**** Lock and Load - Recruiting NOW ****
The LL adventures kicks off with a almighty bang, with hundreds of indoor fireworks and pyros begin to erupt inside the place, lighting up the place for this new edition, the crowd is PUMPED, needless to say as they all shoot to their feet and scream at the top of their lungs to show their appreciation for the LL adventures. The pyro dies out as the theme song of Lock and Load, “War” by Sick Puppie continues to blare through the MPQ Universe.
The arena lighting turn back on and out from the backstage marches the Illuminati : Malorick followed by Salgy, D2KM,OJC80 no fancy entrance for them as they are all business marching down the entrance ramp, ignoring all the fans reaching out for them. D2KM pauses at the bottom of the entrance ramp and snarls at Malorick before turning to his left and staring at Salgy, who snarls. Both men are angry and are ready to go and fight.
The drums begin to play and the loudest pop a Jonn1chant begins to sound before the KO King comes bursting. Jonny1punch’s theme seems to be cranked up a few decibels higher than LL’s and the usual strobe light and laser show accompanies the super star himself, the KO King, Jonny1punch who step out from the back in his usual T-shirt and cap finally come out onto the staging where a pyro shoots itself right at him. Jonny comes out of it looking like a million bucks as the KO King charges to rejoin the Illuminati. He crosses his thumb across his throat and throws an arm up into the air holding his pvp crown before throwing his cap in the crowd with his other hand and clocking the Illuminati. Perhaps on a mission to knock sense into the Illuminati Jonny quickly rip his shirt and hurrying the Illuminati to go into action with him and help each other to climb higher. Clearly Jonny expects to continue to Koing everybody here tonight and want to do it with his team. The crowd is exploding with cheers in anticipation of these battle and in the first few seconds it does not disappoint as immediately Jonn1punch goes after the first slice and start his climbing to the top immediately. Meanwhile Malorick, Salgy, D2KM and Ojc80 jump in slice 3. The crowd sees it and lets out a mixed reaction, despite that mistake or miscommunication some fans still love them but don’t understand why they didn’t follow the KO King!!!
Welcome back to our legendary analysis for Lock and Load where the big guys play! Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, Lock and Load proudly brings to you, it's Lock and Load adventure and analysis for the last events:
pvp Fatal attraction rank 42 (16 596 pts)
And now return to the analysis where Lock and Load will stop at nothing from stealing the show as usual!!.
1) pve Fatal Attraction-Great thanks to our top-performers, who are:
Jonny1punch 1 136 +0 (-214 pts)
D2KM 1 024 +0 (-98 pts)
Mjmacka 1 022 +4 (+119 pts)
Malorick 1 017 +0 (-50 pts)
OJC80 1 003 +0 (-2 pts)
Malorick is the first to climb high to help his team and it’s looks like he’s about to unshield and start his climb to over 900 by doing his 2 fights then the lights suddenly go out! Then a weird scream is heard over LL before the lights come back on and standing behind Malorick is D2KM ready to attack!
LL announcer: Not what on Earth is this! That’s LL commanders, what he is doing Malorick is unshielded!
Malorick turns ready to finish his second fight and he is at 925 but it allows D2KM an opening and he takes it nailing Malorick from behind with a chop block! The crowd let out some grief as the D2KM (+35) begin assaulting Malorick. Malorick shoves them both off of him and return for another fight to recuperate some points lost by his teamate, but D2KM(+28) is like vulture and ascend on Malorick when he seen him again for big pts. Even a man with fully maxed Patch/Wolverine/Loki can only fend off two and more attackers for so long and after losing ground he is sent to the floor hard (below 800pts) with a final blow by D2KM! The crowd continue to boo as D2KM looks quickly at Salgy but didn’t see him shaking his head and doing sign to stop it before knocking Malorick out on the ground (below 700pts).
