*** Magneto (Classic) ***



  • KaioShinDE wrote:
    Phantron wrote:
    OBW is actually pretty conflicting with Magneto's powers, though she'll still match purple since purple isn't Magneto's strong color, and that can be useful in powering up an early MT.

    Yeah i still team them up because I need the heal every now and then and I simply don't have anyone else with a strong purple match. Keep in mind CMag needs purple AP, but he actually has yellow as strong match color instead.

    I just brought CMag and Punisher to 100. I could push CMag all the way to 141, but I want to level my Patch to 100 next first so I have 3 chars with 100. What do people think, should I rather finish out Cmag first?

    Current roster:
    Cmag: 100/141
    Punisher 100/102
    OBW 85
    Wolvie** 85
    Ares 69/85
    Patch 30/128

    There are also a bunch of 2* I have full covers for that are in the Lv20 range, but I consider them a waste of ISO after this point.

    I keep Patch at the same level as Magneto because that way Patch matches red and yellow over Magneto (they're tied) as long as Patch is on the right position, and you obviously want Patch to tank over Magneto whenever possible, not to mention this makes Patch's red more powerful. You can't get around that in Magnetic Mayhem since Magneto is boosted though.
  • KaioShinDE
    KaioShinDE Posts: 265 Mover and Shaker
    Phantron wrote:
    I keep Patch at the same level as Magneto because that way Patch matches red and yellow over Magneto (they're tied) as long as Patch is on the right position, and you obviously want Patch to tank over Magneto whenever possible, not to mention this makes Patch's red more powerful.

    Oh wow, that is indeed very useful information, thanks. Definitely a great reason to bring up Patch first, I hadn't considered that angle.
  • There have been many opportunities to get C Mag lately, which if you were a cynical person you'd think the devs where setting you up for funbalancing disappointment icon_e_wink.gif But IceIX said that they have put the funbalancing on hold for a little while.

    My mains are 141 punisher and I just got my C Mag to 141. C Mag is great for lightning rounds, these are the 2 powerhouses that carry the 3rd member. I have no regrets so far.
  • I'm pondering respeccing my 141 mag to 5/5/3 from 5/3/5. Or at least for now 5/4/4 since I only have one extra red cover. I read somewhere that the purple damage goes down if you do this, does anyone have the stats to compare?
    EDIT: Just went for it, from 636 dmg per swap to 546 going from 5 purple to 4 purple at level 141.
  • Phantron wrote:
    Patch + Magneto is pretty much a no brainer since Magneto has some ultra cheap spammable abilities to go with Patch's strike tiles. Beyond that, he's still good with anyone else, but Patch is far above all others in terms of combo ability with Magneto.
    Also, Magneto's blue goes with Patch's green like frat boys and drunken cheerleaders.
  • Roya PQ wrote:
    My mains are 141 punisher and I just got my C Mag to 141. C Mag is great for lightning rounds, these are the 2 powerhouses that carry the 3rd member. I have no regrets so far.

    Patch obviously is great with CMags, but don't underestimate Punisher. His strike tiles hit the table a lot faster, and lets you start spamming red and blue pretty early.

    I use CMags, Punisher, and any third character (Hulk, usually, to tank green and red) to great effect.
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    Roya PQ wrote:
    My mains are 141 punisher and I just got my C Mag to 141. C Mag is great for lightning rounds, these are the 2 powerhouses that carry the 3rd member. I have no regrets so far.

    Patch obviously is great with CMags, but don't underestimate Punisher. His strike tiles hit the table a lot faster, and lets you start spamming red and blue pretty early.

    I use CMags, Punisher, and any third character (Hulk, usually, to tank green and red) to great effect.

    His strike tile only hits faster if you get a match 4 in there. Judgement is 8 and Berserker Rage is 9.
  • dlaw008 wrote:
    Roya PQ wrote:
    My mains are 141 punisher and I just got my C Mag to 141. C Mag is great for lightning rounds, these are the 2 powerhouses that carry the 3rd member. I have no regrets so far.

    Patch obviously is great with CMags, but don't underestimate Punisher. His strike tiles hit the table a lot faster, and lets you start spamming red and blue pretty early.

    I use CMags, Punisher, and any third character (Hulk, usually, to tank green and red) to great effect.

    My hulk is at 100 but i don't like using him because my Punisher tanks everything, I guess i'll have to max hulk before he tanks green and red instead of Punisher? I feel silly but I like having a use for every AP color even if its not a "great" ability hehe.
  • Roya PQ wrote:
    dlaw008 wrote:
    Roya PQ wrote:
    My mains are 141 punisher and I just got my C Mag to 141. C Mag is great for lightning rounds, these are the 2 powerhouses that carry the 3rd member. I have no regrets so far.

