Behind the Scenes of a Ragequit : Arktos

edited December 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Okay guys, the time has come for me to ragequit also. It will be just another veteran to leave the game.

This Lady Thor PvE made me realize that you can't compete if you want a life. Now you MUST NOT sleep. How far are they going to go ???

Since the Anniversary, the pace has been terrible and as time passes, the more this game is requiring, making it the experience close to slavery.

Two weeks ago, I started reading Marvel Comics and I enjoy that much more than playing a game that takes me for a fool and cash machine.

I voiced my opinion out throughout the forum, so people know why I quit.

I am sick of the hypocrisy. The latest Q&A discussion was a joke. "Why are there so many characters released ? == Because the devs enjoy them". I feel insulted when I read this, considering the time and money is needed to max characters. Now we know David truly is integrated to D3P.

So, I'm going to hand my account over. For those who know, that's the biggest roster in game, and it's a once of a lifetime opportunity for a Hard Core Player.

Here is the list :

All characters maxed (from 1* to 4*) and some maxed duplicates :

2 additional Hoods (for a total of 3)

1 additional maxed of :

Human Torch

Fully covered (all covers) additional of :

Storm 1*
Storm 2*
Daken 3*

And some more characters that are close to be fully covered :

Captain Marvel
Invisible Woman
Devil Dino

A total of 80 slots.

Until this roster finds a good home, I will keep on playing so that the new characters are maxed as usual.

You can pm for details, and considering the amount of money I have spent, I will ask for a compensation.

Thank you for your interest.

One last word : Shame on you D3 to abuse your customers this way just because they are addicted. I've never seen anything like it, and hope I will never see it.

EDIT : For those who would want the roster, and would like more duplicates maxed, the sales could help, so please contact me before the end of the sales.


  • DrNitroman
    DrNitroman Posts: 966 Critical Contributor
    Farewell Arktos.

    While I agree on the insane increase in the pace of the game lately (related to release of new characters) I still hope that ending time option will be released soon for PvE as suggested by recent answers. This could allow a better agreement between life & MPQ schedules in a close future icon_e_confused.gif
  • DrNitroman wrote:
    Farewell Arktos.

    While I agree on the insane increase in the pace of the game lately (related to release of new characters) I still hope that ending time option will be released soon for PvE as suggested by recent answers. This could allow a better agreement between life & MPQ schedules in a close future icon_e_confused.gif

    In the current PvE (it was the same for Thick as Thieves), you need to play around the clock to be in the Top 10. So no matter where you are in the world, the end time is not the problem.
  • Anyone that doesn't enjoy PvE then can always not play it icon_e_wink.gif

    I usually avoid it competitively, but made an exception for this one! Just get the characters in PvP after instead.

    I well understand the addiction but I'm not foolish enough to blame the game for that rather than myself icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Anyone that doesn't enjoy PvE then can always not play it icon_e_wink.gif

    I usually avoid it competitively, but made an exception for this one! Just get the characters in PvP after instead.

    I well understand the addiction but I'm not foolish enough to blame the game for that rather than myself icon_e_biggrin.gif

    You DO know that Lady Thor will change the metagame in 16 hours.

    No wonder why everyone is playing crazily this week end.

    When you see the Djangos so high in a PvE, there must be a reason...
  • Sorry Arktos I didn't realise you were a "meta-game" player icon_e_wink.gif

    Never see you or your pseudonym venser at top scores so not sure why it would matter so much to you to wait a couple of weeks for lady thor if you hate playing that much??
  • As soon as I saw that Lady Thor was the reward for this PvE, I knew straight away that the fight for her would be insane. Hell, I do one run through at the start of each sub, and then in the last 4 hours I get the rest of my points. I have no reason to literally lose sleep over a game and I do agree that the character release rate is ridiculous.
  • Sorry Arktos I didn't realise you were a "meta-game" player icon_e_wink.gif

    Never see you or your pseudonym venser at top scores so not sure why it would matter so much to you to wait a couple of weeks for lady thor if you hate playing that much??

    I've been Top 5 ever since the new reward structure started, and been Top 10 in PvEs as long as I can remember. You need to play the metagame to be Top 5.

    While we are at it, shield hopping Sentry/Hood/boost doesn't make anyone an expert at metagame icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • As soon as I saw that Lady Thor was the reward for this PvE, I knew straight away that the fight for her would be insane. Hell, I do one run through at the start of each sub, and then in the last 4 hours I get the rest of my points. I have no reason to literally lose sleep over a game and I do agree that the character release rate is ridiculous.

    Apart from the Alliance reward you may get, you'll end up getting Captain Marvel, not Lady Thor. So, you are playing the PvE casually, you are not trying to get Lady Thor covers.
  • Taken from the Meet Groot Event Thread. I could not better say it myself :
    It's 4 in the morning and I'm still grinding these stupid nodes every 2.5 hours and I just threw my tablet into the wall because of the tinykitty AP feeders on the Doom node (including the one who shouldn't even be generating black, but stealthily is doing so in this node so that Doom can use it...

    I bet some dev got a hard-on at *that* idea).

    I hate everything this game turns my life into.

    And I'm going to be stuck doing the same damn thing tomorrow for anything useful. I hate this game so much, it could be so great and fun.

    I love Marvel, and I love Puzzle Quest. But instead it's nothing but pounding my head against the wall.

