Deadpool Daily Quests reward list (past and future)
I wish DPXF could be delayed until the end of June when I should finally get my first Red cover and actually have a chance of winning the fight. 0/3/1 doesn't give me really any firepower...0
Looks like Wolverine is up next in the DDQ. curious to see if there's an update of his abilities Before then...0
Azoth658 wrote:Quebbster wrote:Looks like Wolverine is up next in the DDQ. curious to see if there's an update of his abilities Before then...
*Fingers crossed*
My 4 green covers really wants a buff....
My first thought as well. If they just returned him and GT to what they were, I'm not sure they hit 4* tier one (GT due to AP costs, XF due to health reasons). Even when XF is boosted lately he has only been about equivalent to unboosted top tier 4*.
Give him OML's true heal for his yellow, then I'd run him again! Give him his green back and maybe he won't be one of the tougher 4* matchups: every time I've had a rough go with a champed XF vs 270 3* Cyc!
Round 96 May 23 - May 27 : Sweet
Captain Marvel – 2016-05-23
Iron Man - 2016-05-24
Iron Fist - 2016-05-25
Ragnarok - 2016-05-26
Kamala Khan -2016-05-27
X-force vs. 270 Cyclops0 -
Round 97 May 28 - June 1 : Savory
Quicksilver – 2016-05-28
Scarlet Witch - 2016-05-29
Vision - 2016-05-30
Black Panther - 2016-05-31 [Fifth run, first color]
Magneto - 2016-06-01
Hulkbuster vs 270 Hulk0 -
Round 98 June 02 - June 6 : Sweet
Storm - 2016-06-02
Luke Cage - 2016-06-03
Rocket and Groot - 2016-06-04
Spider-Man - 2016-06-05
Daredevil - 2016-06-06
DPXF vs 270 X-force0 -
Round 100 June 12 - June 16 : Sweet
Daken - 2016-06-12
Squirrel Girl - 2016-06-13
Doctor Doom - 2016-06-14
Mystique - 2016-06-15
Hulk - 2016-06-16
Elektra vs 270 Blade0 -
Round 103 June 27 - July 1 : Savory
Colossus - 2016-06-27
Cyclops - 2016-06-28
Hood - 2016-06-29
Doctor Octopus - 2016-06-30
Thor - 2016-07-01
PX vs 270 Elektra0 -
Round 104 July 2 - July 6 : Sweet
Captain Marvel - 2016-07-02
Iron Man - 2016-07-03
Iron Fist - 2016-07-04
Ragnarok - 2016-07-05
Kamala Khan - 2016-07-06
KP vs 270 Luke Cage0 -
Yesterday was RED 3* Carol????? I fell asleep on the character select screen. I needed that last cover to champ her.
:+(0 -
Round 107 July 17 - July 21 : Savory
She-Hulk – 2016-07-17
Deadpool – 2016-07-18
Gamora – 2016-07-19
Black Widow - 2016-07-20
Loki - 2016-07-21
FalCap vs 270 Captain Marvel
One of those DDQ's either you have the 4+ (5?) red in FalCap or you have to get an extremely lucky board.
Still better than the Mr. Fantastic matchup we get in two weeks - the only covered 4* at level 172 that I have a heck of a time winning with.0 -
The newer 4* DDQ have been generally undercovered I think. Venom vs Carnage was definitely undercovered, Scythes only did like 2k. I believe Gwen vs Miles was also undercovered. If they did it the first time, it seems likely they stay that way permanently, if Rulk's Clash is any indication.0
Round 109 July 27 - July 31 : Savory
Falcon - 2016-07-27
Psylocke - 2016-07-28
Beast - 2016-07-29
Bullseye - 2016-07-30
Captain America - 2016-07-31
Mr. Fantastic vs 270 Dr. Doom
Here's hoping Doom is a 3/3/3 this time....even that might be really tough with what I still contend is the worst 4* of them all (even over Cho!)0 -
Is this thread still being updated? Wondering what color Blade will give this time.0
Yep, still updating - sometimes I bump it every other week rather than every week.
