**** Nova (Sam Alexander) ****

Cthulhu ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 410 Site Admin
edited February 2017 in Character Details
Nova (Sam Alexander) icon_nova.png
4 Star Rarity (Legendary) Wiki Link
At Max Level: HP: 13995 Tile Damage: 74/83/12/11/13/65/3.5x

Takeoff- 6 redtile.png AP
Nova zooms into the air, building up incredible speed and preparing for a fly-by. Creates 2 Black Strike tiles of strength 37. While at least one friendly Black Strike tile is on the board, this power becomes Rocket Man.
Level Upgrades
    Level 2: Creates 2 Black Strike tiles of strength 51. Level 3: Creates 2 Black Strike tiles of strength 65. Level 4: Creates 2 Black Strike tiles of strength 94. Level 5: Creates 3 Black Strike tiles of strength 102.
Max Level
    Level 3: Creates 2 Black Strike tiles of strength 126. Level 4: Creates 2 Black Strike tiles of strength 184. Level 5: Creates 3 Black Strike tiles of strength 198.
    ALT: Rocket Man- 6 redtile.png AP
    Nova hurtles into an enemy at twice the speed of sound, sending them flying. Makes target airborne* for 2 turns. When that enemy lands they take 632 damage. This power becomes Takeoff if at any point there are no friendly Black Strike tiles on the board.

    *Airborne: inactive but immune to damage

    Max Level
      Causes enemy to be airborne for 2 turns and deals 4518 damage

    Nova Blast - 7 yellowtile.png AP
    Inspired by fighting alongside the Avengers, Nova unleashes a volley of energy blasts from his hands. Deals 241 damage to the target and creates 1 Black Strike tile of strength 37 for each ally still in the fight.
    Level Upgrades
      Level 2: Deals 347 and creates 1 Black Strike tile of strength 51 for each ally still in the fight. Level 3: Deals 453 and creates 1 Black Strike tile of strength 65 for each ally still in the fight. Level 4: Deals 646 and creates 1 Black Strike tile of strength 94 for each ally still in the fight. Level 5: Deals 1577 and creates 1 Black Strike tile of strength 102 for each ally still in the fight.
    Max Level
      Level 3: 882 damage / creates 1 Black Strike tile of strength 126 for each ally still in fight. Level 4: 1257 damage / creates 1 Black Strike tile of strength 184 for each ally still in fight. Level 5: 3068 damage / creates 1 Black Strike tile of strength 198 for each ally still in fight.

    Danger Zone - 8 blacktile.png AP
    Trying to impress his teammates, Nova increases his flight speed even further. If there are fewer than 5 friendly Black Strike tiles on the board, creates 3 Black Strike tiles of strength 37. Otherwise, Nova loses control and crashes into his enemy, converting all friendly Black Strike tiles to basic tiles and dealing 1751 damage.
    Level Upgrades
      Level 2: Creates 3 Black Strike tiles of strength 51, otherwise deals 2047 damage. Level 3: Creates 3 Black Strike tiles of strength 65, otherwise deals 2353 damage. Level 4: Creates 3 Black Strike tiles of strength 94, otherwise deals 2695 damage. Level 5: Creates 4 Black Strike tiles of strength 114, otherwise deals 4169 damage.
    Max Level
      Level 3: Creates 3 Black Strike tiles of strength 126, otherwise deals 4583 damage. Level 4: Creates 3 Black Strike tiles of strength 184, otherwise deals 5773 damage. Level 5: Creates 4 Black Strike tiles of strength 221, otherwise deals 8119 damage.

    Known Issues
    • Damage dealt by Nova's power Rocket Man is unaffected by Strike and Protect tiles. This will be addressed in R94.
    • There is a bug in the airborne functionality that shows an incorrect amount of turns being airborne. The amount of turns being airborne is one less than what is stated. As a result, Nova's power Rocket Man shows the enemy being airborne for three turns but it is actually only two turns, which is the intended amount. We are still investigating a fix this to issue.
    • Heroes will return from being airborne immediately on that player's next turn if there is only one hero left on that player's team. This will be addressed in R95.
    • The player will see the enemy Nova's Rocket Man power go off when the enemy Nova's power Taking Off changes to Rocket Man. This will be addressed in R94.
    • Nova's power Rocket Man can be used to send an invisible enemy airborne if they are the last hero on that players team. This will be addressed in R95
    • Airborne minions still generate AP for their team. This will be addressed in R94.

    We apologize for the bugs and will fix them as soon as possible.

    UPDATE: R94 should have the above issues addressed, if you experience issues after updating please let us know!


