Deadpools daily quest Taco token draws



  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    I have 3 sets of tokens now, what happened?
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dauthi wrote:
    I have 3 sets of tokens now, what happened?

    When Prodigal Son launched, it removed those stockpiled tokens and stockpiled tacos (which should have been active this week). D3 launched a patch that returned stockpiled tacos, but they didn't join Stockpile (since they should have this weeks draw), so now you have two identical stockpiles that you can't tell apart.

    Some have confirmed stockpile was drawing last week still: I haven't gotten confirmation from anyone who has two stockpiles what their draw rate is. You have:

    A) Active tokens
    B) Stockpile tokens (left alone, last cycle draw, probably update to active next cycle)
    C) Stockpile tokens - Are these drawing A, and will they continue to update with category A? Are they drawing B? Are they set for drawing a specific rate forever now?
  • dswan3rd
    dswan3rd Posts: 205 Tile Toppler

  • bleeerrgh! icon_neutral.gif
    so now I have 4 sets of deadpool tokens (including active)...

    ...with no way of knowing from which week they were - I guess saving them all up for better chances on my preferred 3* is a non starter?
    As with a lot of players I was waiting to see if the new 3*'s would be featured, however unlikely.
    But also waiting on early releases that I missed out on like the mythical Black panther. (his blackflag.png still has power)

    I really, really wish these taco's where on one plate. But then that'd be TOO good.

    So what's everyone else doing with them?
  • Apparently all taco tokens are going to be separate recruiting pools now? A stealth change that is buried in character nerfs, and quite possibly the dumbest thing that's ever been changed in this game.

    A month from now I predict I'm going to have 10 different piles of 10 tokens, and why? Because they don't want you to pull crazy piles of tokens out to recruit the new guy?
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lerysh wrote:
    Apparently all taco tokens are going to be separate recruiting pools now? A stealth change that is buried in character nerfs, and quite possibly the dumbest thing that's ever been changed in this game.

    A month from now I predict I'm going to have 10 different piles of 10 tokens, and why? Because they don't want you to pull crazy piles of tokens out to recruit the new guy?

    Yeah, this feels like the reasoning behind it. Otherwise the strategy becomes: wait 30+ days for the hero to enter DDQ rotation and then dump tokens until you get covers. I imagine that they're worried people will stop buying event cover packs.
    The only 3* I'm missing is Doc Ock, which isn't really a huge loss, but I didn't get him from tokens during his first time in DDQ, so I was hoping to have an even bigger pool of tokens the next time he showed up - if for no other reason then to get that little bit of extra ISO I'll miss out on otherwise!

    I guess it's time to do science on my hoard.
    Edit: The results of SCIENCE are as follows

    From 62 tokens,
    3x 250 HP
    1x Sentry (Yellow)
    1x Colossus (Black)
    57x assorted 2* covers (aka 14250 ISO)
  • What are the chances the devs engineered the bug that caused the problem with the tokens in order to introduce different token stacks? Why would the token pile system would just crash if someone didn't mess with it?if this really happened, then it's such a d!ck move. I had 20+36 tokens because I didn't really need a particular character other than IF. I doubt it's a coincidence that this happened on the second run of DDQ where IF would have his purple appear. It's too bad we have no way of knowing the chances of each cover in the stockpiled tokens now.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, it's getting crazy. Here is what I have (never opened one)

    A) 50 stockpiled (used to be "even", no idea what these draw now, or if they'll update from whatever they are drawing)
    B) 50 stockpiled (used to be "odd", no idea what these draw now, or if they'll update from whatever they are drawing)
    C) 10 stockpiled (odd, stockpiled from round 11, draw Falcon/Psylocke/Beast/Captain America/Sentry)
    D) 2 active (even, from round 12, draw Punisher/Blade/Wolverine/Human Torch/Colossus)

    Just like A&B, I have no idea right now what C&D are doing. My guess is after the problem, C&D are the new "even" and "odd", and will start to stack on top of each other and can be tracked. If not, I'm going to have lots of pages of stockpiled tokens pretty soon. What this means for A&B, I have no idea at this point, in two rounds this may become more clear.

    Why I say in two rounds....originally in the code, Turul saw three sets of token draws. Here are some configurations we might see in two weeks

    A) 60 stockpiled
    B) 60 stockpiled
    C) 10 stockpiled
    ---three rotations, each drawing from two weeks previous listings.

    A)50 stockpiled
    B)50 stockpiled
    C)20 stockpiled (new "odd")
    D)10 stockpiled (new "even")
    ---two rotations, C/D are the "old" A/B....who knows what A/B draw.

