**** Lock and Load - Recruiting NOW ****
Salgy wrote:
i just sent a pm to you & Evilmother... hopefully y'all can work something out!
Thanks a lot Salgy. Seems like everything has to wait for a long time for approval before being posted including PM. I tried to reply msg to Evilmother but the msg has been kept in the outbox instead of going to "sent msg". So don't know if Evilmother rec'd my msg or not. Evilmother accidentally remove me from the alliance, but I can't immediately join back. So I want to reply to Evilmother and ask her to wait for me to send the request later. Anyway, thx again.0 -
Hello again team. I am once again asking you all to view a post and if you agree give it an up thumb. For a change this is not another alliance member, but my own. It is simply stating that I am angry about the XForce nerf and that I cannot voice that option....however I have found out that the inability to post a negative down thumb is actually a good thing in this situation.
However I would appreciate your thumb up here http://www.d3pforums.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=27384&start=260 and while there please add your own voice to this.
Thank you all. LOCK AND LOAD!0 -
The pyro to kick off the show explodes throughout the arena as the theme song of LL, “War” by Sick Puppies begins blaring as the excited MPQ Universe jump to their feet and cheer for the start of the show. The place is packed to the rafters as many fans have brought along various types of signs including among others, 'Malorick King of the King', 'Chicken6 Drink with me', 'Salgy Blade lover!!' and a very random, 'My Boyfriend love more MPQ than me’. They lights go out, then fireworks and music start, Lock and Load was grinding everywhere in this pve for the Kingpin reward. There is nothing like that before but what an amazing performance for Lock and Load.
Welcome back to our legendary analysis for Lock and Load where the big guys play!Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, Lock and Load proudly brings to you, it's analysis for the last events:
pve Thick as Thieves rank 4 (1 765 043 pts)
pvp Teenage Riot rank 27 (17 289 pts)
1) pve Thick as Thieves - Great thanks to our top-performers, who are:
Malorick 113 997 +1
Salgy 107 011 +1
RubixQube 105 482 +8
greghdavid 105 363
IamTheDanger 101 939
2) Special Award Achievement (“New Kingpin!”) - Malorick return to the top and take back his crown and his the new the king of the pve.
3) Special Award Achievement (“Dauphin of Lock and Load”) to Salgy that continue to lead the alliance to his success.
4) Special Award Achievement (“Close the Gap”) to RubixQube who just stole the third place by only 100 pts with his incredible performance in pve a good third place.
4.5) Special Award Achievement (“Charging Star”) to greghdavid who started strong among us with a solid performance in pve, good work!
5) Special Award Achievement (“Charge!”) to IamTheDanger who also started strong among us with another solid performance in pve, good work too!
6) Special Award Achievement (“Inner Circle”) to greghdavid, IamTheDanger, RubixQube who did their first top5 in pve among us, well done!
7) Special Award achievement ("Lock and Load Assemble") again to all our member. We had an amazing start and we have keep the rythm until the end a final rank 4 overall at the end so great performance for the alliance we have made the top alliance hired merc to keep their top2 position since we had that almost all the time until the end.
8) We have played for an average per member of 88 252 pts that is 136% the max reward, and only 7 members that have play below our average, overall good performance from everybody with a final rank 4 overall at the end so great performance.
9) Our top 5 players have play for a average of 106 758 pts that is 164% the max reward
10) Our mid-top 5 players have play for a average of 93 718 pts that is 144% the max reward
11) Our mid-bottom 5 players have play for a average of 86 004 pts that is 132% the max reward
12) Our bottom 5 players have play for a average of 66 528 pts that is 102% the max reward
13) Great work to our top improvement performer in pve, who made the more improvement in their rank among us in pve, who are:
RubixQube 105 482 +8
OJC80 92 800 +2
The fans get to their feet as the infamous arrival of Malorick is coming, with his Motorhead's "The Game" begins. Then the lights would go out for a second or two before a reddish orange light would spotlight the stage area and after a few moments Malorick emerges from beneath the stage throught a ring of fire on a king's throne with 2 crowns in his hands, loads of jewelry and adorned by sexy slavegirl. Soon, the King of the King get ups put the pve crown on his head and raises his new pvp crown high above his head before walking through the flames, backlit with red lighting and a pyrotechnic display fit for a king.
The fans go nuts as Malorick stands before dropping his King cape and extends his arms and one last, massive explosion goes off behind him that grabs the attention of the fan. On the staging hands begins raise up from the ground, all reaching out for The King of the King with red smoke flowing and red lights flickering. Malorick begins his omnious march down the entrance ramp flames shooting up from the ground, red smoke flood the ramp. Malorick marches down the ramp with a look of intensity in his eyes, stopping half way to momentarily soak in the atmosphere. Smiling he makes his way the strobe lights in the arena begin flashing and the spotlight shines on the middle of the stage. Standing in that spotlight is the King of the King himself. Malorick looks left, then looks right and then throws his arms high in the air with his two crowns and the fans cheer like crazy..
Malorick raises his crown up and speaks directly to the camera.
Malorick: This right here, everything that Lock and Load stands for, it's in my hands, all the crowns belong to your first ever double crown of Lock and Load, your Role Model, the King of the King Malorick. You've tried for several events to keep me away from being the pve King in our top brand but in the end I won just like I always do. So now, we have new blood that will try to do your dirty work for you but I am ready for you whenever you want Scoregasms.
Just know that all you have done recently was pissing me off and making me look better. Malorick survived all the shocking waves never seen in MPQ Universe before. You can be damn sure that you will need to be ready for next season. If you want to be the man, you got to beat the man!
And with that, Malorick walks off as the camera fades out.
1) pvp Teenage Riot -Great thanks to our top-performers, who are:
Malorick 1219 +0 (+161 pts)
Salgy 1101 +4 (+192 pts)
chicken6 1068 +6 (+214 pts)
D2KM 1060 -3 (+2 pts)
Consumedfire 1023 -5 (+1 023 pts)
2) Special Award achievement ("King of the Hill") to Malorick who just took his first pvp crown and make him the first double champion of Lock and Load.
3) Special Award achievement ("Illuminati") to Malorick, Salgy, chicken6, D2KM, Consumedfire, RubixQube, OJC80, Angelo2383 who did a score over 1k.
