Discussion - Patch Notes - R40 - 10/23



  • Hi,

    the update changed my in-game language to German and frankly said it's terrible. Display and translation errors everywhere. Is there any way to change it back to English, preferably without loosing my progress? I couldn't find any option and wasn't sure if re-installing will delete my data.
  • With new patch, I'm still getting a lot of 20 Iso instead of the campaign rewards.
    Also, as other people also said, the prize in later levels should be more than 20 Iso.
    And, in the first the first level of the Prologue - The rise of H.A.M.M.E.R. it says that I have 25/26 rewards, but all levels have a green tick. I started checking them when I saw that I'm missing a 3 health pack reward from one of the two tutorial mission, that cannot be replayed. This kinda sucks, because I want to have everything completed :/
  • finwe wrote:

    the update changed my in-game language to German and frankly said it's terrible. Display and translation errors everywhere. Is there any way to change it back to English, preferably without loosing my progress? I couldn't find any option and wasn't sure if re-installing will delete my data.


    I had the same problem but somewhere in the forum was the following tip: You just change the language of your mobile device to english and the game will automatically change back icon_e_smile.gif
  • Mommson wrote:
    finwe wrote:

    the update changed my in-game language to German and frankly said it's terrible. Display and translation errors everywhere. Is there any way to change it back to English, preferably without loosing my progress? I couldn't find any option and wasn't sure if re-installing will delete my data.


    I had the same problem but somewhere in the forum was the following tip: You just change the language of your mobile device to english and the game will automatically change back icon_e_smile.gif

    Thanks, a separate option would be nicer, but I guess that'll work for now.
  • Chetkara wrote:
    With new patch, I'm still getting a lot of 20 Iso instead of the campaign rewards.
    Also, as other people also said, the prize in later levels should be more than 20 Iso.
    And, in the first the first level of the Prologue - The rise of H.A.M.M.E.R. it says that I have 25/26 rewards, but all levels have a green tick. I started checking them when I saw that I'm missing a 3 health pack reward from one of the two tutorial mission, that cannot be replayed. This kinda sucks, because I want to have everything completed :/

    IceIX has stated that the 25/26 is a known bug:
    IceIX wrote:
    We're aware of the 25/26 issue. If you want to know programatically why, it's because one of the Tutorials is listed internally as having two rewards. As you can't replay the Tutorial, that other reward is unattainable. Display issue really, but we'll get it fixed.

  • Dninot
    Dninot Posts: 214
    Maybe its because I haven't farmed all the PvE yet, but I find I'm getting covers at the same rate as I ever have. What I'm sorely lacking now is Iso-8. I have characters who are way below their "max level" because I've had many more covers than Iso-8 coming in, and they are waiting to move up.

    Probably a good problem to have, but just thought I'd share that.
  • I think most of us are in the same position Dninot. I sure am......
  • Yeah, I had two heroes that needed just one more level to reach the maximum level I can have at the moment, but after the patch I have so many heroes to level up :/
    And Iso-8 is a real issue in this game -_-
    Seriously, I can understand the low rate of finding Hero Points, as they should be purchased, but Iso-8 should be easier to attain. These 20 Iso rewards are killing me :/
  • I don't think ISO-8 is any harder to find post-patch, I just think with the big jumps in available levels to train (from each power level now being more meaningful and thus equating to more available character levels gained) we all have more things we can use ISO-8 on. This is not actually a problem as we shouldn't be max leveling all our characters quickly as then every PvP would be max vs max. In other words, the game mechanics are working as intended (at least large picture).
  • mytisbrewin
    mytisbrewin Posts: 439 Mover and Shaker
    uuddlrlr wrote:
    hogunner wrote:
    IceIX wrote:
    Noted. We're still giving that info out through the bar on the left of the heroes, but naturally this is a change in the way you've been viewing information.

    In addition to the cons already stated against this change, for characters with powers like Storm (Classic)'s Lightning Storm, where her power is more effective the more green tiles you have, it is a huge pain to have to first look at what power is causing the flashing, then to exit out, open up the side menu, see if you have enough green tiles to get the result from the power that you want, then select the tile again and then use it. It greatly complicates the flow and there doesn't seem to be a benefit for removing this information from the power usage screen. On slow devices such as I have (iPhone 3GS, what? what?!), every additional screen we have to click through really slows down the battle and makes the whole process frustrating. Please return this feature unless there is some compelling reason it was removed (in which case, please let us know what that reason is as I can't think of one).

    Another issue is that by tapping on a gem, you don't see how much damage you would do by matching gems of that color, if one skill of the same color is available and ready to be used; instead, it now defaults to the selection and text of that skill. I understand that the new way saves you one tap if you want to use the skill, but it totally removes the attack value information as long as you don't use the skill (unless you check the character profile, but that can require many more taps).

    Just wanted to add that I agree with both the above. I like the other changes that have been made with this patch, but this one I preferred the old method of having all the information available and then just tapping to choose and then tapping to unleash the power.
  • Dninot
    Dninot Posts: 214
    hogunner wrote:
    I don't think ISO-8 is any harder to find post-patch, I just think with the big jumps in available levels to train (from each power level now being more meaningful and thus equating to more available character levels gained) we all have more things we can use ISO-8 on. This is not actually a problem as we shouldn't be max leveling all our characters quickly as then every PvP would be max vs max. In other words, the game mechanics are working as intended (at least large picture).

