*** Daredevil (Man Without Fear) ***



  • Yes i read this once i open the game and i only want to say **** you

    I dont have any cover of him you son of the beach icon_evil.gif!

    just like i m fighting for survive and you tell me warm bed is good icon_evil.gif
  • Except loki makes you own every tile on the board...then can purple for matches...and green is actually pretty good.

    So you're comparing a character with some synergy on one skill and two "ok" ones with another one that has 3 good abilities and Loki has the advantage of not being complete garbage on defense. Gimme loki any day of the week.
  • homeinvasion
    homeinvasion Posts: 415 Mover and Shaker
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    Monkey (in Wrecking Crew) was trying him out by going Patch Green followed up by Daredevil purple (pink). All the tiles for you, strike and protect.
    but there is already Loki & Thor4 for that, he would be third on that list.
  • Why was radar sense changed? When enviros got removed and the Trap could be placed ANYWHERE, purpleflag.png got really scary, esp. at L5.

    The only thing this change did was muddy the water on what Matt's best build is. Because, as far as I can tell now, the best DD build is X purpleflag.png , X blueflag.png , and 5 redflag.png .
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    His red can do a crazy amount of damage, and instills more fear, if anything, in pvp. If they match it you take a good amount of damage, if you match it you take a lot of damage. It makes reds untouchable still while making you take damage, brilliant. I think this is a top tier red to add to a team that needs one.

    His purple used to be a game changer, if they hit it, you essentially took all their ap. Now it is situational, which IMO is a nerf, but not too bad since it does do moderate damage if used in those situations.

    His blue can permastun one target, which can be valuable for end game or 1v1s. Definitely a huge buff here.

    Overall, I would say he is useable now if you need red, thanks to the buff, but the buff to blue and nerf to purple kinda canceled each other out.

    It does suck that Daken is still Daredevil bane.

    It should also be noted that any random tile generator kills traps too. In one unlikely event, Punisher's molotov spawned on my trap killing it. Lame!
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    Looks like Daredevils stun inherited the malfunction of not being able to dual-stun.

    (Old traps / CD tiles going off in same turn)
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    3/5/5 seems like the most sensible build. Direct damage and stunning can be useful in any game, but purple relies on there being special tiles on board.
  • I've hat my DD at 5/4/4 for quite some time now and actually liked how powerful his red trap was which could one shot kill any of the big hitters but of course it was so random that it could end up in a corner and never get touched.

    The other downside was if you had to match that colour then there would be little more than a scratch on the opponent, but now the overall damage is shared between them matching and you matching which is fine.

    The real bonus I feel is the Billy Club which I've used last night and it stuns, then relocates, then stuns again, then relocates and keeps on going. So I had out two stuns on two characters and you can keep them stunned so long as you don't forget to switch front character just prior to the countdown reaching zero.

    I'm in two minds about his purple which gave you up to 6 AP steal, more than OBW, but again only random match or cascade destroy, but using him with Falcon against any strike tile generators will seriously hamper their game. Falcon on 5 blue and then DD on purple.

    Just as they did with Hawkeye Modern, this is another good change and I think you'll start to see more of The Man Without Fear on teams from now on.

    His best fit, I don't know but I have him based solely on which covers I got so for me 5 purpletile.png /4 bluetile.png /4 redtile.png, for now.
  • Powerhouse92585
    Powerhouse92585 Posts: 9 Just Dropped In
    Anybody else having an issue with Radar Sense? I try to use it in a match and it doesn't work. It won't activate. Ambush works just fine, but when I try to tap Radar Sense it just goes out of DD's moves back to the board without placing the tile or draining the AP. No matter how many times I tap it, hold it, use another ability first, whatever, it doesn't go. Anyone else having this problem?
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    The skill was just changed (and so were the rest of Daredevil's abilities). Radar Sense no longer places a trap. Instead, it converts enemy strike, protect, or attack tiles back to basic tiles and does damage for each. If there are none of these on the board, it will not fire. This is my least favorite of his revised powers because it's situational in this way -- it has no function without tiles to convert.

    More details here.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    After playing him for a short while now I would put dare devil above LCap. He is actually very similar, but has 2 damage abilities compared to Caps one. All three of his powers are good. The 2 downsides are if the opposing team does not make special tiles his purple does not work so you have to bring your own Patch or eventually Electra. His red needs to be matched to do damage, but again I think it is almost better to match it your self as you get 3k damage and it resets instead of 5k and being gone. He can also have different builds depending on how you like to play. My 5,3,5 fits me because I like to run Patch. Others who prefer stun can go 3,5,5. Overall D3 made dare devil a fun diverse character and since I already had him leveled to 140 i plan on using him more right away.
  • stevenbrule
    stevenbrule Posts: 62 Match Maker
    Not a huge deal, but with one blue cover, it currently uses the phrase "1 turns" - that is plural turns. Looking forward to using the updated Daredevil!
  • Imagine how exciting his purple would have been if this change came before the Sentry nerf.
  • Unknown
    edited December 2014
    Just tried 3/5/5 max DD.
    Team Stunlock with Mn.Mags/Hood : Polarity Shift - Billy Club - Intimidation

    After P.Shift try collect 18AP - Billy Club to stun 2 enemy, Intimidation or wait until 1 of em cd then switch to the 3rd enemy.