4) Special Award achievement ("Supernova") to Consumedfire who continue to do very well with 2 second place in the last event, Asthonishing performance!
5) Special Award achievement ("Pawn of the King") to Angelo to be the first to attain 1k and have motivate everybody to beat our record of member in the Illuminati club. Good work!
6) Special Award achievement ("Taking Out the Trash”) to Toxic for his excellent score for his first pvp with us.
7) Special Award achievement ("Fist of the Righteous") to Salgy for his incredible score and second position, well done!
8) Special Award achievement ("Fuzzy Chicken") to chicken6 with an excellent performance.
9) Special Award achievement ("Legendary Warrior") to Malorick, D2KM, Angelo, OJC80 for their second consecutive score of 1k+.
10) Special Award achievement ("All Locked Up") to all our members for this amazing performance, we have almost beat our personal highscore. This is more remarkable since we did it without any big superstar, so everybody have improved all their score and we have almost doen another top25. Great group effort, we have a strong team where we can count on everybody.
11) Our top 5 players have played for an average of 1 094 pts
12) Our mid-top 5 players have played for an average of 963 pts
13) We have played for an average per member of 864 pts.
14) Great work to our top improvement performer in pvp, who made the more improvement, who are:
chicken6 1068 +6 (+214 pts)
Salgy 1101 +4 (+192 pts)
Reid 807 +4 (+168 pts)
Malorick 1219 +0 (+161 pts)
Druss666 815 +4 (+151 pts)
We return to the middle of the stage with Malorick celebrating his success when the crowd explode, knowing that this theme must mean it’s Illuminati time, as Angelo steps out from the back and looking like he means business as he was the first one to gain his Illuminati ring. Angelo stands at the top of the ramp, taking in the atmosphere, and strokes his Jedi beard before pointing to his Goldie Lock Award and his Illuminati ring. He takes a jog down the ramp, clapping hands with some front row fans, before stopping as sparks erupt around him. The crowd erupts as D2KM and Salgy comes out from the back. The roof of the building is coming off as D2KM and Salgy are electrifying the fans. Salgy pose there while D2KM drops down to his knees and prays while his pyro goes of. D2KM gets up to his feet give the LL high five to Salgy and heads toward Angelo while acknowledging some of the fans along the way.
But suddendly those cheers are quite literally shattered by the sound breaking glass. CRASHHH! clink! clink! The crowd explodes as we can see OJC80 followed by RubixQube and Consumedfire marches out from the backstage, a glass sheet shatters in front of him allowing him to make it out onto the staging joining Angelo for the LL High five. Angelo smiles briefly as he see chicken6.
D2KM doesn't even get the chance to talk as the theme of Chicken6 hits.
The fans cheer like crazy as Chicken6 makes his way down the ramp. We never had 8 members of LL in the Illuminati before a new record for LL so another reason for chicken6 to drink (do he need one). Chicken6 goes and he drinks some more of his chickenweiser, and have really difficulty to makes his way down and look already drunk and he offers OJC80 a drink, and OJC80 looks at him with his piercing eyes. Chicken6 goes and he drinks it himself, chicken6 goes and he asks for his beers, and begins to do a celebratory beer bash. The fans cheer as chicken6 is just spewing beer all over the place.
Chicken6 is still celebrating, and other Illuminati is looking at him. Chicken6 goes and he sees this and he asks for more beers. Chicken6 hands Salgy the beers. Chicken wants to celebrate with Salgy. Salgy is down for it, and they toast, and as Salgy is drinking the beers chicken goes for another toast but smash it in Salgy face taking Salgy out as beer comes out of Salgy’s mouth. Oups! Chicken just realize his mistakes and start shaking his heads and then return to celebrate more with the beer bash and giving LL High five to all Illuminati. Chicken seems like he is done, and he leaves one beer for Salgy on the floor so when he wakes up he has something to drink.
Chicken6: Ya know, I don't think I'm gonna go ta' work on the next events. I think I'm just gonna sit right back on Lock and Load2 on my couch, drink a few chickenweisers, and watch the Poker Tournament on tee vee. I mean, who could live with themselves if they continue to miss some refresh in the pve because of my drinking? I know I couldn't. So as for Lock and Load, eh-eh, not goin', don’t want to hurt you like I did with Salgy. So Chicken6 is done for now with LL1 until I found myself back. In the meantime, I will continue to drink to your success and I will join my buddy Scoregasms in LL2. Long success to you guys!
Chicken6 goes and he heads up the ramp and he gives the signal to the crowd Chicken6 is done here in LL1.
Ps: Don't hesitate to comment/rate/propose new analysis, it’s important you find what you need or want to read. Don't forget to like the analysis0 -
Lock and Load are still recruiting we have one open spot! Who want the chance to be in a top 5 pve and top50 pvp alliance?0
A hushed silence hangs in the air. The crowd waits in darkness. Banners showing 500 are lit by spotlights. They are waiting for it to happen....
BOOM!!! An explosion of pyro fires from the stage, and they are on their feet screaming. MASTER OF PUPPETS from Metallica blasts into stadium. Crowd erupts as the visual feast continues. Flames fire up from the stage and launch into the air as a double kick drum, guitar and bass fire out the classic intro. Through the smoke walks a figure dressed in a Jedi style robe with the hood pulled over his head. Angelo lifts the hood and strokes his Jedi beard, grinning the the crowd. The winner of the best beard last season signs the devil horns to the crowd before giving Lock and Load salute. The music fades.
YOU"LL NEVER WALK ALONE take up where Iron Maiden leaves off. The anthem of the Liverpool FC brings out Philly99 on his Harley. His revving engine punctuating his teams music. He rides through the smoke that is still lingering from Angelo's intro. He once again is wearing his teams jersey of red and white checks. Philly smiles to Angelo as he parks his Harley and throws his own salute to the crowd. No pyro is needed as the crowd pops for winner of our Fan participation. His music fades.
Spotlights hit signs on either end of the stage showing their 500 brothers Salmas and Andreas. A sign of respect for the two Lock and Load 500 legends that are no longer with us, as Angelo and Philly pump the crowd up. Angelo raises his mic .....pointing to himself and Philly.
"These are not the alliances members you are looking for. Though we have lost two from our number, tonight I will enjoy inducting one of our favorite sons into the 500 club." He tosses the mic to Philly.
