Smash Hit - Nov 19-21 - Season VIII



  • mags1587
    mags1587 Posts: 1,020 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm currently first with 690 points. End time is in 19 hours (7pm est). This is a weird event. The good news is I found a 50 point match so at least I know they're out there in my shard.
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't like this event.

    Wolveroach is at 391, #47 in his bracket / shard with 24.5 hours to go. I have a level 66 2/1/2 Hulk, and maxed 2* Thor and OBW as the A-Team.

    All I see in one node is matches worth 35+ points but they are way too strong. Not the official wall, but close.

    In other nodes I see the same teams over and over. The ones I think I can beat are ones I shouldn't try to. Because although they present a loaner Hulk and some medium level 2*, when I check the roster there's a fairly well covered Hulk and a much better roster than the team suggests. It's an underpowered team, I guess to line up retaliations later. Not something I've come across before (not as Wolveroach, anyway).

    It's looking like even 400 might be unattainable without serious boosts, and keeping it is not going to be possible without shielding.

    Edit: hit some low-point targets, got to 437, I wonder how long I'll stay there, back to playing Moon Roach.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Haven't seen low scores like that at the top of one of my brackets since seasons started lol.
    Leader is still sub 900 with less than 12 hours to go.

    Really curious to see how the final hours will play out - I'm guessing since everyone picked the most convenient time, people will start climbing in the final hours.
  • wymtime wrote:
    Such a slooooooowwwww climb in this event. If I use my normaly climbing team of Patch and Daken I make Hulk very angry so I am using Hood/Lcap. The only good thing about the time slice and the fact that everyone got put into a bracket right away is it does not matter when I start, but it is soooooooo slow. Shield hopping to 1300 for X-Force is going to suck going against 166 HULK's.

    I'm not even sure the best way to do this. Sentry/Hood doesn't seem to be an option. I'm shield hopping because I really need X-force covers, so I can't use him, but I have pretty much everyone else maxed. I have been going with boosted Thor and Black Panther, but there must be a faster team. How do you shield hop against a boosted Hulk?

    I really don't understand how someone can have 1800 points while everyone else has 800-900. Did they really win 300 three point matches? It feels like shenanigans.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    rooter wrote:
    I really don't understand how someone can have 1800 points while everyone else has 800-900. Did they really win 300 three point matches? It feels like shenanigans.
    All it takes is two people to climb together and hop off each other.
    That, and about a gazillion HPs for shields since you'll he hopping a _lot_.
  • ironsmudgie
    ironsmudgie Posts: 155 Tile Toppler
    wymtime wrote:
    Such a slooooooowwwww climb in this event. If I use my normaly climbing team of Patch and Daken I make Hulk very angry so I am using Hood/Lcap. The only good thing about the time slice and the fact that everyone got put into a bracket right away is it does not matter when I start, but it is soooooooo slow. Shield hopping to 1300 for X-Force is going to suck going against 166 HULK's.

    I'm in the slice that ends at 4pm est.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    Points are pretty thin on the ground. Several xmen in my time slice and bracket, but they're all shielded up. Meanwhile every time I win a match, someone hits me for a close to equal value. About 5 times so far. If not for my having found a few matches that ended up worth more than indicated, I'd be stuck unable to cross 700. As it is, I've stopped for now at 728.

    (Thanks a lot, The Valeyard. You broke my streak and got more points off me than I earned. :p)

    I'll be trying again a bit later, but it's a real slog.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    wymtime wrote:
    Such a slooooooowwwww climb in this event. If I use my normaly climbing team of Patch and Daken I make Hulk very angry so I am using Hood/Lcap. The only good thing about the time slice and the fact that everyone got put into a bracket right away is it does not matter when I start, but it is soooooooo slow. Shield hopping to 1300 for X-Force is going to suck going against 166 HULK's.

    I'm in the slice that ends at 4pm est.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    rooter wrote:
    wymtime wrote:
    Such a slooooooowwwww climb in this event. If I use my normaly climbing team of Patch and Daken I make Hulk very angry so I am using Hood/Lcap. The only good thing about the time slice and the fact that everyone got put into a bracket right away is it does not matter when I start, but it is soooooooo slow. Shield hopping to 1300 for X-Force is going to suck going against 166 HULK's.

    I'm not even sure the best way to do this. Sentry/Hood doesn't seem to be an option. I'm shield hopping because I really need X-force covers, so I can't use him, but I have pretty much everyone else maxed. I have been going with boosted Thor and Black Panther, but there must be a faster team. How do you shield hop against a boosted Hulk?

