Role reversal



  • EvilDead
    EvilDead Posts: 167 Tile Toppler
    I started making a deck after joining the event. While doing so, I thought this is really dumb and going to take too long so I bailed....
  • Zzyzzx
    Zzyzzx Posts: 248 Tile Toppler
    I loved this event concept, it allowed me to see how the computer piloted "B%^#h Pudding", which is a Blue/Green Nessa build that I just love playing.  He [Greg] piloted it poorly, as expected, but what really made it interesting for me was the special mechanic that gave me enough goblins & sphinxes from casting the garbage cards in Greg's build to steamroll him.  Once her 3rd ability was on the board, it wasn't long before I had a handful of garbage cards to cycle and buff those token critters (no it's definitely not a cycling build).

    After that 1st match I packed in a few fetch cards to make use of the Scapeshift/Rupture to quickly charge my loyalty...and as a bonus was getting 120+ XP per match.

    Somewhere in there mix it got really interesting because I ran into a typical Brokhan build that gave me a chance to use some crazy cards that I don't have. 

    In another match, Greg was playing a different Brokhan build and only had Zacama as a critter, but also In Bolas Clutches.  That was fun stealing a stack of Zacamas after he fetched and dropped 3 into the field on a lucky ultimate pop.
  • Mcclaine
    Mcclaine Posts: 59 Match Maker
    edited July 2019
    I enjoyed finally being able to master Apex of Legends drawing into my opponents March of Multitudes, Decree of Justice and Luminarch Ascension one game.
    Then there was the endless amount of decks filled with goblins, which was ok I suppose.
    This truly seemed to be the event where you go to master the trash you don't use normally, which I rather like as a concept.
  • Outersider
    Outersider Posts: 119 Tile Toppler
    Whoever thought building bad decks should be rewarded should be tar and feathered and shoved out the door. Another brain dead idea from Oktagon........ who's motto should be  We do bad ideas well.
  • Gunmix25
    Gunmix25 Posts: 1,438 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well.. The event is okay I guess. My main issue is that even if you get lucky to get an interesting deck, the difference between fetch and draw waters it down. You start with cards from one deck, draw into the other one, but everything that fetches can't possibly synergize at all. Kiora was a bad, bad choice. Why not turn out completely around and make the main goal to lose?

    The whole point of the event is to creatively design a worthless build with little to no synergy. I figured out quickly that this event will not be about what you can or cannot cast but what your Planeswalker can do to create the end game. I didn't find a single build that I faced interesting but I did find a few that garnered some respect to their design to absolutely have no synergy at all, thus wasting my time drawing a card; much respects to you guys.

    Anyways, I found that using Kiora, Garruk, G3, or the token like was clever. Especially Kiora because her 3rd loyalty token is an effective means to end the match. I used S3 and focused on racing to the 3rd loyalty because I had Djinn in my deck. The only decent card and I fetched all three Djinn with no problems whatsoever, not to mention I also cast out Azorious Sphinxes for each Djinn. Once this occurred, the match was over in short fashion, due to AI being unable to cast my cards that he drew effectively and was wasting loyalty points activating less effective PW abilities.

    That said... that is what this event boiled down to. Just racing to use your loyalty before your opponent and hope to slow him down with cards you added so the AI would sacrifice anything it managed to put out whether my Djinn or more likely their tokens. This made for a boring format really quickly.

    starfall said:
    If the intention is to get 2 players to play fun decks against each other, it doesn't seem to be working. From the 4 games I've played today I've seen 2 decks full of unplayable cards, and 2 decks full of weak or bad cards (presumably for mastery).

    The problem is that players don't have any incentive to create a fun deck for their opponent to play with. Even if I unilaterally decided to build fun decks for my opponents, it seems that given today's matchups I am highly unlikely to meet an opponent who has decided to do the same.

    Here's a format which would result in more fun games: each player gets a deck of 10 random cards. 5 creatures, one of each rarity, and 5 non creatures, one of each rarity. They could even get cards they don't own!

    The event states … "make your worst deck"  so I wouldn't exactly approach this as "fun" and more a frustrating puzzle to work around. We were to make a bad deck for the opponent to play with, not a fun one. haha. If you found someone who was brave enough to give you a viable deck, kudos! 

    your point though has weight, Maybe a TG like format that has a role reversal permanent support gem? Swapping it switches which library from which we draw from?

  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,625 Chairperson of the Boards
    Zzyzzx said:
    I loved this event concept, it allowed me to see how the computer piloted "B%^#h Pudding", which is a Blue/Green Nessa build that I just love playing.  He [Greg] piloted it poorly, as expected...
    That actually makes a lot of sense, but sadly I didn’t think of that. Seems like a lot didn’t think of it either, given the complete nonsense I was served. I wish D3 had written a bit about their vision for the event.
  • morgue427
    morgue427 Posts: 783 Critical Contributor
    was a shock after the first few games, early cascades they were overwhelmed then a slow game showed me hmm this is what the computer feels like facing me lol
  • Machine
    Machine Posts: 800 Critical Contributor

    I wasn't able to play the event, because a) it was scheduled with a very grindy coalition event, b) also ran next to Zendikar vs Eldrazi and c) was scheduled for only about 24 hours or so.

