Please, more 12 hour sub events.

Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
edited February 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
This feels so rushed. You have an 8 hour cooldown now which is great, but that means you have 1.5 cooldowns per sub event. It's too much.
I set the event to end at 5am (because I'm always up late anyway) so events end at 5am or 5pm. One will start at 5am when I'm asleep so I'll lose out on about 7 hours of it, I can do the nodes once then I have to grind them down as quickly as possible then hopefully have enough people left to do a single run through of the new nodes. And then before bed I've got to grind them down to nothing again and then miss out on lots of time.

This has made the game quite high stress. I went out for a day and missed the entirety of a sub event. Because I did something other than play this game.
First day I did the event I got to 17th overall, now since I can't grind the nodes down to dust every day I'm 117th. I thought the 8 hour cooldown was going to make this game more relaxing, but the 12 hour sub events are *worse*.

Can we stretch these events out a little more? This was designed to last longer than the 5 or 6 days it currently is when it came out. I know a lot of us don't want these 10 day long events but if it was that or rushing to the game at every 5 o'clock in the day to do the nodes, I'd honestly rather have the event last 10 days. At least then the sub events would last a decent time. As it is I feel like I'm watching Lord of the Rings at double speed because I don't have time to watch the film before work, but I still want to see it all.


  • LXSandman
    LXSandman Posts: 196 Tile Toppler
    Seconded! It's way to easy to miss a whole sub at 12 hours.

    I think they could have just removed some of the subs and made them 24 hours. That would have been alot better.

  • I agree with OP.

    Unless you wake up in the middle of the night and grind crazily, you can't make it to the Top 10.

    I chose S5 thinking the hard core grinders would be in the first 4. Joined when the event started, to avoid behind too far behind, just in case the Shard had started way ahead of my joining.

    But with the 12 hour subs, the situation is even worse than before. You can't catch up with no rubberbanding, and the points are very low. Grinding like a beast at any particular time is not worth it.

    2 subs at once is not good either. Overall, even if it is 12 nodes at first, it takes nearly an hour to play everything because of the crazy scaling of the last nodes.

    For the first time in ages, I'll be Top 50 instead of Top 5/10...

    So the experience is not good for me.

    Another step to make me spend less on the game.

    I did not buy extra covers for SL, who is kind of useless, I'll do the same with Cyclops...
  • It wouldn't matter as long as an event starts exactly 12 hours before the ending time. If this was the old 24 hours sub you'd still have half of the events ending at a bad time for you and without the final grind you'd still have been far behind those who were able to make that time. Well, having 12 hour sub means there's no way to avoid this in the first place, but it's not like these events are set up to try to avoid having some subs in a bad time for you. In fact they're usually close to 50/50 as you usually either have the ending time flip 12 hours in the middle of event (like Iso 8 Brotherhood on 24H subs) or you have alternative ending time (like SImulator Basic's 2D 12H subs) which is no different from a 12H sub that is going to be bad for you half of the time.

    I'm still not sure what's the reason to not have the event start and ending time be the same so that you can at least attempt to get all the subs end at the same time instead of 12 hours apart.
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    My preference would be to have all subs be 24 hours so I can pick an end time and have it work for all subs. That said, I'd rather have these 12 hour subs than 36 hour subs. I'm generating tons of ISO and tokens, the nodes change frequently, and a couple times a day there are nodes that are guaranteed not to give me 20 ISO when I fight them for the first time. And the nice ISO rewards for the final node in each sub is great as well. I'm ranked about the same as usual for PvEs (somewhere between 50 - 150, so good enough for a single 3* cover) so it doesn't seem to either be helping or hurting that aspect of the game for me while providing me with better rewards. That all seems good to me.
  • Arondite
    Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    12 hours is awesome, to me. I'm ecstatic that these things are spitting out tokens like a surprised teenager.
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    The added rewards are very nice, but playing at sub open, 8 hours later, grinding for 2 hours at the end of the sub, and then opening the next sub is almost too much.
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    The added rewards are very nice, but playing at sub open, 8 hours later, grinding for 2 hours at the end of the sub, and then opening the next sub is almost too much.

    This. The extra tokens are nice, but with 12 hour subs (and doubles to boot) you have that switch-over grind far too often.
  • Ludaa
    Ludaa Posts: 542
    I'm kind of enjoying them, but I'm the odd man out in my alliance family. I think I just got lucky with a preferred ending time and joining a fresh bracket (thanks bracket thread!) at the best possible time. I've been hitting it once in the first couple hours, then grinding at 1.5 hours out and I'm top 5. Taking an hour or two break at the opening of subs has not affected my rank so far (I did do Russia right away).
  • Aside from the constantly rotating end times 12 hour subs kind of ruin the more relaxed pace of PvE we were all expecting from 8h refreshes. You play at the start of a sub, then 8h later then you need to do a final grind, ideally as close to the end as you can get away with and not run out of time.

    With the new longer refresh time it's all about the final grind when it comes to higher placings, so you end up having to devote a fair chunk of time to it (2hrs or thereabouts if you want to grind the current pairs of subs down unless the mystical scaling machine loves you). That makes it by far the most time consuming part of playing PvE now (since you do that straight into the first clear of the next sub) so the more often it happens, the greater the proportion of your time you have to devote to PvE (if you want to place particularly well). So the shorter the sub, the more time hungry the PvE.

    IMO 24h+ is a better bet for PvE, even if you end up getting a few guaranteed 20 ISO nodes on your final clear. At 12h it still feels too grindy.
  • And we go back to the suggestion : PvEs should give covers as progression rewards, with no competition.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,544 Chairperson of the Boards
    Keep them at 12 hours . I would rather have 12 hours then anything else. If you want 8 hour refresh and the i want 12 hour nods.