    Patch obviously is great with CMags, but don't underestimate Punisher. His strike tiles hit the table a lot faster, and lets you start spamming red and blue pretty early.

    I use CMags, Punisher, and any third character (Hulk, usually, to tank green and red) to great effect.

    My hulk is at 100 but i don't like using him because my Punisher tanks everything, I guess i'll have to max hulk before he tanks green and red instead of Punisher? I feel silly but I like having a use for every AP color even if its not a "great" ability hehe.

    Hulk is green > red > black. Punisher is black > green > red. Extrapolating form my roster I'm guessing Hulk should overtake Punisher in green and red at around level 120.
  • For what it's worth, I kept track of the same problem and my 115 Hulk exactly tanks for my 130 Punisher for red and green
  • Got my hulk to 115 and its not quite there yet so i think Phantrons interpolation is correct. I'll probably get him to 120 tonight and will verify and report back.
  • Wiki pages for both Hulk and Punisher have full tile damage per level listings. They don't have the decimal numbers, but you can always level 1-2 higher/lower as necessary to be sure you get it right.

    Assuming your Punisher is 141, Hulk will tank red at 120-121 and green at 122-123.
  • Good call, i forgot about the wiki pages thanks for that.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    Not sure if this has been asked/answered anywhere on the board yet, but is there any piece of the MMR algorithm that we are aware of that takes into account the level of the characters used during the fight? Just thinking about it before I boost CMag mid tourney.

  • Unknown
    edited February 2014
    jozier wrote:
    dlaw008 wrote:
    Roya PQ wrote:
    My mains are 141 punisher and I just got my C Mag to 141. C Mag is great for lightning rounds, these are the 2 powerhouses that carry the 3rd member. I have no regrets so far.

    Patch obviously is great with CMags, but don't underestimate Punisher. His strike tiles hit the table a lot faster, and lets you start spamming red and blue pretty early.

    I use CMags, Punisher, and any third character (Hulk, usually, to tank green and red) to great effect.

    His strike tile only hits faster if you get a match 4 in there. Judgement is 8 and Berserker Rage is 9.

    I find it happens pretty regularly that I fire it off exactly at 8 AP. Of course we are talking about using him with Cmags, so I often pick up the last green AP by creating a 4 blue match to soak in a green somewhere else on the board.

    Edit: and a smaller issue I had with Patch and Cmags was that I usually want to make purple matches for Cmags, but then it's hard to leave purple matches available to match after your opponent gets his strike tiles so they tend to hang around more. It can require more careful play, especially if you were hoping to make a push without using health packs. On the other hand, either way, Punisher or Patch, you can often end a fight the same turn you get your strike tiles out.
  • MarvelMan wrote:
    Not sure if this has been asked/answered anywhere on the board yet, but is there any piece of the MMR algorithm that we are aware of that takes into account the level of the characters used during the fight? Just thinking about it before I boost CMag mid tourney.

    None that we are aware of. Anecdotally, I'm seeing more high level teams in the Magneto tournament that I have in the past (my levels are the same), but I also didn't tank the lightning rounds this week nearly as much as I did last week, so it's much too early to draw any conclusions.
  • Do we know if the Devs ever mentioned fixing Magneto's AP anomaly (Yellow being one of his strong color, whereas it should be pink)?
  • gahudahu wrote:
    Do we know if the Devs ever mentioned fixing Magneto's AP anomaly (Yellow being one of his strong color, whereas it should be pink)?

    I don't think it has ever been mentioned. And he's not unique in that way so it seems those choices were intentional rather than mistakes (but no one really knows).
  • He is not alone in this? I did not noticed. Thanks for the answer icon_e_smile.gif
  • Roya PQ wrote:
    I'm pondering respeccing my 141 mag to 5/5/3 from 5/3/5. Or at least for now 5/4/4 since I only have one extra red cover. I read somewhere that the purple damage goes down if you do this, does anyone have the stats to compare?
    EDIT: Just went for it, from 636 dmg per swap to 546 going from 5 purple to 4 purple at level 141.

    Also considered going from 5/3/5 to 5/4/4 since I had excess covers but decided against it. The Purple is overkill in PVP fairly often but in PVE it's awesome. Magnetic Translocation --> Retribution on a full health buffed Jugg is too much fun.

    Plus the extra damage is sometimes nice in PVP too since I tend to not have a ton of blue on the board, it's nice to get the extra damage per swap. I just don't see myself using that red often and would rather save it for Punisher