*** Wolverine (Patch) ***
I'm thinking of just letting heal sit at 3 and go all in on offense on 5r 5g. I thought about building a 'safe' character but then I realized if I want one I got about 5 other characters that are functionally the same.0
Phantron wrote:I'm thinking of just letting heal sit at 3 and go all in on offense on 5r 5g. I thought about building a 'safe' character but then I realized if I want one I got about 5 other characters that are functionally the same.
Not a bad line of thought. I think I might go that route with my 4* Wolvie. have him at 3/5/3 right now. My patch is already at 4/3/4 and with the covers I get tonight he will finalize at 5/3/5.0 -
Bab, about t get 5/5/5, im having second thoughts on 5/3/5, although i doubt itll matter since i im not likely to use him due to punisher filling a similarish role... I guess i should consider what build i would use for the inevitable patch buffed tourney, which is probably 3/5/5 for sustainability purposes? Then again, buffed best there is seems good too, although 14 red seems rough.0
I'm finally going to bite the bullet and settle on 5/5/3. Reasons:
-Red at lv3 feels totally useless. I don't want any of my skills to be useless. At lv4 it feels like reasonable damage, but lv5 is a big upgrade, so I don't think there's any reason not to go for the extra point.
-If I leave green at 3, then why am I playing this character? If I want a healthbag with a big red, I could just play Hulk or IM40. If I want strike damage, Punisher would be better. Green is the reason to play Patch; I want to set up huge turns with Loki or OBW matching purple. That's the fun of it.
-Yellow doesn't work at 4, it just doesn't heal for enough to be relevant. It's got to be either 3 or 5, and I'm giving up too much if I want to push it to 5. This makes him weak on defense in PVP, but due to cooperative strike tiles, he was probably weak on defense already.0 -
I 'm not sure what to do, I've got a 4/4/3 Patch. Two red and green were from the latest tourney rewards. Can't decide how to build.
I was thinking either of
4/4/5 defensive build
or 4/5/4 offensive build.
Hm probably will go with defense.0 -
I don't think regeneration matters as much as people think on defense. At least I've never started out attacking a character with regeneration unless I already have a ton of strike tiles up or I have enough big moves to finish. If you got 5y, you either don't have 5r (then Best There is don't hit hard enough to threaten instant kill with Wolverine as the remaining person) or 5g (which kind of defeats the purpose of playing this character at all). It probably matters for offense, but you shouldn't be playing Patch if you're looking for a tank.0
For me this character is something like conspiracy theory. Cmon character which is released without any test of mechanism of his skills? It was hard to find that his skills did not give strike tile for enemies? I wonder how it was tested.
People see now how Patch is uber beast now with so much strike tiles on board , does not even count how many of this strike tiles are green and how many purple. After Spidey healing or stun nerf it would be quite hard to heal characters (I think) so 6 purple strike tiles will be about 6*140 damage =~ 900 more damage from enemies. And it would be hard to find 6 green tiles bcos before you cast his green skill you will have to collect 9 greens first.
Loki + Patch? 15 blacks to change strike to protect? Really? collect 9 greens and then collect 15 blacks? Hard hard hard.
Play in levels with 240 daken and you will see how hard is to play against 6 strike enemy tiles (and daken strike tiles are much weaker then Patch's)
I went defensivly and build 3/5/5 but 5/3/5 is also not as bad build as I described
PS: Wolvie healing require more yellows on board then 2* wolvie so it is bad to compare his healing ability at level 3 with 2* wolvie so 5 in yellow is max imo0 -
I agree with Polkio.
I think one issue with collecting (11) black is that you are not focusing on collecting red/green, and most big attacks from the enemy come from those colors.
I'm still leaning to 5 yellow not for Patch to be really a tank, but just to have him up for more matches. (Anyways, he has to tank some colors for his red to be effective with other team members up).
I also feel people's experience with Patch+ OBW now give the wrong impression. Once Patch gets fixed and he has 5 green, don't expect to match most of the purple tiles in a few turns. Just look at how damn persistent daken's tiles can be, even if you want red. And don't forget OBW has fairly low hp... Patch's 100+ strike tile damage (on enemy side) will surely take some big chunks out of her health.