"This man, this myth, this Legend has been here and there. Come and gone. But tonight we rejoice that he is with us for his milestone. Winner of last seasons What a performance and Tell me I didn't just see that awards.... GET OUT HERE D2KM!"
The lights dim. Red Lazer lights cut through horizontally across the stadium similar in look to multiple Optic Blasts. The music begins.....FREAK ON A LEASH by KORN
As the lyrics begin...."Something takes a part of me...." and the horizontal lasers all point up in unison combining into an almost to bright to look at blast. "Something lost and never seen...." The figure leaps through to stand before the beams. D2KM soaks up the thunderous applause from the crowd. He seems to be breathing in the atmosphere as Angelo and Philly applaud.
He makes his way to Angelo and Philly giving his fellow 500 day players a hug. Philly passes the mic over to D2KM....
"Finally!!! D2KM has come back to the Lock and Load universe!" The crowd roars their approve. "I know I have come and gone over the last few seasons, but real life is something that takes priority to the game. If I can give you some advice, hold off on spending real money if you can. And if like me you find that this game is TOO consuming, then maybe you should go cold turkey....."
The crowd is silent. They have heard words like this from D2KM before. He continues.
"Thank you for the induction guys. But I cannot keep up the pace, so I qu......"
GLASS SHATTERS..... OJC80, our Breakout star, winner of the Game changer and Leader of the New Generation from last season makes his way out to the roar of the crowd. His eyes locked with D2KM as he makes his way towards him. Angelo and Philly step back giving the two room. OJC80 stops infront of D2KM. He lifts his own mic....
"Tell me you were not about to say those words again. Tell me you were not about to say I QUIT. I told you last time that would be a hanging offense." OJC looks out to the crowd. "If you all think D2KM should hang around then GIMME A HELL YEAH!!"
The crowd screams in unison HELL YEAH back at OJC. He looks back at D2KM and sees that his words are hitting home so continues.
"You had a goal not too long ago. An alliance that was casual. A place where we could go to rest and recover from battle. Hell D2KM, you and the others made this happen and we have Lock and Load 2. But they getting too good to be casual. Minimums are set and top 100 placements are being aimed for. But now where do we go...."
D2KM looks at OJC and smiles. He lifts his own mic and replies. "Lock and Load 3. This MPQ addiction is too strong for me. So I am going to do it once again. A new alliance growing our team with the only requirement of daily play. Vets and new players alike. Rest or retirement. So while I QUIT Lock and Load, I restart with Lock and Load 3."
D2KM extends his hand to OJC who takes it in a handshake. WAR by Sick Puppies explodes into the stadium and the King of Kings Malorick with his MVP Salgy come out onto the stage. The two look down at D2KM before smiling and nodding their heads in approval. OJC lifts his mic still looking at D2KM and grasping his hand. "Looks like we are going to need to replace a legend." He looks to Malorick and grins. "I may know someone that fits that title."
The Lock and Load salute is thrown up by everyone as the crowd thunders out their approval. The camera fades.....stay tuned for follow up and Stats from Malorick.0 -
Welcome back to our legendary analysis for Lock and Load where the big guys play!Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, Lock and Load proudly brings to you, it's analysis for the last events:
pvp Smash Hit rank 45 (13 129 pts)
pvp Blind Justice rank 41 (13 818 pts)
pve rank 5 (1 757 810 pts but in reality we could have 1 935 651 because 2 went to ll2 to help them)
pvp Hostile Takeover rank 35 ( 15 952 pts)
The LL cameras cut from the stats board to the LL Big screen. The scene fades in from black to a partial recap of Thick as Thieves. The footage shows highlights of the pve that transpired for the top2 position where we can see Lock and Load dominating on the top ranked #1 on that pve for the last two sub. The final sub shows the big drop of We are Groot from the top2 position to rank 10 and below. We revisits the hard fought top2 battle where everybody and principally We are Groot dropped their weak member to reinforce their rank and finish on top. Lock and Load stay like before with their current members holding the top5 position again but now the other alliance fear Lock and Load even more than MPQ changes. Lock and Load is a force to be reckoned with and it looks like the video package is ending...
1) pvp Smash Hit -Great thanks to our top-performers, who are:
D2KM 941 +3 (-119 pts)
ToxicAgent 905 +7 (-153 pts)
Philly99 770 +8 (-94 pts)
Mjmacka 767 +10 (-35 pts)
Malorick 748 -4 (-471 pts)
2) Special Award achievement ("Leader of the New Blood") to D2KM who just took his second pvp crown and is ready to help and start a new challenge with LL3.
3) Special Award achievement ("Inner Circle") to D2KM, ToxicAgent, Philly99, Mjmacka and Malorick who finished in the top5.
4) Special Award achievement ("Intoxicating") to ToxicAgent who continue to do very well with a second place and first top5 for him, Asthonishing performance!
5) Our top 5 players have played for an average of 826 pts
6) Our mid-top 5 players have played for an average of 698 pts
7) We have played for an average per member of 656 pts.
8) Great work to our top improvement performer in pvp, who made the more improvement, who are:
Mjmacka 767 +10 (-35 pts)
Philly99 770 +8 (-94 pts)
salmas 658 +11 (+184 pts)
ToxicAgent 905 +7 (-153 pts)
LL adventures head backstage into D2KM private locker room, D2KM acting all cocky for his second King of pvp crown against the defending King Malorick as he's seen dancing around backstage with a female admiring fan watching him, starstruck at the fact that D2KM is standing right there.
D2KM continues to dance as ToxicAgent walks up behind him, all serious faced as he clears his throat. D2KM stops dancing as smiles as he slaps the shoulder of his teammate.
D2KM: Toxic Agent! Man how ya doin'? Did you like to see me kick some **** in that event and win my second crown in the LL?
ToxicAgent: Seriously you have to focus on already on your next event. There is a reason why Malorick has been the most dominant pve King in recent events and that is because the King of the Kings knows how to focus before big event like these right here and now he is aiming for the pvp too! D2KM, I know that you have won this event but who was just behind you it’s me, already my first top5 and not anyone the second place and I am new in this Awesome alliance. I know that you're the most deserving to win that pvp crown because honestly, everyone has been talking about The man, the myth, the Legend that is D2KM over the past couple of weeks, and how you're going to be a bigger threat on this brand then Salgy. Hell they're even saying that Salgy is afraid to step foot in the event against you.