As D2KM stare at his handiwork the crowd pops as out from the back running comes OJC80 out to defend Malorick, the man he has just defeated some MPQ foes and he is ready to help his commander. As OJC80 enter the fight, D2KM look at him before the lights go out. Once again a scream is heard and when they come back on the D2KM is gone leaving OJC80 alone with an injured Malorick. OJC80 checks on Malorick and retreat to give him a defensive win as LL adventures continues elsewhere.
OJC80 watches as despite being thrown down hard Malorick manages to get to his feet. Malorick gets up looks around and see that he was attacked from everywhere, now he want to use this at his advantage and looks for a revenge on everybody that have attacked him. Malorick start throwing punch here and there but their adversaries returns with a punch of their own, Malorick continue to trade blows with everybody but at the last moment a bad cascade of punch and kicks halts Malorick’s momentum flat. Malorick doesn’t go down however, the fans cheer loudly as Malorick manages to stay alive. Malorick is building up momentum and the crowd is getting behind him once again as he use his instincts to come alive one more time and finally gets the advantage after blocking another right hook from his last attacker and begins to pummel him with his own right hook and finally return to close to 825. The crowd explode as Malorick made it look incredibly easy as he falls on the floor exhausted.
D2KM begin walking to the center of stage. D2KM and Malorick meet exactly in the center of the stage and stand nose to nose with one another. You can literally cut the tension with a knife. As each man stares the other down, we have our first physical contact as Malorick poke D2KM in the chest with his index finger, prompting D2KM to fall to the floor on his back and allow Malorick (+22) to beat him. The crowd goes silent as they have seen that terrible effect of the Finger Poke of Doom as Malorick lift D2KM and shake his hand and give him a hug as they receives a strong pop from the crowd. That victory marked the reunion of both commanders into that awesome group that are LL and they look at each other and return to the battle to finish this events.
2) Special Award achievement ("One Man Army”) to Jonny1punch who continue to KOing everybody and do his incredible score and still pvp King, well done. We don’t need a army, we have the KO King Jonny1punch!
3) Special Award achievement ("Illuminati") to Jonny1punch, D2KM, Mjmacka, Malorick, OJC80 who are all in the elite club of 1k with a great score.
4) Special Award achievement ("Blinding Rage") to OJC80 who continue to do asthonising score Excellent work!!!
5) Special Award achievement ("Berserker Rage") to Mjmacka who did his first 1k this season, Great works!!!
6) Special Award achievement ("Blast Field") to salmas that beat his personal highscore.
7) Special Award achievement ("Cajun Charm") to Reid for beating his personal highscore.
8) Our top 5 players have played for an average of 1 040 pts.
9) Our mid-top 5 players have played for an average of 906 pts.
10) Our mid-bottom 5 players have played for an average of 790 pts.
11) Our bottom 5 players have played for an average of 583 pts.
12) We have played for an average per member of 830 pts..
13) Great work to our top improvement performer in pvp, who made the more improvement, who are:
Mjmacka 1 022 +4 (+119 pts)
salmas 990 +4 (+182 pts)
Reid 863 +11 (+191 pts)
Scoregasms 850 +8 (+174 pts)
antreas1911 833 +3 (+72 pts)
The commanders stand in the Ring....sweat dripping from their brows and exhausted from the Fatal Attraction event. OJC80 and Malorick, Mjmacka, D2KM stand with them, united and strong. With their remaining strength the throw up the Lock and Load salute to the crowd to a massive pop. OJC80 points to the leader board and we again see what we have come to expect with Jonny1punch at the top. OJC80 gestures for a mic which is thrown into him. He barely catches it, so tired from the event he has just destroyed.....
"If you all liked what you just saw Lock and Load do to the fatal attraction event.....GIMME A HELL YEAH!!!"
The crowd roars back at him with a stadium shaking "HELL YEAH!!" He smiles and lowers the mic.....then the crowds chant changes. It starts quietly with just one voice...
"One more fight!" The crowd chants increase gathering momentum....."One more fight, One more fight, One more FIGHT!!" Their chants are deafening. OJC raises his mic which causes the crowd to quieten down.....
"One more fight....." he looks to the stage..... "One more fight! Jonny1punch. You back there? Answer time Bro. One more FIGHT!?!"