    I really don't understand how someone can have 1800 points while everyone else has 800-900. Did they really win 300 three point matches? It feels like shenanigans.

    X-Force Hood is the best against a super Hulk. Sergical strike destroys all the green so anger does nothing. You then get enough green for X-Force. Even if you don't down hulk he is preety Tinykittyed up. The issue is for me and everyone like me who does not have enough black Xforce covers shield hopping sucks. I am tryin to stick with Lcap and Hood to keep climbing. the problem with Sentry is it takes 2 WR to kill super Hulk. I have gotten a new apreciation for Hulk Smash though. With Lcap and Hood I have gotten up to 30 Green and even at level 3 red that is over 12k damage to a single target. Just make sure there are less than 10 green on the board.
    For hopping I don't know if it is better to go with Lcap, Sentry or Lthor. Lthor could be faster, but you can still be hit with Anger. The good news is that Sentry WR with Sacrafice does not make Hulk angry.
  • laughingMAN
    laughingMAN Posts: 65 Match Maker
    Did this event end early for anyone else?
  • Demolira
    Demolira Posts: 78 Match Maker
    A coworker of mine said she hit a Saturday end time, and can't find the event now. Needless to say, she's not very happy.
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    I just went to go join Smash Hit on my main account and the event is greyed out...

    This needs to be fixed ASAP!

    Edit: Restarted game a couple times and it seems to have fixed itself.
  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    This event has taken me to the verge of quitting

    1. No points for the first five matches
    2. Cycling endlessly and getting the same three low value but high challenge targets again and again
    3. Being forced to enter the event ending at 12am UK time because I couldn't pick the final ending option

    And fantastic timing to introduce all these issues in an event where I would love either the 1100 award or the 1300 award - great work mpq team
  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    Since posting I have also been hit, causing point loss, after shielding
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hooray death bracket!

    1739 for top 5
    1346 for top 10
    884 for top 23, but I fully expect my 930 to drop out by the time it's over.
  • Infrared
    Infrared Posts: 240 Tile Toppler
    I managed to pick the final end time by dragging the list stupidly high and then frantically tapping on the last item as the list dropped back down. Seems like many others also managed something similar. But still much fewer than the other time slices, judging by the scores in my bracket.

    #1: 1032
    #5: 947
    #10: 779

    Finding nodes with good points is hard and this will hurt our season scores. I actually wouldn't mind being in a death bracket right now, since I don't need the GSBW reward.
  • I'm 929 and 2nd in my bracket (I'm in the last time shard). It is a target poor environment, nothing over 7pts. While I'll be top 5 I'm not doing much for my alliance with this pitiful a score. Sounds like time shard 4 was the place to be, there was lots of 1300+ targets so I hear.

    Will have to try later. I had a feeling this sorry have thing might happen. Optional times is a mixed blessing.

    The last shard is great for me being in Australia but sounds like I'm going to have to choose less convenient shards.

    Note: apologies for likely messing up the bracket/shard/trailer/appartment/hotel/kennel nomenclature. I just want to find a home where I can hit and be hit in relative competitive peace.
  • Agreed Infrared and yeah I got it by frantic dragging. Also sorry for targeting you so many times, even 20pt matches are neigh on impossible to find!!!
  • Infrared
    Infrared Posts: 240 Tile Toppler
    craybe wrote:
    Agreed Infrared and yeah I got it by frantic dragging. Also sorry for targeting you so many times, even 20pt matches are neigh on impossible to find!!!

    It's okay, I shielded after your first hit and already had you queued up before that. So with the retal node, I had you queued up twice at the same time. So it's a net gain for me after hitting you back. Didn't see your post until after I retaliated. I hope you were shielded by then.
  • mjh
    mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
    by far the most ridiculous pvp I have played in a long time.

    I am in the bracket ending at 1am EST with TheLeftist, CaptainAmurika and ThePolarCow as the top3 leaders. All of them don't need the icon_wolverine.pngblackflag.png 1300 cover. Upon further investigation only 1 person besides myself in top10 needs it.

    I spent over 1000 imcoin.png hopping to get this as it's my last to make him 5/5/3. Worth it? Yes, but it should not have taken this many hops. Probably hopped at least 7 times, at the end I was hopping with 1 match because the attacks were getting stupid. I have gotten 1300 before and not spent even half what I did today.

    When 4hor covers come into play I can't even imagine what this is going to be like.