All Alliances Increasing To 20 Member Slots



  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    I am hoping this doesn't actually go into effect till after S7 ends. This seems like a great change to drop in the down week between seasons... Not during the last week of a season offering the first card for a brand new 4-star...
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]It's looking good that an additional feature will be going into the R64 patch (currently slated for Monday, November 3, 2014).

    There's your time-frame.
  • Just burns for those of us that spent the money to get our alliances. Me and our other commander bought all of the slots. Sure we've gotten some benefit, but the other 18 members got the same benefit without spending a dime.

    Some sort of recompense for those that purchased the slots would make me feel a LOT better, instead of feeling dumb for not just riding someone elses alliance.
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,534 Chairperson of the Boards
    With all the new 20/20 alliances, recruiting is gonna a PITA! Now every alliance needs a daily player who can score 500-700. I think that avg scores will also rise as commanders push people to make mins. Maybe their should be a new 1400 1500 progression award? The top 1% players consistently make 1500-1700 in pvps!
  • "David wrote:

    We understand that players who spent Hero Points to expand their Alliance within the last week may be feeling upset. If you fall into this category, please send Customer Service a ticket and we'll look into Hero Point compensation: ... quests/new

    We do feel though, that players who spent Hero Points in the past to expand their Alliances have reaped substantial benefits for doing so (increased Iso, covers, rewards, etc.) that compensate for the Hero Points spent to expand.

    Thanks for your understanding as we move forward with the Alliance expansion.

    Big respect if D3 willing to compensate HP spent, will try this after update icon_e_wink.gif
    I like this update, but how much ISO is needed to create new alliance?
  • Keeping the streak going of doing things right for players. I do not guess a Sentry nerf, beast buff, or DP black tweak is on the horizon to make it a Festivus for the rest of us (who are not currently looking to join another alliance)?
  • Being generous never harmed anyone. Compensating neither.

    Let's see. It takes close to 700 000 HP to max a roster with all the characters.

    A compensation for those who bought slots would do no harm and would be welcome.

    They are so stingy at D3P when they ask us to be so generous...
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm a leech on MPQ society in that I've only joined fully formed alliances, so I don't expect anything in return. And I can buy the argument that top 100 alliances that spent that HP have had a high ROI on that investment.

    But man, if I were in a 10-12 person alliance, or even a top 101-500, I'd be peeved at this change.
  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't see the Top 25, maybe even Top 50 alliances being affected too much by this, other than feeling slighted due to having spent all that HP. If anything, it'll just have them create more sister alliances to farm for more talent. Pretty sure the Top 50 alliances already actively push out dead weight. It would have the alliances between Top 50 and Top 100 cleaning house more, to keep their positions in the Top 100, and recruiting people into their alliances. I think it'll help a lot of the 2 to 3* transitional players that aren't in a Top 100 alliance find a home and get more covers. I hope that is the case, since I am one of those players.

    I think it'll reduce the number of active alliances, as the 5 member casual alliances become 20 member casual alliances. They'll just be in it for the daily ISO bump. This provides an incentive for newer players to keep playing, grow the user base, keep the game going. Casual players can easily get kicked out of a 5 member alliance, but pretty sure commanders would let people stick around an unfilled 20 member alliance for the extra 10 ISO.
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ok devs, not funny. You can make a post on here anytime now about how this is all a big Halloween prank. Like I said, NOT FUNNY.

    I now know how those players that spent time/money maxing 2 OBWs just to have "true healing" shoved down their throats felt !
  • I think this makes sense from a long time game perspective. Now you for sure have 19 people who depend on you and who will guilt you into playing. Competition for top 50 shouldn't change, but some newer half competitive alliances in the 50-250 range will probably benefit. Alliance kicking will probably become greater in the short term as they struggle to become rankers.

    This doesn't affect the high end for rankings, which already actively kick. Whether there should be compensation is another debatable question, which d3 seems to answer with "We'll give you stuff, but only if you bought slots recently and complain about it".
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    I now know how those players that spent time/money maxing 2 OBWs just to have "true healing" shoved down their throats felt !

    Games are always subject to change. I understand you feel pretty gutted about it, since the investment is huge, but at the end of the day, you can't blame them for making a change that will benefit the whole, because a small frame of the community would be upset about it. At the end of the day, I imagine you reaped quite the benefit from being in a 20-man Alliance when the quite larger minority were stuck in 5-10 man Alliances - even moreso that you're in a T100 Alliance. That's a perfectly valid argument - you paid for your advantage and you got to reap it until whenever this change goes into effect.

    Now, I will say, I think you deserve something to compensate you, especially if your signature is any suggestion, you have but at least three Alliances, two of which you're obviously not gaining anything from - though I could still argue that someone is and you knew that going into it - but it seems obvious that you did it to help people transition since they seem to be non-top Alliances. You did the community a favor, and while it's a bit awkward to ask for compensation for community services, I can definitely still understand it.

