***** Hawkeye (Clint Barton) *****

Cthulhu ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 410 Site Admin
edited March 2017 in Character Details
Hawkeye (Clint Barton) icon_hawkeye.png
5 Star Rarity (Epic)
At Max Level: HP: 48835 69/460/526/592/63/75/4.3x
    Can’t Seem To Miss 0 purpletile.png AP
    (PASSIVE) Hawkeye stays cool under pressure and hits his targets. Whenever a friendly Countdown tile reaches 0, gain 1 Blue and 1 Red AP.
    At the start of the turn, fortify 1 friendly Countdown tile.
      Level 2: Gain 2 Blue, 2 Red AP and Fortify 1 Countdown tile. Level 3: Gain 2 Blue, 2 Red AP and Fortify 2 Countdown tile. Level 4: Gain 2 Blue, 2 Red AP and Fortify 3 Countdown tile. Level 5: Gain 3 Blue, 2 Red AP and Fortify 3 Countdown tile.
    Max Level:
      Level 3: Gain 2 Blue, 2 Red AP and Fortify 2 Countdown tile. Level 4: Gain 2 Blue, 2 Red AP and Fortify 3 Countdown tile. Level 5: Gain 3 Blue, 2 Red AP and Fortify 3 Countdown tile.

    Full Quiver 5 bluetile.png AP
    Hawkeye pulls another incredible trick arrow from his quiver and fires. This Power starts as Bola Arrow. When you fire it, this power becomes Explosive Arrow, and there are 6 arrows remaining. Once used, Hawkeye is out of arrows.

    Deep Breath:blue: 5 AP
    Hawkeye takes a deep breath and draws his bow, taking careful aim at his prey. Places a 3-turn fortified Blue Countdown tile. When it reaches 0, if you have at least 10 Red AP, spend 10 Red AP and deal 4,041 damage. Otherwise, deal 1,115 damage.
      Level 2: Either deals 4,849 damage or 1,338 damage. Level 3: Either deals 5,657 damage or 1,561 damage. Level 4: Either deals 6,466 damage or 1,784 damage. Level 5: Either deals 7,274 damage or 2,007 damage.
    Max Level:
      Level 3: Either deals 20,385 damage or 6,272 damage. Level 4: Either deals 23,298 damage or 7,168 damage. Level 5: Either deals 26,210 damage or 8,064 damage.


    • geno685
      geno685 Posts: 53 Match Maker
      I think this is obviously a 5* Iron Fist, he pairs well with 4* cage as he is creating fortified special tiles.

      His blue is most likely a reference to the 7 capital cities of heaven and/or the immortal weapons. and his red sounds like a different version of the 3* pink power. his purple sounds..intersting? will have to wait until actual description to figure out it's meaning

      And plus his show is coming up soon so its pretty obvious, hopefully it is the white suit version, otherwise i will be wanting another iron fist.
    • Quebbster
      Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
      Dammit... I was hoping we'd have another fourstar before the next fivestar release. Oh well.
    • notamutant
      notamutant Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
      Thanks for getting this info up early Cthulu! Nice to have some information early again. Is the purple description right though? Special tiles don't "expire," unless you are referring to countdowns. Or does it mean if you remove a special tile, like with Jean Grey's purple? If it is supposed to be when a countdown tile expires, it seems like we are getting a lot of characters lately that gain AP when countdown tiles expire. First we had the Starlord change to his yellow, then Agent Coulson getting AP from his passive, and now this character. I wonder how AP you could generate using them all together. The skill you can only use 7 times seems interesting. I don't think the limitation will be a problem except in survival nodes. If this is a 5 star, I can just imagine how awful it would be on defense though against OML. I imagine the match ending up with this guy vs OML in the end, and this guy just keeps using this skill every few turn and OML healing up. And never benefiting from the higher damage of this guys red skill since he would always use it as soon as AP is available.
    • Anon
      Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
      Cthulhu wrote:
      Pre-release ability précis:
        Special Tile - 0 AP - (PASSIVE) Gain AP from special tiles expiring and start of every turn fortify friendly special tiles.

        7 different things - 6 AP - This power can only be used 7 times, different things can happen each time, then the power can’t be used again for the rest of that match.

        Damage - 11 AP - Creates a special tile that does more damage if the player has x amount of x AP.

        Yeah this is probably Iron Fist. Purple is obviously meant to be used with Power Man. Blue looks like a very interesting ability. Interested to see the specifics.

        I have a question about Red though. Is the damage buff at the time of cast? Or can it be buffed afterward while building AP?

        It's probably the former, but you never know with 5s.
      • Jaedenkaal
        Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
        That blue skill does seem to represent a limited resource of some kind, doesn't it...

        I feel like something almost makes sense.

        Got it. 7 quarters for the juke box. Dazzler confirmed.
      • firethorne
        firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
        Are people joking about Iron Fist? I can't tell. The hint was a Hawkeye quote from Ultron. This is Hawkeye colors. He's shooting bomb arrows, acid arrows, grapple arrows... 7 things is easily quiver full of arrows.

      • geno685
        geno685 Posts: 53 Match Maker
        firethorne wrote:
        Are people joking about Iron Fist? I can't tell. The hint was a Hawkeye quote from Ultron. This is Hawkeye colors. He's shooting bomb arrows, acid arrows, grapple arrows... 7 things is easily quiver full of arrows.


