in the new TU implemetation.

    I also think.
    I tested 2 android os with the same account.(samsung tab or phone operator android)
    Wifi or 4g is the same problem.
    it does not work for about 19hours for me.
  • lewiskai
    lewiskai Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
    Versus Name: Bho
    - What error are you seeing and on what screen are you experiencing the issue? (Screenshots go a long way!)
    I can start up the App. I can go to story or versus mode, no problems. I can go to any of the next screens. I can select a battle to fight (have tried all PVE and PVP options). I can hit "Fight" and I go to the "assemble your heroes screen." I can select any hero I wish that is legal. Then, if I hit "Fight", the game shows the multiple symbols for the different characters in the center of the screen, you know the rapidly vacillating, spiderman, xmen, grey widow, iron man, etc and will continue this until my phone dies or I completely hard close the app.(double click and swipe up). Soft closing the app and leaving it in the background does not fix it.
    - Iphone5
    - How are you connecting to the game (Wifi, Cell network). both, mostly wifi
    - If you are connecting via Wifi, What is your Internet Service Provider? home wifi is Comcast, work wifi is unknown
    - If you are connecting via cell network, what is your Cell carrier? Verizon
  • TheRooster
    iOS - cell, ATT
    Infinite load screen entering battle
  • Unknown
    edited March 2015

    I press fight and it has the loading screen overlay constantly looping over my characters.



    Sprint for cell

    AT&T for WiFi

    Edit: This is during the character select, before selecting boosts

    I'm able to play now
  • salve1
    salve1 Posts: 43 Just Dropped In
    versus name: Salve
    error: loading screen after selecting 'Fight' on the Team Selection Screen
    Connecting to the game: wifi
    Internet Service Provider: Telekom
    Platform: Steam (I play on android with the same wifi but i dont have problems, just on steam)
  • I am having the same issue as everyone else, it only crashes when you try and fight a match, no matter if it is PvP, story or special event when you click fight it just constantly loads, what will happen to my daily login bonus if this issue cannot be fixed, I am neat at 200 days bonus, I spend a lot of money on this game and I will stop playing if this issue continues and ruins my gaming experience
  • Unknown
    edited March 2015
    I'm playing on a Samsung Galaxy S5, Android V 4.4.2. I've been playing over WiFi and AT&T's 4G Network. Currently playing from New England area, and first experienced the issue around 6:30 -7:00 pm EST on Tuesday 3/9/15, still continuing as of now. I play under the name Gillionaire. After selecting to begin a fight, but before I can choose boosts, the screen just darkens and the loading icons loop and no fight ever starts. I can't back out. It will play the sound effect of backing out a menu but nothing happens. I have to force the application closed.

    I am also still receiving push notifications of being defeated by other players, but I am unable to join a game myself.
  • Just a shot in the dark, but does anyone with this problem NOT have characters loaned out as team-ups?

    I'm curious to see if it resolves if I wait out all of my team-up loan timers. Unfortunately, that won't be until tomorrow. -This is just a guess and probably not a solution, but I am curious to see if anyone can confirm they have no characters sent out as team-ups but still have this problem.