Poll : What's your opinion on Team Up ?



  • I like it to a degree. However it needs more finessing. I hate it in connection with how much dmg my team can take (thanks to the true healing boondoggle) and it can effectively kill off multiple match play.

    I think it adds an interesting angle, and makes the env. tiles now something to work for instead of ignore. On that aspect I like it. However, I hate the amount of dmg it makes your team vulenerable to (see Sentry powers). Take into context I generally look at opponents and choose them in anticipation of any dmg I might have to deal with and any counters I need to put into place. Because to be honest I really need to be aware of the dmg nowadays (thanks true healing boondoggle) tha tmy team might take in order to continue playing. I think this really hurts that aspect of the game. I also dislike that there are no methods at effectively neutralizing or countering the tile acquisition of these tiles.

    -enable us to delete certain ones we dont want
    -also enable us to remember ones we've already set up from previous matches so we dont have to reselect them each time.

    It needs reworking....and dear god...limit the sentry world rupture super nova.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    edited July 2014
    MikeHock wrote:

    STOP THIS ****
    This is happening because the AI is limited to Dark Avengers powers (for theme) and Sentry has the cheapest among that small set of powers, so they go off first. It's An easy fix for the devs, hopefully the next PvP will be better.

    It makes sense to me that Sentry powers should not appear in a PvP in which he is not featured. So, I'm not arguing against you. I just don't think this is a problem with Team-up design, just implementation.
  • It makes the game more like chess
    This is far and away the last phrase I would have expected to be used as a COMPLAINT against an alleged strategy game.

    It's not a complaint. I was saying I can see why "others" (meaning not me) would not like the change. I like chess. I put it a couple of ways to some one in my alliance.

    1) The change requires more strategy, so it's a little bit of a head ache for me. However, a lot of people seem to be getting migraines and aneurisms. Therefore, I really don't mind the change because the little bit of hassle is to my advantage.

    2) I don't have to outrun the lion (TUPs), I just just have to outrun the other people. I don't have to well as I played before the change, I just have to adapt quicker and better to the change than other people.
  • MikeHock wrote:

    STOP THIS ****
    This is happening because the AI is limited to Dark Avengers powers (for theme) and Sentry has the cheapest among that small set of powers, so they go off first. It's An easy fix for the devs, hopefully the next PvP will be better.

    It makes sense to me that Sentry powers should not appear in a PvP in which he is not featured. So, I'm not arguing against you. I just don't think this is a problem with Team-up design, just implementation.

    I don't really care who what when or why it's happening, only that it HAPPENS EVERY BATTLE. I have zero confidence in the devs.
    And D3, who the hell am I supposed to defeat to stop those countdown tiles?
  • MikeHock wrote:
    And D3, who the hell am I supposed to defeat to stop those countdown tiles?

    Everybody, of course, but sometimes just the center person, and sometimes the person in front when casted, but sometimes its the person with the highest white tile damage...stick with everybody
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,705 Chairperson of the Boards
    papa07 wrote:
    MikeHock wrote:
    And D3, who the hell am I supposed to defeat to stop those countdown tiles?

    Everybody, of course, but sometimes just the center person, and sometimes the person in front when casted, but sometimes its the person with the highest white tile damage...stick with everybody

    When we figure it out, that will be valuable info. I thought it was the person who "cast" the power, but I think I came across at least one example where that wasn't the case. It's definitely somebody.
  • As suggested somewhere else, we really need all the teamups tied to a team leader character who has a nice icon over their head so we know with clarity and ease who to target first.
  • As suggested somewhere else, we really need all the teamups tied to a team leader character who has a nice icon over their head so we know with clarity and ease who to target first.

    There's a very simple formula that always seems to work.

    1. Pick one of the possible people
    2. Attack them until they run out of hitpoints
    3. It turns out to be the other guy

    Works every time.
  • For a supposed random team up against AI, it sure seems to randomly hit me with world rupture about 75% of the time. And now I don't even want to fight bullseye or moonstone at all because I don't want their **** team up.
  • NighteyesGrisu
    NighteyesGrisu Posts: 563 Critical Contributor
    the feature has a lot of potential, but in its present state various problems prevent it from being useful and make it mostly a pita...
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    In the current PvE, all opponents always seem to have Dark Avengers team-ups, which in itself is a nice touch. Hitting a PvE node with 3 high-level Supernova's was definitely not fun, though.

    I'm not a fan of team-ups in their current implementation. They're barely useful on offense, especially because using them in fights in the current PvE, for example, will mean you'll trade a useful ability for a **** Yelena of Moonstone one. Same goes for PvP fights against seed teams or lower-level teams. But on the other hand, those easier fights can quickly gain an unpredictable and unnecessary level of lethality if they get lucky with their team-ups. It takes away part of the planning you can do in PvP, because you can no longer fairly estimate whether a team is beatable or not, since you don't know their team-ups beforehand. Already tough fights can become close to impossible because you have one more resource you absolutely need to deny your opponent (and if you're like me and often run Daken, TU tiles are even more of a waste to match because they're not enhanced by strike tiles), and what should be easier fights become an unnecessary drain on health and time, making PvP even more of a slog than it already is.