And Celerity, I would actually consider Hulk and IM40 to be fairly good companions to Patch. As long as Patch gets the red and green (if you put him center).
Anyways, IM40 would recharge, get Patch's red and green ready (assuming a few matches earlier, boosts, etc..). This will leave blue/yellow to Patch since IM40 is stunned. Thus Patch will have a bigger red. This synergy is kinda crazy actually. Whenever there is a black match, do it, and Hulk will get angry, generating a lot of green for patch.
Max Level hulk needs >489.4 damage to proc anger. 3 Green strike tiles gives enemies 148*3=444 damage. Add onto that match damage, and also red tiles if you get a red off and Hulk will always trigger anger.
Anyways, I think Hulk's red is kind of clunky (taking away green), which is why I use him for anger.0 -
I think Green power will be surely modified soon after fixing this forced bug...0
So if two of my teammates go down and patch is the only one left, does that mean the red will trigger for all the tiles on the board? since his icon will be on everything?0
Damn, the more I read, the more I'm confused.
Yellow at 5 is really mandatory for me... but I can't decide between red and green.
The thought of giving the enemy team 6 attack tiles does not excite me one bit. Red is so costly on the other hand... it'd better be a one hit KO move.
Sitting at 3/3/3 with 3 more covers in the waiting... I'll have to make a decision soon0 -
Get a Patch to max green, get a Loki to max black, Stock green until you have enough black, in one turn get massive boosted attack and impenetrable shield.
Enjoy0 -
I personally don't have Loki, not a single cover yet. So that's not an option. And I'm also perplexed what to do with leveling Patch. Currently I'm at 3/3/3 and sitting on one red cover, so decisions have to be made soon. Probably after the end of current PvE campaign so I still have few days left.
At the moment I'm leaning towards going 3/5/5 since yellow's regen is tempting and his red ability might be a blast under right circumstances (and it benefits the opponent less). Although... his green ability is right now extremely OP and might be useful even after the bug fix. But the green's also kinda kamikaze ability that might backbite you sometimes depending on your luck. Gah! Just can't figure this out.0 -
Psychosocial wrote:Damn, the more I read, the more I'm confused.
Yellow at 5 is really mandatory for me... but I can't decide between red and green.
The thought of giving the enemy team 6 attack tiles does not excite me one bit. Red is so costly on the other hand... it'd better be a one hit KO move.
Sitting at 3/3/3 with 3 more covers in the waiting... I'll have to make a decision soon
LOL. It's true that the more you read, the further away I find myself from a decision. If your covers don't expire before the end of the event I would advice keeping him 3/3/3 for now in case they release the fixed version once the event ends. Then those who have gone with a build can share their experience to help the rest of us.
I stand where everyone else is. Being terrified of what 6 Strike tiles for the opponent can mean for you, somewhat disappointed by the high cost of his red, and puzzled about whether the high heal is useful to him (with 5800 health and 2 other abilities that scream offense) or not.
I think a 4/4/5 build comes with some issues.
- 4 in green still gives the opponent 4 tiles instead of 6 in level 5. If there is an ideal time to use the green ability that is when there are 3-4 or less purple on the board or maybe if there is an obvious purple match waiting for you. The thing is that if 6 purple on the board is a rare thing, then 4 purple even more rare. This means that the opponent will receive the same number of Strike tiles as you almost every time you use the ability. At level 5 if you can remove some of the enemy strike tiles that leaves you with a decent advantage. Although I believe that protecting 6 tiles will be significantly more difficult than people think.
- 4 in red is a waste imo. level 4 gives around +37% to the damage compared to level 3 while level 5 gives around +60% compared to level 4. My guess is that his ability at level 4 will be inferior to other red abilities. If not inferior to red abilities we currently have, then to abilities of new heroes. However if you don't have another red ability in your team, then it's not too shabby. It will be around 136 damage for each tile bearing his icon so with 20 tiles it deals 2720. With 4 Strike tiles on the board (from 1 use of his level 4 green ability -> 592) this would do around 3312 damage.
With a 3/5/5 build the damage from the red ability with 1 use of green ability would be 216*20 + 3*148 = 4764 damage. Almost a +45% compared to the 4/4/5 build. Of course the use of the green ability would probably happen much earlier so there might not be 4/3 Strike on the board when you use the red but you will already have benefited from the Strike tiles in the previous turns, so the 1 additional should may the difference we see here.
