How much have you spent on the game to date?



  • $60. Been playing the game a whole lot and do not mind supporting the publisher at all.

    That said, it would have just been $40 but I had a classic magneto cover that was about to expire and when I went out to buy loonies to add a roster spot it just seemed to make more sense to spend $20 again.

    This is probably my limit.
  • I bought the $5 HP pack so I could expand my Roster early on before finishing the prologue. At this point, I'm considering dropping another $20 so I can get a 10x heroic pack.

    I'm not winning any tourneys with that amount, but the time I've spent on this has allowed me to place high enough to get both a cover of IW from her release tourney and a Punisher cover from the Hunt (was 2 places out of getting 2 covers).
  • $75. I did 50 early on mainly to support the game. Then I got a little excited last week when I got my first red raggy cover... lol
  • I've spent $70 to date. A $20 HP pack very early on to buy slots and heroic draws, back when any heroic draw was a cover I needed. More recently I bought $50 of HP so I could push Grey Widows green to 5 and Spideys blue to 5. The rest I banked waiting for my Red Ragnarok cover and when that came I took his red from 1-5 instantly. I must say, I feel a hair regretful on the Grey Widow/Spidey spends since right after I did that they started making those covers the prizes for like every other tournament. Still, not a lot of regrets because it let me have the skills I wanted instantly. Also given how much time I've sunk into this game I think $70 is a very appropriate price point for the entertainment received. If I'm still playing this heavily in a month or two and there's something I want, I'd be willing to drop another $20-$40.

    For those concerned about pay-to-win, I assure you that will never describe me. Despite having pretty decent teams I'm a slow player and that always dooms me in the end of tournaments. I can sometimes pull a top 10 by angling for a late-join/weak bracket and building up points before the last mad scramble. The only time I've ever won a bracket was one of the hunt events where I was apparently the only person in my bracket trying.
  • I was wanting to spend more in the hunt, but there was no need since my missions went down to zero. Health packs is about the only thing I'm willing to spend money on now. If covers were tradeable I might consider buying the daily heroic pack.
  • $5 for HP very early on before I understood how buying covers actually worked. Am doing pretty decently ever since (no actual $ spent, although I spend too many waking moments playing).

    Big kudos for the devs. May pay more $ just in appreciation for their hard work.

    Game is high quality, great graphics. Economics and balancing obviously are still work in progress but great nonetheless. I sincerely hope they continue to build on this. Google Play store only shows 100,000 downloadees.

    I call it Candy Crush for men.
  • Bugpop wrote:
    It adds up if you don't keep track. I put a lot of time in the game. I've been playing since day 1. Getting loki and ragnarok, hood as well, served to cause me to get hooked on upgrades here and there.

    Its not like you plunk down a stack of bills. Instead of eating out for breakfast and lunch, I bought a couple protein bars and a google play card. So I've been losing weight... at least until thanksgiving.
    I think it's cool to switch to healthy food over fast food. I'm just surprised it's even possible to spend that much. As long as you feel it's worth it. Hopefully RNG was kind.
  • Puritas
    Puritas Posts: 670 Critical Contributor
    $5 on day 2 to pay for early cover slots so I wouldn't have to sell my 1-star hawkeye, yelena, widow, venom, etc loooooooooool
    waiting on more interesting things to come into game so I can support the devs more; paying for skillups/more covers at this point would take away the only point in playing the game
  • Marty17
    Marty17 Posts: 503 Critical Contributor
    Less than £7 so far. Only spent it on HP to purchase more cover capacity. I might spend a bit more due to daily 100HP Heroic pack.
  • For all those proudly proclaiming they've spent little/nothing on the game, but play almost every waking moment, have you considered the return on two hours of play vs two hours of overtime at whatever job you have? It's interesting math. ISO is fairly pricy but a few hours of overtime to earn an extra $20 (job permitting obviously) and cashing that in for 8k ISO is probably a better in-game advancement per time-spent than actually spending those hours grinding away in a tournament for 70/140 ISO a pop. It's significantly less fun of course, but it's not a bad trade-off when viewed that way.
  • I call it Candy Crush for men.