    It's somewhat of an interesting idea, but the current implementation is buggy and rather poor. Being able to delete worthless TU's, knowing your opponent's TU's before you commit to a fight and maxing TU power levels at the level of the AI team using them are three necessary steps before TU's become really playable, and even then I'm not sure if they're actually fun.
  • MunitionsFrenzy
    MunitionsFrenzy Posts: 102 Tile Toppler
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    There's a very simple formula that always seems to work.

    1. Pick one of the possible people
    2. Attack them until they run out of hitpoints
    3. It turns out to be the other guy

    Works every time.
    This is the story of my life when it comes to any sort of countdown tile laid by minions who come in multiples. "Aww yeah, I just BARELY stopped that Tommy Gun in time. OH WAIT--"
  • After a few days, I am still trying to use Team Ups. First to get rid of my junk, and second to add some advantage to my game.

    It does not work. I scarcely succeed to get to the point where I can use it.

    With all the good will, and as hard as I try to make use of Team Ups, it still isn't good.

    55 % of poll voters dislike it, and the number seems to be the same as time goes by. Only 23-25 % like it.

    I'm sorry it did not bring the "awesome" feature IceIx had promised us.

    I like the game as it is, I only wish they would listen to us, which we've been promised they did.

    Over the tens of thousands messages posted on this forum, anyone remembers we wished for a feature like Team Up ? I don't.

    I only regret I have to skip something else to play. My time is very precious when I am on a PvP.
  • Chrispy
    Chrispy Posts: 8
    I HATE Team Ups. What a load of garbage. I thought the true healing change was bad but this takes the cake. What a pitiful attempt to get us to spend more on health packs. I have had at least 2 team ups dropped on me in every match I've played since this feature was released and it tips the scale in favor of the opposing team so bad. Meanwhile, I'm getting rewards like Captain America's ability which will take 19 tiles for me to use it! I have lost more in the last two hours than I have in the past few months. I am so fed up with this game and the developers who don't listen or give us what we ask for but instead force changes down our throat that they believe will be "awesome" and balance the game. You are about to lose yet another player who has been here since almost the very beginning of this game
  • Chrispy wrote:
    I HATE Team Ups. What a load of garbage. I thought the true healing change was bad but this takes the cake. What a pitiful attempt to get us to spend more on health packs. I have had at least 2 team ups dropped on me in every match I've played since this feature was released and it tips the scale in favor of the opposing team so bad. Meanwhile, I'm getting rewards like Captain America's ability which will take 19 tiles for me to use it! I have lost more in the last two hours than I have in the past few months. I am so fed up with this game and the developers who don't listen or give us what we ask for but instead force changes down our throat that they believe will be "awesome" and balance the game. You are about to lose yet another player who has been here since almost the very beginning of this game

    I just had 2 bad supernovas so far against me (and numerous **** Team Ups features dealing 100-200 damage to me only).

    Maybe you get bad Team Ups enemies if you don't use it ?

    I just try to ignore Team Ups, but I have to admit I wanted to call it quit again, but calmed down after a few hours.

    So, I just ignore the **** (IW Season cover, now Team Up) and still enjoy the game. I still like it, though I am always exhausted after the end of a new character's PvE. She Hulk was horrible, Captain America was unbelievably ugly, I am scared to death about Deadpool...
  • Yes the Team Ups need some tweaking but the devs have actually implemented a feature that's interesting and not only changes the way the game is played but also makes you give a s*** about the reward from each fight. Remember when you had your 1* team and every battle you could win something that could improve your team? Well with 3* teams you rarely ever feel that. Now you can win a Rage of the Panther or Call the Storm after a battle it makes it more interesting. Some of the comments are valid but I can't help but feel some of you need to give it more time and not go into insta-reject mode.
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    The ultimate team is now Hulk, Wolverine X-Force, and Iron Man 40. Anyone fighting them is guaranteed to get an overpriced power they can't get rid of.
  • Infrared
    Infrared Posts: 240 Tile Toppler
    Enemy team used a team up World Rupture on me. After another turn, I countered with my team up Symbiote Snare lvl5. The whole enemy team was stunned, but the rupture CD tiles still activated.
  • Apparently D3 does not even read their own forums! Just got a response from them that stated how the customers overwhelmingly love the new team up feature. Hogwash!

    To top it off, I asked them to change my ign too. Took 3 days to respond and they did not even do the main thing I asked them to do!

    Terrible customer service from this company indeed!
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    Stan317 wrote:
    Just got a response from them that stated how the customers overwhelmingly love the new team up feature.

    Please quote this message in as much detail as you can, with context for what they were replying to.