Team-Up Feature Discussion



  • AngryHulk wrote:
    Punter1 wrote:
    Last night I had a World Rupture TU played against me. OBW was in front and I then killed her on the next move while there were still a few World Rupture 1 count countdown tiles on the board, they then disappeared like I'd killed the owner of the tile. Not sure if this was a bug or is the intent, at least this would provide a slight defensive option against the TUs with countdowns.

    It is correct. Team-up damage is called in a similar fashion to how environment tiles were - someone on the team still has to match them. They're ranked based on character star level, I believe I read in a previous IceIX post. Thus, if AI Moonstone plays a world rupture, and you kill her before it goes off, the countdown tiles will disappear.

    Okay, so maybe it is possible to avoid some effects of a TU. How can we tell who uses the TU and so know who to target? If this is obvious then i apologise and feel suitably stupid, but i havent played much since the update like I said icon_e_wink.gif
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've started a poll ... POLL: Team-Up Modifications. There, you can vote on the following possible modifications:

    1. For AI teams, cap level of powers to max character level.
    2. For AI teams with no 3* characters, no 3* powers.
    3. Delete / Sell / Refuse option for powers.
    4. Show both the enemy team and it's extra powers before a match.
    5. Assign powers 1, 2, 3 to characters 1, 2, 3.
    6. Countdown tiles for powers. If tile removed, White AP returned.
    7. Let Environments control power colors. Example: Forest - Only Black/Green/Yellow
    8. Let strike tiles affect TU icon matches.
    9. Let team-ups stack.
    10. Instead of a limit of 20, let the upper limit = roster size.
    11. Make extreme powers like World Rupture rare for the AI teams.
    12. Toss Environment powers, like Thorned Rose, into the power mix.
    13. Remember the powers that were used.
    14. Change shape of TU icon.
    15. Players pick 0, 1, 2, or 3 powers. Give the AI 0, 1, 2, or 3 powers.
  • As a brand new player, Team Ups has been something of a disaster for me. I barely know what powers my favourite team members have, half the time I have no idea what a TU does until I'm actually in the battle and I can read the description. I keep getting hit with powers by characters I haven't unlocked and having no idea what I'm supposed to be doing to counter/minimise the amount of dying that's happening. Too many times I wasn't watching the right part if the screen, only to look up and find out my tank is on 10% health and the entire battle is about to go pear shaped.

    I tried out some PvE and the starting TUs in my inventory were ridiculously OP; once I had the tiles, the TU annihilated any enemies in the battle and left me wondering what just happened. Yesterday I was struggling (okay, yes, I know I suck), most of the PvE encounters took a "trial run" to figure out what I was doing. Today I use a TU and the fight's over. Was there supposed to be a middle ground there? How am supposed to learn strategies when I'm basically having a much higher level ally come in and say "let me do it, you're just going to screw it up."

    Seeing that there were lightning rounds, I thought I would introduce myself to PvP (again, I suck, I haven't exactly been eager to showcase my lameness on the PvP stage). My first two battles went really well. Then the TUs started to kick in. Battles that should have been easy for me were turning into losses thanks to powerful TU abilities that I'd never heard of.

    I think the idea has a lot of potential, but it really isn't working in its current state.
  • The PACman wrote:
    AngryHulk wrote:
    Punter1 wrote:
    Last night I had a World Rupture TU played against me. OBW was in front and I then killed her on the next move while there were still a few World Rupture 1 count countdown tiles on the board, they then disappeared like I'd killed the owner of the tile. Not sure if this was a bug or is the intent, at least this would provide a slight defensive option against the TUs with countdowns.

    It is correct. Team-up damage is called in a similar fashion to how environment tiles were - someone on the team still has to match them. They're ranked based on character star level, I believe I read in a previous IceIX post. Thus, if AI Moonstone plays a world rupture, and you kill her before it goes off, the countdown tiles will disappear.