D2KM: Well he should be ToxicAgent. I mean come on... I'm the The man, the myth, the legend here.
ToxicAgent: You're damn right that you're the The man, the myth, the legend here bro, but nobody is going to take you seriously if you become another statistic by quitting again and rejoin later. The bettin' poll are up D2KM, and once again people are betting about your returning! This is your first real crown defence and now Lock and Load is stronger and stronger than before, these people here on LL may try to bring you down, and a lot of them have the skills and the looks to quickly climb the ladder and be on the top of the LL. You feelin' me?
D2KM looks at the camera.
D2KM: Malorick, you heard it here first man. Don't be gettin' any ideas on celebrating your biggest win yet against an opponent has big as myself. Let me expand our family with ll3 and sure I will be back 'cuz I has my eyes set on that crown.
D2Km walks away from the camera.
1) pvp Blind Justice -Great thanks to our top-performers, who are:
Malorick 1079 4 (+331 pts)
Angelo2383 902 18 (+578 pts)
Darkron 833 -3 (+833 pts)
Mjmacka 807 0 (+40 pts)
Consumedfire 779 3 (+64 pts)
2) Special Award achievement ("Supreme Leader") to Malorick who just took his second pvp crown and was alone in the Illuminati this time.
3) Special Award achievement ("Forgotten Hero") to Darkron who his back with us and already in our top5, you didnt lost your touch!
5) Special Award achievement ("The Second Force of LL") to Angelo for his excellent score and for his determination and continue to motivate everybody. Good work!
6) Special Award achievement ("Burns at the Touch”) to Consumedfire who continue to be in our top5 since its return, well done.
7) Special Award achievement ("Flying High") to MjMacka who continue to show that he is back on the top5 to stay there, congrats!
8) Our top 5 players have played for an average of 880 pts
9) Our mid-top 5 players have played for an average of 737 pts
10) We have played for an average per member of 691 pts.
11) Great work to our top improvement performer in pvp, who made the more improvement, who are:
Angelo2383 902 18 (+578 pts)
Malorick 1079 4 (+331 pts)
Mjmacka 807 0 (+40 pts)
NickHewitt 674 -11 (+144 pts)
RubixQube 705 4 (+86 pts)
The footage from last event is shown where Malorick comes out and challenges D2KM for the pvp crown The highlight reel shows Malorick climbing fast with a mystery men helping him by having him and some of his friends to queue him for big pts to climb high. Malorick standing alone in the Illuminati something we didn’t see this since a long time. Now the footage finishes and it cuts back to the place.
There is a slight pause before the lights begin to dim and the fans cannot wait for the imminent arrival of Malorick. Out from behind the curtain emerges the brand new crowned King. The King of the Kings walk out onto the stage looking like he's brimming with confidence. Malorick holds up the PVP crown above his head to another loud reaction. Malorick smirks before walking down the ramp towards the ring as a large amount of pyro explodes behind him.
Malorick takes his sweet time getting down. He slowly walks up and when he is in the center of the stage. Malorick holds up both of his crown high above his head once more as an immense amount of flashbulbs go off. Malorick walks around the place, taking it all in, before he demands a microphone from the LL technician. Malorick is given one and then his music is shut off soon after. Malorick put the pve crown on his head holds the pvp crown in one hand, and the mic in the other, as he smiles and face the camera. Malorick then speaks out to the LL crowd.
Malorick: I was on my way back to the hotel in my limo after the event, both arms around two girls, all crown with me... when I received a phone call. I had the driver place it on speaker and to my surprise, it was Ackerlight on the other end. He said, "Malorick, did my help from me and my alliance helped you in this events. I said "sure, I climbed really fast by allowing me to queue you for big points and thanks for it we're pals, still waiting to see you challenge us for the crown inside LL”.
Huge cheer from the crowd and Malorick almost looks surprised, but it doesn't bother him.
Malorick: So I just get to stand here and get paid a whole lotta money on the LLs dime without counting all the bonus to be King while LL member points to whichever crown they wants whether its pve crown.... or pve crown. I've already got 1/2 of the LL past champion gunnin' after me, so hell, if someone wants to square up against the King of the King... be my guest. But if you're smart, if you know whats good for ya, you'll know that I'm the last pve King you want to face because I'm the Unstoppable Juggernault, The PVE Beasts with the crown right now. Not even any member of We are Groot can't get one past Malorick, and they may not know that, but LL members sure does. So if you are wise enough, you will play your cards right and take somebody easier than myself in pve and aim for the pvp crown. And speaking of easier, thats what my night just became. All I have to do now, is sit back, relax, and wait.
Malorick lowers his microphone and goes to the center of the stage. He does the LL sign point towards the back and soon after his music Motorhead's "The Game" begins to play. As soon as it does, Malorick walks over and leans back.
...0 -
Awesome job as always.
Well, today's the last day until the outrageous health boosts and crazy nerf on X-Force.
I celebrated by playing the latest sub-node in the PVE and didn't even use him. I figured I might as well get use to it.0 -
consumedfire wrote:Awesome job as always.
Well, today's the last day until the outrageous health boosts and crazy nerf on X-Force.
I celebrated by playing the latest sub-node in the PVE and didn't even use him. I figured I might as well get use to it.0 -
Is there a LL3 now? What's the scoop with that alliance?0
ShadowX1984 wrote:Is there a LL3 now? What's the scoop with that alliance?
hey Shadow!
Yes, there is now LL3it is now what LL2 used to be before they started kicking butt
LL3 is the casual experience now. No pvp or pve requirements, no minimums to hit. Just play daily. And have fun
0 -
We are back after all these commercial break about the new LL3 and about how awesome are Lock and Load
Fans in the place are quiet when all of a sudden we see this
The following video is a special presentation sponsored by the New Blood of LL
The fans cheer when all of a sudden we see IamTheDanger, greghdavid and captain_kerk, and they are at what look like Toys-r-us looking at some toys.
fans are wondering what IamTheDanger is doing, and IamtheDanger have a donkey toy in one hand and a dog in his other hand, and he smiles before simulating a fight between them and then crash them together and slap them on the floor before destroying them with his feet. Greghdavid his holding a cruising ship in his hand to have just captain_kerk to crash hit with a Karate chop and smiling to this destruction.