    I wish there were some way for me to win anything that didn't involve destroying my life over a damn game.

    I wish I could play when I want to. I wish there was a real story mode, the best times I had with this game were the prologue and nothing's been as fun since then.

    I hoped there would be actual chapters that could be played for decent rewards but it's just this mindless event hamster wheel.

    I hate it and I hate myself because I keep going back to it. Every time I think "maybe they'll have figured it out; maybe scaling and MMR will be fixed; maybe I can play for 30 minutes and achieve something" and absolutely none of it ever comes true.

    I just don't know if I'll ever be happy playing this game again.

    I'm sorry I keep tinykitty up your thread with my whining, but I want this to be a great game and I hope that someone realizes there fundamental problems that keep holding it back.

    I'm sure you guys are trying to be nice by offering advice about the way it's "supposed" to work, but what works for you just doesn't work for someone who can't be attached to their phone every 2.5 hours, or have every character open to them.

    Or maybe I'm just too dumb to understand all the unwritten meta-gaming that the devs expect from us. I don't know any more.

    Again, sorry for everything guys.
  • lol just take it easy if you can't grind. Like Mikey said it's not the game. I have decided to not play much PVP but concentrate on new covers for PVE. This event the demand is high so the grind is high. I won't be doing any events now for next season unless they are new covers so I am happy to grind away.
  • beemand2g wrote:
    lol just take it easy if you can't grind. Like Mikey said it's not the game. I have decided to not play much PVP but concentrate on new covers for PVE. This event the demand is high so the grind is high. I won't be doing any events now for next season unless they are new covers so I am happy to grind away.

    For every PvE without Rubberbanding, if you want to get all covers, you need to grind day and night.

    2.5 hours refresh is insane.

    It should be either 2.5 hours with rubberbanding or 6-8 hours without.

    You can't require thousands of people to play around the clock to be "equal" in the end...
  • Every event has rubberbanding it just kicks in later these days. I haven't had to grind 2.5hours and I have placed top 10 all events. Apart from this event where I have had to work harder because more people are grinding. Your grinding yourself to death if your doing that every PVE. You could always join the events late and see if you get a fresh bracket. At the end of the day d3 have to find a happy medium for everyone which ain't easy. I bid you farewell as it's not nice to see veterans retire but really you can relax abit more as you could just buy the covers come end of the season. I am sure you could place for a single red cover and the alliance red is maybe in reach as well. Season end also happens soon so you can get your femthor blue as well. Your gonna insta max the cover so why your moaning I don't know. A lot of players have to grind hard for ISO so won't have femthor before you. Like I said before just relax and you'll have more fun with the game.
  • Not the pve problem. Its the reward problem. Too many people want the lady thor. Thats why.
  • We are supposed to be later since the event is ending in a few hours, and there still isn't any rubberbanding. That's why you see the same people at the same rank. Unless some stop playing.

    You are right about avoiding the PvEs and buying the covers, but in the end, what's the point ?

    I used to do like Cognoisseur. Play a PvE and instamax a character. Then, I listened to people here on the forum and in my Alliances, and won the covers in the PvPs, and bought the missing ones. So instead of buying 10, I am buying 3-4. Makes a difference when there are so many characters released.

    My budget has been divided by 10 since June, but lately, they have intensified the competition. I'd like to understand why, since most of the characters are useless...
  • Kcwei83 wrote:
    Not the pve problem. Its the reward problem. Too many people want the lady thor. Thats why.

    Of course, but even though we told them numerous times to change it, they don't care and intensify the competition.

    Now you need to be Top 5 in a PvE to get all 3 colours.

    And they do not reveal the REAL abilities and strength of a character before it is officially released. Because we would find out it is ****.

    Tell me about Mystique, Groot...
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Unless youre in a death bracket with locked or sham who doesnt sleep, you dont need to stay up to grind. I find it unlikely that any one bracket has 5 ppl who dont sleep, so the requirements are "just" grinding 2.5 hours during the day, which is pretty par for the course.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    arktos1971 wrote:
    Kcwei83 wrote:
    Not the pve problem. Its the reward problem. Too many people want the lady thor. Thats why.

    Of course, but even though we told them numerous times to change it, they don't care and intensify the competition.

    Now you need to be Top 5 in a PvE to get all 3 colours.

    And they do not reveal the REAL abilities and strength of a character before it is officially released. Because we would find out it is ****.

    Tell me about Mystique, Groot...

    You need top 10 for all ladythor covers given last seasons reward. Top 50 counting this seasons reward: you would just buy the rest of the covers so i dont get the complaining: top 50 seems pretty doable even without grinding every refresh.
  • I'll give u $0.87?
  • Unless youre in a death bracket with locked or sham who doesnt sleep, you dont need to stay up to grind. I find it unlikely that any one bracket has 5 ppl who dont sleep, so the requirements are "just" grinding 2.5 hours during the day, which is pretty par for the course.

    I joined the PvE with 14 hours left on the sub, to avoid the Hard Core grinders.

    The Top 5 I am in is the same since yesterday, which proves the guys there are not sleeping either. Many guys tell the same thing.
  • You need top 10 for all ladythor covers given last seasons reward. Top 50 counting this seasons reward: you would just buy the rest of the covers so i dont get the complaining: top 50 seems pretty doable even without grinding every refresh.

    I'm not complaining about this PvE in particuliar, but with the situation which started with the anniversary. And this is what I explained in my OP.
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