        This also makes complete sense as well considering being in an MCU movie pretty much grants you a 5star version. I now swing my vote towards hawkeye icon_e_smile.gif but we all know iron fist is getting a variant within like 2/3 weeks
      • waywreth
        waywreth Posts: 305 Mover and Shaker
        The next 4 star.png will be Iron Fist. The Netflix show premieres on March 17th, so expect him then.
      • Jaedenkaal
        Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
        geno685 wrote:
        This also makes complete sense as well considering being in an MCU movie pretty much grants you a 5star version. I now swing my vote towards hawkeye icon_e_smile.gif but we all know iron fist is getting a variant within like 2/3 weeks

        I think I hear Crossbones crying in a corner somewhere.
      • notamutant
        notamutant Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
        firethorne wrote:
        Are people joking about Iron Fist? I can't tell. The hint was a Hawkeye quote from Ultron. This is Hawkeye colors. He's shooting bomb arrows, acid arrows, grapple arrows... 7 things is easily quiver full of arrows.


        I didn't even realize that was a quote from Ultron. Just googled to confirm it.
        https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Avengers: ... 2F_Hawkeye

        The city is flying. We're fighting an army of robots. And I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense.
      • geno685
        geno685 Posts: 53 Match Maker
        Jaedenkaal wrote:
        geno685 wrote:
        This also makes complete sense as well considering being in an MCU movie pretty much grants you a 5star version. I now swing my vote towards hawkeye icon_e_smile.gif but we all know iron fist is getting a variant within like 2/3 weeks

        I think I hear Crossbones crying in a corner somewhere.

        Shoulda said MCU Hero icon_lol.gif , and also they have to live, sorry pietro icon_e_sad.gif
      • sinnerjfl
        sinnerjfl Posts: 1,276 Chairperson of the Boards
        This is Hawkeye, not Iron Fist.

        That power with 7 uses is for all his different arrows.
      • Nepenthe
        Nepenthe Posts: 283 Mover and Shaker
        With Logan in theaters, Iron Fist coming to netflix, and the trend of 5* MCU heroes, it should be painfully obvious who this hero is:
      • DarkDestiny13
        DarkDestiny13 Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
        I think I may have a good potential team for this new Hawkeye, if that's who it is. They should be good friends with Coulson icon_shield.png . Only overlap is with blue and this 5* will use it. Coulson generates ap through purple's charged tiles and the countdown tiles he generates will make even more from both of their passives. Coulson speeds the countdowns up with his purple passive and this character can fortify them with their purple passive. Then, spam Coulson's yellow, and the 5*'s blue and red. Add in 4* icon_caroldanvers.png and her strike tiles to make it better (could use her yellow instead of Coulson's). Holding out though until we see the full stats.
      • Clark007
        Clark007 Posts: 1
        Hmmm? Cable might be nice, Odin would be pretty awesome too!!! BUT might be nicer to let us be able to choose or own rewards??? I only have 2 green goblins after all this time; would like to get at least one of the third cover yet Everytime you add characters you tank the already abysmally draw rates to struck by lightning which has honestly become quite annoying...Just my opinion.

        Hope all is well.

      • fmftint
        fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
        6ap is a little higher than I'd like for a ability that has 7 different effects. You're not very likely to ever get through them all.
      • DrDevilDinosaur
        DrDevilDinosaur Posts: 436 Mover and Shaker
        So, yeah, it's got to be Clint; don't think it's worth even contesting that or trying to come up with another option. Let's try and consider how he'll interact with the 5* meta.

        First up, Team Cap might be getting a 5* teammate, which is a kind of buff for 5teve (if Hawk5 is at least average).

        Purple Passive.
        The wording in the precis makes me take pause. Strike/Attack/Protect tiles don't expire, so I thought this must refer to countdown tiles only - of which there aren't too many in the 5* tier. However the there are also a few extra special tiles, like Surfer's Black Holes, Strange's Eye of Agamotto, and Black Bolt's Motivation; and two of those have counts which eventually expire.

        The second part of this passive fortifies friendly special tiles at the start of turn. In this case, I think "special" is being used in the generic sense.

        Right now, I'd say the best partners for this ability are Green Goblin and Iron Man, since both can produce a number of Countdown tiles. The AP gain coupled with Pumpkin bombs on purple to steal AP will result in a strong jump in AP when they expire.

        7 different things
        Hard to know without seeing what each effect is. I would guess that the 7 things always rotate in the same order, so if there's a particular effect you're after you may have to cast this ability a number of times to get what you want. That's offset by the relatively cheap cost; it certainly seems like they expect you to spam this.

        Seems like a textbook red attack ability. That's comforting after the giant question mark that is "7 different things". Would not be surprised if this ends up being a 5* equivalent of 4Clops' Red.
      • Skygazing
        Skygazing Posts: 165 Tile Toppler
        fmftint wrote:
        6ap is a little higher than I'd like for a ability that has 7 different effects. You're not very likely to ever get through them all.

        As the general consensus is Hawkeye I'd consider looking at his current iterations along with Kate Bishop to get an idea of what's (potentially) going on here. Note that arrow-based powers in the game tend to be represented by Countdown tiles. Assuming this power creates CDs, it then synergizes nicely with his Purple which obviously grants AP when Countdowns expire. 6 AP is already pretty cheap and if you're getting 1-3 AP back every time you use it successfully (which his passive also helps with) you'll be able to burn through those arrows quicker than you might expect.
      • Quebbster
        Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
        If this is indeed a 5* Hawkeye (which seems likely, I have to admit), do you Think he is also getting a 3* version like Strange and Thanos?
        I suspect this will follow the Black Panther model - a 5* release for March 10th and then a 4* release the week after (conveniently the same day Iron Fist premieres...). If there was an accompanying 3*, the next release wouldn't be until March 24th, missing the Netflix window.
      • GrumpySmurf1002
        GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
        Sure, random hints and everyone screams "Dazzler confirmed!"

        Now we get her abilities preview and nothing. Forums have gone to hell. I'm going home.