*** Captain Marvel (Modern) ***

edited January 2016 in Character Details
Captain Marvel (Modern)
3 Star Rarity (Rare)
At Max Level: HP: 9690 Tile damage: 70/79/12/11/13/61

Photonic Blasts - Red 7 AP
Captain Marvel unleashes the amazing cosmic power of her photonic blasts, shattering her enemy's defenses. Deals 208 Damage and destroys up to 2 Enemy Protect Tiles. Does not generate AP.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: Deals 281 Damage
Level 3: Destroys 3 Enemy Protect Tiles
Level 4: Deals 470 Damage
Level 5: Destroys All Enemy Protect Tiles
Max Level: 1494 Damage, all Enemy Protect tiles destroyed

Hypersonic Punch - Black 9 AP
Captain Marvel flies headlong into battle, striking her target with enough force to send them reeling. However, the direct attack leaves Carol open to retaliation. Deals 351 Damage and stuns her target for 1 turn. Then places a strength 22 Enemy Strike tile.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: Deals 444 Damage
Level 3: Creates a strength 17 Enemy Strike tile
Level 4: Deals 684 Damage
Level 5: Deals 790 Damage and stuns the target for 2 Turns
Max Level: 2504 Damage, strength 53 Enemy Strike tile, 2 turn stun

Energy Absorption - Yellow PASSIVE
(PASSIVE) Captain Marvel uses her energy-absorbing abilities to take in her enemy's attack and power up her next assault. When Captain Marvel takes greater than 274 damage, she generates 3 Red AP.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: Generates AP when Captain Marvel takes 219 Damage.
Level 3: Generates 4 Red AP
Level 4: Generates 5 Red AP
Level 5: Gains 5 Red AP and 3 Black AP
Max Level: Gains 5 Red and 3 Black AP on 695+ Damage taken
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  • Unknown
    edited July 2014
    I am thinking 5/4/4 with her. That way you get the best of her Red, most of her Black, and you keep the Yellow damage activation threshold low while maximizing the AP given when damaged.

    Edit: Would also like to say about tinykitty time! We have been begging for this one to settle the score with the Dark Avengers for a while. Revenge is upon us!

    Edit 2: Curse my low comprehension of english! Totally skipped over the only protect tiles part. Thinking more like 3/5/5 now to maximize getting AP from attacks.
  • eidehua
    eidehua Posts: 521 Critical Contributor
    fsentell wrote:
    I am thinking 5/4/4 with her. That way you get the best of her Red, most of her Black, and you keep the Yellow damage activation threshold low while maximizing the AP given when damaged.

    Edit: Would also like to say about tinykitty time! We have been begging for this one to settle the score with the Dark Avengers for a while. Revenge is upon us!

    I don't think the damage activating threshold changes on 5 yellow, that 695+ is just for max level-- that yellow dmg was reduced on lvl 2 and wasn't changed elsewhere.
  • fsentell wrote:
    I am thinking 5/4/4 with her. That way you get the best of her Red, most of her Black, and you keep the Yellow damage activation threshold low while maximizing the AP given when damaged.

    Edit: Would also like to say about tinykitty time! We have been begging for this one to settle the score with the Dark Avengers for a while. Revenge is upon us!

    I'd have to say 3/5/5 personally. Strong red powers are not in short supply and you give up black AP gain on yellow and extra damage and stun on black if you don't max them.
  • eidehua
    eidehua Posts: 521 Critical Contributor
    The two things red 5 is good at would be bullseye or falcon protect tiles.
  • Unknown
    edited July 2014
    Edit: Well I should read a bit more carefully in the future. This would be way more helpful against Falcon or lazy Cap as I hate when either lays down tiles. In my defense it was 2 a.m. and I was tired.
  • fsentell wrote:
    I get destroyed by goons though, every time a high level goon drops a CD tile it is in the middle of nowhere with no similar colors and no way to destroy it. Also it usually has about 2 turns before going off so I take a massive hit every time. Like the Hunt for example, there is a goon that does 5,500+ damage per snipe, that is an instant down for my 2* roster, can't ever kill him fast enough. This is a cheap way to take all CD tiles out of the equation that you can keep on spamming until the cows come home. Even with OBW and loading her up with blue boosts doesn't work because they keep dropping CD tiles everywhere and I always end up with a barren field of environmental tiles with no blue in sight. Heck lazyDaken would die instantly because he would constantly be losing health due to lack of blue tiles.
    Her Red doesn't destroy CD tiles
  • Unknown
    edited July 2014
    Her black could work well with She-Hulk.

    Creates an enemy strike tile, and then she-hulk blues it to you instead.
  • eidehua
    eidehua Posts: 521 Critical Contributor
    Her red only affects protect tiles, and level 5 yellow doesn't increase damage threshold... what character stats are you reading fsentell o.o
  • Jathro
    Jathro Posts: 323 Mover and Shaker
    scthottie2 wrote:
    fsentell wrote:
    I am thinking 5/4/4 with her. That way you get the best of her Red, most of her Black, and you keep the Yellow damage activation threshold low while maximizing the AP given when damaged.

    Edit: Would also like to say about tinykitty time! We have been begging for this one to settle the score with the Dark Avengers for a while. Revenge is upon us!

