MPQ Interview At Elektra Revealed!



  • arktos1971 wrote:
    "David wrote:

    Definitely! We will be returning immediately to the usual pace of one new character approximately every two weeks. After Gamora we are now back to the "normal" schedule. The extra characters added in recent weeks was really a perfect storm of our Anniversary week and the debut of Thor (Goddess of Thunder) on top of our usual schedule.

    You'll see one more new character arriving a few weeks from now and that character will be the last one of the year. We didn't anticipate that some players would feel overwhelmed or experience "burn out" with the extra characters and we're sorry for that. We'll be factoring this knowledge into our scheduling as we move forward.

    That's why we release the 3rd 4* character in 2 months. Merry Christmas everyone

    Sincerely yours,

    It literally says in the original post that Electra will be the last character of the year, meaning this is our like one character this month. But the complainers gonna complain.

    I think you're missing his point a bit, currently there are 5 4*'s, Elektra makes six. That means that half the 4* characters currently in the game have been released in the last 2 months of play time vs the same amount in the entire previous existence of the game.

    On a side note to max out all three would require approx. 1.3 million ISO vs approx. 525k ISO for three maxed 3*'s that's a hell of a jump in required ISO to max your characters with absolutely zero increase in ISO rewarded.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ghost79 wrote:
    I think you're missing his point a bit, currently there are 5 4*'s, Elektra makes six. That means that half the 4* characters currently in the game have been released in the last 2 months of play time vs the same amount in the entire previous existence of the game
    Good observation. This is more of a problem than policing posters' use of capitalization.
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    Ghost79 wrote:
    I think you're missing his point a bit, currently there are 5 4*'s, Elektra makes six. That means that half the 4* characters currently in the game have been released in the last 2 months of play time vs the same amount in the entire previous existence of the game
    Good observation. This is more of a problem than policing posters' use of capitalization.

    Just to point out, it wasn't grammatical syntax he was commenting on, it was the use of [size] tags to make specific words/phrases obnoxiously large.
  • On the whole looks an interesting character, but another 4 star character, and unconfirmed so called rumors of 5 star covers, all this game is doing is pushing me to quit sooner rather than later, as it looks like MPQ is doing what expansions are to MMOs, all they do is just add more level grinding without offering any real new game play. It's interesting the first few times its done, but eventually people catch on that they don't really offer anything new and move on. That's what MPQ has become to me with all these new characters, it's not really offering anything new...

    Well alls left for me is to decide whether I want to stop playing now or later....
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    gamar wrote:
    4*? So how will I kill her with Bullseye?

    3* Bullseye and third ability confirmed.

    Not even joking. They telegraph their moves.
  • brisashi
    brisashi Posts: 418 Mover and Shaker
    Please do not have another PvE evemt with an essential 4* character.

    It is a gigantic middle finger to all casual players like myself.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jumping back to the most frequently asked question for December Q&A, What is the status on character slot pricing
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ghost79 wrote:
    I think you're missing his point a bit, currently there are 5 4*'s, Elektra makes six. That means that half the 4* characters currently in the game have been released in the last 2 months of play time vs the same amount in the entire previous existence of the game

    On a side note to max out all three would require approx. 1.3 million ISO vs approx. 525k ISO for three maxed 3*'s that's a hell of a jump in required ISO to max your characters with absolutely zero increase in ISO rewarded.

    Not to mention zero increase in HP rewarded, and now roster spots are costing 750HP each if you have one of each character. Each one will cost 800HP in 2015.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    brisashi wrote:
    Please do not have another PvE evemt with an essential 4* character.

    It is a gigantic middle finger to all casual players like myself.

    Or have a PVE event that only the top 50 alliances get. I know they are rare (well...were except that there are so many new ones...), I know they shouldn't be easy to get, but I think there was no more stressful push in the year than getting 4* Thor in a PVE.

    However, it would be a bit entertaining to have another introduction with nothing but the new character in lightning rounds - perhaps with 20 people per bracket again.
  • iLL619
    iLL619 Posts: 170
    MarvelMan wrote:
    Seriously? ANOTHER new char? Can you say burnout?

    You want them not to add characters? There are so many cool characters in marvel universe I say keep them coming!

    brisashi wrote:
    Please do not have another PvE evemt with an essential 4* character.

    It is a gigantic middle finger to all casual players like myself.


    On the whole looks an interesting character, but another 4 star character, and unconfirmed so called rumors of 5 star covers, all this game is doing is pushing me to quit sooner rather than later, as it looks like MPQ is doing what expansions are to MMOs, all they do is just add more level grinding without offering any real new game play. It's interesting the first few times its done, but eventually people catch on that they don't really offer anything new and move on. That's what MPQ has become to me with all these new characters, it's not really offering anything new...

    Well alls left for me is to decide whether I want to stop playing now or later....

    Stop playing now and while your at it stop posting as well.


    Moderator Edit:

    Please avoid excessive, multiple posts in the same thread. If you want to reply to multiple people, the easiest thing to do is right-click the Quote button and open it in a new tab. You can then just submit a regular reply and copy/paste each quote and reply to them in a single post. Much obliged, GothicKratos.
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2014
    She looks pretty dangerous to me. Seems like she could fill the 3rd spot on a lot of teams. The kind of character that would work well with others. However, as with most things in this game, I'll just wait and try it out for myself to see how well it works.


    What about the "robots "? They said we would get nature, animals, other worldly beings, and robots this fall. So we get Groot, Rocket, Gamora, aaanndd....... ??? Or did I miss something? I don't think any of those are robots, nor is Elektra.