    Really though what they need to do

    6.5 day event 24 24 36 36 36 or 48 48 24

    4.5 day event 36 each nod

    There will always be 12 hour nods cause they never make new events just replay them over and over and over with new final rewards. SO in about 2 months these 12 hour nods will roll back around .

    Guess what people no one is forcing you to play the PVE dont like 12 HOUR THEN DONT PLAY SIMPLE AS THAT
  • Unknown
    edited February 2015
    I hate these things. I have to do as many clears on a 12 hour sub with 8 hour resets as I do on a 24 hour sub with 3 hour resets. And they completely undermine picking your end time.
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    Some may not like the 8 hr refresh very much. I'm not too fond of them myself only because I have to wait so long between play times.

    HOWEVER.... that will change with the upcoming Daily PvEs. Then I'll be all too happy to only grind PvE events a few times a day. This will give me time to work on the daily ones.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    slidecage wrote:
    Guess what people no one is forcing you to play the PVE dont like 12 HOUR THEN DONT PLAY SIMPLE AS THAT

    Excellent idea, then I don't get Cyclops and am at a disadvantage for the next PvE!

    I don't see why the "Don't like it, don't do it" argument is meant to end all arguments. I don't like it so I'm telling D3 about it. If I don't do them I'll lose out and this will have a knock-on effect.
  • Assuming you've a certain time that's good for you and that time + 12 hours is not good for you, you're always going to end up missing about half of the subs due to their current structure of starting 12 hours before the end time. At some point the ending time has to flip for that structure to make sense. About the best you can do is say start out with all the subs on the wrong time, and then have the ending time flip halfway like Iso 8 Brotherhood on 24H subs, and then you've all the high point missions on a good time, though even in that case you can easily begin the second half already having too big of a hole to dig out.

    Now there's a lot of grinding in Iso 8 but that's probably more because there are 18 or whatever subs total. Even if they're 1 day a piece, you'd still have to grind them a lot at the end unless you don't care about your placement, and if you don't care about your placement you don't have to grind them on a 12H refresh either. Given Iso 8' Brotherhood's very light node to clear you can't expect people to somehow to fail to hit the 3 8 hour cycles (time = 0, 8, 16H) before the final grind so it's still going to come down to the final grind.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,544 Chairperson of the Boards
    Some may not like the 8 hr refresh very much. I'm not too fond of them myself only because I have to wait so long between play times.

    HOWEVER.... that will change with the upcoming Daily PvEs. Then I'll be all too happy to only grind PvE events a few times a day. This will give me time to work on the daily ones.

    that is IF the daily PVE does not replace the normal PVE.

    still like to know and confirm the daily PVE is a 3rd feature and not going to replace the normal PVE
  • RWTDBurn
    RWTDBurn Posts: 291
    I may be in the minority here, but I actually like the 12 hour subs for the following reasons:

    - Lots of ISO to be made, especially with each sub having a 500 or 1k ISO bonus node. Personally, I hate having to hit a node over and over again for 20 ISO on those long subs.
    - Lots of recruit tokens to be earned, especially with 2 subs at a time. 8 recruit tokens a day is nothing to sneeze at.
    - Easy to make 50-100HP each day by placing well.
    - If there is a node that completely sucks (like say Ares/Jugs/Ragnog at level 200+) you know it's going to be go in 12 hours or less.
    - If you miss grind time it's not the end of the world. You'll have several more chances to rank high in a sub for rewards.

    I do wish the refresh times were 6 hours instead of 8 for these, but even that isn't really a big deal. And now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna duck behind this rock over here while everyone throws stones at me. icon_lol.gif
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    - Lots of ISO to be made, especially with each sub having a 500 or 1k ISO bonus node. Personally, I hate having to hit a node over and over again for 20 ISO on those long subs.
    Not sure why the 12 hour limit makes a difference. In many ways you *lose* ISO since they're not around long enough for you to get that 20 ISO over and over. It maybe *feels* like you're earning more since it comes in quicker, but you're really not.

    - Lots of recruit tokens to be earned, especially with 2 subs at a time. 8 recruit tokens a day is nothing to sneeze at.
    Again, you'd still earn those tokens if the node lasted 24 hours. Just because it comes in more frequently doesn't mean you're earning more of them.

    - Easy to make 50-100HP each day by placing well.
    Again...this wouldn't change if they lasted longer.

    - If there is a node that completely sucks (like say Ares/Jugs/Ragnog at level 200+) you know it's going to be go in 12 hours or less.
    This part I can't argue with. 12 hours means the scaling hasn't gone from level 150 to level 250 by the end giving you an insane hill to climb with all the good nodes being way too powerful to reasonably take down repeatedly.

    - If you miss grind time it's not the end of the world. You'll have several more chances to rank high in a sub for rewards.
    Ehhh, it's been difficult clawing back a placement in this event after missing a few grind times due to life and such.
  • Now with 8h refreshes, all subs need to be 24 or 48 hours. I did not pick 9 PM end times so I could play at 9 in the morning!
  • Not a huge fan of 12 hour subs, but the 8hr refresh makes even that bearable. I start subs at 11 AM/PM, do the initial clear, 8 hours later, another clear, an hour/an hour and a half later a relaxed final grind. At least this way the event is much shorter and we can get new covers that much sooner.
    I don't remember if we had 8 hour refreshes the last time Brotherhood was run, I think not, but the subs were 12 hour long for sure, and I couldn't place well in subs at all (not that I cared), also thanks to brokenly low scaling. This event doesn't feel as grindy and I still get some 2/4, 3/4 on nodes which is okay in my book.