*** Gamora (Guardians of the Galaxy) ***
IM40 Recharge is good enough for Patch, it's good enough for Gamora. Of course it won't charge black unless it's covered terribly. Still, 10 Yellow for 9 red and 9 Blue. I already posted this in the theme teams thread but IM40/Gamora/Rocket & Groot is not a bad choice.0
Lerysh wrote:IM40 Recharge is good enough for Patch, it's good enough for Gamora. Of course it won't charge black unless it's covered terribly. Still, 10 Yellow for 9 red and 9 Blue. I already posted this in the theme teams thread but IM40/Gamora/Rocket & Groot is not a bad choice.0
Lerysh wrote:IM40 Recharge is good enough for Patch, it's good enough for Gamora. Of course it won't charge black unless it's covered terribly. Still, 10 Yellow for 9 red and 9 Blue. I already posted this in the theme teams thread but IM40/Gamora/Rocket & Groot is not a bad choice.0
Here's the simple hard truth. If you want to maximize Bad Reputation you have a few options you can
1. Use her with underleveled 3 and 4*'s or run her with 2*'s which for transitioning players Gamora is a God send and I think we need to look at that.
2. Only use her in buffed formats i.e. PvP or a PvE featured
3. Be very creative with your character comp for S.H.I.E.L.D. and non essential character PvE nodes
Those are the only 3 ways you can get Bad Reputation to work to the max, for established rosters which are a large majority of the forum posters you try to use her with creativity or you sit her until she's needed.
Now Lerysh had an intersting use for her with Patch and Daken which I then tried out, and yeah unless you have her out front of Patch her black is unusable, literally unuseable, you have no tiles. However having her hid behind Patch was nice as she took no damage and just kept jabbing with Razor's Edge.
Right now, 12/9/14 she's not super useful, however with new characters, nerfs, buffs she more than likely will see play eventually. But she's B or C team material. If you delete all the 4*'s then I do see some play for her as you can mix her with Groot and Thor or Black Panther and actually get black to work.
Essentially you have 2 ways to build her, Utlility which is 5/5/3 or damage dealing 3/5/5. 4/5/4 would be in the damage dealing build too, you opt for more damage on green for less damage on black. I could see 5/3/5 in some situations but I think overall that greatly reduces her damage output.
For me right now, I'm more scared of her stunning 2 of my guys for 2 turns if she's on defense then I am with her creating strike tiles which I could blow up with multiple characters0 -
Phaserhawk wrote:Here's the simple hard truth. If you want to maximize Bad Reputation you have a few options you can
1. Use her with underleveled 3 and 4*'s or run her with 2*'s which for transitioning players Gamora is a God send and I think we need to look at that.
2. Only use her in buffed formats i.e. PvP or a PvE featured
3. Be very creative with your character comp for S.H.I.E.L.D. and non essential character PvE nodes
Those are the only 3 ways you can get Bad Reputation to work to the max, for established rosters which are a large majority of the forum posters you try to use her with creativity or you sit her until she's needed.
Now Lerysh had an intersting use for her with Patch and Daken which I then tried out, and yeah unless you have her out front of Patch her black is unusable, literally unuseable, you have no tiles. However having her hid behind Patch was nice as she took no damage and just kept jabbing with Razor's Edge.
Right now, 12/9/14 she's not super useful, however with new characters, nerfs, buffs she more than likely will see play eventually. But she's B or C team material. If you delete all the 4*'s then I do see some play for her as you can mix her with Groot and Thor or Black Panther and actually get black to work.
Essentially you have 2 ways to build her, Utlility which is 5/5/3 or damage dealing 3/5/5. 4/5/4 would be in the damage dealing build too, you opt for more damage on green for less damage on black. I could see 5/3/5 in some situations but I think overall that greatly reduces her damage output.
