The "What really grinds my gears" MPQ Thread

edited November 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
This is not intended to be a thread to criticize MPQ or D3. I just wanted to create a place for people to share various experiences that they found annoying. The purpose is to just share for the fun of it. I'll go first.

You know what really grinds my gears at MPQ?

When you thought you reached the next progression reward, but when the match ends you realize that you got attacked and you are not there yet.


  • Lystrata
    Lystrata Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    Being 3 iso away from levelling someone up.

    (Sure, you gather that in 5 seconds in a prologue fight, but it's the principle of the matter!)
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,313 Chairperson of the Boards
    Spending all your powers to kill a high level Daken. He survives with less than 100 HP. He starts regenerating each turn more HP than normal match damage can deal.


    Spending all your powers to kill Sentry. Sentry survives with less than 10 HP. Sentry casts Supernova that you could swear he didn't have enough AP for and kills your team and himself. Opponent's loaner character is the only to survive, winning the game.
  • A couple things that really annoy me are,

    1. Sentry bombing on a high point node in 80 seconds flat in the last fearsome minutes of a high stakes PVP pushing you into the top 10 ...only to find when you exit the victory screen that you just received your daily reward and/or 10 gifts of 1 star covers from FB friends... and you frantically press the claim button over and over for half a minute trying to get through all the happy splash pages to the menu so you can shield before a retaliation or snipe. (periodically I forget about the daily award timing...)

    2. Managing of health packs and healing your team: Before you take off for 3+ hours, you want to heal up your team in an optimal way such that your health packs will replenish to 5 at just about the same time your roster will heal. Unfortunately, to heal your team, you need to enter a fight in some event. If that's not inconvenient enough, sometimes you select a character on your roster menu to add him/her to the line up just so that you can heal/him her, and you're in a hurry and press the heal button only to realize that the roster slot you tried to put the character you wanted to heal into was a required/featured character that can't be changed and you just wasted a health pack (and a half an hour) healing a character that you didn't really want to heal.

    They really need to let you heal your characters in the training button menu or something like that...
  • ballingbees
    ballingbees Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    Trying to get rid of a TU from your list.
    Fat finger misses the tiny bin icon and end up picking the TU instead.
    Goes back to TU list and pick remove from list.
    Goes back to TU list to try to delete said TU once more.
    Fat finger misses the tiny bin icon and end up picking the TU instead.
    Repeat N-times.
  • over_clocked
    Great idea for a thread.

    1. We don't know what defensive team of ours won/lost.

    2. We can't see the number of covers on the opposition unless we visit their roster/sift through the previews.

    3. I can ask for 5 team-ups as often as every 30 minutes, but can only send 3 as seldom as only a couple of times a day or less.

    4. 20 ISO.

    5. No team-up drops from lvl 300+ PvE nodes.

    6. Shielded a few times, 0 shielded attacks.

    7. Maxed a character, so weak and situational they almost never get a workout (She-Hulk, for example).

    8. 3 healthpacks in the daily drop and you have no idea now what to do with them.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    Okin107 wrote:
    When you thought you reached the next progression reward, but when the match ends you realize that you got attacked and you are not there yet.

    Wow you got me with this one. This is really really annoying.

    I think the other one is when you are figthing against a high level Ragnarok + Venom and you enter in a cycle of Godlike Power + Cacade + Thunderclap + Cascade + Symbiote Snare + match + Godlike Power etc. and you keep looking at the screen without the oportunity to play and do something.
  • jojeda654
    jojeda654 Posts: 1,162 Chairperson of the Boards
    camichan wrote:
    ...when you exit the victory screen that you just received your daily reward and/or 10 gifts of 1 star covers from FB friends... and you frantically press the claim button over and over for half a minute trying to get through all the happy splash pages

    I also find the progression screen annoying. Why can't both meters fill up at the same time? I would love to know how many points I have left till the next season progression reward, but I don't want to wait until after the event meter is done, so I always skip it. Then, when I want to check again, I have to go back to the main screen and enter the Season screen, then rewards, and then scroll all the way down to the next reward. URGH!
  • Nighthawk81
    Nighthawk81 Posts: 166 Tile Toppler
    locked wrote:
    Great idea for a thread.