THE SOUND OF DRUMS thunders threw the stadium. The crowd explodes into a massive pop, punctuated by the sound of One more fight chants.
Jonny1punch hits the stage to another crowd of pyro. His laser lights cut through smoke and runs to one side of the stage. He gestures his I can't hear you and the crowd roars louder. The are caught in his hold. His player that showed Lock and Load to hit those big numbers in PVP and took OJC80 into the 1000 club. He runs to the other side of the stage and repeats his gesture. The cheers are louder than ever before. It somehow feels that the noise is coming from outside the stadium as well, almost from outside of the Lock and Load MPQ universe.
He looks calm and rested having gone into the first slice, he has bee finished for longer then the alliance in the ring. He calmly takes off his cap and flips it into the crowd. U CAN'T BEAT ME is on his shirt over his heart. He turns his back to OJC80 and looks up at the wreckage of the destroyed D3 logo that was previously destroyed. He salutes the sign. However we see that the LOCK AND LOAD 4 LIFE is missing from the back of his shirt. Jonny lifts his mic......
"You asking something OJC80?" he smiles back. "I have already told you all my thoughts and whats gonna happen. Why you asking me to repeat myself bro?"
OJC80 looks at his friend on stage. "So that's it then.....your done? The team is behind you Jonny. A free ride through the next events and to seasons end. One more fight Bro."
Jonny1punch smiles back. "I have done what needed to be done here. You have this my friend. I appreciate your kind words and the offer but as I said, my mind is made up. You guys are amazing and to achieve what you do without battlechats, mercs or shield boosting each other, it is without a doubt impressive. But it is not my environment. That's not how I play. I am over these changes and I don't ask for free rides!!"
OJC80 nods. "I had to try it Bro. I hope you understand I wasn't wanting to make you uncomfortable. Just wanted to show you the impact you had on us in a very short time. I respect your choice and know that you will ride to the top of any team you MERC with. If we have a spot your welcome to merc with us anytime. LOCK AND LOAD!!" He throws up the salute and is joined by everyone in the ring. The stadium explodes into cries of No, One More Fight and Roars of approval. The noise from outside the stadium is heard again as the greater universe awaits the return of its brightest star....Jonny1punch is returning!! The crowd begins stamping their feet and hitting the railings. Their noise grows in intensity.....
Soon the entire stadium is shaking under the might of the MPQ universe. The sound of metal tearing is heard and all eyes are drawn to the destroyed D3 sign. Jonny stares at the sign defiantly as OJC80 leaps from the ring and runs for the stage. Time seems to slow. The crowd stops violently but the stadium is still shaking. The D3 sign rips from its mounting and begins to fall directly above Jonny1punch. Metal crashes to the ground before OJC gets to his friend. The thud of the metal on the stage, can anyone be okay or even still alive.
OJC grabs the sign and begins to lift, but it is too heavy. The camera focuses on the still form of Jonny under the debris. Suddenly the sign begins to lift. As the view pans back we see OJC is joined by Malorick, D2KM and Salgy. They haul the sign off of Jonny and the paramedics are the stage. They quickly take over the situation as the four Lock and Load members stand back watching. Jonny is strapped onto a stretcher and taken through the back to an awaiting ambulance.
Is this the last Lock and Load will see of Jonny1punch. What of the void now left within team?? We cut back to the four men still standing around the D3 sign, shocked and not knowing what will happen next. They need someone to fill the gap in the alliance but they do not know where to start. Suddenly WAR by sick puppies begins to play and five spotlights hit the entrance. The men turn to see what is happening. A voice so familiar calls out through the stadium.
"I know what your thinking boys. I can hear each of you. Don't worry. I have returned." Without fanfare, pyro or lasers Whitequeen walks out to her friends. She comforts OJC80 with a friendly hand on his arm and looks to the Commanders. She bows her head in sorrow for what she just saw happen to Jonny. But in a single gesture shows she is here to help. Her right hand throws up the Lock and Load salute...... the camera fades to black.