    After intimidation, B.Club will stun again n change location.


    Kill with ambush, self-match is better then enemy-match imo : deals 3K n change location w/o AP.

    EDIT : of course this trio only playable on S.Simulator, DD/Hood featured PVP n finally PVE against goons passive icon_lol.gif
  • Response to OP trolling :
    1. Big mistake when u try him out on BOP coz even 4* awful there, XF? Thoress? pffft.. juggs rules icon_lol.gif
    2. True that "ambush" still disarmable, well don't fight strike tiles users with DD, lol. Please refer to locked hard/soft counters.
    3. Now he's playable on PVE with amazing team stunlock partner with mn.mags+hood : P.Shift - BillyClub - Intimidation. Kill by self matching "ambush".
    4. Seems that you don't conduct any testing or prolly don't have max DD to try out. "Ambush" have a unique gameplay.

    EDIT : cheers icon_e_wink.gif
  • Just for fun, here's how to detonate ambush with p.shift :
    1 : Ambush -> direct p.shift to it
    2 : Ambush detonate n relocate -> another p.shift directed to it

    P/S : all team stunned w p.shift -> b.club -> intimidation combo
  • himatako
    himatako Posts: 269 Mover and Shaker
    I think they've improved him a lot and he's now much more useful than before. His purple makes him a much more reliable special tile specialist than what we currently have in two stars and three stars field. Though I wish his lv.5 would either target all enemy's non-cd special tiles or 5 tiles but also target CD tiles.

    Currently mine is 5/2/1. At first I'm planning to go with 5/3/5, but seeing how his blue work, I'm not sure anymore. I hope we'll get an event with his covers as rewards soon.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    wymtime wrote:
    After playing him for a short while now I would put dare devil above LCap. He is actually very similar, but has 2 damage abilities compared to Caps one. All three of his powers are good. The 2 downsides are if the opposing team does not make special tiles his purple does not work so you have to bring your own Patch or eventually Electra. His red needs to be matched to do damage, but again I think it is almost better to match it your self as you get 3k damage and it resets instead of 5k and being gone. He can also have different builds depending on how you like to play. My 5,3,5 fits me because I like to run Patch. Others who prefer stun can go 3,5,5. Overall D3 made dare devil a fun diverse character and since I already had him leveled to 140 i plan on using him more right away.

    I still think Lcap is better because 1) Lcap can deal with CD tiles whereas DD can't. 2) DD still has to match the red, and that is subjected to the board condition, whereas Lcap shields are not tied to the board. 3) lcap peacemaker has the added effect of this huge protect tile. That protect tile has won me games because it block off those match dmg.

    What DD has over Lcap is that his blue and red are just match 3, whereas Lcap is match 4. That makes DD much faster to get going.

    All in all, such a change to DD make me feel confident about D3 balancing. They must have learnt a great deal from all those past balancing. *cough spidey cough*
  • DrNitroman
    DrNitroman Posts: 966 Critical Contributor
    I used icon_daredevil.png several times during the Gauntlet and overall I'm pleased with his changes

    My more successful fight with him was in essential 17 against lvl 238 icon_mystique.pngicon_gamora.pngicon_spiderman.png
    icon_daredevil.png was slow to start and in the first part of the fight icon_hulk.png soaked a lot of damage and triggered cascade with his greenflag.png
    In the second part of the fight icon_daredevil.png canceled all special tiles from icon_gamora.png and icon_spiderman.png then launched 3 billy clubs (in 3 successive rounds) and one ambush. Since this moment the enemy's team had few opportunities to retaliate and I matched quietly my own red trap to down them all! I enjoyed icon_e_biggrin.gif

    I wasn't always as much lucky in all other fight though!
    Overall, I'm convinced that redflag.png is really a great power.
    Concerning blueflag.png and purpleflag.png I've contrasted thoughts. (Currently I played with 5 purpleflag.png 3 blueflag.png )
    cardpack.png Stun is always a useful power even for a short duration. but having only one CD one the board wasn't very efficent or impressive. In the last fight I told you above, launching several clubs proved to be very efficient but it's unlikely that I can do that often.
    cardpack.png Even at 5, damage done by purpleflag.png wasn't so impressive and it doesn't trigger any cascade. Sure it can do up to 2500 but in the gauntlet I was against high level team. However it removes enemy's special tiles, and at high level, these enemy's special tiles can be (1) very very nasty and (2) not easy to remove

    My opinion is not done yet. Blue might be more fun when it's successful (I like 'ricochets' mechanism) but having a reliable way to remove enemy's special tile might be more important (damages are just a bonus) in the current meta where more and more characters inherit some nasty special tile powers.

    Anyway for the moment I stick with 5 purple and we'll see icon_e_ugeek.gif

    tldr: new Daredevil really helped me finishing the Gauntlet, it's huge! icon_e_surprised.gif
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    As suspected, the new DD works great with Patch. I currently have him 5/3/5 and was planning to eventually respecing him to 3/5/5, but getting rid of all those strike tiles is handy... I may have to reconsider.