Round 110 August 1 – August 5 : Sweet
Sentry - 2016-08-01
Punisher - 2016-08-02
Blade - 2016-08-03
Wolverine - 2016-08-04
Human Torch - 2016-08-05
Iceman vs 270 Jean Grey
You can also find future rewards under their "spoiler" tags at bottom of OP (or under "Past 3* rewards" - I actually put future ones for quite awhile under there also)0 -
OK, thanks. Didn't know it was in the OP.0
Round 112 August 11 – August 15 : Sweet
Captain Marvel - 2016-08-11
Iron Man - 2016-08-12
Iron Fist - 2016-08-13
Ragnarok - 2016-08-14
Kamala Khan - 2016-08-15
RHulk vs 222 Hulk
Round 113 August 16 – August 20 : Savory
Quicksilver - 2016-08-16
Scarlet Witch - 2016-08-17
Vision - 2016-08-18
Black Panther – 2016-08-19 [Fifth run, third color]
Magneto - 2016-08-20
X-23 vs 270 Electra0 -
Round 114 August 21 – August 25 : Sweet
Storm - 2016-08-21
Luke Cage – 2016-08-22
Rocket and Groot - 2016-08-23
Spider-Man - 2016-08-24
Daredevil – 2016-08-25
Ghost Rider vs 270 Galactus
Round 115 August 26 – August 30 : Savory
She-Hulk - 2016-08-26
Deadpool – 2016-08-27
Gamora - 2016-08-28
Black Widow - 2016-08-29
Loki – 2016-08-30
Cho-Hulk vs 2/2/2 level 270 Beast
Fantastic handy DDQ calendar by Cymmina.
Also fantastic:
Vault information and DDQ History:(In the order you see them in the vault)
1x Legendary Token
1x 4* that will be essential for that DDQ week (main vault), or previous essential for that DDQ week (stockpiled vault)
1x Random 4* (random character, random color)
1x 1000 HP
1x 10000 ISO
2x 5000 ISO
5x Featured Character #1 (random color covers, not all covers guaranteed)
5x Featured Character #2
5x Featured Character #3
5x Featured Character #4
5x Featured Character #5
9x Random 3* (random character, random cover, can be another featured character copy)
11x 250 HP
10x 1500 ISO
42x +5 health packs
Lots of 2*'s.
300 total vault items, when you draw one over that five-day period it leaves for good. The vault resets every five-day period. The tacos rotate between sweet and savory vaults. You can visually see what is left in either vault for your tacos to pull.
Command points were given out in DDQ's from 11/5/15-11/9/15, the introduction run of CP's. They were the reward at 15,000 points (if you cleared the five main nodes, the legendary node was not required to be cleared).
Before taco vaults there were two types of tacos (dubbed "even" and "odd", they were not called spicy and savory at the time) that had random draw rates, but did not include 4*'s. These were discontinued on 6-26-2015.
The 4* DDQ vs node AI had access to a team-up through approximately the first rotation of 4*'s, then it was removed.
The rotating matches were the same from 2-18-15 through 2-12-16, and then were changed for the anniversary of this event.
Futurematchup guesses:
08/30/2016 Cho-Hulk vs 2/2/2 level 270 Beast
09/04/2016 Miles vs 270 Starlord
09/09/2016 Venom vs 270 Carnage
09/14/2016 Nova vs 270 FalCap
09/19/2016 Spider-Gwen vs 270 Spider-Miles
09/24/2016 Quake vs 270???
09/29/2016 Punisher vs 270???
10/04/2016 Drax vs 270???
10/09/2016 Winter Soldier vs 270???
10/14/2016 Dino (anniversary) vs 222 Squirrel Girl [Placeholder, assumed]
10/19/2016 War Machine vs 270???
10/24/2016 Kate Bishop vs 270???
10/29/2016 Moon Knight vs 270???
11/03/2016 Peggy Carter vs 270???
11/08/2016 Wasp vs 270???
11/13/2016 August release Spider Woman vs 270???
