Discussion - Patch Notes - R40 - 10/23

IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
edited October 2013 in MPQ General Discussion
Providing a place for general discussion on the changes made in Patch R40.


  • Is it going to be released soon?

    Don't seem to be getting any prompts for patch update.
  • My girlfriend, who plays on her iPhone, has the patch but myself, who plays on my Android, has not. I assume it is just taking a bit to show up.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    tac194 wrote:
    My girlfriend, who plays on her iPhone, has the patch but myself, who plays on my Android, has not. I assume it is just taking a bit to show up.

    Correct. The button has been pushed for both platforms, it's just taking longer to navigate the series of tubes that makes up the Interwebs to reach the Google Play servers.
  • Ok...I'll farm what I can till google comes through...
  • from what i read on another forum, it looks like rewards are not reset (he said it was still complete) so it doesn't matter whether you farm or not, just make sure u hit 5+1 levels to get that round up!
  • Updated on Android and claimed my 50HP daily reward =]
    Now it's time to pay attention in class again =P

    So many levels to raise, so little Iso... =[
  • Unknown
    edited October 2013
    overall, the only downside of finishing most of the quests seems to be HP that's given out more in the missions. besides that, no real downside i believe, some wolverine cards were swapped out in the last set of missions from what i can see which is a boon for those who finished the missions earlier.

    edit: It would be nice to see the daily rewards since after that first time you see it, there's no option of seeing it again (that i've found)

    edit2: small bug, Hammer event says 25/26 rewards, cept i'm sure i got all the rewards if you look in the screen. just a minor negliging point
  • Just getting into R40, but I like the new description where you can see the number of missions completed and the number of rewards collected before even opening the area map. Also, I like seeing a more "apples to apples" comparison of one-star and two-star hero. That helps me figure out where to spend my Iso crystals.
  • Got new gold and iso to farm. And chips, lots and lotsa iso needed to lvl . ..
  • The German translation is a bit bad, to much overlapping. The new Spider-Man purple ability is named in German, but described in English. Then, the mission reward for H.A.M.M.E.R. Says 25/26 even I finished all of them already. You should reset all rewards for everyone where there was a card in it before. Can't remember now, but didn't you say episode 1 comes with R40 too? Or did I misread it somewhere else? The ISO-8 requirements are a bit too high for leveling up. Either drop them or increase the repeated 20* ISO-8 and the 70/140 at the tournaments.

    And I hate my iPhone now icon_e_sad.gif Forgot the out out the auto-update function for the AppStore. Wanted to level 2 character abilities to level 6 before I update the game :/ Well, **** happens.

    Oh yeah, another good point I found was the boost of ability damage for e.g. Ironman, Storm. On the downside, Thor's yellow ability does now significantly less damage.

    tl;dr: Great update with some minor tweaks to be done!

    Greetings icon_e_smile.gif
  • About the yellow thor skill: Could it be bugged? because now it does only 200 damage no matter what level your thor has. Yes, the skill was OP, but now, only 200 dmg and changing 5 tiles for 14 yellow? now my Iron man makes more dmg with shield skill for 8 yellow
  • Yeah it would be nice if we could reset the rewards for everyone who has already gotten them, Seeing all those recruit tokens and different covers and health packs that I have "already got" is a little disappointing!
  • Also, one thing I just noticed which is annoying, I have black widow and iron man in my team, one skill is 9 blue, one is 19 blue. If I have at least 9 blue then whenever I click the blue tile it won't show me how much blue AP I have. I would have to actually scroll over to the left to see that, before, it would show you your total even if you had enough to use one of the abilities (like it does when you don't have enough for a power) This was very useful in planning out my next move on whether to use the 9 skill or save up for the 19 depending on how close I was. Really annoying to not show it anymore.
  • Unknown
    Mommson wrote:
    About the yellow thor skill: Could it be bugged? because now it does only 200 damage no matter what level your thor has. Yes, the skill was OP, but now, only 200 dmg and changing 5 tiles for 14 yellow? now my Iron man makes more dmg with shield skill for 8 yellow