For me right now, I'm more scared of her stunning 2 of my guys for 2 turns if she's on defense then I am with her creating strike tiles which I could blow up with multiple characters
In the daken/patch/x composition you'd be stupid to use her instead of psylocke. If we're talking featured she should be always 5/5/3. Her black is simply too expensive. At that price we have too many blacks that straight up kill someone, there is no room for "i hope there are enough yellows for this to matter in the next few turns". And of course hoarding red until you cna fire off black beats the entire point of having an efficient red skill.0 -
ark123 wrote:Phaserhawk wrote:Here's the simple hard truth. If you want to maximize Bad Reputation you have a few options you can
1. Use her with underleveled 3 and 4*'s or run her with 2*'s which for transitioning players Gamora is a God send and I think we need to look at that.
2. Only use her in buffed formats i.e. PvP or a PvE featured
3. Be very creative with your character comp for S.H.I.E.L.D. and non essential character PvE nodes
Those are the only 3 ways you can get Bad Reputation to work to the max, for established rosters which are a large majority of the forum posters you try to use her with creativity or you sit her until she's needed.
Now Lerysh had an intersting use for her with Patch and Daken which I then tried out, and yeah unless you have her out front of Patch her black is unusable, literally unuseable, you have no tiles. However having her hid behind Patch was nice as she took no damage and just kept jabbing with Razor's Edge.
Right now, 12/9/14 she's not super useful, however with new characters, nerfs, buffs she more than likely will see play eventually. But she's B or C team material. If you delete all the 4*'s then I do see some play for her as you can mix her with Groot and Thor or Black Panther and actually get black to work.
Essentially you have 2 ways to build her, Utlility which is 5/5/3 or damage dealing 3/5/5. 4/5/4 would be in the damage dealing build too, you opt for more damage on green for less damage on black. I could see 5/3/5 in some situations but I think overall that greatly reduces her damage output.
For me right now, I'm more scared of her stunning 2 of my guys for 2 turns if she's on defense then I am with her creating strike tiles which I could blow up with multiple characters
In the daken/patch/x composition you'd be stupid to use her instead of psylocke. If we're talking featured she should be always 5/5/3. Her black is simply too expensive. At that price we have too many blacks that straight up kill someone, there is no room for "i hope there are enough yellows for this to matter in the next few turns". And of course hoarding red until you cna fire off black beats the entire point of having an efficient red skill.
It's not stupid to run her over Psylocke if you can keep her completely hidden and still have access to a very strong red. You give up Psi-Katana but gain Razor's edge, because I generally didn't want to match red with Psylocke because it exposed her and wasnt worth losing some strike tiles., the rest I agree with you.0 -
I don't know why, but I really love her SkullCracker animation. When the AI has enough AP and jumps at me like that I'm somehow delighted by getting my skull cracked!0
I've been messing around with her in SHIELD and while she's underleveled and undercovered I can honestly say she's much better than people think. I'm opting for a 5/5/3 build after toyed around with her. Her red is just solid, I've ran her with the big 4 strike tile creators, Blade/Daken/Patch/Black Panther and she plays suprisingly well with all of them. Beleive it or not Blade is actually really good with her assuming you have Blade 3/5/5, the cheapness of her red means you don't need to match a whole lot thus keeping red tiles in high enough numbers to trigger The Thirst, the only issue is Blade tanks Black and it would be better if Gamora did. With Patch she is scary because she's completely invisible behind him, however it really weakens her Black since he tanks 2 of her 3 colors. Black Panther is awesome either one can tank Black and once you get out the Battleplan strike tiles Razor becomes painful, they are probably the most compatible since they don't overlap and if you really like Bad Reputation you can have Gamora tank and not lose anything to BP. Daken gives her probably the most utility, he tanks black, he boosts red by her chasing green, and because strike tiles are free with him you don't feel bad popping red tiles to get the AP.
Summation: She's actually pretty balanced, she fills that tanky/support role very nicely. Her Green is pure utility, the damage is nice but the ability to stun 2 guys is awesome, I can't wait till I can stunn them for 2 turns, I view her black as the *oh ****!!* skill in that if I just lost my team I can use Bad Reputation and put some hurt on and hopefully win the game, it's how I use TBTI, just like Patch, Gamora has a high chance of being the last man standing in which case their skills get powered to the max, the only reason you would ever want those skills maxed though is if you constantly lose characters in matches and are not close to winning but actually need that raw power. Trust me, when the next PvP with her roles around, those that opt for the 5/5/3 build over the 3/5/5 build will get more defensive wins because that 2 turn stun of 2 characters is deadly, facing her in Gauntlet with that was terrifying. She won't be seen much outside of PvE though due to her skill set but in PvE she will prove to be an assest especially with Wolverine soon to be an enemy which means X-Force will be out of the loop a bit and a mass team stun might be nice.0 -
I am updating the best character combo thread.
