Lets do some card balancing!



  • Aeroplane
    Aeroplane Posts: 314 Mover and Shaker
    starfall said:
    soultwist said:
    How come Rising Tensions only costs 20 mana crystals?  It would be a bargain at 40?   (am I doing this thread right?)
    Are you suggesting that the last few posts have been irrelevant? Let me make explicit why they aren't:

    We've been seeing comments like this throughout this thread:

    Aeroplane said:

    People would spend less money not having to chase these good cards.
    Theros said:

    Nerfing will actually cause more harm to the community so its best to late it rotate out.
    The implication is that the game will suffer as a result of nerfing, or even just from being balanced in the first place.

    The history of the game is evidence that the opposite is the case.
    Wow,taking it out of context are we. The main theme of my post was the lack of mana gain when 4 sets rotate out and Naru was the only card that needs tweaking for its one card combo loop.

    Personally, I enjoy playing with BsZ and StV as it gets your deck rolling . After testing using only lockets and gates in the last 2 sets, the game slowed .

     I believe and its just my opinion that there are more people who don't see these cards a problem. They've been fun to build decks around and it gave more options for high level costing cards.

     Maybe I can agree is that StV should be a masterpiece.
  • Gilesclone
    Gilesclone Posts: 735 Critical Contributor
    No! All the powerful cards should not be masterpieces.  Rarity doesn’t fix a broken card.
  • Aeroplane
    Aeroplane Posts: 314 Mover and Shaker
    No! All the powerful cards should not be masterpieces.  Rarity doesn’t fix a broken card.
    Ok, ok..Ill agree with you on that, I was just spit balling.

    One thing is the broken card effects. No one states is whether its to easy to win with or to easy to lose not including legacy. The events are built around high mana gains as greg is tweaked to dispose of you pretty quick. Just nerfing these cards will create a chain reaction from events, game play and enjoyment. You can't have both, nerfing cards and getting top tier rewards. These cards give you the tools to gain the goodies at the end.
    Sorry , but i don't see nerfing cards a priority in this game. Stability and creation of new events are way more important at the moment.
  • nerdstrap
    nerdstrap Posts: 180 Tile Toppler
    As someone who has all the cards, I don't fear Greg having any card. I do feel stifled by the OPness of some cards making a lot of cards "worthless". All I fear is stupid bugs that I have no control of freezing the game.

    When Origins was the only set, I wasn't as excited by the game because I saw it as too new to be my #1 time waster/money taker. I still spent my money on Hearthstone. Once Olivia hit, and other OP cards that caused games to end in bombastic fashion, I found excitement and dopamine surges!

    I do think certain cards are so poorly designed they need to be changed. BSZ is the #1 target and I welcome the change. It is one of maybe 3-5 cards that need nerfed. A majority of mythics and MPs need to be buffed greatly to make the game quicker.

    Resource denial and destruction are for strategy games. I want my fast QB back and ladder climb events versus long PVP tournaments vs Bolas with 4 kill spells + his loyalty ability and a bunch of loyalty gem converters removing all the colored gems. Thats more like Magic: The Gathering and I want Puzzle Quest with Magic: The Gathering IP flavor.

    My two cents
  • andrewvanmarle
    andrewvanmarle Posts: 977 Critical Contributor
    starfall said:
    Did anyone play this game at the beginning, when only Origins existed? Remember how there were no combos? Remember how you alternated turns with your opponent?

    Remind me, did the game die then?
    No but was really really slow, and kinda dull. It got exiting for me when I got kiora...you do the math. 

    My preferred play style is to stall untill I get my pieces in play and then hit with a 1000/1000 khenra/elemental/pummeler/etc

    I get a kick out of the overkill I can creatie rather thzn the win itself. 

    I'd rather lose thzn play a dragged out game
  • Brakkis
    Brakkis Posts: 777 Critical Contributor

    My preferred play style is to stall untill I get my pieces in play

    I'd rather lose thzn play a dragged out game


    Those two are completely opposite of one another. Doing one negates the statement of the other.
  • Outersider
    Outersider Posts: 119 Tile Toppler
    I've played since the beginning and got addicted..... cards get nerfed due to the dev's not doing a good job at quality control (see previous rants) To me BSZ is actually one of the worst designed cards because of its power. It needs the nerf the OP suggested, it would still be a powerful card but not overwhelmingly so.
  • andrewvanmarle
    andrewvanmarle Posts: 977 Critical Contributor
    Brakkis said:

    My preferred play style is to stall untill I get my pieces in play

    I'd rather lose thzn play a dragged out game


    Those two are completely opposite of one another. Doing one negates the statement of the other.
    Actually no;
    I really hate games where I het some thing on the board, it pings for damage, and is returned to hand/drstroyed/etc rince and repeat and 50 turns later you are half way. I'll quit such a game. 

    I'd play a combo deck with maybe 1 defensive spell, take a life loss or syall enough to get my setup out in the shortest amount of turn and then go for a one or two shot kill. 

    (sorry for any typo's, New phone so it still autocorrects wrong on occasion) 

  • Narcoticsagent
    Narcoticsagent Posts: 203 Tile Toppler
    So BSZ is broke it's just a fact. For the fun of it here is an idea to balance BSZ without changing it. In paper MTG you dont have the option to just remove cards from your hand. What if the game changed to allow 7 cards in hand during your own turn but at the end of turn you had to discard down to 6 similar to paper. In addition to this change the ability to exile cards from hand voluntarily was removed. Now BSZ is much more difficult to use because you cant simply exile everything from hand to max BSZ. I think it would make deck construction more skill intensive as well since you'd have to pay more mind to curve.