11/18/2016 August release #2
11/23/2016 September release #1
11/28/2016 September release #2
12/03/2016 October release #1
12/08/2016 October release #2
12/13/2016 November release #1
12/18/2016 November release #2
9/15/2015 X-force vs. 270 Cyclops
9/20/2015 Fury vs. 270 Magneto
9/25/2015 Invisible Woman vs 270 Quicksilver
9/30/2015 Hulkbuster vs 270 Hulk
10/5/2015 DPXF vs 270 X-force
10/10/2015 Thor vs 270 Ragnarock
10/15/2015 Dino (anniversary) vs 222 Squirrel Girl
10/20/2015 Elektra vs 270 Blade
10/25/2015 Ant-Man vs 270 Jean Grey
10/30/2015 Starlord vs 270 Gamora
11/04/2015 PX vs 270 Carnage
11/09/2015 KP vs 270 Luke Cage
11/14/2015 Carnage vs 270 Doctor Octopus
11/19/2015 Thing vs 270 Human Torch
11/24/2015 FalCap vs 270 Captain Marvel
11/29/2015 Jean Grey vs 270 Moonstone
12/04/2015 Mr. Fantastic vs 270 Dr. Doom
12/09/2015 Iceman vs 270 Jean Grey
12/14/2015 Cyclops vs 270 Hulkbuster
12/19/2015 Red Hulk vs 222 Hulk
12/24/2015 X-23 vs 270 Electra
12/29/2015 Ghost Rider vs 270 Galactus
---DDQ 4*'s re-started here. Not run (but already released) were Cho-Hulk, Spiderman, Venom
01/03/2016 X-force vs. 270 Cyclops
01/08/2016 Fury vs. 270 Magneto
01/13/2016 Invisible Woman vs 270 Quicksilver
01/18/2016 Hulkbuster vs 270 Hulk
01/23/2016 DPXF vs 270 X-force
01/28/2016 Thor vs 270 Ragnarock
[Dino (anniversary) vs 222 Squirrel Girl, was skipped subsequently.]
02/02/2016 Elektra vs 270 Blade
02/07/2016 Ant-Man vs 270 Jean Grey
02/12/2016 Starlord vs 270 Gamora
02/17/2016 PX vs 270 Elektra [changed from Carnage after PX change]
02/22/2016 KP vs 270 Luke Cage
02/27/2016 Carnage vs 270 Doctor Octopus
03/03/2016 Thing vs 270 Human Torch
03/08/2016 FalCap vs 270 Captain Marvel
03/13/2016 Jean Grey vs 270 Moonstone
03/18/2016 Mr. Fantastic vs 270 Dr. Doom
03/23/2016 Iceman vs 270 Jean Grey
03/28/2016 Cyclops vs 270 Hulkbuster
04/02/2016 RHulk vs 222 Hulk
04/07/2016 X-23 vs 270 Electra
04/12/2016 Ghost Rider vs 270 Galactus
04/17/2016 Howard the Duck vs 222 Punisher (green/blue abilities only)
04/22/2016 Cho-Hulk vs 2/2/2 level 270 Beast
04/27/2016 Miles vs 270 Starlord
05/02/2016 Venom vs 270 Carnage
05/07/2016 Nova vs 270 FalCap
05/12/2016 Spider-Gwen vs 270 Spider-Miles
---Third run - XForce skipped! Released but not run: Quake, Punisher, Drax, Winter Soldier
05/17/2016 Fury vs. 270 Magneto
05/22/2016 Invisible Woman vs 270 Quicksilver
05/27/2016 X-force vs. 270 Cyclops
06/01/2016 Hulkbuster vs 270 Hulk
06/06/2016 DPXF vs 270 X-force
06/11/2016 Thor vs 270 Ragnarock
06/16/2016 Elektra vs 270 Blade
06/21/2016 Ant-Man vs 270 Jean Grey
06/26/2016 Starlord vs 270 Gamora
07/01/2016 PX vs 270 Elektra
07/06/2013 KP vs 270 Luke Cage
07/11/2016 Carnage vs 270 Doctor Octopus
07/16/2016 Thing vs 270 Human Torch
07/21/2016 FalCap vs 270 Captain Marvel
07/26/2016 Jean Grey vs 270 Moonstone
07/31/2016 Mr. Fantastic vs 270 Dr. Doom
08/05/2016 Iceman vs 270 Jean Grey
08/10/2016 Cyclops vs 270 Hulkbuster
08/15/2016 RHulk vs 222 Hulk
08/20/2016 X-23 vs 270 Electra
08/25/2016 Ghost Rider vs 270 Galactus
PastRewards sorted by date:
Iron Fist, Ragnarok, Kamala Khan first rewarded round 14, end of second cover rotation.
Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Vision first rewarded round 22, end of third cover rotation.