IamTheDanger: Ahhh LL.. It is I your hero, and your new commander here, and I am making this video to show you guys what I have been doing this past events to show you why I am better commander than these toys.
fans cheers as IamtheDanger goes, and he walks out of the store, and he begins to speak
IamTheDanger: Now you people here in LL should know that recently you guys opened the door for me and my friends. And we are here to show you people just how hard we work for you by finishing in the top5 of LL and we know that is not a easy task here you are a strong alliance.. To show you people that I am much more better than these toys that we just broke, and you know for someone that is viewed in your eyes as a "new guy" the fans know what a true hero is. And they have the respect to know we are a good guy like all of you and we are proud to be part of this awesome alliance. Other competitors would have caused trouble like this guy who left everybody behind probably scared some little girl, and steal her ice cream. Or the other being the selfish man that he is would have bought his whole alliance just for himself to be in. But not me the MPQ Universe they know me as a good person, and one who won't cause trouble in the MPQ Universe in fact I would be a good moderator and we are proud to be part of Lock and Load.
IamTheDanger walks by, and he sees some people wearing MPQ gear, he waves at them, and they begin to yell back.
Fan 1: Hey that's IamTheDanger a LL member! Hey the MPQ changes suck!!!
Fan 2: Seriously can MPQ please do some fairly changes!
Fan 1: Yeah you don't deserve that we continue to play. We will quit like antreas1911 or CapceH.
Fan 2: What!!! No these change are the future of MPQ. Only the true player can handle these changes and continue to play and have fun with the game.
The two men are in a heated debate over the latest MPQ changes. IamTheDanger just sits there, and smiles as he turns to the camera, and he speaks
IamTheDanger: Oh silly guys. They arguing over necessary changes but we have already pass something similar in the past and we are still playing. Not only that they didn't even mention how I was also affected by that and decided to join this awesome alliance that is LL. Seriously look at what being a Lock and Load gets me? It not only gets me power inside a top alliance, but power outside of it. I am able to do so much as a commander of this brand. I have something every MPQ player in the back wants, and that is a voice. And my voice is probably the biggest one of them all.
the final scene shows the New Blood destroying all the donkey, dog and boat that they can see while laughing at this and the fans cheers them everytime they destroy these toys as the screen fades to black.
1) pve Prodigal Sun - Great thanks to our top-performers, who are:
Malorick 151433 +0
Salgy 129294 +0 (out to help ll2)
IamTheDanger 127552 +2
greghdavid 114034 +0
captain_kerk 112318 +5
2) Special Award Achievement (“New Kingpin!”) - Malorick return to be the king of the pve
3) Special Award Achievement (“Dauphin of Lock and Load”) to Salgy that continue to be a solid player in pve and went to LL2 to boost their rank!
4) Special Award Achievement (“Leader of New Blood”) to IamTheDanger who continue tu push himself and his new blood to the top5. Well done!
4.5) Special Award Achievement (“Right Hand of New Blood”) to greghdavid who continue to stay strong among us with a solid performance in pve and a second time in the same bracket as Malorick, it’s a good thing or not!
5) Special Award Achievement (“Left Hand of New Blood”) to captain_kerk who have really step up and get his first top5 among us, congrats!
6) Special Award Achievement (“New Lock and Load”) to NickHewitt for his first pve with us and who got a promotion by moving from ll2 to ll1. Welcome to the big league anf excellent work for your debut!
7) Special Award achievement ("New Identity ") to D2KM who continue to do very well in pve so close of the top5 for a second time, do we have a new D2KM that he is aiming toward pve instead of pvp or he is trying to do both?
8) Special Award achievement ("Knight Returned ") to Darkron who just returned from a short absence, another addict that cannot stop playing and his back with a solid performance that was so close of the top 5, excellent return you still have it.
9) We have played for an average per member of 90 240 pts that is 645% the max reward
, and only 5 members that have play below our average, overall good performance from everybody with a final rank 4 overall at the end so great performance.
10) Our top 5 players have play for a average of 126 926 pts that is 907% the max reward
11) Our mid-top 5 players have play for a average of 104 761 pts that is 748% the max reward
12) Our mid-bottom 5 players have play for a average of 91 970 pts that is 657% the max reward
13) Our bottom 5 players have play for a average of 63 951 pts that is 457% the max reward
14) Great work to our top improvement performer in pve, who made the more improvement in their rank among us in pve, who are:
Reid 103519 +7
Philly99 101435 +7
captain_kerk 112318 +5
IamTheDanger 127552 +2
The reigning Unified King's music hits and the crowd starts to cheer loudly. Some fans can be seen cheering for sheer respect for the man who just did the impossible and to retain both crownp. Malorick and Salgy make their way out from the back. Malorick appears to limp down the ramp so Salgy goes over to help him. Instead of allowing it, Malorick shoves Salgy away and tells him to get to the back and help ll2 and that he can handle this himself. He looks surprised but he goes off with Angelo as Malorick keeps his eyes forward and just walks down to the stage.
He take his crown and drop it on the floor while and raising the other one high above his head, then he places it on top of his head and motions for a mic. He is given one and he stands in front of his crown before beginning to speak.
Malorick: I don't need any fancy theatrics. No pyro or some sort of grand entrance. I don't need to show you any kind of video to remind you just how dangerous I am. I'm sure you all remember what I'm willing to do just to keep these crowns.
The crowd gives off a mixed reaction, some booing him, others cheering for his incredible success in both pve and pvp.
Malorick: My physical presence might not be the most intimidating thing to you right now, I dont have the physical presence of a Jonny1Punch but that's never been what people are afraid of. This thing up here, (taps the side of his head.)
this is what people are a afraid of. Look back at literally anyone who has ever crossed me. Promising careers like Scoregasms, gone in an instant, he is not able to be in the top2 anymore in pve. The multiple returns of dead careers like D2KM, I kill them again. People who think they are on top of the world like Jonny1Punch or AckerLight, I show them that we can beat them and they disappear. The list goes on and on. Even these outsiders of We are Groot would be foolish to try and fight me.
Malorick look at his crown then a smirk grows on his face.