    1. We don't know what defensive team of ours won/lost.

    2. We can't see the number of covers on the opposition unless we visit their roster/sift through the previews.

    3. I can ask for 5 team-ups as often as every 30 minutes, but can only send 3 as seldom as only a couple of times a day or less.

    4. 20 ISO.

    5. No team-up drops from lvl 300+ PvE nodes.

    6. Shielded a few times, 0 shielded attacks.

    7. Maxed a character, so weak and situational they almost never get a workout (She-Hulk, for example).

    8. 3 healthpacks in the daily drop and you have no idea now what to do with them.

    How about 3 health packs from daily drop when you normal batch are regenning and you lose the benefit of the 3 new ones.
  • I had to post. Let me see where to start?

    1. Two stars on heroic coins, they should over write them already with 5 hp,700 ISO, 1000 iso, ect,ect
    2. PVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    3.same people always get 1st place on pvp
  • Exit button on defeat screen loading last when you were wiped by tinykitty AI cascade and no, you don't need to know how crit or attack tiles work, really...
    AI teabagging you by spamming specials after said cascade even after all your heroes are dead.
  • Teno1 wrote:
    I had to post. Let me see where to start?

    1. Two stars on heroic coins, they should over write them already with 5 hp,700 ISO, 1000 iso, ect,ect
    2. PVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    3.same people always get 1st place on pvp

    I'd like this topic to avoid criticism of the mechanics and suggestions on what can be better. I just wanted to share some small annoying moments that we all go through many times every day in the game and that sometimes they ruin your game plans.

    Here's another one while I'm at it:

    That annoying moment when you have a not so good 3G coverage and while you try to push your last match with 2-3 mins left in order to maintain your rank... "Agent, we have lost connection to the servers..." (Especially during the anniversary LRs. Missed more than 5 #5 cause of bad coverage at work).
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    1. Having XForce's Recovery tile put on an obvious match when you desperately need the heal. Corollary: Having it stay there until 1-turn left, and then the AI decides to take it.
    2. Failed Sentry-bombing against a 50pt opponent. (Sacrifice tile gets matched, AI cascades you to oblivion, etc...)
    3. Gold Back from a standard token, only to find its one of the few you have cover maxed already. (Seriously D3, enough with the Psylocke covers)
  • Not paying attention to Crotchdevil quietly laying down traps as you kill more important enemies and suddenly being on the receiving end of a kick to the face.
  • locked wrote:
    4. 20 ISO

    Oh god, yes... 20 ISO is an insulting "reward"
  • 2.5 hour refresh timer in pve.
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    As to the "Agent we lost your connection" thing; last week I pulled a red Colossus and black Xforce from cashing in some standard and heroic tokens. A few seconds after I claimed them, but before I left the recruit hero page, I lost my connection. When I logged back in, I had my tokens back and had to re-pull. The 2nd time was all 1 and 2*. What makes it so annoying is I only cashed in 4 standards and 1 heroic. Now what are the odds from getting a rare 3* and a good 4* from only cashing in 4 standards? I've cashed in 100 standard at a time and didn't get a single gold. I rarely get gold pulls. Now I get 2 at once, both of which are good ones I can use. And I don't get to keep them.

    But now to add to the thread. One thing that I find annoying is when the Ai will cast a power, get a cascade, make a move that gives them a crit and extra turn, then they cast 2 more powers, make another move and so on. It takes so long. When this happens I just set my tablet down and tell the enemy team to continue the beating and just holler at me when they get finished, if I have any heros left alive that is. Then I just sit there and take a few extra puffs on my cigar, and wait, not so patiently, until it's my turn again. I know it's part of the game, but it still annoys me.
  • IceIx taking decisions icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • When the enemy team's turn goes so long that my phone screen turns off from inactivity. icon_evil.gif
  • I just remembered the MOST annoying one for me.

    The moment when you have to wait for the animations of strike tiles (or attack tiles don't remember which ones do this) after every turn.

    Or when you have Daken in your own team and he slows you down more than the enemy does with his tiles.

    Or when Storm puts down a Hailstorm and you roll your eyes because you care more about the fact that the game will be so slow rather than the damage you will get.