MPQ at Nightcrawler (10/17/17)



  • D4Ni13
    D4Ni13 Posts: 745 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2017

    I don't know if I would have the time, but what would you recommend as far as content? I still plan to make analysis videos as soon as characters become available in store. What else do you think people would like to see?
    Open token hoards! I always enjoy those videos haha. It's kinda like living vicariously through others' pulls when I'm hoarding :lol:
    And in general you could take advantage of the fact that not everybody has a sandbox account, so anything involving the new characters people won't have access to so easily. For talking you can also use text-to-speech. It's more convenient than actually talking. There are some free options out there.

    You can also cover the 5* tier more easily in the sandbox and you can showcase them to people. I used to search for ages to find just a video of the new Spidey in action. Comparisons between them and the other heroes on the tier. For example, Gambit has 48k HP at level 450, which is average, but from the tile damage point of view he is on the lower side. Stuff like that. 

    Once you start uploading more videos, you start to get requests, or simply think yourself on new ideas. But the bottom line is that we need some youtubers to promote this game and showcase stuff, and if you like this, I would encourage you to do it. (I wanted to do some videos in the past, but the fact that I don't have a sandbox and I'm only 4* in strength, I won't have enough material to keep people watching. Plus time is not exactly on my side). 
  • Dunamis101
    Dunamis101 Posts: 72 Match Maker
    D4Ni13 said:

    I don't know if I would have the time, but what would you recommend as far as content? I still plan to make analysis videos as soon as characters become available in store. What else do you think people would like to see?
    Open token hoards! I always enjoy those videos haha. It's kinda like living vicariously through others' pulls when I'm hoarding :lol:
    And in general you could take advantage of the fact that not everybody has a sandbox account, so anything involving the new characters people won't have access to so easily. For talking you can also use text-to-speech. It's more convenient than actually talking. There are some free options out there.

    You can also cover the 5* tier more easily in the sandbox and you can showcase them to people. I used to search for ages to find just a video of the new Spidey in action. Comparisons between them and the other heroes on the tier. For example, Gambit has 48k HP at level 450, which is average, but from the tile damage point of view he is on the lower side. Stuff like that. 

    Once you start uploading more videos, you start to get requests, or simply think yourself on new ideas. But the bottom line is that we need some youtubers to promote this game and showcase stuff, and if you like this, I would encourage you to do it. (I wanted to do some videos in the past, but the fact that I don't have a sandbox and I'm only 4* in strength, I won't have enough material to keep people watching. Plus time is not exactly on my side). 
    Thanks I will keep that in mind, the new spidey is great with gwen/miles and cho. I did make a video the other day involving him. He is my new favorite 5 star to be honest. My token pulls would be fraudulent cause i have a sandbox lol. I would still do it if it interested people, It actually didn't take me long to pull 3 covers for nightcrawler. It took forever for rogue though.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2017
    D4Ni13 said:
    DarthDeVo said:
    Another big issue will be how the AI plays him. We all know the AI fires powers as soon as it has enough AP. It won't care what color is most prevalent on the board when it fires his purple. It won't wait until you have 12/10 in your strongest color to get the bonus damage from his red. And it will fire blue whether the enemy team has 0 AP in its strongest color or 30 or anything in between.

    He has the potential to get out of control with his purple, especially if that's the most common color on the board, but beyond that, he really won't be much of a threat from what I can tell. 
    Well, I can't remember if his red cost 8 or 9 to cast, and having 10 as threshold is not that bad, unless the AI takes exact 3 matches with red before firing the ability. But I guess in most cases it will reach 10 AP before firing the ability anyway, so 5 covers in red would assure the AI playing him a little better. 

    I already said before I saw his numbers that he's a 5-5-3 for me, and this time I wasn't wrong (sorry 3* Gambit). I don't really understand why blue abilities other than stuns are pretty weak, with very few exceptions. Yondu breaks this pattern, but Grokect suffers from the same thing as Nightcrawler - expensive and less reliable ability in blue. 
    Oh, he's 5/5/3 for sure. He's basically a battery/cascade generator with a soft nuke, provided you get the bonus damage. If you don't, his red isn't even that great. It's not like you can spam it. 

    And that blue is just mystifying. I'm having a hard time thinking of a worse power, not just in 4* land, but the whole entire game. It pales in comparison to Mordo's purple. 

    They've buffed the yellow for 3* Spider-Man and Spider-Gwen, and just updated Psylocke's blue, so there's hope for this. I just hope they get to it sooner rather than later. A good start would be at least doubling those numbers and making it an AoE.
  • D4Ni13
    D4Ni13 Posts: 745 Critical Contributor
    DarthDeVo said:
    Oh, he's 5/5/3 for sure. He's basically a battery/cascade generator with a soft nuke, provided you get the bonus damage. If you don't, his red idn't even that great. It's not like you can spam it. 

    And that blue is just mystifying. I'm having a hard time thinking of a worse power, not just in 4* land, but the whole entire game. It pales in comparison to Mordo's purple. 

    They've buffed the yellow for 3* Spider-Man and Spider-Gwen, and just updated Psylocke's blue, so there's hope for this. I just hope they get to it sooner rather than later. A good start would be at least doubling those numbers and making it an AoE.
    Maybe they had something else in mind in development, but then they saw how good BAMF is and probably tooned down blue so he would be balanced. But I think they over tooned it. Oh, well. 
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    D4Ni13 said:
    DarthDeVo said:
    Oh, he's 5/5/3 for sure. He's basically a battery/cascade generator with a soft nuke, provided you get the bonus damage. If you don't, his red idn't even that great. It's not like you can spam it. 

    And that blue is just mystifying. I'm having a hard time thinking of a worse power, not just in 4* land, but the whole entire game. It pales in comparison to Mordo's purple. 

    They've buffed the yellow for 3* Spider-Man and Spider-Gwen, and just updated Psylocke's blue, so there's hope for this. I just hope they get to it sooner rather than later. A good start would be at least doubling those numbers and making it an AoE.
    Maybe they had something else in mind in development, but then they saw how good BAMF is and probably tooned down blue so he would be balanced. But I think they over tooned it. Oh, well. 
     That very well could be. It will be interesting to see how long his power set stays like this. 
  • DrDevilDinosaur
    DrDevilDinosaur Posts: 436 Mover and Shaker

    I'm sure enough people have experienced this now, but Carol can be used as a soft counter to BAMFinite - if strongest colours are the same, her passive AoE will send Nightcrawler airborne, where he can no longer cast abilities until the next turn.

    This definitely puts a bit of the puzzle into MPQ, and it's not a hard counter but definitely something to be aware of.

    Let's not forget existing hard counters - Teen Jean (stuns on match-5), Peggy (increases cost), and Mockingbird (gains free AP or fires powers on match-4+). Jean and Peggy have been around long enough for people to have a good understanding of how to play against them, but Mockingbird is still relatively new, so may still be a bit of a surprise pick.

  • Wumpushunter
    Wumpushunter Posts: 627 Critical Contributor
    Can we get the BAMF! power to list the most color present on the board in the description of the power?
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    Can we get the BAMF! power to list the most color present on the board in the description of the power?
    This would be nice.
  • Rick_OShay
    Rick_OShay Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    And in case you were unaware, if there happens to be a tie in most prevalent colors, say 10 yellow and 10 green, it will choose yellow.
    Colors are prioritized in the standard order:
    yellow, red, blue, green, purple, black