Malorick: This whole season has been prepping LL2 member. Making sure they are actually ready for LL1 and we had a good success with this in the past with our new leader of the new generation OJC80 and now NickHewitt is doing great with us. So we can see that D2Km and Evilmother are working well to make LL2 competitive. Salgy and Angelo have sacrifice their position in LL1 to help ll2 to make it to the top2 but miss it, however it was a good try. If you were smart like them, you'd pick Lock and Load to be part of an Awesome alliance, like IamtheDanger did and check where he is now, they are with the The Best There Is, The Best There Was, And The Best There Ever Will Be.
The crowd explode into a huge reaction as Malorick stands over his crown. Malorick grabs his crown and lifts it up over his head as the crowd cheer slightly as Lock and Load adventure continues elsewhere!
1) pvp Hostile takeover -Great thanks to our top-performers, who are:
Malorick 1047 +0 (-32 pts)
Mjmacka 1030 +2 (+223 pts)
Darkron 1024 -- (+191 pts)
Salgy 993 +8 (+322 pts)
RubixQube 971 +4 (+266 pts)
2) Special Award achievement ("King of the Seven Colors") to Malorick who just took his third pvp crown.
3) Special Award achievement ("Illuminati") to Malorick, Mjmacka, Darkron who did a score over 1k.
4) Special Award achievement ("Sky-Rider") to MjMacka who his back on the top with 3 consecutives top5 and an excellent score and second place!
5) Special Award achievement ("Wind-Rider") to Darkron that continue to stay on the top5 since his return and have also attain 1k. Good work!
6) Special Award achievement ("BrimStone Rider”) to Philly99 for his good score with a 900+, always close to the top5 just missing by few pts.
7) Special Award achievement ("Cosmic Cube") to RubixQube for his first top5 this season with a excellent score did you get the Kingpin reward??? Well done!
8) Our top 5 players have played for an average of 1 013 pts
9) Our mid-top 5 players have played for an average of 899 pts
10) We have played for an average per member of 798 pts.
11) Great work to our top improvement performer in pvp, who made the more improvement, who are:
Salgy 993 +8 (+322 pts)
greghdavid 656 +5 (+247 pts)
Mjmacka 1030 +2 (+223 pts)
Philly99 932 +0 (+168 pts)
LL cuts backstage where LL anouncer and the Double Crowned King, 'King of the King', Malorick are standing by.
LL announcer: Welcome back to LL ladies and gentlemen. Tonight I have a very special guest in the current Double King, “The Sexy Beast” Malorick. Malorick, before we discuss about this incredible season, let's talk tonight. Tonight on LL you are announcing that you will slow down in the next event and in open the door to any challenger for your crown. Can you give us your thoughts on the matter and how it makes you feel?
Malorick: It's a two fold response. You know, on one hand, I want to get the night off by slowing down a little bit. I get paid to relax and watch our member to challenge for the crown and beat each other to a pulp. I'm more than okay with it. Additionally, it shows that LL is the place to be and sooner than later, you're gonna see a bunch of boys try to jump ship. You know who made that happen?
LL announcer: Uh... You? I'm guessing?
Malorick: Absolutely right. I've busted my **** off to carry this brand into a new era. The bar was set so low that something had to be done, Salgy will remember that he was with me at the early beginning of LL. I'm starting to fill all the potholes that were left behind from even prior to big destruction and reconstruction that we had in the past (season 6) and making this place a respectable asset of the MPQ Universe. It's best for business. So when I see three guys from another alliance over here in the top position, I know I've been pulling my weight and doing what should a been done a long time ago. But on the other hand, that other part of the fold which bothers me, is I heard what Scoregasms had to say and quite frankly, I didn't like it. Lot of guys on LL get used to a guy like CapCeH as champion, and they forget what the meaning of "respect" is. You're supposed to respect the King, whether you like him or not. And I'll give credit where its due and Salgy owned up to that too being a two time MVP champion. Scoregasms though, Scoregasms didn't and it doesnt surprise me one bit. He's got a chip on his shoulder bigger and deeper than a diamond mine. But the thing is, is that he is not able to put good score anymore in pve. Smackdown guys, plain and simple.
LL Anouncer: Well, Scoregasms will officially be a in Ll1 superstar soon, even after the end of this season. Does that alter your statement at all?
Malorick: Pfft, not at all. Listen, Scoregasms has done some impressive things in the past. I can admit that, it's no sweat off my back. Maybe one day, he'll continue to do good things, but in the here and now a guy like Scoregasms can't keep up with The King of King Malorick. I've got this guy figured out though, and he's not quality enough to last on LL1. But the point still stands that Scoregasms is too predictable and too narrow minded to surpass the measuring stick I've created on LL1. Whether he sticks around or not, I know his future and it's not up top with me until he woke up the beast that was in him. Now he is just a little cat playing in a sandbox.
You see, now that I've won both crown it's my job to be the face, to be the "Sentry" of LL so to speak; holding this brand up and making it profitable and best for business. I've proven I can do that, I've proven I am one of the very best in this industry, and I will prove that no challenger can usurp me from my throne as King unless I decide too. This is my first double crown moment, and I am going to walk down that famous aisle as King... and I am going to walk right back up that aisle as King.
Malorick looks incredible serious. He's the old dog fighting for his yard that he's worked hard to keep up. Malorick then walks off screen and leaves LL announcer standing alone as LL cuts elsewhere.
Ps: Don't hesitate to comment/rate/propose new analysis, Don't forget to like the analysis. We want to have a big number of followers so we can continue these reviews so dont be shy to like it even if you are not a LL members and that you read them because our followers was low recently.
0 -
The arena is it's typical blaze of pyro and flashing lights....... "War" by sick puppies blares in the arena as the Lock and load team makes its way past all the screaming fans.The team makes its way to the center of the ring looking cheerful and relaxed. You could almost say they have gone soft with their fame.
Suddenly the music cuts out. The entire arena goes pitch black. Malorick runs back to the tech guys and puts up his hands up in total confusion. Smoke suddenly fills the arena and the fans are panicking. Suddenly flames explode everywhere and the K.O King's theme song "Renegade" by Hed P.E fills the stadium. Red lights and flashes of pyro visibly startle everyone as the legendary J1P walks slowly to the arena. Clearly he is the baddest man on the planet and everyone knows it.