    Okay, so maybe it is possible to avoid some effects of a TU. How can we tell who uses the TU and so know who to target? If this is obvious then i apologise and feel suitably stupid, but i havent played much since the update like I said icon_e_wink.gif

    Damage is based on level. You can see who will be matching it in the info screen for the fight - the team-up tiles have a numeric value (damage per tile). The highest AI damage per tile will (presumably) be the one using the abilities.
  • jojeda654
    jojeda654 Posts: 1,162 Chairperson of the Boards
    locked wrote:
    Has anyone been able to pull a Best There Is TU? Or Magnetic Translocation?

    I have a 1 cover MT @lvl 104.
  • I just had World Rupture in three straight matches in PVE. This is starting to remind me of Daredevil being essential against thugs in "ways to roll something new out in as annoying a way as possible."
  • Dont know if this has been posted already, but I find it somehow weird that goon only or soldier only teams have TU too. Somehow I feel it shouldnt be so. And It makes me wonder, does that one soldier woman with the "media cover" ability make now TU tiles instead of enviros? That would be just horrible.
  • I tried to read through a couple pages to see if this was being discussed - seems like it was, but does anyone know how "honest" the AI is about these team-ups? I seem to get hit with a couple in one match, and I've been getting hit with character TUs from characters who are also in the AI team (for example, I'm playing against Thor/Daken/Capt. Marvel and get hit with a Thor TU). I would have loved to ditch some of my Capt. Marvel TUs in the last tourney. And while that's frustrating, I think it's more frustrating that the AI can and will unleash 2-3 TUs in a single match, whereas I won't equip more than 1 since I've got to "earn" them to use them (the word "earn" is used loosely of course!).

    This is probably my biggest beef. I can get used to the shake-up in gameplay of using and strategizing around TUs, but I'm worried that the AI can take advantage of the system. I think that with some tightening-up, the TUs could be cool (this is me being optimistic) but I'm just worried that as I grind away in a tournament, I'm going to be frustrated getting hit with so much unchecked chaos in one match.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    I know the useful information is getting drowned in lots of whine in this thread, but TU abilities do not necessarily belong to the character in front at the time of cast. I just had the enemy cast World Rupture, I killed Yelena who was in front it cast, and the countdowns remained until I killed Daken too.

    So if it's not the person in front, I'm going to guess it's going by highest TUAP rating, as Yelena is 1* and Daken is 2*, so Daken would have a higher TUAP damage rating.
  • In less than a day, I've already been hit by more Supernovas and World Ruptures from TUs than I have in the entire time that Sentry's been out. ;D
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    gobstopper wrote:
    In less than a day, I've already been hit by more Supernovas and World Ruptures from TUs than I have in the entire time that Sentry's been out. ;D

    I'm not sure what people are doing, but since the TU change, I worked up to 1st in the sub that just ended, and 5th in the main, and I've only been hit by Supernova maybe 2-3 times total and World Rupture 4-5 times, but none of those did any damage. They tend to be pretty low level or lowly covered. Once, the AI cast World Rupture that only put out 8 tiles, and the used Godlike Power to erase half of them.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like how we have to actually beat a team to get their corresponding skills, but the same rules don't apply to supernova-tossing lv1 seed teams.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    locked wrote:
    Has anyone been able to pull a Best There Is TU? Or Magnetic Translocation?
    I got a L166 5P MagTrans TUP last night.
  • So does this reward PVE players for the ridiculous enemy scaling? Eg, can we pull lvl 300 powerups in PVE events now?
  • daibar wrote:
    So does this reward PVE players for the ridiculous enemy scaling? Eg, can we pull lvl 300 powerups in PVE events now?

    I've gotten some ~80th level Venoms and Juggernaut ones from the PVE.
  • ERock4
    ERock4 Posts: 42
    Any chance of making a way to throw away team-up tokens you don't want? Heroic Oscorp is giving me a whoooooole lot of Moonstone and Bullseye powers that are too expensive and bad and take up available slots. I don't want to make bad decisions in battle and give up useful AP just to get 17 team-up AP to use an ability I don't want to use just to open myself up to earn more team-ups.

