Revolving Planeswalk



  • Zzyzzx
    Zzyzzx Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
    It will be nice to have a daily event again that yields resources.
    That said, 10/5/5 and a "standard booster" after the next set releases would make this a worthy event on the level of the original Rising Tensions event.
  • Mestre
    Mestre Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    Lots of game time, few rewards. Improve this otherwise it will be boring and disappointing
  • Khaalis
    Khaalis Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    We've repeatedly and consistently asked for a daily event that is less Grind than Zendikar Expeditions. The current format is NOT PLAYER FRIENDLY. You want us to spend time playing but you don't want to cause us to NOT play because an event like this simply takes too much time to be bothered with especially for the rewards offered.

    Please change the ribbon structure for Revolving Planeswalk to 10/5/5.

    This is will allow more people, especially the newer players, to play this event and keep playing it.

    You need to show the player base that you listen and care about our opinions.
  • ertaii
    ertaii Posts: 227 Tile Toppler
    Thrilled to see the replacement for ZE... But no so thrilled about the progression reward of this event. Some of us actually have a job, we cannot do with such edious events. I really think, as other said, that a 10/5/5 ribbon system would be much better. That would still take some time to complete. Players who want to pay to avoid playing this event will do it nonetheless. More, if F2P player, who are legions, can't keep up with the paying players, the competitive environment will implode and there will be no more need for paying players to keep paying anything in the game, since they would have little competition to beat.

    I hop this will help you reconsider your positions.
  • Kmiesse
    Kmiesse Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
    I also hope that the devs will consider revising the new event format to one that is more considerate of players’ time, variety, and enjoyment. This could be achieved in a number of ways, depending on what exactly the devs wanted to focus player attention on. 

    For example, if the focus is to encourage players to play the secondary objectives, perhaps a 4/8/8 or similar reward scheme would be appropriate, so that players don’t just load up an OP deck and brute-force their way to the rewards. 

    If the devs want to encourage more “time-in-app,” however, then making the same rewards take 50% more matches with no new gameplay variety is unlikely to garner much praise, as is evident in the universally negative replies in this thread. “Time in app” may correlate to revenue in your internal reports, but it is important to remember the distinction between correlation and causation.

    I think that more player enjoyment, sense of progress, and feeling that their concerns are heard may be more difficult to measure, but would improve the bottom line in a better way. Some ideas off the top of my head would be either reducing the number of matches required for all rewards (either by increasing points earned or decreasing points needed), offering highly desirable rewards which are worth the extra effort and time, offering a new and interesting gameplay option, or perhaps some combination of those. 

    Please don’t just add extra grind for the sake of grinding. That will lead to a loss of interest among the player base and less, rather than more, participation. 

  • Mestre
    Mestre Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    We liked the game, I even converted some friends with the MtgPq gospel, but not everyone can be a VIP and improving the rewards alternately in some events would be great.
  • ezrael1234
    ezrael1234 Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    Hey! I'm enjoying the game a lot and have spent a lot of money on it which isn't usual for me but I have been enjoying it so far with the hopes that it keeps getting better. I like some of the changes being made but not all.

    It was mentioned this new event has twice the matches for the same rewards. Now that just doesn't seem fair. I get tires of events that require so many matches so I can't imagine completing this one even though I'm usually ocd about such things. I recommend listening to the players and considering a 10/5/5 structure instead. We all just want this game to keep getting better and being a game we all like playing again and again and also bring in new players to enjoy it too.
  • wraszowixuXuxi
    wraszowixuXuxi Posts: 72 Match Maker
    Considering that this is gonna be sorta the core daily event for a bit, it may be best to not have it drawing too much time away from other events that go on.

    I feel like maybe more events have been running recently that provide gold, to allow people to save either for new releases, Dakkon, and/or pay-in events like BftAges and Jumpstart.

    If one of the goals of y'all is getting us to be in the game more, maybe run more often something like BftAges or Colours of Magic, which can be more rewarding, and allow for more interesting plays. Saying that, I still do think the 5/5/5, 10/5/5, and maybe even the 4/8/8 reward structures for each match would be a good change - helping out those that are needing to gather resources, while also not having the effort of doing secondary objectives seem like a waste. Not sure if that makes sense this late.