Jonny marches directly towards malorick, his physique more powerful and imposing then ever and eyes almost glowing red with vengeance. He is headed straight towards malorick!
Suddenly 5 members of the lock and load security team rush the arena along with D2k and OJC..... They all scream for him to turn around and that he is trespassing on lock and load private property.... this could get ugly. meanwhile the crowd is going absolutely nuts with frenzied screams and applause for the pvp king.
Jonny growls at Malorick " Only 7 men to try and stop me? you are getting sloppy old friend I hope you brought enough bodybags for them...... LETS DO THIS!!!"
Suddenly before j1p dismantles and takes out the entire team single handedly malorick yells " ENOUGH! let him pass. you want to fight me? lets do this one on one! ive been waiting a long time for you to return!"
the two men square off and you can feel the tension in the air....... its about to get bloody when the king of pvp squares off against the king of pve!!!
Jonny rips the mic out of maloricks hands and says " Poor old malorick........ king of the pve huh? Do you enjoy fighting the same weak goons over and over because its easy or because they don't hit back? PVP IS THE TRUE TEST OF THE MPQ WARRIOR!! THE BATTLEGROUND WHERE LEGENDS ARE MADE OR THE COWARDS GO RUNNING BACK TO THE PVE PLAYLAND!! SO WHICH ARE YOU?"
Calmly and with great confidence malorick says " jonny this isn't you...... you have a good heart you are not this villain. please come back home to lock and load and find peace here with us again. no need for us to go to war...... unless you leave me no choice my brother......"
Jonny puts his arms out to his side and motions to the crowd for applause. His friend OJC looks at him sadly like he is truly a monster among men.
Jonny makes the following announcement and issues an open challenge:
" You know I had a taste of the good life working with the groot alliances before this. They truly treated me like the superstar I am however after you called me out in your last challenge I figured you deserve one more shot!! I am currently taking it easy for the Lord of thunder PVP event and am only at 1229. You beat my score malorick and Im lock and load for the whole season maybe more!!! But if you lose to me... which you will..... I am going back to the We are groot alliance family and joining them for the next two seasons!!! Time to put up or shut up malorick!! You want a war you got a war you wont believe!! Do you accept my challenge?'
The camera zooms in to a closeup of maloricks face he is clearly sweating heavily and on the verge of tears. What will his answer be??
Malorick shakes his head, and he looks like he's about to lose it already but retake control of himself and he is handed a mic a as he circles around the stage a couple of times as the crowd starts to simmer down before finally setting eyes on Jonny1Punch.
Malorick: Well look at who we got here. The what do you call it? Leader of the Spartan… or… it doesn’t matter what you call it. The fact of the matter is this. You are looking at the face of the greatest superstar to ever step inside of the MPQ Universe. Yeah You came up short for the crown and challenge me after noticing that I didnt started the event yet. And that I had just announced few moment ago that I was enjoying my time as the KIng and was relaxing with the girls. But The King of the Kings put up a hell of a fights recently and become the first ever and your Unified King of pve and pvp and all that does it makes Malorick all that more determined to leave with some gold and if that means that I need to fight you then so be it. The King of the Kings will be walking out with that pvp crown. Which leads to you. You and well you can think and say what you want to say and you just can’t cut it anymore. You think you have the vernacular ineptitude to duel with the best trash talker that the world has ever known? You think that you have the superior intellect to deal with the man known as The King of the Kings? You think for one second that you can hold a candle to Malorick on the mic? Well Malorick has something to say to you… nah.
The fact of the matter is this… you just don’t know what you’re getting into when you’re going one on one with the The Most Charismatic Showman to Enter Your Home via a Mobile Screen. You don’t understand what it means to stand here and look in the eyes of someone like The King of the King. The other competitors have an idea such as Scoregasms or even your friend Kedra from Groot but The King of the King has what it takes to overtake each and every single one of them. Plus lets add to the fact that you and your little groot attacked Malorick before and all that does it add fuel to the fire. All you’re doing is creating a raging inferno that you’ll never be able to extinguish. The King of the King is going to do what all the millions… and millions of Malorick fans around the MPQ Universe have wanted. For you to know your role and shut your mouth. And Malorick is that man to do it. You cannot come here and dictate your role, you have to respect your King. We need to prepare and sell this confrontation for a better time because this is what is best for businesss. Me and the authority in place will check when will be the best date for a confrontation like this.
Malorick look around at his co-commander IamTheDanger, Salgy and D2KM before continuing his speech.
And then this will be the date that we will choose and all will be taken care of. For finally… Malorick will be the season Champion and King in LL. And there is not a thing that you will be able to do about that
Jonny1Punch is about to talk when Malorick raise his open hand in front of J1P face to signal him to shut it up.
Malorick: You are forgetting a very important detail, Jonny...And that is the fact that I am The Best In The World At What He Does, I am The King of His World for I embody the ways of enlightenment that so many of my followers now impart. I am creating a raging inferno However it is not something to be extinguished. For this metaphorical fire I am commencing, comes from a quote from Greek Historian, that one is for you antreas, Plutarch: :The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled." And that fire is ever growing, even in the face of your false adulation. For I am here to shine a light on false idols like yourself, For you may be cheered by these lost people, but I am looked up upon by my followers in a way you could never fake your way through, to them I am a Legend, I am an Idol, I am the iconic symbol by which they pattern their live.
Jonny have enough and he is making a bee-line for Malorick. Jonny tears off his cap and tosses it to the crowd as and go eyes to eyes with Malorick
Jonny1Punch: I am a man of few words. I like to let my actions speak for themselves so please, finish your sentence. It seems obvious to the big guy that you love to talk but more often than not you hide away from a one on one, face to face, mano a mano fight in this business built on two men scrapping it out to find out who is the better man. So, who is the better man? I don’t care much for the other guys or alliance because I’ve proved, even against the so-called King of the King, that I will always be on the winning side of the coin flip when it’s crunch time but Malorick– I have a very real, very tangible problem with you. You are the better man in…SAT scores. You are the better man in…dressing like a pretentious King boy or some creepy emperor. You are way better at being a huge jerkoff than the big guy and I’ll tell you what – mothers don’t like you as much as they love the big guy - so I guess the only thing left to find it is if, after all the talking is done, after all the mind games and grandeur and **** comes to an end, are brains really better than brawn? Or is none of it going to matter because no amount of smarts or wit is going to save you from me giving you the **** kicking I’ve had waiting for you for weeks!