Bullseye first rewarded round 26, middle of first cover rotation (second run)
Token hoarding limited in round 27, vault introduced
Black Panther - 2015-02-18 [First run, first color]
Magneto - 2015-02-19
Storm - 2015-02-20
Luke Cage - 2015-02-21
Rocket and Groot - 2015-02-22
Spider-Man - 2015-02-23
Daredevil - 2015-02-24
She-Hulk - 2015-02-25
Deadpool - 2015-02-26
Gamora - 2015-02-27
Black Widow - 2015-02-28
Loki - 2015-03-01
Daken - 2015-03-02
Squirrel Girl - 2015-03-03
Doctor Doom - 2015-03-04
Mystique - 2015-03-05
Hulk - 2015-03-06
Falcon - 2015-03-07
Psylocke - 2015-03-08
Beast - 2015-03-09
Captain America - 2015-03-10
Sentry - 2015-03-11
Punisher - 2015-03-12
Blade - 2015-03-13
Wolverine - 2015-03-14
Human Torch - 2015-03-15
Colossus - 2015-03-16
Cyclops - 2015-03-17
Hood - 2015-03-18
Doctor Octopus - 2015-03-19
Thor - 2015-03-20
Captain Marvel - 2015-03-21
Iron Man - 2015-03-22
Black Panther - 2015-03-23 [First run, second color]
Magneto - 2015-03-24
Storm - 2015-03-25
Luke Cage - 2015-03-26
Rocket and Groot - 2015-03-27
Spider-Man - 2015-03-28
Daredevil – 2015-03-29
She-Hulk – 2015-03-30
Deadpool – 2015-03-31
Gamora – 2015-04-01
Black Widow - 2015-04-02
Loki - 2015-04-03
Daken - 2015-04-04
Squirrel Girl – 2015-04-05
Doctor Doom - 2015-04-06
Mystique – 2015-04-07
Hulk - 2015-04-08
Falcon - 2015-04-09
Psylocke - 2015-04-10
Beast - 2015-04-11
Captain America - 2015-04-12
Sentry - 2015-04-13
Punisher - 2015-04-14
Blade - 2015-04-15
Wolverine - 2015-04-16
Human Torch - 2015-04-17
Colossus – 2015-04-18
Cyclops - 2015-04-19
Hood - 2015-04-20
Doctor Octopus - 2015-04-21
Thor - 2015-04-22
Captain Marvel - 2015-04-23
Iron Man - 2015-04-24
Iron Fist - 2015-04-25
Ragnarok - 2015-04-26
Kamala Khan - 2015-04-27
Black Panther – 2015-04-28 [First run, third color]
Magneto - 2015-04-29
Storm - 2015-04-30
Luke Cage – 2015-05-01
Rocket and Groot - 2015-05-02
Spider-Man - 2015-05-03
Daredevil – 2015-05-04
She-Hulk - 2015-05-05
Deadpool – 2015-05-06
Gamora - 2015-05-07
Black Widow - 2015-05-08
Loki – 2015-05-09
Daken - 2015-05-10
Squirrel Girl – 2015-05-11
Doctor Doom - 2015-05-12
Mystique - 2015-05-13
Hulk - 2015-05-14
Falcon - 2015-05-15
Psylocke – 2015-05-16
Beast - 2015-05-17
Captain America - 2015-05-18
Sentry - 2015-05-19
Punisher - 2015-05-20
Blade – 2015-05-21
Wolverine – 2015-05-22
Human Torch - 2015-05-23
Colossus - 2015-05-24
Cyclops - 2015-05-25
Hood – 2015-05-26
Doctor Octopus - 2015-05-27
Thor - 2015-05-28
Captain Marvel – 2015-05-29
Iron Man - 2015-05-30
Iron Fist - 2015-06-31
Ragnarok - 2015-06-01
Kamala Khan -2015-06-02
Quicksilver – 2015-06-03
Scarlet Witch - 2015-06-04
Vision - 2015-06-05
Black Panther - 2015-06-06 [Second run, first color]
Magneto - 2015-06-07
Storm - 2015-06-08
Luke Cage - 2015-06-09
Rocket and Groot - 2015-06-10
Spider-Man - 2015-06-11
Daredevil - 2015-06-12
She-Hulk - 2015-06-13