    We checked on a few accounts internally and we weren't able to recreate the issue. If possible, could you send an email to mobilesupport@d3p.us with your player ID and we'll try to track this issue down.
  • sms4002 wrote:
    Also, one thing I just noticed which is annoying, I have black widow and iron man in my team, one skill is 9 blue, one is 19 blue. If I have at least 9 blue then whenever I click the blue tile it won't show me how much blue AP I have. I would have to actually scroll over to the left to see that, before, it would show you your total even if you had enough to use one of the abilities (like it does when you don't have enough for a power) This was very useful in planning out my next move on whether to use the 9 skill or save up for the 19 depending on how close I was. Really annoying to not show it anymore.

    I agree this was hugely helpful before and the only negative thing I noticed in this latest patch. Holy smokes Thor & Storm now with 85 levels...I need a LOT more ISO!
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Dralion wrote:
    I agree this was hugely helpful before and the only negative thing I noticed in this latest patch. Holy smokes Thor & Storm now with 85 levels...I need a LOT more ISO!

    Noted. We're still giving that info out through the bar on the left of the heroes, but naturally this is a change in the way you've been viewing information.

    As for needing more Iso-8 for leveling: You would have needed the same amount before, we've just spread the cost out between more levels now that we're showing effective levels.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Arclight wrote:
    The German translation is a bit bad, to much overlapping. The new Spider-Man purple ability is named in German, but described in English. Then, the mission reward for H.A.M.M.E.R. Says 25/26 even I finished all of them already. You should reset all rewards for everyone where there was a card in it before. Can't remember now, but didn't you say episode 1 comes with R40 too? Or did I misread it somewhere else? The ISO-8 requirements are a bit too high for leveling up. Either drop them or increase the repeated 20* ISO-8 and the 70/140 at the tournaments.

    We're working on the FIGS translations as quickly as we can. We're aware that there are overlaps, but it was a choice between either having English till R41/R42 or having some issues in other languages that we can mostly fix server side quicker. We had a couple people fluent in the languages run through the game and while it was rough, it was playable, so we wanted to get things out for players who have a hard time playing in English. It's an annoying workaround, but if you want to play in English while we fix up translations, you can always set your phone to English and the game will autodetect that setting.

    We're aware of the 25/26 issue. If you want to know programatically why, it's because one of the Tutorials is listed internally as having two rewards. As you can't replay the Tutorial, that other reward is unattainable. Display issue really, but we'll get it fixed.

    As for resetting rewards progress, we'll monitor the game's economy after this patch has settled and move forward from there.

    R40 has support for the new Event (and those moving forward). The Event itself will be starting in the near future.

    The Iso-8 requirements have not changed from game start. With this patch, the Iso-8 leveling requirements were simply flattened across more levels for the 2+ star characters as opposed to being concentrated into the 50 normalized levels.
  • Minor issue. I lost some Iso-8 points... sort of. I had almost leveled up my Iron Man to his next level (40 Iso-8 points away) and then updated.

    The 180 Iso-8 I had invested in his level bar was gone after updating. Not worried about getting it back (unless somehow it is a super simple process, in which case feel free, of course!) , but wanted to let you know that it did occur, in case of it causing issues in future updates. icon_e_smile.gif
  • IceIX wrote:
    We're working on the FIGS translations as quickly as we can. We're aware that there are overlaps, but it was a choice between either having English till R41/R42 or having some issues in other languages that we can mostly fix server side quicker. We had a couple people fluent in the languages run through the game and while it was rough, it was playable, so we wanted to get things out for players who have a hard time playing in English. It's an annoying workaround, but if you want to play in English while we fix up translations, you can always set your phone to English and the game will autodetect that setting.

    Thanks for this tip it really saved my day icon_e_smile.gif i really like the support for this game, keep going ^^
  • Elleby
    Elleby Posts: 64 Match Maker
    IceIX wrote:
    Noted. We're still giving that info out through the bar on the left of the heroes, but naturally this is a change in the way you've been viewing information.

    Something else that I miss is seeing how much damage a certain color does. i.e. - Iron Man shatters for 12, etc...

    It makes it harder to plan moves out when you have a power waiting in reserve.