    Would have loved to give it a try. Such a shame.

  • khurram
    khurram Posts: 1,080 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think it was a great idea. I loved the flavor of the paper card when it was spoiled and appreciate that they tried to incorporate the idea in the game. Creating tokens for cards was also a nice try to at least get some benefit when facing decks with weak cards, which is what they intended players to do with the event.
  • Machine
    Machine Posts: 800 Critical Contributor
    Ah! I see it will run again this week on Thursday. Will give it a try then.
    IM_CARLOS Posts: 640 Critical Contributor
    The idea looks paper: build a deck full of unplayable cards, negate synergy effects and give it to your opponent. 
    In the end it is just another boring event with underwhelming rewards.

    At least it's good for mastering ****. 
  • Eglyntine
    Eglyntine Posts: 72 Match Maker
    edited July 2019
    I didn't "read" the event objs. when I played the first game. So I played my TG PW that I use to plow through for the gold reward.
         I was rudely awakened to what I did. 🤣 I spent the whole time cursing myself for not reading the strategy. But I had so much fun trying to live through my insta-blick deck that I kept playing it.
         I liked the event. It was wacky, interesting and a challenge that didn't seem spiteful.
  • arNero
    arNero Posts: 358 Mover and Shaker
    Machine said:

    I wasn't able to play the event, because a) it was scheduled with a very grindy coalition event, b) also ran next to Zendikar vs Eldrazi and c) was scheduled for only about 24 hours or so.

    Would have loved to give it a try. Such a shame.

    I feel for you.... the game now has way too many events, frankly (I even pretty much bailed on ZvE thanksto Race)

    Anyway, back on topic.

    I stupidly played a Koth and only managed to go 4 wins due to pretty much luck, especially considering that the last deck I played was a "proper" deck with garbage creatures XD

    Personally, I can see people's grievances with this particular mode, but otherwise I do welcome such short events. I've already come to hate those 30-match Nodes of Powers, Race to Orazca, whatever **** that has WAY too many nodes.
  • Mburn7
    Mburn7 Posts: 3,427 Chairperson of the Boards
    Eglyntine said:
    I didn't "read" the event objs. when I played the first game. So I played my TG PW that I use to plow through for the gold reward.
         I was rudely awakened to what I did. 🤣 I spent the whole time cursing myself for not reading the strategy. But I had so much fun trying to live through my insta-blick deck that I kept playing it.
         I liked the event. It was wacky, interesting and a challenge that didn't seem spiteful.
    If everyone followed the same strategy this would be a hilariously fun event.

    But I'm not taking down an army of Gaias with a couple Leaf Guilders, even if it would be fun to try.
  • VioletKatt
    VioletKatt Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    I had a lot of fun with it. I used my best decks for the firs ttwo go round  as a way to just practice and see some other flaws. 
    Then I made a black deck with only discard and removal cards with negative secondary effects. 
    That actually went the most poor. Greg basically discarded cards and sacrificed his creatures to destroy pretty useless creatures of mine. 
    That match took forever. 
    Did get one match with a great deck from the opponent. I appreciate that. Mostly mystics and rares anc as a newb it was nice to feel how you guys with crazy good decks feels.
  • Machine
    Machine Posts: 800 Critical Contributor
    arNero said:
    Machine said:

    I wasn't able to play the event, because a) it was scheduled with a very grindy coalition event, b) also ran next to Zendikar vs Eldrazi and c) was scheduled for only about 24 hours or so.

    Would have loved to give it a try. Such a shame.

    I feel for you.... the game now has way too many events, frankly (I even pretty much bailed on ZvE thanksto Race)

    Anyway, back on topic.

    I stupidly played a Koth and only managed to go 4 wins due to pretty much luck, especially considering that the last deck I played was a "proper" deck with garbage creatures XD

    Personally, I can see people's grievances with this particular mode, but otherwise I do welcome such short events. I've already come to hate those 30-match Nodes of Powers, Race to Orazca, whatever tinykitty that has WAY too many nodes.
    I didn't mention that I also skipped most of ZvE thanks to RtO. Before the event I needed only two more Eldrazi rares. So I unlocked TED (giving me one of the missing rares), choose TED, played one match and waited for Nissa to win (to get the second missing rare).