    For simplicity's sake and kinda for TLDR, I'm also for having this event reward structure be changed to 10/5/5, for newer players if not for me.
  • jtwood
    jtwood Posts: 1,285 Chairperson of the Boards

    required mimimum text: something goes wrong each time i post this :tired_face:
  • souki12
    souki12 Posts: 47 Just Dropped In
    We've done this already. ZE started with 5/3/2 reward structure and plenty of folks weren't happy. Why are you trying to do it again, @Oktagon_Support?

    The change to 10/5/5 would be a huge quality of life improvement for your player base, especially while the secondary objectives are creature-centric only.

    The set looks not that impressive (but that's not much of your fault though), so please impress us with a change that we are asking for. ;-)

  • Magic:PQ Support Team
    Magic:PQ Support Team ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 3,522 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2022
    Hello everyone,
    I have passed on your feedback to the team, and they have informed me that changes will be made to points for the Win the Fight objective. Originally, Win the Fight objective points were 5. Now, Win the Fight objective points will be 10 on all nodes.

    Thank you for sending us your feedback. We really appreciate it.

  • jtwood
    jtwood Posts: 1,285 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hello everyone,
    I have passed on your feedback to the team, and they have informed me that changes will be made to points for the Win the Fight objective. Originally, Win the Fight objective points were 5. Now, Win the Fight objective points will be 10 on all nodes.

    Thank you for sending us your feedback. We really appreciate it.

    This means each node will be 10/3/2. A redistribution of ZE's 5/5/5.
  • ReadingRambo
    ReadingRambo Posts: 19 Just Dropped In
    OK, We've moved back to the middle position same as it was in Zendikar. I get it, player engagement and whatnot.

    As a further compromise, can we get rid of the entrance fee, please? I stopped playing that event after I had all the zendikar rares, it was just too much to commit to. If we could drop in and out, do a few matches if we had time it would be better. As it stands, I'll probably stop playing this new event once I have all the DMU rares, as the timing of the event make it hard for me to guarantee event completion by the time it ends in the evening. 

    Drop the entrance fee, and change the event reward yellows from 20 and 20 to 10 and 10. 
    As stated, I do like the game quite a bit, but as a mostly free to play player, I can't afford to lose 20 yellows a few times a week in an event I don't always have the time for. 
  • boopers
    boopers Posts: 175 Tile Toppler
    Hello everyone,
    I have passed on your feedback to the team, and they have informed me that changes will be made to points for the Win the Fight objective. Originally, Win the Fight objective points were 5. Now, Win the Fight objective points will be 10 on all nodes.

    Thank you for sending us your feedback. We really appreciate it.

    Good compromise... this breakdown allows each player to decide how they want to play the event, 10 wins without going for objectives, or 7 wins while doing so.
  • RedHerring
    RedHerring Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    Thanks Rebeca and the team. I think that's a workable solution and will improve playability of the new event. Appreciate quick turnaround on the decision too.
  • souki12
    souki12 Posts: 47 Just Dropped In
    Thank you for listening and changing the points. Not 10/5/5 but still a change for the better. ;-)
  • jtwood
    jtwood Posts: 1,285 Chairperson of the Boards
    OMG IT'S 10/5/5
    Thanks for listening and making this better. It would have been great if this was specifically called out in the announcement to avoid confusion about the intended change.
  • MetaBunny
    MetaBunny Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
    I came here to post literally the same thing.

    OMG, IT'S 10/5/5! 🎉🥳🎉

    Like other commenters, I rarely played Zendikar Expeditions, even though I was (and still am) missing quite a few Zendikar rares, both due to the time/matches required and my kind of neurotic fear of paying the entry fee and not recouping it. I'm thrilled at having a lower-commitment daily event again. Thank you for taking our concerns into account and making an event we're excited to play!

    P.S. Man, I hope this wasn't an accident. 🫢😅
  • Fliggl
    Fliggl Posts: 58 Match Maker
    Bit late, but nevertheless: thanks for listening!