Credits: Thanks to OJC80 for the conclusion (everything after the last stats), your help is appreciated and it was really good.
Ps: Don't hesitate to comment/rate/propose new analysis, Don't forget to like the analysis. We want to have a big number of followers so we can continue these reviews so dont be shy to like it if you read them because our followers was low recently .0 -
Popping my forum cherry here. Hey all!0
The LL adventures kicks off with a almighty bang and comes to life with a fire it hasn't seen in nearly a thousand years. The crowd is red hot inside the once great and still historic Krakadoom event. Fans all around the world have come to see this show and signs of all the Great LL Superstars of past and present reign supreme. From signs that say "LL AWESOME" to "CapceH have my baby" can been seen as the cameras zoom around the MPQ UnIverse. The pyro dies out as the theme song of Lock and Load, “War” by Sick Puppie continues to blare through the MPQ Universe before coming to the legendary LL adventures.
Welcome back to our legendary analysis for Lock and Load where the big guys play! Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, Lock and Load proudly brings to you, it's Lock and Load adventure and analysis for the last events:
pvp Krakadoom rank 78 (13 241 pts)
LL Big Screen is slowy descending in front of the stage and the Illuminati theme hits the loudspeakers as the fans cheer loudly when a ring appear on the big screen and start glowing on the screen. The fans absolutely erupt in cheers as the familiar sound of clocks echoes through the arena and the rest of the music is drowned out by the roaring big truck. Suddenly a big black pickup truck drives through the curtain and speeds down the ramp, screeching to a halt right spinning the wheel before it hits the LL Big Screen! CRASH!! KA-KLING!!! VROUMMM!! Noise of roaring Harley Davidson engines full up the place, the lights of three motorcycles begin to emerge of the stage, standing on it we can see Philly99, salma, RubixQube. They start doing several circle around the big truck before stopping at each side of the truck while salma go in front.
The door flies open and out steps the “Greek Phoenix” himself, antreas1911! antreas climbs up onto the hood and then stands on the roof of the truck, throwing up the double bird as the crowd continues to roar in cheers.
LL announcer- Look at the huge reception the middle top5 of LL is receiving from this crowd!
Antrea finally hops off the truck onto the stage where we can see and gets to join salma, before going to each motorcycle, giving the LL high five for everyone to see. He calls for a mic but Philly99 take it.
Philly: Well with Good Ol’Philly back, we’re gonna kick off right where we left off, and that’s raisin’ hell and kickin’ ****! And I haven’t given a good **** whippin’ in a long time, so I think tonight is the time to do it! Now I’m gonna have to whip someone’s **** very soon, and I was hoping it would be that mealy mouthed D2KM but I’m told he isn’t in tonight! Now I understand his LL2 baby just got taken from him by EvilMother to lead them to success, but that ain’t no reason not to deliver in this event and not coming to the show!
The crowd cheers as Philly goes on.
Philly: Where are all the Illuminati in this events? Not there for sure. So its us, me, antreas, RubixQube and salma who made it to the Inner Circle this time to save our **** in this events.
CapceH’s music hits and out walks CapceH with a smirk on his face while looking up at his brother salma as some sparks hit his body from both sides followed by 7 blast of pyro behind him to indicate his 7 consecutives top5 in pvp before he make his way joining Philly and salma.
Philly - Now I heard you over there orgasming ‘cause CapceH came back as our new King of pvp, but it’s come to my attention that some people in the back don’t want Good Ol’ PHilly back. Now-...
But then the place is plunged into darkness.
The place lighting turn back on and Salgy appears on the stage in front of all the fans in attendance, all of whom are on their feet ready to welcome the LL commander. Salgy walks down the entrance ramp, high giving all the fans that are excited to see him. Salgy stops, look at CapceH crown and stares straight at CapceH, the electricity and intensity inside the place at a breaking point, CapceH then taunts Salgy with his own Just Bring It taunt, Salgy looks around at the MPQ UNiverse, they are all chanting SALGY! SALGY! SALGY! Salgy seemingly nods his head as an acknowledge before stare each other down again! They want to be the LL season pvp champion for sure! Who is going to blink first here?