    On topic: I'll be a nice guy and create a deck with all of those very useful vanguard interaction cards!
    IM_CARLOS Posts: 640 Critical Contributor
    arNero said:
    Machine said:

    I wasn't able to play the event, because a) it was scheduled with a very grindy coalition event, b) also ran next to Zendikar vs Eldrazi and c) was scheduled for only about 24 hours or so.

    Would have loved to give it a try. Such a shame.

    I feel for you.... the game now has way too many events, frankly (I even pretty much bailed on ZvE thanksto Race)

    Anyway, back on topic.

    I stupidly played a Koth and only managed to go 4 wins due to pretty much luck, especially considering that the last deck I played was a "proper" deck with garbage creatures XD

    Personally, I can see people's grievances with this particular mode, but otherwise I do welcome such short events. I've already come to hate those 30-match Nodes of Powers, Race to Orazca, whatever tinykitty that has WAY too many nodes.
    Well, there is maybe something between fulltime-event and events like RR. 

    I always liked PVE events in the past. Because they where challanging at the beginning and become easier with the cards you win or opend. But I have to say playing RotGP over and over again isn't so much fun yet. The sheer power of standard outraced even God pharaos.
    Another plus for PVE: it is fair. Everybody have the same deck to beat.

    So, more of such Events with special rules like eternal supports would be fun. But don't use them every weekend for a year. 
  • Stormcrow
    Stormcrow Posts: 462 Mover and Shaker
    edited July 2019
    Mburn7 said:
    Eglyntine said:
    I didn't "read" the event objs. when I played the first game. So I played my TG PW that I use to plow through for the gold reward.
         I was rudely awakened to what I did. 🤣 I spent the whole time cursing myself for not reading the strategy. But I had so much fun trying to live through my insta-blick deck that I kept playing it.
         I liked the event. It was wacky, interesting and a challenge that didn't seem spiteful.
    If everyone followed the same strategy this would be a hilariously fun event.

    But I'm not taking down an army of Gaias with a couple Leaf Guilders, even if it would be fun to try.
    Alright so, here's a new idea: instead of announcing they're running "Role Reversal" in advance and having it be a separate event, once per month totally at random, the usual Training Grounds get played with Role Reversal rules. You don't find this out until you start the event and see the token-generating indestructible support sitting there and you're drawing cards off your opponent's deck; from outside of the match it looks exactly like an ordinary Training Grounds.

    At least I think it'd be entertaining. >:)
  • Narcoticsagent
    Narcoticsagent Posts: 203 Tile Toppler
    Stormcrow said:
    Mburn7 said:
    Eglyntine said:
    I didn't "read" the event objs. when I played the first game. So I played my TG PW that I use to plow through for the gold reward.
         I was rudely awakened to what I did. 🤣 I spent the whole time cursing myself for not reading the strategy. But I had so much fun trying to live through my insta-blick deck that I kept playing it.
         I liked the event. It was wacky, interesting and a challenge that didn't seem spiteful.
    If everyone followed the same strategy this would be a hilariously fun event.

    But I'm not taking down an army of Gaias with a couple Leaf Guilders, even if it would be fun to try.
    Alright so, here's a new idea: instead of announcing they're running "Role Reversal" in advance and having it be a separate event, once per month totally at random, the usual Training Grounds get played with Role Reversal rules. You don't find this out until you start the event and see the token-generating indestructible support sitting there and you're drawing cards off your opponent's deck; from outside of the match it looks exactly like an ordinary Training Grounds.

    At least I think it'd be entertaining. >:)
    Similar to your idea I would like to see an event where the indestructible support is picked at random from a pool of all the indestructible supports. Maybe you could something like... Planechase 
  • Mburn7
    Mburn7 Posts: 3,427 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2019

    Stormcrow said:
    Mburn7 said:
    Eglyntine said:
    I didn't "read" the event objs. when I played the first game. So I played my TG PW that I use to plow through for the gold reward.
         I was rudely awakened to what I did. 🤣 I spent the whole time cursing myself for not reading the strategy. But I had so much fun trying to live through my insta-blick deck that I kept playing it.
         I liked the event. It was wacky, interesting and a challenge that didn't seem spiteful.
    If everyone followed the same strategy this would be a hilariously fun event.

    But I'm not taking down an army of Gaias with a couple Leaf Guilders, even if it would be fun to try.
    Alright so, here's a new idea: instead of announcing they're running "Role Reversal" in advance and having it be a separate event, once per month totally at random, the usual Training Grounds get played with Role Reversal rules. You don't find this out until you start the event and see the token-generating indestructible support sitting there and you're drawing cards off your opponent's deck; from outside of the match it looks exactly like an ordinary Training Grounds.

    At least I think it'd be entertaining. >:)
    Similar to your idea I would like to see an event where the indestructible support is picked at random from a pool of all the indestructible supports. Maybe you could something like... Planechase 
    I am all for both of these ideas, as long as it is not a coalition event.