    • Jathro
      Jathro Posts: 323 Mover and Shaker
      Finally a redflag.pngyellowflag.pngblackflag.png in 4* territory.

      Bring on Nova
    • DarqFeonix
      DarqFeonix Posts: 130 Tile Toppler
      Hmph, if this fits the "Like Father, Like Son" clue, I'd chalk it up to Cable, being the Same colors at 3* Scott, but the powers don't fit him.
    • Marc_Spector
      Marc_Spector Posts: 628 Critical Contributor
      What a cheap/fast character icon_eek.gif color me intrigued.

      And speaking of colors - as post2 above said, thank you Devs for trying to vary the color combinations in 4*-land on a lot of recent characters!
    • CaptainFreaky
      CaptainFreaky Posts: 451 Mover and Shaker
      I think we're very close to building out the last member of this team...

    • Pylgrim
      Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
      I think we're very close to building out the last member of this team...


      We don't have that Iron Man *nitpick* icon_razz.gif
    • Captain_Carlman
      Captain_Carlman Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
      Maybe Blackheart? Wasn't it hinted Mephisto had more up his sleeve at the end of the Chulk mini story arc?
    • TLCstormz
      TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
      Ninja Franklin!!!!!
    • Cousin Simpson
      Cousin Simpson Posts: 1,086 Chairperson of the Boards
      Maybe Blackheart? Wasn't it hinted Mephisto had more up his sleeve at the end of the Chulk mini story arc?

      I vote Captain Beefheart!
    • BlackSheep101
      BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
      It fits the make strike tiles -> destroy strike tiles for damage M.O. of Daken. Not too sure about the stun, though. Anyone else notice it says "stuns for a couple rounds then damages"?
    • Der_Lex
      Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
      It fits the make strike tiles -> destroy strike tiles for damage M.O. of Daken. Not too sure about the stun, though. Anyone else notice it says "stuns for a couple rounds then damages"?

      Could be a reverse fastball special.

      Also, since this character is so fast and cheap, shouldn't the hint have been 'like your mom' instead? icon_mrgreen.gif
    • Now, the question is...

      ...are there any other characters who make Black strike tiles?

      The only one I can think of is Bullseye, and considering it requires both some luck and for him to kill somebody, not exactly the most reliable way to do it.
    • Der_Lex
      Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
      Old Man Logan makes black strike tiles.

      Captain Marvel too, but unfortunately only for the other team. Which makes this new character a very nice counter to her, especially with the stun.
    • wymtime
      wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
      1) Like father like son
      2) The colours match Old Man Logan

      4* Daken confirmed

      If it is Daken or not this 4* will work with OML as well as X-23. Strike tiles everywhere!!!
    • notamutant
      notamutant Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
      I am guessing that with the character thematically is supposed to be fast with these cheap moves. Add in the acceleration factor (make strike tiles, and once you have enough strike tiles, i.e. build up enough momentum, explode into the enemy) and it really seems like a character that Quicksilver should've been. Loving the chance to have a new color combo finally in 4 star land. We finally have a character that can be used with JG or IM and have a rainbow. The usefulness of this character will be dependent on his strike tile power levels and the damage he can dish out. Considering the fact this character is fast, and the like father like son hint, I am going with young Nova like the others. I can't imagine they would release another Daken, simply because I can't think of another Daken variant.
    • patrice789
      patrice789 Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
      Everyone is saying 4* Daken, but I can't think of another Daken costume to reinforced that claim (Ok, MAYBE Daken Horseman of Death, but that's a stretch really.)
    • SolidQ
      SolidQ Posts: 247 Tile Toppler
      It's Nova(Sam Alexander) 100%
    • Dwarfsteel
      Dwarfsteel Posts: 55 Match Maker
      Yes, as others and myself have said here and elsewhere, Nova (Sam Alexander) is the most likely candidate. His father was a Nova Centurion and he ties in with the other All-new, All-Different Avengers the most recent being Miles Morales.
    • Sandwichboy
      Sandwichboy Posts: 193 Tile Toppler
      As much as everyone seems to think this is Nova, the powerset sounds a lot more like Green Goblin.
    • Twoslot
      Twoslot Posts: 49 Just Dropped In
      Fingers crossed for Skaar or Phobos.
    • D4Ni13
      D4Ni13 Posts: 745 Critical Contributor
      I hope this is Nova, despite the skill set don't necessarily makes me watch in his direction. Sounds more of a Daken, but I see no reason for a 4* Daken. Don't seem to be Green Goblin to me... the hint "like father, like son" strongly goes to Nova: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbXHXYCE4HA), and maybe the skill set goes towards the fact that he's little and fast (cheap and fast moves) and his power enhanced by the helmet (strike tiles). The colors also match his costume.