Malorick raises his open hand up as if telling Jonny to stay back as he raises his microphone.
Malorick: Now now, I know we haven't seen eye to eye before, I know I once let you alone climbing in one event with everybody against you and you are but one of the many names I bested as pve King...However I see a difference in you, you have seemingly changed your attitude in a certain way, and perhaps if you would be open to letting the shackles of ignorance that bind you be torn asunder by my hand, I could assist you in reaching your true potential with us because Lock and Load is the Best There Is, The Best There Was, And The Best There Ever Will Be alliance ever in the MPQ Universe. ...For as I've shown with Scoregasms, Brawn does not mean you have to lack Brains...I can hand you the missing ingredient to your formula. Should you reject that however I can assure you that mere Brains or Brawn will not decide this bout. The deciding factor will be a spiritual one, for with all my followers behind me I shall rise above Fame, Fear, and Strength and transcend my enlightenment towards all who Oppose me.
You are not the King of the King, you are a person who was handed a contendership bout because of One run with us in the past, and thanks to the assistance of your strong roster you won the pvp King and earned the KO King title but for your challenge I am not given adequate time to prepare for. The Fact remains that I am the greatest King in LL History, I defended my crown like no other champion before me, and at sometimes this season you will get your chance but it will be on my terms, my time dont make the same mistake of Scorgasms, see where he is now, still recuperating and trying to finish in the top50 in his solo ranking. You will Not win this war against me...even Scoregasms will not defeat me again.
Malorick looks around angry at all the things said to him before he starts shouting out to everyone who is listening.
This is My Interview, and I have had quite enough of you interrupting me, of bad mouthing me, when it is all of you who need to stop looking up towards the MPQ Universe and blaming the world for the D3p Changes that occurs to you and start looking inward. Everything Malorick does, he does for a reason, and if you fail to see the reasoning behind my actions you will see that I do it for the best of us Lock and Load, I always put the alliance first and I give the chance for everybody to shine. Well If you are all going to continue these ways I am officially declaring this meeting to be Over, because sometimes this season I am going to defeat you and show you how ignorant you are. For only a fool would pick a fight against something so much their superior, and as I look down upon you all I don't blame you for your insolence...but I shall be the one punishing you all for it. This is MY Segment, this is My time, and that is MY crown, and no longer will allow you to keep me from what is mine. You Children must be taught a lesson, and I am going to make sure you learn it loud and clear at my time, but until then Good Day to you all...and You're Welcome.
Malorick raises his hands in the air, expecting applause from the crowd. He only gets mixed reaction from the audience when he turns to leave, but as he does Jonny1Punch is still standing in his way not budging. Malorick seems a little confused, as if expecting Jonny to have left after he declared it to be over, he simply turns to his right to go out that way but is met Jonny again. The crowd get on their feet, a cheer growing from them.
The camera pans down at Malorick as he starts to turn 360 and we can see his co-commanders doing a wall in front of Jonny before having all them returning to the backstage with Malorick and leaving Jonny alone with OJC80.0 -
OJ80 looks as Malorick and his team leaves. He turns to Jonny1Punch.....
"In the past men would challenge each other with the slap of a glove.....you two just went medi evil on each other and used plate mail gauntlets. Well Brother. GAME ON."0 -
Scoregasms wrote:SpoilerBefore work gets too crazy today, liked I talked about in Line last night, here's a WORKING DRAFT of Salgy's Roster Google Doc with MischiefMaker's very helpful tools incorporated in. For the most part in the Roster tab, just update the grey cells and don't touch anything else. There's a bunch of formulas now working in the background.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... sp=sharing
This is a separate Template version I saved off, so edit/copy all you want as I have updated my Sig with my own version (View Only). With MM's departure, sad to see him go considering his Character Ranking work is the only reason why I even started playing more seriously, not knowing what characters did what and who was good was ridiculous and his data was an invaluable learning tool, he'll be missed for sure. He had a lot of other tools I didn't know about, so I put them in here.
This current version will:
- Calculate Soft Cap based on Covers
- Calculate ISO needed to level to cap
- Calculate DPDQ Days to earn the ISO (though, not sure on actual DPDQ daily gains... variable of 4500 is an estimate)
- Calculate $$ amount needed
- Includes MM's original ISO/Level calculators too
- Includes MM's BuyBack data
- Includes Roster Slot pricing (for next update, just reference for now)
When I get some time, I want to add the following:
- Show you next Roster Slot price
- Add a new tab for Team Comp that looks at Tile Strength and calculates who tanks what based on position and level, but need to figure out the original first since I need to tweak it (lol)
Anyway, take a look, comment back (here or in Line), remember, this is a work in progress, so I'll probably be updating this post with an updated link when there's a new version.
Just noticed your roster spreadsheet. The extra information is a good idea. I like having access to the other resources like the iso calculator too.
I wanted to set it up to auto-fill the iso amount to level up a character but never got around to it. Manually entering that info eventually just became easier for me.
Only question is why you differentiate between rarity and star-level if you don't indicate which are gold versions?0 -
Sent you guys a PM this morning & tried to access LL1.
Had no internet access all day - finally got it going again but still at pending & no reply - not sure if related to my internet problems or not?0 -
Seasick Pirate wrote:
Just noticed your roster spreadsheet. The extra information is a good idea. I like having access to the other resources like the iso calculator too.
I wanted to set it up to auto-fill the iso amount to level up a character but never got around to it. Manually entering that info eventually just became easier for me.
Only question is why you differentiate between rarity and star-level if you don't indicate which are gold versions?
Seasick - i completely forgot when scoregasms took my roster to alter it to give you full credit for the original! my apologies!!!0 -
Hey guys. nok nok... who's there?
I saw a gap in l&l2 and applied... still pending0 -
antreas1911 wrote:Hey guys. nok nok... who's there?
I saw a gap in l&l2 and applied... still pending
Antreas! welcome back... i trust you had a good vacation?!?0 -
Hey Salgy thank you. Everything was fine. But you know what they say. The man who desperately needs vacations is the one who just returned from vacations.0
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