*** Daredevil (Man Without Fear) ***



  • Quebbster wrote:
    As suspected, the new DD works great with Patch. I currently have him 5/3/5 and was planning to eventually respecing him to 3/5/5, but getting rid of all those strike tiles is handy... I may have to reconsider.

    Or if you've got your Loki at 5/x/x he'll do even better and make all Patch's enemy tiles defense shields, but yes Patch/DD/ + Hulk or Blade or Falcon make a deadly combination and is definitely one of my favourite team combos right now. His radar steal of AP was in my opinion still worth keeping, but overall it's a refreshing change and perhaps they should change all characters from time to time just to reinvigorate them.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dauthi wrote:
    His red can do a crazy amount of damage, and instills more fear, if anything, in pvp. If they match it you take a good amount of damage, if you match it you take a lot of damage. It makes reds untouchable still while making you take damage, brilliant. I think this is a top tier red to add to a team that needs one.

    His purple used to be a game changer, if they hit it, you essentially took all their ap. Now it is situational, which IMO is a nerf, but not too bad since it does do moderate damage if used in those situations.

    His blue can permastun one target, which can be valuable for end game or 1v1s. Definitely a huge buff here.

    Overall, I would say he is useable now if you need red, thanks to the buff, but the buff to blue and nerf to purple kinda canceled each other out.
    I would say purple is a big buff. It was too difficult to get the enemy to match all the trap tiles and now his purple does solid damage and removes special tiles. He can be Anti tile generator with Purple, He can be like Lcap with red and his blue can regularly be used.[/quote]

    Dauthi wrote:
    It does suck that Daken is still Daredevil bane.
    DD is also Anti Daken with Pruple
    Dauthi wrote:
    It should also be noted that any random tile generator kills traps too. In one unlikely event, Punisher's molotov spawned on my trap killing it. Lame!

    This is the only issue with traps and is part of the risk and reward of this power. Mostly red is very good especially when you match it, but it can get removed.
  • yogi_
    yogi_ Posts: 1,236 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just updating the best team combo thingy.

    Are these still the best driads and triads for DD?

    - 3* Black Widow + 2* Magneto
    - Human Torch + 3* Iron Man
    - 3* Wolverine
    - 3* Wolverine + [Black Panther or Hulk]
  • @yogi :
    - 3* Black Widow + 2* Magneto : purple stack in recon n p.shift, i recommend p.shift to chain billy club. recon to general.
    - Human Torch + 3* Iron Man : IM40 feed red, HT not recommended, u need ambush to kill.
    - 3* Wolverine : great with 5/x/x DD.
    - 3* Wolverine + [Black Panther or Hulk] : BP cool, hulk not recommended, his clap will disarmed ambush n billy club

    So from ur list : mn.mags/IM140/patch/BP

    I'll add few possibilities :
    XF : Playing it right on offense, ambush + XF/surgical is a huge cheap one-two killing strike. Eventho XF/surgical have chance on disarming ambush, but they share perfect rainbow, no stacked color.
    Fury : Demolition + Ambush.
    Hood : same role like OBW, but intimidation help b.club chain stun.
    Loki : Perfect rainbow like XF, illusion increase chances of ambush detonation.

    Best IMO is either XF or Mn.Mags.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    JusticeB wrote:
    Quebbster wrote:
    As suspected, the new DD works great with Patch. I currently have him 5/3/5 and was planning to eventually respecing him to 3/5/5, but getting rid of all those strike tiles is handy... I may have to reconsider.

    Or if you've got your Loki at 5/x/x he'll do even better and make all Patch's enemy tiles defense shields, but yes Patch/DD/ + Hulk or Blade or Falcon make a deadly combination and is definitely one of my favourite team combos right now. His radar steal of AP was in my opinion still worth keeping, but overall it's a refreshing change and perhaps they should change all characters from time to time just to reinvigorate them.
    The main reason to play DD instead of Loki IMO is because of Ambush - DD is not quite as good at getting rid of strike tiles, but if you match the Ambush tile he'll double dip the strike tiles and will deal obscene amounts of damage.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    yogi_ wrote:
    Just updating the best team combo thingy.

    Are these still the best driads and triads for DD?

    - 3* Black Widow + 2* Magneto
    - Human Torch + 3* Iron Man
    - 3* Wolverine
    - 3* Wolverine + [Black Panther or Hulk]
    I tried DD with Patch and Black Panther and it was very effective. Ambush double dipping on strike tiles means it does crazy amounts of damage with two strike tile makers, and it gives you potent abilities in all colors - you do double dip on red and blue, but I'd rather play Ambush twice than one TBTI (at least with my 5/3/5 Patch), and Billy Club is usually better than Defense Grid. And of course there's the Berserker Rage/Radar sense overlap.
    Hood should be able to fill Panther's Yellow/Black active niche, but I haven't tried it out.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    It sounds like people are having lots of fun with DD. I had my DD at 5/3/5, but just got a blue and will respec him to 3/5/5, why? Well style prefernce. While the DD patch combo is fun, Ambush being in 4 match territory really makes me not want to go there. I many times with Blade have his purple sitting at 9, but if I get into some serious PvE fights I think 3/5/5 DD will serve me better because of the fact it cannot destroy CD tiles. If Ambush allowed you to destroy those then I would 100% say 5/3/5 is the best build but the fact you can really lock someone down with Billy Club is why I'm going there, that 3 blue AP return on match is awesome. I can use the skill, stun for 2 turns, and if I can match the tile, I just got 6 blue, get 3 more and I can lock down again anyway this is what I see


    For me though its about matching red and blue with DD, and triggering red as well as stunning, I'm going to play him as control because having a backup Captain America is nice
  • yogi_
    yogi_ Posts: 1,236 Chairperson of the Boards
    How about this?