And now return to the analysis where Lock and Load will stop at nothing from stealing the show as usual!!.
1) pvp Krakadoom -Great thanks to our top-performers, who are:
CapceH 950 +13 (+192 pts)
salmas 915 +4 (-75 pts)
Salgy 853 +4 (-120 pts)
Philly99 837 +5 (-16 pts)
RubixQube 749 +11 (+50 pts)
2) New king of pvp to CapceH who made it for a second time this season by capturing the crown, well done!
3) Welcome back to Whitequeen inside our awesome alliance.
4) Special Award achievement ("Bestow the Power Cosmic ") to CapceH who seem to be invested by some power, he is doing strong score 970+ and it’s the only one with Salgy who made the top5 regularly since the beginning of the season XII. Amazing work!!!
5) Special Award achievement ("Inner Circle ") to CapceH, salmas, Salgy, Philly99, RubixQube who made it to the top 5. Amazing work!!!
6) Special Award achievement ("MegaBlast") to salmas for his second place and a second big score in a row.
7) Special Award achievement ("Closer to God") to antreas1911 that miss the top5 but was really close to it only 2 pts.
8) Our top 5 players have played for an average of 861
9) Our mid-top 5 players have played for an average of 723.
10) We have played for an average per member of 662. Our lowest this season but the Iso-8 brother 12 hrs sub seem to affect us.
11) Great work to our top improvement performer in pvp, who made the more improvement, who are:
CapceH 950 +13 (+192 pts)
RubixQube 749 +11 (+50 pts)
The roof almost blows off the place as Chicken6 emerge from the back wearing a cap with a #1 on it, holding his 24 beer pack and a beer can in his other hand making his way down to the ramp. Chicken6 his standing there, drop his 24 beer pack, pulls a beer from his pocket, pops the top and chugs it down and then the pyro goes off behind him. Chicken6 takes off his cape and showing to the crowd, he is here to celebrate his first position in that event and go just in the middle of CapceH and Salgy. He show to them the leaderboard result of the Krakadoom event that he have just printed. CapceH and Salgy look at each other and shake their head, Salgy take the leaderboard paper from chicken and turn it around and give it back to him. Chicken6 still dejected nods his head back and cannot beleive it before leaving them and slowly makes his way to the back while shaking his head and looking at the leaderboard result and his true position.
Then …..
'The King of the King himself Malorick in a sea of smoke. Malorick stands for a moment in front of the Inner Circle simply staring ahead as the smoke billows from below. Malorick then makes his way down the ramp as the crowd roar in approval or everything they see.
Malorick then walks around the Inner Circle and he takes a drink from a bottle of water before throwing the remains into the crowd, Malorick then looks up to the Inner Circle on stage and nods and proceeds to do his signature pose to the roaring approval of the capacity crowd as pyro shoots out of the stage behind him, creating an iconic image.
LL announcer: OH my! Malorick calling Scoregasms out for the final pve of the season, it will not let this happen a third time. It will be an epic main event in the last ISo-8 Brotherhood pve.
The fans explode as Scoregasms spends out from the backstage, Scoregasms dressed up to fight and with a displeased look on his face.
Scoregasms: Just who the hell do you think you are? You demand a response here from the current Pve King? Well, you're just in luck because I'm tired of your reign, you failed to me not once, but twice! So shoot, you wanted me here, you got me, The Royal Beater, The Unstoppable Beasts, so I'm begging ya Malorick; enlighten me and tell me your problems!
Malorick is looking pissed off and stares at Scoregasms on the stage then raises up his mic.
Malorick: Me and you at ISo-8 Brotherhood; I don't give a damn how we do it, but me and you and the winner; get the PVE season crown; how's that for ya Scoregams, are you man enough? Are you able to do more 2 victories in a row?
Scoregasms: I'm not sure if you know what you're getting yourself into. I don't think that you know who you're dealing with, and right there is you're first mistake Malorick. So I'm going to show you what you're in for by accepting your challenge for iso-8 Brotherhood... and I want to add a stipulation to it if you are man enough to accept it.