    Yeah the mechanics of getting Iso-8 isn't harder at all. It's just that with so many of my characters getting rounded up, I have a much bigger need for it. And I find I'm still getting covers as fast as I used to.

    Like I said, a good problem to have, but atleast from my perception, I'm still getting covers at a fast rate. I'm not sure that's working as designed.
  • Dninot wrote:
    hogunner wrote:
    I don't think ISO-8 is any harder to find post-patch, I just think with the big jumps in available levels to train (from each power level now being more meaningful and thus equating to more available character levels gained) we all have more things we can use ISO-8 on. This is not actually a problem as we shouldn't be max leveling all our characters quickly as then every PvP would be max vs max. In other words, the game mechanics are working as intended (at least large picture).

    Yeah the mechanics of getting Iso-8 isn't harder at all. It's just that with so many of my characters getting rounded up, I have a much bigger need for it. And I find I'm still getting covers as fast as I used to.

    Like I said, a good problem to have, but atleast from my perception, I'm still getting covers at a fast rate. I'm not sure that's working as designed.

    Yeah it isn't harder at all, but that is the problem. It was too hard to begin with! These 20 iso rewards are waaay too low. My iron man is only level 37 and I need 820 iso to level up. The quickest way to do this would be to play the tutorial mission 41 times. That is so damn tedious and ridiculous just for ONE level up. I realize there are the PVP battles but the tutorial is way better overall as you never have to heal and then wait for healthpacks ect. These rewards need to be much much higher on the replays of missions. minimum 50 iso if not more.
  • Dninot
    Dninot Posts: 214
    sms4002 wrote:

    Yeah it isn't harder at all, but that is the problem. It was too hard to begin with! These 20 iso rewards are waaay too low. My iron man is only level 37 and I need 820 iso to level up. The quickest way to do this would be to play the tutorial mission 41 times. That is so damn tedious and ridiculous just for ONE level up. I realize there are the PVP battles but the tutorial is way better overall as you never have to heal and then wait for healthpacks ect. These rewards need to be much much higher on the replays of missions. minimum 50 iso if not more.

    Considering the freemium nature of the game, I think this is designed on purpose. If there was an easy way for you to go out and get ISO or HP without lots of grinding, then noone would pay for anything. I'm honestly surprised I get so much play out of this game as is without paying.

    I'm fine with the 20 Iso reward. I'd be fine if they didn't give it either, and forced you to go play PVP if you wanted ISO.
  • Dninot wrote:
    sms4002 wrote:

    Yeah it isn't harder at all, but that is the problem. It was too hard to begin with! These 20 iso rewards are waaay too low. My iron man is only level 37 and I need 820 iso to level up. The quickest way to do this would be to play the tutorial mission 41 times. That is so damn tedious and ridiculous just for ONE level up. I realize there are the PVP battles but the tutorial is way better overall as you never have to heal and then wait for healthpacks ect. These rewards need to be much much higher on the replays of missions. minimum 50 iso if not more.

    Considering the freemium nature of the game, I think this is designed on purpose. If there was an easy way for you to go out and get ISO or HP without lots of grinding, then noone would pay for anything. I'm honestly surprised I get so much play out of this game as is without paying.

    I'm fine with the 20 Iso reward. I'd be fine if they didn't give it either, and forced you to go play PVP if you wanted ISO.

    @sms4002 - I'm going to have to disagree with you slightly and say that 20 iso is about right for replaying missions where you've already won all the rewards though I'd be fine with the "replay" ISO reward scaling with the difficulty of the mission (to a point). If ISO was too easy to acquire then everyone would be running around with maxed out characters which really isn't fun and isn't the point of (at least) the PvP aspects of the game. I agree that I think the ability to win ISO needs to trend up a bit, I don't think it should ever be easy to gains massive amounts of ISO from grinding.

    @Dninot - The 20 ISO reward should only be for levels that you've already won all the rewards otherwise the game really takes a hit to the fun factor if you're being punished for playing the game the ways it's meant to be played (in re: to the PvE aspects); 20 ISO reward for fighting high level mobs is rather insulting. icon_razz.gif
  • Dninot
    Dninot Posts: 214
    Yup, fair enough.
  • would be great if the ISO scaled according to mission
  • I was really hoping that this drop in total skill level would also mean that you would have gotten rid of the limit on maximum skill level per character. To limit it to 13 out of 15 seems silly to me when there are new heroes being released that would cause me to want to change the make up of my skills to form a more effiecient group. Unfortunately, I am locked in to a certain build and it is time prohibitive to try and remake a character. If there was a way to reallocate even for a nominal fee or just be able to get all 15 points, but only choose 13 at any given time would make the game that much more interesting. Please consider this. Thanks!
  • The language change doesn't bother me so much during the dialogue bits of the game, but it looks awkward everywhere else because Japanese takes up more space than English.

    But so far the update is awesome icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • liquidsky wrote:
    would be great if the ISO scaled according to mission

    It should probably scale to difficulty -- replay the HAMMER missions and you should get 20 iso. Same for most of the early Juggernaut and Venom levels. But 20 ISO for the Oscorp or Dark Avengers missions is a bit absurd, at least if you're using low/mid level 1 and 2 star characters.