Please change 4* pve reward structure



  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bumping this to the first page so the outrage over pettier, but newer issues will not completely overshadow the clamour for true change.
  • what is the record for most upvotes for a post?
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    Giving this one more bump in hopes that it's not lost. A reward structure revamp is desperately needed.
  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    167 upvotes.....not a tinykitty word of response.....

    I have never been more frustrated with D3.....

    I log in today, and what do I see? A new post from David [Hi-Fi] Moore. Surely he posted a message letting us know we are being heard considering how TERRIBLE this week has been on these boards and there are talks happening on the issues brought up right? RIGHT?

    Of course not - just a message about the new MPQ Video Club. Glad to see where their priorities lie.

    What's the point of having a community manager to listen to the plight of their customers when the most contentious topics continue to be ignored?
  • rbdragon wrote:
    167 upvotes.....not a tinykitty word of response.....

    I have never been more frustrated with D3.....

    I log in today, and what do I see? A new post from David [Hi-Fi] Moore. Surely he posted a message letting us know we are being heard considering how TERRIBLE this week has been on these boards and there are talks happening on the issues brought up right? RIGHT?

    Of course not - just a message about the new MPQ Video Club. Glad to see where their priorities lie.

    What's the point of having a community manager to listen to the plight of their customers when the most contentious topics continue to be ignored?

    It's not the first time they are trying to make us forget about what's happening with "community participation".

    Last time, it was a lame survey.

    They are just awkward at handling customers in the Mobile App Industry. They are learning their job at our expense...
  • jffdougan
    jffdougan Posts: 733 Critical Contributor
    Another bump. Slice 1 doesn't close until 9 am EDT on Monday.
  • jackstar0
    jackstar0 Posts: 1,280 Chairperson of the Boards
    Added my vote (thought I already had).

    Let's see if it can hit 200.

    Then we just need D3 to institute a policy that any post getting over 150-200 upvotes gets a comment.
  • blahblahyoutoo
    blahblahyoutoo Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    Long time semi-serious player, first time poster. Signed up just to post this.

    It's gotten to the point where I play the game not because I want to and because it's enjoyable, but moreso because I have to in order to keep up.
    When a game is not fun to play anymore, it ceases becoming a game.

    Want to know what's most damning about the game?
    I have friends who watch me play and ask, "Hey what game is that? It looks cool. Oh sweet, is that Wolverine?"

    My response? "Yeah, don't bother getting into it. You'll need to devote several hours every day to it and even then, you still might not make any meaningful progress in the game."
    Yup. I'm actually recommending people to not get into the game because of the endless grinding and how it interferes with real life.
  • Varg138
    Varg138 Posts: 128 Tile Toppler
    Wholeheartedly agree with OP. I gave up being commander in an alliance because of this exact situation. The last day of these PVEs is awful.
  • Being a commander of a consistent top 100 PvE alliance, and leader of a 3 alliance team this is my opinion:

    1. Keep character launch events with the same rewards, regardless of rarity. Cutting the prize pool in half and making the new 4* essential only makes this worse. 4* should either never be essential, or available as loaners...we get mixed 3/2* loaner teams in PvE so what's the problem with 4* loaners?
    2. If you feel the need to restrict 4*s, launch them in PvP...the separation of top PvE and PvP alliances is huge, and having the top PvP teams (who have mostly maxed rosters) compete in PvE only makes this problem worse. See opinion #1.
    3. Have a more frequent Gauntlet event, with a 4* reward for the final set. Think of it as a Deadpool Daily Quest on steroids.
  • Torturedsole
    Torturedsole Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
    Registered just to upvote this but seems like I can't so I'll just have to bump it back to the top!
  • nonnel
    nonnel Posts: 128 Tile Toppler
    Now that the event is over for me, I'll add some extra color. Holy S---. Grinding this was Awful.

    This was about as bad as 3hr refreshes and obw healing.
  • bump for 185 upvotes. and no words from the cowards.

  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    I'll finish this event ahead of 93% of the people in my bracket and won't get a Xavier cover. That bums me out.
  • that was the worst pve ever...that's the death of pve, not fun anymore.
  • See I have an issue here. I totally agree with the OP. Yet the pve sister alliance I know, all the guys played the event, and grinded it, and swapped people around and generally had a stupidly stressful time that makes me wonder why on earth people bother.

    So people still played. I have no idea of the numbers but, at a guess, with the reward being a 4* the playing numbers were as high as a normal pve event, if not higher.

    The only way this changes is if people stop playing the rubbish pve events. I joined a couple of days in, did one clear, saw what was going on and stopped. Not worth it in the slightest. But everyone else I know ground that thing to death. So if people are still playing, the event structure and rewards will stay the same. People will go "yeah but Prof X is Essential for the next pve". So what? It's a game, it shouldn't be a stress. And the rewards in this pve are a third skill for a mediocre character. Why reward the devs with playing it? Just play the events you like, skip the ones you don't. With the deluge of new characters being released you'll never level them all anyway.
  • NighteyesGrisu
    NighteyesGrisu Posts: 563 Critical Contributor
    that was the worst pve ever...that's the death of pve, not fun anymore.

    definately up there with the ugliest grind fests...and I didn't even make top 50 :/
  • These guys don't care. They are going to do what makes financial sense. Didn't they just get bought by sega? They have numbers to justify to big brother now.
  • thbrown81
    thbrown81 Posts: 61 Match Maker
    What's hilarious is that D3 works against their own interests. T100 4* covers means twice as many players potentially buying roster spots for the new character, and then potentially buying covers for the new character. There's no way they make more money handing out less new covers.
  • Depends if people are using Hp for health packs etc, and then buying more HP. One thing I am confident about, is that they know how to make the most money out of their product. Or at least know what systems work better than others.