    DD and:
    - 3* Black Widow + 2* Magneto
    - 3* Iron Man
    - Hood
    - Loki
    - Nick Fury
    - 3* Wolverine
    - 3* Wolverine + [Black Panther or Hood]
    - 4* Wolverine
  • Seasick Pirate
    Seasick Pirate Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
    I don't think this was done as a "balancing" update. It was more of a design overhaul.
    In that respect, I think this was a success. Daredevil is now competently playable but not game-changingly powerful (which some might have been expecting?).
  • OzarkBoatswain
    OzarkBoatswain Posts: 693 Critical Contributor
    Playing against AI Daredevil, matching their blue tile activates it and gives them AP. Also, the description always says "If you match it", making it a different move on offense and defense. Feels buggy.

    edit: Also, the animation plays when the countdown reaches zero, and also when you match the AI's tile. Doesn't play when you match your own tile.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    Okay, sort of torn here. I have DD sitting at 4/4/5, I was moving from 5/3/5 to 3/5/5 but after seeing all the Hand, I'm starting to wonder if 5/3/5 wasn't that bad.

    So if I stay 5/3/5--DD destroys the most tiles and does damage but Billy club only stuns for 1 on the CD tile resolving and the CD tile is 4 turns which basically means it's not going to resolve and you only get 2 AP return

    so plus of 5 blue

    1 turn extra stun on CD tile resolving, CD tile is 3 instead of 4, you get 3ap on match instead of 2

    plus of 5 purple

    2 extra tiles destroyed, and 157 more dmg per tile destroyed. Essentially 1251 dmg vs. 2870.

    Having seen what Mystique's Shapeshift tile does, I'm starting to reconsider the 5/3/5 build since it's no guarentee that the CD tile is going to survive at all.
  • Actually, I was thinking something similar, but to me the blue is too good. I was thinking of going 553 just because it's so easy for red traps to get disarmed and so hard usually to match it. Hence, the red is really arbitrary.

    The blue on the other hand is not as prone to being matched away due to it moves on a pretty regular basis and you can get multiple stuns out of it. Worse case scenario and you can match it to get 6 (5?) blue ap back.

    Puple is nice because I do not see me using DD in PVP, so it seems 5 purple would help more in PVE especially with that multi-stun.

    However, because of the potential damage from red, I have not been able to muster the courage to respec from 355 to 553. The more I think about it, the more I am tempted though.
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been trying out Daredevil in Survival Mode.

    In a room filled with ninjas, Daredevil should not be getting killed by Trap tiles. His Radar Sense should work on Strike, Protect, Attack, or Trap tiles.

    His Red ability is still too easily overwritten. The Trap should be placed on the most common basic color.
    Creates a Red Trap tile that -> Creates a Trap tile on the most common basic color that
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    In a room filled with ninjas, Daredevil should not be getting killed by Trap tiles. His Radar Sense should work on Strike, Protect, Attack, or Trap tiles.

    His Red ability is still too easily overwritten. The Trap should be placed on the most common basic color.
    "Creates a Red Trap tile that ..." -> "Creates a Trap tile on the most common basic color that ..."

    His Radar Sense would work well with Electra's Double Double-Cross, if they both weren't purpletile.png skills.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wouldn't drop the red, the stuff you can do against goons is ridicoulous with that, it's constant damage.

    Which leaves me with the conudrum. Do I go with the stun or the damage?

    So I'm running scenarios in my head.

    3 goons--probably doesn't matter, purple lets you do some damage after a CD tile resolves but blue can keep it from resolving and you can just mess them up the rest of the game. Advantage 3/5/5

    2 goons, 1 character--Depending upon the character it could go either way. Daredevil both counters and is countered by Daken since you can mess up his strike tiles but he destroys your red tiles and we probably won't see much Blade or Wolverine outside of Simulator and Billy Club allows me to stun the character and then get a few free turns. Advantage 3/5/5

    2 characters, 1 goon and 3 characters again it comes down to their comp.

    Here's the one issue I have, if there are no special tiles Radar Sense is useless, but if there are it is so much better, grrrr.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    If you stun Daken, he doesn't make strike tiles. Plus he doesn't heal. Just sayin'.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    scottee wrote:
    If you stun Daken, he doesn't make strike tiles. Plus he doesn't heal. Just sayin'.

    scottee, that simple answer just made it official for me, 3/5/5
  • scottee wrote:
    If you stun Daken, he doesn't make strike tiles. Plus he doesn't heal. Just sayin'.

    He also doesn't lose health if the board is low on blue, though that almost never happens.
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    Even if he can't disable them with the radar sense - he would be the only guy in the lineup so far who should be able to 'see' enemy traps. That would have been a nice thing to add while he was in the shop getting tuned up. (Maybe spidey sense should be able to sense them too?)
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    Phantron wrote:
    scottee wrote:
    If you stun Daken, he doesn't make strike tiles. Plus he doesn't heal. Just sayin'.

    He also doesn't lose health if the board is low on blue, though that almost never happens.

    It does when you use Doom. For Daredevil, Doom, and XFW, I'd opt for 5/3/5. I want doom to convert all blue. It makes Daken take damage. Then I have the option to use Doom's black to cover reds or use XFW's black to further color deny. Alternately, XFW can surgical Daken and get the black right back.