    I'd have to say 3/5/5 personally. Strong red powers are not in short supply and you give up black AP gain on yellow and extra damage and stun on black if you don't max them.
    This is where I'm thinking too. 9 black for decent damage and a 2 turn stun is solid. Assuming you max yellow, I'm not sure how often she'd take damage to trigger it, but on the right team it's effective enough to continuously power red that maxing red won't make a significant difference compared to the other 2 abilities.
  • Feeds these 3*s (active powers only):
    Black and Red:
    Pun, Psy, HT, MoStorm,
    Winner: HT

    Just Black:
    Hood, BP, Doom, loki
    Winner: BP

    Just Red:
    LT, Hulk, Patch, GSBW, DD, IM40, LCap, Shulk, Sentry, Cmags, Rags
    Winner: Cmags for now, long-term maybe LCap? Although I can see an argument for greater spammability and quicker building to CotS for LT, and more pure damage potential for Patch.
  • Thanos
    Thanos Posts: 722 Critical Contributor
    I'm a little confused about her yellow, it says triggers on 219 damage at level 2, then at the bottom under max stats it says 695+, which is it? 695 damage is an insane amount so i cant imagine thats right.

    If, however, it is just 219 to trigger she would play extremely well with someone like human torch fueling his red or better yet psylocke. Psylockes red eventually gets down to 5 red activation cost so you could be using it almost every turn. Not to mention she'll have 3x 200+ strike tiles out. Pretty similar with her black as well. I think Fury would round out the team nicely . The only color not represented would be green.
  • It scales as she levels. The higher level she is, the more damage is required to trigger the power. It starts out being triggered by 219, but by the end it takes 695.
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanos wrote:
    I'm a little confused about her yellow, it says triggers on 219 damage at level 2, then at the bottom under max stats it says 695+, which is it? 695 damage is an insane amount so i cant imagine thats right.

    If, however, it is just 219 to trigger she would play extremely well with someone like human torch fueling his red or better yet psylocke. Psylockes red eventually gets down to 5 red activation cost so you could be using it almost every turn. Not to mention she'll have 3x 200+ strike tiles out. Pretty similar with her black as well. I think Fury would round out the team nicely . The only color not represented would be green.
    The numbers given in the levels 1-5 are always for the hero at level 40, then there is an additional line for 5 covers and level 166(or max level if it is different). It is similar to Hulk's anger in that the amount of damage needed to trigger it scales higher with levels, but they don't like using %s anymore so they just have the number.

    Bottom line is it will only likely trigger off of enemy abilities used against you or if you want to give the enemy huge strike tiles with patch, just like a maxed hulk, except her health is lower. Her red is pretty weak since part of the power is tied up in a usually useless tacked-on ability. However when you do want it, you might want it maxed. I'd say if you're just bringing her out against Falcon/Spidey/Bullseye then going 5 red isn't bad, but if you actually want to get use of her on a "real" team, then 3/5/5 seems the way to go.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    With all the attack tiles and strike tiles she can be a terror on defense. You do 700 Damage and bam you are stunned or hit with her red or both. With 8500 health as well she can be a mini tank.
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    Seems like a niche character. Her red isn't efficient as far as damage goes, so the only time you'd want to use it is when you're facing a character like Bullseye in pve. Her yellow is just really, really bad: it's extremely easy to avoid doing 700 damage when she's on defense if you're paying attention, and on offense there are less convoluted ways of getting red AP that don't involve taking unnecessary damage.

    Her black is her only ability worth anything in pvp. The stun is real nice and the damage is acceptable. I'm not sure why a character which is clearly designed to be a tank has an ability that keeps her from taking point, though.

    Actually, I do see one potential way to use her in pvp: get up to the point where you want to shield hop and then use her with HT. If you order them correctly, she can tank red for HT, and you can probably farm a few Fireballs pretty quickly to end matches real fast. Not as fast as Sentry, or as reliable, but it's a secondary option for shield hopping, that might be easier on your health packs.
  • Her black is her only ability worth anything in pvp. The stun is real nice and the damage is acceptable. I'm not sure why a character which is clearly designed to be a tank has an ability that keeps her from taking point, though.
    I'm not sure where you are getting this idea from. None of her abilities do anything to affect how she takes point. Frankly, with correct positioning she can tank just fine and spit out the free AP on offense with her yellow.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    scthottie2 wrote:
    Her black is her only ability worth anything in pvp. The stun is real nice and the damage is acceptable. I'm not sure why a character which is clearly designed to be a tank has an ability that keeps her from taking point, though.
    I'm not sure where you are getting this idea from. None of her abilities do anything to affect how she takes point. Frankly, with correct positioning she can tank just fine and spit out the free AP on offense with her yellow.

    My bad.
  • Having a power that destroys only protect tile seems kind of weird. Is there a plan to make protect tiles actually useful?
  • You know, I'm cautiously optimistic about this character competitively, and I am freaking thrilled about her design-wise. A hero we haven't seen before, with interesting new abilities (including an active black), and a colour combination we haven't seen before? YES, D3. This is what we want. I don't even care if She-Hulk or Captain Marvel become roster staples. Keep it up!

    As far as build/usefulness goes: hmm. I think I could see her being useful as a counter-pick. She's tanky enough and her abilities are AI-friendly enough that she's not going to invite counter-attacks if you use her mid-tournament. (That said: is 8500 just the new 3* health level now?) One combination I've started running across in PvP is Falcon/Spidey, and it's *incredibly* annoying - grinds the match to a halt. Even cMags' protect tiles can be irritating if he manages to fill the board with enough of them.

    However, what I think she *really* is, is anti-strike tiles - Hulk 2.0, if you will. She gets her AP directly instead of from board cascades, so it's not quite the same, but I like the idea of swapping her in against an enemy Daken.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    An added bonus to her destruction of protect tiles with red: cascade possibility.

    Also, do the destroyed tiles do damage? It says they don't generate AP, but sometimes we have to guess whether they do harm (see She-Hulk, whose red is working as intended but needs the text rewritten).