    Haha! That's what my wife called it when I was explaining the game to her.
    I've personally spent $50.... but don't tell my wife that. icon_lol.gif
  • For all those proudly proclaiming they've spent little/nothing on the game, but play almost every waking moment, have you considered the return on two hours of play vs two hours of overtime at whatever job you have? It's interesting math. ISO is fairly pricy but a few hours of overtime to earn an extra $20 (job permitting obviously) and cashing that in for 8k ISO is probably a better in-game advancement per time-spent than actually spending those hours grinding away in a tournament for 70/140 ISO a pop. It's significantly less fun of course, but it's not a bad trade-off when viewed that way.
    I don't necessarily agree with your concept, but I am willing to drop money on a game if I think it's worth the price. I probably spent 600$+ on marvel WOH, but it felt like there was value with their cards. This game doesn't offer the same "trade" appeal so I am more guarded.
  • For all those proudly proclaiming they've spent little/nothing on the game, but play almost every waking moment, have you considered the return on two hours of play vs two hours of overtime at whatever job you have? It's interesting math. ISO is fairly pricy but a few hours of overtime to earn an extra $20 (job permitting obviously) and cashing that in for 8k ISO is probably a better in-game advancement per time-spent than actually spending those hours grinding away in a tournament for 70/140 ISO a pop. It's significantly less fun of course, but it's not a bad trade-off when viewed that way.

    If my goal were to avoid time spent playing... I could achieve that by not playing.
  • have you considered the return on two hours of play vs two hours of overtime at whatever job you have?

    Yes, overtime at my job earns me exactly $0.

    It's called salary.

    I haven't done hourly work in twenty years...
  • For all those proudly proclaiming they've spent little/nothing on the game, but play almost every waking moment, have you considered the return on two hours of play vs two hours of overtime at whatever job you have? It's interesting math. ISO is fairly pricy but a few hours of overtime to earn an extra $20 (job permitting obviously) and cashing that in for 8k ISO is probably a better in-game advancement per time-spent than actually spending those hours grinding away in a tournament for 70/140 ISO a pop. It's significantly less fun of course, but it's not a bad trade-off when viewed that way.

    I would much rather do the 1 hour of overtime for 11400 HP than all the grinding but the problem is with getting that overtime approved. While the game is fun, repeating the same pve mission 20 times is less so.

    I also took the skip coffee 3 days in a row and buy 600 HP approach early on to get tokens/upgrades/cover slots. Spent some more on upgrades which made the game much more fun such as Magneto blue, Rag red, and G Widow purple. In total I think I'm $70 in.

    I haven't spent money in a while now because they've been giving away so many tokens and HP that there's just no point.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    I discovered the game back in mid October and dumped $5 into it so I could buy more cover slots. I play about 30 minutes to an hour a day (more near the end of tournaments). I'm happy the standard tokens have at least a tiny chance at some of the better characters - over the course of turning in 80 or so standard tokens I've received two grey suit widows, two model (black suit) ironmans, three two star magnetos, one yellow Spiderman, and one three star magneto, which seems like a pretty reasonable ratio to the sea of modern storms/classic hawkeyes/red ironmans/modern black widows/yelena/venom covers.
  • I've spent 5$ on cover space.
    I wouldn't mind spending more in the future to support the devs, considering that:
    -I've had the game for less than a month and already put 70+ hours in it according to steam icon_e_surprised.gif
    -In the past I've spent 60$ for games that I finished in less than 10 hours
    -I'm a dev myself, although in a completely different field, so I gotta show some brotherly love here icon_mrgreen.gif

    But atm I don't have any covers worth investing into, and ISO is terribly overpriced in my opinion. icon_cry.gif
  • $30 that's all.
  • I think it's sort of interesting how many people seem like they need to include an excuse or explanation for why they spent money on this game. I don't really see why anyone should feel embarrassed about it. It's your money you can use it how you want. If you get enjoyment out of spending it on a game, good for you!
  • adamLmpq wrote:
    I think it's sort of interesting how many people seem like they need to include an excuse or explanation for why they spent money on this game. I don't really see why anyone should feel embarrassed about it. It's your money you can use it how you want. If you get enjoyment out of spending it on a game, good for you!

    My feelings exactly.