EDIT: I believe an issue I will have with the fixed Patch is that Wolverine should not behave as a mastermind, planning when to attack, but as a frenzied beast slashing the enemies to bits.
EDIT 2: One correction about the damage comparison since I forgot to add the direct damage from green.
With a green and red ability back to back, the 4/4/5 build would do 1780+3312=5092 damage while the 3/5/5 would deal 1780+4764=6544 so it is a +30%.0 -
Since a lot of Patch covers can be harvested, i suggest not selling off unused covers, but build an alt version.
With the bugfix, also, changes may come to Patch. (like less drawback on green).
By the way, i'm advising 5/3/5.
5g: good damage, drawback can be avoided by loki or stunners
3r: dont have to care about owned tiles
5y: On next turn he can heal to max, if he recieved damage by his green.0 -
Going 3/5/5, planning on putting him alongside GSBW and Loki, so it's obvious who will be getting the greens (unless I have enough black for shenanigans). The red damage is obscene in the right team composition, whereas the green damage doesn't ever go up (and is still respectable for 9 green, sheesh). Only difference is 2 strike tiles (or 2 strike and 2 protect, if you're saving up for Loki). In either case, you're going to be very hard to kill.
Other option for shenanigans is Loki/Patch/Iron Man Mk40 - get 12 yellow, blast your recharge, use the red you just acquired to instant-kill someone on their team now that IM40 isn't probably taking up red. I still prefer the former team, but truthfully they're somewhat interchangeable playstyles (referring to swapping IM40 with GSBW) - one ramps via yellow into slam dunking, the other is more gradual with Patch eating up all the hits, before violently exploding. I don't like having an unused color though, so I think I'd rather go with the IM40 build.0 -
Psychosocial wrote:My guess is that his ability at level 4 will be inferior to other red abilities. If not inferior to red abilities we currently have, then to abilities of new heroes.
I compared it with similar costly reds:
http://imgur.com/OW4keAq0 -
Kamahl-FoK wrote:Going 3/5/5, planning on putting him alongside GSBW and Loki, so it's obvious who will be getting the greens (unless I have enough black for shenanigans). The red damage is obscene in the right team composition, whereas the green damage doesn't ever go up (and is still respectable for 9 green, sheesh). Only difference is 2 strike tiles (or 2 strike and 2 protect, if you're saving up for Loki). In either case, you're going to be very hard to kill.
Other option for shenanigans is Loki/Patch/Iron Man Mk40 - get 12 yellow, blast your recharge, use the red you just acquired to instant-kill someone on their team now that IM40 isn't probably taking up red. I still prefer the former team, but truthfully they're somewhat interchangeable playstyles (referring to swapping IM40 with GSBW) - one ramps via yellow into slam dunking, the other is more gradual with Patch eating up all the hits, before violently exploding. I don't like having an unused color though, so I think I'd rather go with the IM40 build.
Actually the differnce is 3 strike tiles. Lvl 3 gives 3, 4 gives 4 and 5 gives 6. Also, with the IM40 team, you really think you'll be using blue? I agree the synergy is great, but you said you like to be able to use all colours.0 -
Shamusyeah wrote:Actually the differnce is 3 strike tiles. Lvl 3 gives 3, 4 gives 4 and 5 gives 6. Also, with the IM40 team, you really think you'll be using blue? I agree the synergy is great, but you said you like to be able to use all colours.
As long as it's the same damage, the difference isn't huge to me - honestly I'd prefer it to be less strike tiles (as I'm aiming for), so that I won't be as reluctant to use the skill without Loki's black skill up and running. Ever since the Rags nerf, I easily find myself hitting a large amount of colors I don't gobble up - and I'll just be hitting that number even faster with Recharge, since nobody else will be able to eat it. My only regret is that I can't really run Spiderman with this setup, as his yellow will override Patch's, but then again I never intended to use Spiderman and Patch together (outside of this current PvE tournament). I'd rather just run Spiderman with Magneto and Punisher or somesuch, but those are all very far-off dreams.0
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