    A)50 stockpiled
    B)50 stockpiled
    C)10 stockpiled
    D)10 stockpiled
    E)10 stockpiled
    --tokens never update, you have tons of pages of stockpiled tokens. This would be annoying, to say the least.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mawtful wrote:
    The results of SCIENCE are as follows

    From 62 tokens,
    3x 250 HP
    1x Sentry (Yellow)
    1x Colossus (Black)
    57x assorted 2* covers (aka 14250 ISO)

    This lets us know a bit. If you had 60, you had at LEAST
    Stockpile A (at least 25)
    Stockpile B (at least 25, hopefully these numbers were different for you)
    Stockpile C (10 at most, had to be last week, would draw Sentry)
    Active D (2 at most, would draw Colossus).

    Do you know if the Colossus was drawn from the active two? Or if Sentry was drawn from the stockpile of 10 (last week's?)
    What this would tell us is that very likely A/B were updating as previously, even/odd.

    A: If Sentry was drawn from here, they very likely updated to round 11 "odd" draws today (first day of round 12)
    B: If colossus was drawn from here, they absolutely updated to round 12 "even" draws today (first day of round 12)
    C: If Sentry was drawn from here, impossible to tell about A.
    D: If Colossus was drawn from here, impossible to tell about B.

    That is a bit heartening, the old stockpiles are very likely updating (unless you drew the two 3*'s from your 12 newest tokens). Note with "A" I say "very likely". There is a third possibility that would be impossible to track unless you had a different number of tokens.

    It's possible that they went to three different draw rates, so you would have been drawing:
    A: Three week rotation, meaning "current": Colossus.
    B: Two weeks ago (no pull, so we don't know this yet)
    C: One week ago (Sentry)
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards

    So it looks like going forward we have even/odd weeks again, possibly the ones collected before round 10 will continue to rotate with even/odd, but no more will be added to them.

    From previous example, that means in a few weeks you'll have
    Stockpile A : still 50, no way to differentiate from stockpile B. Will have "even" week draw percentage.
    Stockpile B : still 50, no way to differentiate from stockpile A. Will have "odd" week draw percentage.
    Stockpile C : 20 (continuing to grow), "odd" week draw percentage.
    Stockpile D : 20 (continuing to grow), "even" week draw percentage.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    Out of curiosity, does anyone know what the leaderboard ranking means in DDQ? I've been ranked all over the place. I assumed it meant first place = first player to complete the event for that day, but I was ranked 5th in the one I just completed (and it's been available for hours, so that seems highly unlikely.)
  • Puce Moose wrote:
    Out of curiosity, does anyone know what the leaderboard ranking means in DDQ? I've been ranked all over the place. I assumed it meant first place = first player to complete the event for that day, but I was ranked 5th in the one I just completed (and it's been available for hours, so that seems highly unlikely.)

    First = first in the bracket to complete. It's got brackets like any other event. Admittedly, they don't mean anything in this case.
  • I was 2/60+ with one of them being She-Hulk and the other 3* also someone I didn't need, but forget who was. A couple of days ago I opened all 40 (20+20) old tokens (stockpiled before the crash) and I got 5x3*. The only one I needed was Cyclops (4th yellow) and the others were sold for ISO. Oh, I also got a ****-Lord who is 1/1/1 right now and still worthless, as he will probably be even as a 13/13. Today I opened 9 tokens (active) hoping for IF (he is finally here), but the bad luck continued and I pulled a yellow IM40, another pretty much useless 3*. That's it for now.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    I didn't want to go digging for this thread when I opened mine, but since it is back up top, here are the results of 134 (every) Taco:

    purple, yellow KK
    Red, Blue IM
    Blue BP
    Black, 2x Yellow Hood
    Yellow LT
    Yellow Cyc
    Green, Black Ock
    250 HP x 5
    1000 HP x 1
    116 x 2*

    I needed purple KK, the two Ocks, the Cyc: I opened the IF tokens to try to get him and got none (but one KK I needed), thought he might not be available with other half of tokens and needed any Cyc/Ock from that week so not terrible odds. I'm continuing to open this week and then may start hoarding until IF in July.

    The funny part is the Yellow LT: got the 5th the week before from DDQ reward, threw that token and then got another yellow (and green) LT to throw away from Ultron tokens yesterday.
  • TazFTW
    TazFTW Posts: 695 Critical Contributor
    Horrible run of tacos lately.

    During Cyclops, Hood, Ock, Thor, Marvel: 16 opened - 1 250 imcoin.png 15 star.pngstar.png

    During the Iron Fist/Kamala group: 16 opened all star.pngstar.png
  • TazFTW
    TazFTW Posts: 695 Critical Contributor
    14 tacos opened:

    11 star.pngstar.png
    icon_rocket.pngyellowflag.png (used to respec)
    icon_magneto.pngredflag.png (sold as already maxed)
    250 spideycoin.png