    The only thing I can think of is if the new enemy that I've seen mentioned is what they were referring to. If so, I'm hoping for Sentinels, but I was so wishing for Vision.

    Also, I personally would rather that the devs fix IW to make her 4 star.png worthy before releasing more. Not that I don't love getting new characters, but IW barely rates 2 star.png IMO. I think all 4 star.png 's should be really powerful because, well, they are 4 star.png 's. And IW just doesn't seem to fit that group.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    ronin-san wrote:
    gamar wrote:
    4*? So how will I kill her with Bullseye?

    3* Bullseye and third ability confirmed.

    Not even joking. They telegraph their moves.
    I didn't see the icon_daredevil.png buff coming.

    But then again, you can't count on anything when icon_loki.png is around

  • Also, I personally would rather that the devs fix IW to make her 4 star.png worthy before releasing more. Not that I don't love getting new characters, but IW barely rates 2 star.png IMO. I think all 4 :star : 's should be really powerful because, well, they are 4 : star : 's. And IW just doesn't seem to fit that group.

    I totally agree, I have a fully covered IW languishing away at122 because it is simply a waste of ISO at this time. The only time she sees use is if my daughters catch me sneaking a game in so I have to the use the "girl with the bubbles". Sigh , 3 year olds just don't understand the complexities of MPQ and an underpowered useless character.
  • OneenO
    OneenO Posts: 75 Match Maker
    My only question is why a 4*? There are so many toons in marvel way more deserving of 4* status. I just dont get it. There are toons already in the game that should be a 4* before Electra. Come on guys if your gunna pump out toons at this speed at least make them toons we actually want to play with and not crumby toons no body really cares about.
  • Wow! I had no idea Electra was SO powerful in the cannon of Marvel heroes to make her a 4 star.png worthy character here.
    And I thought hulk, thor and wolverine were nigh-on indestruble. Ha! Not a patch on this lady. Ive never read a comic with her in or seen a cartoon about her, i thought she was a little boring, no?
    what special powers does she have in the lore? (Rhetorical - i'll go ch3ck googl3)....

    Edit: icon_eek.gif

    oh! So she's really good at martial arts and has amatuer level telepathic abilities.

    yeah that sounds like she can go toe-to-toe with Lady Thorette & X-force, heck even, no-ones-favourite, Invisible Woman should be able to handle her with the defensive powers she exhibits in the comic's

    I hoped that 4 star.png 's would be rightfully selected as being really powerful and worthy of that status.
    But it looks completely arbitrary and on the whims of madmen. Throwing darts at the marvel hereos poster on the wall of the office may seem funny but it undermines the respect we feel you have for sacred Marvel lore.

    future hopes for 4 star.png 's
    Over-Powered/consistently troublesomes characters from the comics/cartoons.
    ODIN (instead of Lady Thor imo)

    Why the heck wasn't ultron released as 4 star.png ?

    sorry guys: Rant over

    psssst Marvel! Hey! Listen, I think demurge & D3 are working for DC: they're wrecking characters lol
  • [...]

    future hopes for 4 star.png 's
    Over-Powered/consistently troublesomes characters from the comics/cartoons.
    ODIN (instead of Lady Thor imo)

    Why the heck wasn't ultron released as 4 star.png ?

    Doctor Strange would be a good fit for a 4 Star imo.
  • I agree with general sentiment that its super disapointing that she is going to be a 4*

    they are super hard to collect, I havent been trying to finish my xforce for like 4 months and still need 2 black to respec him. and he still needs like 70k iso(which i have but planned on finished cmags first)

    other than yelena and hawkeye maybe beast, im pretty confident that any other character in the game would defeat her in a fight, If i am wrong about this, please point out to me

    please save 4* designation for characters like phoenix!!!
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ghost79 wrote:

    Also, I personally would rather that the devs fix IW to make her 4 star.png worthy before releasing more. Not that I don't love getting new characters, but IW barely rates 2 star.png IMO. I think all 4 :star : 's should be really powerful because, well, they are 4 : star : 's. And IW just doesn't seem to fit that group.

    I totally agree, I have a fully covered IW languishing away at122 because it is simply a waste of ISO at this time. The only time she sees use is if my daughters catch me sneaking a game in so I have to the use the "girl with the bubbles". Sigh , 3 year olds just don't understand the complexities of MPQ and an underpowered useless character.

    got similar problem myself. My nephew is a huge Marvel fan and likes to watch me to use Spiderman and Ock/Venom. I lose half the matches, but seeing him smile when Spidey fires off an ability is worth more than a hundred wins to me. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • iLL619
    iLL619 Posts: 170
    Ghost79 wrote:

    Also, I personally would rather that the devs fix IW to make her 4 star.png worthy before releasing more. Not that I don't love getting new characters, but IW barely rates 2 star.png IMO. I think all 4 :star : 's should be really powerful because, well, they are 4 : star : 's. And IW just doesn't seem to fit that group.

    I totally agree, I have a fully covered IW languishing away at122 because it is simply a waste of ISO at this time. The only time she sees use is if my daughters catch me sneaking a game in so I have to the use the "girl with the bubbles". Sigh , 3 year olds just don't understand the complexities of MPQ and an underpowered useless character.

    got similar problem myself. My nephew is a huge Marvel fan and likes to watch me to use Spiderman and Ock/Venom. I lose half the matches, but seeing him smile when Spidey fires off an ability is worth more than a hundred wins to me. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    That's what its all about lol.. Sometimes I use my favorite characters just to use them for fun