Now that people have played with her for a while, what are her best pairings and trios?
Thanks!0 -
I don't have Gamora in my roster. What do people think about Gamora 3/5/5 + Ares + Hood? Gamora gets 4 colors (edit: TUs don't count). Go for Bad Reputation then spam Ares green and Gamora red. Lacks blue & purple active powers.0
Ozark Boatswain wrote:I don't have Gamora in my roster. What do people think about Gamora 3/5/5 + Ares + Hood? Gamora gets 4 colors plus TU which I think counts. Green is usually used by Ares, Gamora uses red and black. Lacks blue & purple active powers.
I don't understand your team....but regardless you could do better than Ares and Gamora.0 -
Ozark Boatswain wrote:I don't have Gamora in my roster. What do people think about Gamora 3/5/5 + Ares + Hood? Gamora gets 4 colors plus TU which I think counts. Green is usually used by Ares, Gamora uses red and black. Lacks blue & purple active powers.
Gams, hood, obw probably works okay.0 -
TUs don't count as 'bearing a character's emblem', at least it never did for TBTI which has the same wording.0
Pwuz_ wrote:rkd80 wrote:Same thing with Deadpool, very heavily featured healer. Spiderman & Hulk are known for their healing powers too, but not to the same absurd degree as Wolverine, Deadpool, and Groot.
Uh Spiderman just healed from being dead (in New U). I think that qualifies as "absurd degree of healing". Heck that even beats Logan's regenerating from one red blood cell (which oddly has no DNA in it). LOL0 -
yogi_ wrote:I am updating the best character combo thread.
Now that people have played with her for a while, what are her best pairings and trios?
2* characters, after you've run through every other good 3* character and all your health packs. Just random 2* characters, throw them all in there.0 -
MaskedMan wrote:Pwuz_ wrote:rkd80 wrote:Same thing with Deadpool, very heavily featured healer. Spiderman & Hulk are known for their healing powers too, but not to the same absurd degree as Wolverine, Deadpool, and Groot.
Uh Spiderman just healed from being dead (in New U). I think that qualifies as "absurd degree of healing". Heck that even beats Logan's regenerating from one red blood cell (which oddly has no DNA in it). LOL
Not Thanos though, who straight up came back from nothing because Death wouldn't take him. Now THAT is immortality0 -
yogi_ wrote:I am updating the best character combo thread.
Now that people have played with her for a while, what are her best pairings and trios?
For Gamora I think a good 3* pairing would be IM40 and Groot. It is not becuase he generates a lot of red AP and stuns himself. Drop and have enough black for Gamora and let IM40 stun himself. You then fire Blamo and clear the board to bring more yellow and you can now drop a ton of strike tiles and have enough red for 2-3 hits at 5AP. You can bring another board shake up type character as well or a board shake up TU. It is not a great pairing, but it is a way to get more strike tiles out that are really powerful without her taking all the damage.0 -
So for heroics, it's pretty obvious that a 5 black build is optimal. I'm really sad that my Gamora is 5/5/1, otherwise Gamora / Spidey / MN Mags would be another viable team that I could use.0
For essentials against wolverine I (used to pre 4hor, maybe still will) rely on punisher/Nick fury a lot. Torch could work but his black doesn't play well with fury's expensive moves. Gamora probably fills in well.
Gamora Fury Hood would cover all colors and Gamora would tank all 3 of her colors. A little expensive but at least hood has 2 mediocre tanks to hide behind. Once yellow or green goes off you can start perma stunning.0 -
my thought on gamora:
-green is expensive and low on damage, 2 turn stun maybe matters or maybe not
-red simply awesome, a rival to red HT
-black.....pfft(maybe need to change into red tile generator or something, also there's a much choice for strike tile generator out there)0
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