    Finally, HiFi did say that if you wanted some sort of compensation to send a ticket and there will be a dialogue. The only name dropped Alliance were the T25 guys, whom I think no one would argue that haven't gotten a huge return on investment, and probably shouldn't get much more than a couple "sorry tokens", so I feel like they'll hear your complaint out and give you something at least.
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    This change seems strange to me. It means decreasing revenue for D3P because now no-one has to buy HP to spend on expanding an alliance.

    Then again, perhaps it's not that much revenue compared to tokens or health packs.

    Question, will there still be a cost to set up an alliance initially?
  • I think back to the many posts I have read in these forums since I started. I think about burnout. I think about people talking about the psychological stresses of obligation to a competitive alliance. I think about people talking about lack of sleep because they didn't want to blow off an event because of obligation to their alliance. I think about the people who wasted time in an event that had absolutely no covers they needed, out of obligation to their alliance.

    I remember the counter arguments that these problems were balanced by the rewards we received as a 20 person alliance.

    Now I am told that there will not be an HP refund because the HP spent allowed me to get greater rewards. And after all this time I thought the greater rewards came from obligation, lack of sleep, grinding, loyalty, time invested, and commitment.

    And what about those that have an alliance of 6-19 people. Good chance they paid HP to get better and their extra rewards amounted to a lot less that a Top 100 alliance.

    What's next? "Everyone knows having a fully covered character is more fun. So from now on every character is already fully covered. Those of you who earned your covers shouldn't complain. Look how many tourneys you've won cause you had the max characters for a longer period of time."

    Don't like that one? How about this?

    "All ready to run that marathon? Awesome. Oh, by the way, when you hit the 25 mile mark, some people will be waiting to just jump into the race. What do you mean that's not fair? More competition is fun and healthy, and it doesn't matter if you trained for years. Look how fit you are because of it."


    "Thank you for applying for a position at our company, but we decided to give the job to Steve. I know you studied for years, paid off tuition and fees, and sacrificed many a night working towards the goal of applying here today. Steve did none of that. But, no worries, you still have all that knowledge, so good for you."

    The HP spent was part of a process that YOU instated. Without it, the people in the top 100 alliances would probably still be the top 100 alliances. So the HP spent had nothing to do with getting extra rewards except to exclude those who couldn't or didn't want to spend the money. And take money from those who did. And in a FTP game, shouldn't spending money give you an advantage? The only advantage we got from giving you money for roster slots is now gone. Thank you for once again **** on established people who pay your salaries. Keep it up, I am sure you can get away with this forever.
  • Unknown
    edited October 2014
    I am pissed. I spent hp .... thousands of hp and i am really pissed at how this stupid game keeps changing rules and ignoring investments people made.
    I am not spending one more cent on ur stupid game and when i run out of hp i will just dump it.
    I spent all that hp specifically to rank well and earn top rewards and now u telling me everyone will be able to compete at high levels even without spending a single hp to increase their alliance. U suck mpq !!!!
  • I hope this change brings about smaller brackets for alliances during PVE and PVP events instead of all the alliances being in one big bracket since now every alliance will have the same quantity of members.
  • I keep hoping they will occasionally throw a bone to the casual gamer and people who play in a civilized and relaxed manner can still progress and enjoy the game. The one example of this has been the gauntlet and I am thankful for it.
    But right on the heels of the gauntlet return is this, which boils down to some alliances were taking it too easy because they were small. Now there is no excuse everyone can be big and everyone needs to compete for that coveted top 100. Go on, fight among each other more competition, more!
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    I foresee a heck of a lot of single-person alliances springing up. Why would you join SparklePonies when you have no idea who they are?

    How many active players are there in MPQ, and how many players are in the 30939 alliances who played in the Anniversary tournament?

    How many alliances are there in total, and how many are still active?
  • Coppertouret
    Coppertouret Posts: 169 Tile Toppler
    Re: All Alliances Increasing To 20 Member Slots
    Postby David [Hi-Fi] Moore » Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:27 am

    We understand that players who spent Hero Points to expand their Alliance within the last week may be feeling upset. If you fall into this category, please send Customer Service a ticket and we'll look into Hero Point compensation: ... quests/new

    We do feel though, that players who spent Hero Points in the past to expand their Alliances have reaped substantial benefits for doing so (increased Iso, covers, rewards, etc.) that compensate for the Hero Points spent to expand.

    Thanks for your understanding as we move forward with the Alliance expansion.

    This is an absolutely absurd response for requesting refunds. I bought every slot in my alliance except for 1 (the 13th) and we have nowhere near made back that hp spent on alliance rewards. We are only just now even becoming viable for top 100 competition, and for the majority of events prior, I have spent more hp trying to carry the alliance so my original investment want such a waste. That is absolute trash that you can just devalue my investment into the alliance. I am nowhere near breaking even on my total expenses. The only reason I kept going is because we were finally overcoming our competition and securing a top 100 position (never above 75). Now our position is not secure and competition for our alliance performance range will be even greater. I am not happy about this at all and I honestly expect some serious compensation.
  • Not to mention the cost of starting new alliances and poaching members to fill it with competitive bodies just went way down. People who wanted to do that in the past had to put up a lot of capital