Malorick: Anything, I accept your condition let’s do it!!!
Scoregasms: Second mistake for you, the stipulation will be the loser of the pve must leave LL1 and go to LL2!!!
Malorick is in complete shock as he drop really hard the mic on the floor.
Ps: Don't hesitate to comment/rate/propose new analysis, Don't forget to like the analysis. We want to have a big number of followers so we can continue these reviews so dont be shy to like it if you read them we can beat our last number of followers0 -
Hey forum browsers! Lock and Load are currently recruiting! Want that extra Khan cover??? Click the spoiler below for full details! Hopefully we will hear from you soon!!
D2KMHey everyone! Looking for something new and exciting? Want to be a part of a fun, friendly, no stress or drama alliance with like minded people? Well you are in luck because Lock and Load are currently recruiting. We have one immediate opening and another after the current pve is over. We are looking for friendly, active members. Come join the Lock & Load family!
- Tired of carrying your alliance only to miss out on rewards?
- Do you play daily?
- Do you score past the final progression reward for each PVE event?
- Are you looking to improve your roster, knowledge, and earn top rewards?
- Are you looking for a permanent, long-term home, where you feel valued and important?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above, then please read the requirements below and let me know if you're interested!
Lock & Load requirements - top 5 PVE, top 50 PVP
PVP: Minimum of 600
Season: Minimum of 8,000
PVE: for older covers, 150% of progression reward is expected, for new and 4* covers, 200% of the progression reward is expected.
Keep in mind these minimums are not set in stone! If you excel in pvp but dont like the pve grind please apply!! Or if you are a pve grind machine but are having issues with pvp, please apply!! We are a friendly bunch and will work with you
We are looking for: friendly, consistent & competitive members who can contribute to our success.
The fine print...
Members may get booted if:
- They can't make the above minimums 2 times in one Season
- They can't make the season minimum by the end of the season
- They don't grind in PVE when new covers come out
- We use the in game chat, and no other chat apps are needed, but we do require a forum account for "official" communication.
We understand that sometimes real life gets in the way of playing and all we ask is that you communicate any circumstances that may keep you from keeping up with the alliance expectations.
Please contact me or one of our other commanders Salgy or
We look forward to hearing from you!
D2KM0 -
LOL, just read this, I like how I'm the bad guy, provided I'm one of those cheesy, long monologue type villains, I approve0
Scoregasms wrote:LOL, just read this, I like how I'm the bad guy, provided I'm one of those cheesy, long monologue type villains, I approve
Umm....I think the unthinkable happened....0 -
ojcAust wrote:Scoregasms wrote:LOL, just read this, I like how I'm the bad guy, provided I'm one of those cheesy, long monologue type villains, I approve
Umm....I think the unthinkable happened....
Evil laugh inc!
All your bases belong to me!0 -
Scoregasms wrote:ojcAust wrote:Scoregasms wrote:LOL, just read this, I like how I'm the bad guy, provided I'm one of those cheesy, long monologue type villains, I approve
Umm....I think the unthinkable happened....
Evil laugh inc!
All your bases belong to me!
Son of a ...... Let me know if your old enough to get this reference. Malorick Enter the code: IDKFA I recommend the chainsaw.
Score I think you have just become the villian of the Doom Legion. Salgy and I will have to let you do the talking.
***The reporter runs up to Scoregasms thrusting their microphone forward. "Scoregasms. How will this effect your planned move to Lock and Load 2? Is this a setback to your grand experiment? Was this a part of your master plan all along? Is it True that your dating a 19 year old Supermodel????"***0 -
You could add IDDQD to that, Ojc! I guess some of us are from the ancient times of gaming...0
Lol, the best is Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Select Start, God Mode my friends.
Dude, I was a Atari/NES generation kid, I still remember getting a NES with Kung Fu and Double Dribble and not sleeping at all that night, haha. My NES "blow on cartridge to get it to work" technique was legendary.0 -
Scoregasms wrote:Lol, the best is Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Select Start, God Mode my friends.
