[User Collected] Recruit token probability



  • Since I noticed that the 25 hp reward might be gone, we added 320 standard cover openings and got only 2 25hp out of that, which I personally find a bit suspicious. In any case, 2/320 = 0.625%, way lower than it should be.

    I still believe it's gone.
  • I also added my 337 standard tokens. No 25HP though...
  • Cousin Simpson
    Cousin Simpson Posts: 1,086 Chairperson of the Boards
    Heroic sheet is kinda borked ATM.
  • the conversion rate using iso tokens for hp was about 1000 iso = 1 (ONE) HP. it wasn't good, and that's assuming you're selling all * and ** back (bringing the token cost down to ~375). maybe when they added in the 25hp daily rewards they got removed?
  • TazFTW
    TazFTW Posts: 695 Critical Contributor
    There is a "This spreadsheet is about to reach the following limits: Number of Formulas." message popping up.
  • Sorry if I missed this but I wondered if anyone knew what the chances of getting a 3* character from a 2* token. I'd be interested to know if you have more chance from 3x 1* tokens, or a single 2* token. Anyone know?
  • It's on the sheet: a single standard token has a 2.5% chance of giving you a 3*, while a single heroic token has a 15.7% chance of giving you a 3*.

    The number of standard tokens you would need to open to give yourself the same chance at a 3* as a single heroic token is somewhere around 6-7.
  • I_am_Zero
    I_am_Zero Posts: 92 Match Maker
    TazFTW wrote:
    There is a "This spreadsheet is about to reach the following limits: Number of Formulas." message popping up.
    I'm working on this, with mischiefmaker's permission icon_e_smile.gif
  • Anyone know the probability of getting 4* heroes?
  • I_am_Zero
    I_am_Zero Posts: 92 Match Maker
    For Heroic tokens, it's 1.2% each, unless you buy the 10-pack, then it goes crazy high to 1.5% each. For standard tokens, no idea, but i'm guessing less than 1%. Going by the spreadsheet, around .01%, so, good luck with that pull. If you get it, buy a lottery ticket, heh.
  • Some of you may have noticed that the sheet is very slow and is starting to give error messages about too many something-or-others. The new Google Sheets is supposed to improve both of these, and so we've migrated the sheet and all the data over there. A huge thanks to I Am Zero, who did all the work of migrating the data!

    I've locked down the old sheet. You can find the new sheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... dJOrpJcLQ/
  • Great news, Mischief! Thanks!

    Also, it was fun having you in my bracket for the Doom tourney (though neither of us made much of a run at the top)! icon_e_wink.gif
  • Sidlon
    Sidlon Posts: 145 Tile Toppler
    Is anyone else having problems opening the new sheet in the Google Docs app?
  • I_am_Zero
    I_am_Zero Posts: 92 Match Maker
    What issue are you having? I just opened it up on the Google Drive app on my phone and it worked, looked funky because of the size, but it worked.
  • You may want to note somewhere that the Courageous/Diabolical token data is no longer valid since it's not a guaranteed 3* anymore. icon_e_sad.gif
  • I_am_Zero
    I_am_Zero Posts: 92 Match Maker
    I created the new diabolical 1-pack and 10-pack sheets, but i just added the missing characters to the courageous 1-pack. Maybe I can take the numbers from the old spreadsheet and use that to make the percentages on the new courageous 1-pack a little more aligned. I'll work on that.
  • the "since 4/30" column is kind of messed up right now - there are negatives throwing off the numbers
  • TazFTW
    TazFTW Posts: 695 Critical Contributor
    Yeah, someone must have deleted their column/token pulls. It was fine earlier today.
  • I_am_Zero
    I_am_Zero Posts: 92 Match Maker
    Did something change in probabilities on 5/1? I wonder why the 2/28 column was changed to 4/30

    I found that someone had deleted Qscxzawed, I've added him/her back, which sets the values back to positive.
  • TazFTW
    TazFTW Posts: 695 Critical Contributor
    I updated the formulas for the Chance of 3* and 4* under Since 4/30 on the Standard tab. The 3* was including IW and the 4* was for X-Force and 25HP.