    Apologies if this has been asked. There's a lot of posts and I haven't read the whole topic.
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    ERock4 wrote:
    Any chance of making a way to throw away team-up tokens you don't want? Heroic Oscorp is giving me a whoooooole lot of Moonstone and Bullseye powers that are too expensive and bad and take up available slots. I don't want to make bad decisions in battle and give up useful AP just to get 17 team-up AP to use an ability I don't want to use just to open myself up to earn more team-ups.

    That's been mentioned several times here, and is the most popular item in the poll. The devs have promised a delete feature within a few releases.
  • I'm not sure I understand how the countdown tile TU powers work. Just had a fight with Yelena/Daken/Moonstone where they got off a World Rupture late in the battle. That turn I killed Daken and Yelena (who was in front when WR was activated) and stunned Moonstone (Wind Storm, 4 turns). Countdowns still on the board at two. I make a match and the countdown timers all go down to one. Next turn kill of Moonstone, game over.

    So what I don't understand is, who did that WR belong to? It seems like the answer is nobody. Others have claimed to have had countdown tiles disappear when one or more enemies were downed. That didn't happen here. And if it belonged to Moonstone, she was stunned. The timers should have stayed at two. I checked their stats, they were all the same level and all appeared to have the same TUAP damage number. I don't get it.

    Everything about this system just seems really random. It would be nice if I'm going to be saddled with this nonsense moving forward that I at least have some idea how the hell these powers work.
  • Punter1
    Punter1 Posts: 729 Critical Contributor
    Thugpatrol wrote:
    I'm not sure I understand how the countdown tile TU powers work. Just had a fight with Yelena/Daken/Moonstone where they got off a World Rupture late in the battle. That turn I killed Daken and Yelena (who was in front when WR was activated) and stunned Moonstone (Wind Storm, 4 turns). Countdowns still on the board at two. I make a match and the countdown timers all go down to one. Next turn kill of Moonstone, game over.

    So what I don't understand is, who did that WR belong to? It seems like the answer is nobody. Others have claimed to have had countdown tiles disappear when one or more enemies were downed. That didn't happen here. And if it belonged to Moonstone, she was stunned. The timers should have stayed at two. I checked their stats, they were all the same level and all appeared to have the same TUAP damage number. I don't get it.

    Everything about this system just seems really random. It would be nice if I'm going to be saddled with this nonsense moving forward that I at least have some idea how the hell these powers work.

    Think they need to make sure countdown timers have an "owner" or not allow countdown timer TUs. Basic defense options, killing or stunning, against TU Countdowns is unplayable.

    Also think Onslaught TU is broken in that it uses TU AND Green AP - shouldn't be both when no other single AP colour power requires both. You could in theory fire off a 0 damage Onslaught!
  • Thugpatrol wrote:
    I'm not sure I understand how the countdown tile TU powers work. Just had a fight with Yelena/Daken/Moonstone where they got off a World Rupture late in the battle. That turn I killed Daken and Yelena (who was in front when WR was activated) and stunned Moonstone (Wind Storm, 4 turns). Countdowns still on the board at two. I make a match and the countdown timers all go down to one. Next turn kill of Moonstone, game over.

    So what I don't understand is, who did that WR belong to? It seems like the answer is nobody. Others have claimed to have had countdown tiles disappear when one or more enemies were downed. That didn't happen here. And if it belonged to Moonstone, she was stunned. The timers should have stayed at two. I checked their stats, they were all the same level and all appeared to have the same TUAP damage number. I don't get it.

    Everything about this system just seems really random. It would be nice if I'm going to be saddled with this nonsense moving forward that I at least have some idea how the hell these powers work.

    The randomness is a killer. Fully random team-ups for anyone should be limited to a one off tournament where that is the gimmick. Team-ups should be about teamwork and strategy, they should be deliberate, planned and consistent.
    About who owns a team-up power? They should make the center character on each team the de-facto leader of a team and give them ownership of all teamup abilities so stuns can still stop white powers and killing the leader will also shut down the teamup threats