Dude, I was a Atari/NES generation kid, I still remember getting a NES with Kung Fu and Double Dribble and not sleeping at all that night, haha. My NES "blow on cartridge to get it to work" technique was legendary.
And here is why I feel at home in this place Although I went Commodore 64, into Sega.0 -
Scoregasms wrote:Lol, the best is Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Select Start, God Mode my friends.0
Salgy wrote:Scoregasms wrote:Lol, the best is Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Select Start, God Mode my friends.
Lol, I fought my way to Tyson the hard way son! Though, I did use it on occasion Contra on the other hand was just insane to beat normally, props to those that memorized every single bullet and attack and live through it to do it without using a cheat code.0 -
Salgy wrote:Scoregasms wrote:Lol, the best is Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Select Start, God Mode my friends.
What a game!!!!
Guys, are WE really that old? cant believe it! hahaha!0 -
Scoregasms wrote:Salgy wrote:Scoregasms wrote:Lol, the best is Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Select Start, God Mode my friends.
Lol, I fought my way to Tyson the hard way son! Though, I did use it on occasion Contra on the other hand was just insane to beat normally, props to those that memorized every single bullet and attack and live through it to do it without using a cheat code.
Fought to him the hard way too... Only managed to ever beat him twice... Wasn't fun just getting pounded repeatedly...
Except in mpq... That's always fun facing level 395 dark avengers0 -
Philly999 wrote:Salgy wrote:Scoregasms wrote:Lol, the best is Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Select Start, God Mode my friends.
Guys, are WE really that old? cant believe it! hahaha!
I prefer "seasoned", not old0 -
I would like in the first page, in the place with the active members of the alliance, next to each nick to put age and country.
If you do it, 35 Greece.0 -
Who wants Kingpin???? Any forum browsers out there want to be a part of an amazing group?? Lock and Load are recruiting we have one open spot! See hidden message below for details.Hey everyone! Looking for something new and exciting? Want to be a part of a fun, friendly, no stress or drama alliance with like minded people? Well you are in luck because Lock and Load are currently recruiting. We have one immediate opening and another after the current pve is over. We are looking for friendly, active members. Come join the Lock & Load family!
- Tired of carrying your alliance only to miss out on rewards?
- Do you play daily?
- Do you score past the final progression reward for each PVE event?
- Are you looking to improve your roster, knowledge, and earn top rewards?
- Are you looking for a permanent, long-term home, where you feel valued and important?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above, then please read the requirements below and let me know if you're interested!
Lock & Load requirements - top 5 PVE, top 50 PVP
PVP: Minimum of 600
Season: Minimum of 8,000
PVE: for older covers, 150% of progression reward is expected, for new and 4* covers, 200% of the progression reward is expected.
Keep in mind these minimums are not set in stone! If you excel in pvp but dont like the pve grind please apply!! Or if you are a pve grind machine but are having issues with pvp, please apply!! We are a friendly bunch and will work with you
We are looking for: friendly, consistent & competitive members who can contribute to our success.
The fine print...
Members may get booted if:
- They can't make the above minimums 2 times in one Season
- They can't make the season minimum by the end of the season
- They don't grind in PVE when new covers come out
- We use the in game chat, and no other chat apps are needed, but we do require a forum account for "official" communication.
We understand that sometimes real life gets in the way of playing and all we ask is that you communicate any circumstances that may keep you from keeping up with the alliance expectations.
Please contact me or one of our other commanders Salgy or
We look forward to hearing from you!
D2KM0 -
Anybody else remember pranking those first computers in stores by entering a few lines of BASIC code to infinitely loop a line of text?0
MarvelDestiny wrote:Anynody else remember pranking those first computers in stores by entering a few lines of BASIC code to infinitely loop a line a text?
Used to do that on a Commodore VIC-20 in the front of the Video Concepts store at Washington Square Mall in Portland roundabout 1982.
Also, DNKROZ ftw.0
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