Deadpool - 2015-06-14
Gamora - 2015-06-15
Black Widow - 2015-06-16
Loki - 2015-06-17
Daken - 2015-06-18
Squirrel Girl - 2015-06-19
Doctor Doom - 2015-06-20
Mystique - 2015-06-21
Hulk - 2015-06-22
Falcon - 2015-06-23
Psylocke - 2015-06-24
Beast - 2015-06-25
Bullseye - 2015-06-26
Captain America - 2015-06-27
Sentry - 2015-06-28
Punisher - 2015-06-29
Blade - 2015-06-30
Wolverine - 2015-07-01
Human Torch - 2015-07-02
Colossus - 2015-07-03
Cyclops - 2015-07-04
Hood - 2015-07-05
Doctor Octopus - 2015-07-06
Thor - 2015-07-07
]Captain Marvel - 2015-07-08
Iron Man - 2015-07-09
Iron Fist - 2015-07-10
Ragnarok - 2015-07-11
Kamala Khan - 2015-07-12
Quicksilver - 2015-07-13
Scarlet Witch - 2015-07-14
Vision - 2015-07-15
Black Panther - 2015-07-16 [Second run, second color]
Magneto - 2015-07-17
Storm - 2015-07-18
Luke Cage - 2015-07-19
Rocket and Groot - 2015-07-20
Spider-Man - 2015-07-21
Daredevil – 2015-07-22
She-Hulk – 2015-07-23
Deadpool – 2015-07-24
Gamora – 2015-07-25
Black Widow - 2015-07-26
Loki - 2015-07-27
Daken - 2015-07-28
Squirrel Girl – 2015-07-29
Doctor Doom - 2015-07-30
Mystique – 2015-07-31
Hulk - 2015-08-01
Falcon - 2015-08-02
Psylocke - 2015-08-03
Beast - 2015-08-04
Bullseye - 2015-08-05
Captain America - 2015-08-06
Sentry - 2015-08-07
Punisher - 2015-08-08
Blade - 2015-08-09
Wolverine - 2015-08-10
Human Torch - 2015-08-11
Colossus – 2015-08-12
Cyclops - 2015-08-13
Hood - 2015-08-14
Doctor Octopus - 2015-08-15
Thor - 2015-08-16
Captain Marvel - 2015-08-17
Iron Man - 2015-08-18
Iron Fist - 2015-08-19
Ragnarok - 2015-08-20
Kamala Khan - 2015-08-21
Quicksilver - 2015-08-22
Scarlet Witch - 2015-08-23
Vision - 2015-08-24
Black Panther – 2015-08-25 [Second run, third color]
Magneto - 2015-08-26
Storm - 2015-08-27
Luke Cage – 2015-08-28
Rocket and Groot - 2015-08-29
Spider-Man - 2015-08-30
Daredevil – 2015-08-31
She-Hulk - 2015-09-01
Deadpool – 2015-09-02
Gamora - 2015-09-03
Black Widow - 2015-09-04
Loki – 2015-09-05
Daken - 2015-09-06
Squirrel Girl – 2015-09-07
Doctor Doom - 2015-09-08
Mystique - 2015-09-09
Hulk - 2015-09-10
Falcon - 2015-09-11
Psylocke – 2015-09-12
Beast - 2015-09-13
Bullseye - 2015-09-14
Captain America - 2015-09-15
Sentry - 2015-09-16
Punisher - 2015-09-17
Blade – 2015-09-18
Wolverine – 2015-09-19
Human Torch - 2015-09-20
Colossus - 2015-09-21
Cyclops - 2015-09-22
Hood – 2015-09-23
Doctor Octopus - 2015-09-24
Thor - 2015-09-25
Captain Marvel – 2015-09-26
Iron Man - 2015-09-27
Iron Fist - 2015-09-28
Ragnarok - 2015-09-29
Kamala Khan -2015-09-30
Quicksilver – 2015-10-01
Scarlet Witch - 2015-10-02
Vision - 2015-10-03
Black Panther - 2015-10-04 [Third run, first color]
Magneto - 2015-10-05
Storm - 2015-10-06
Luke Cage - 2015-10-07
Rocket and Groot - 2015-10-08
Spider-Man - 2015-10-09
Daredevil - 2015-10-10
She-Hulk - 2015-10-11
Deadpool - 2015-10-12
Gamora - 2015-10-13
Black Widow - 2015-10-14
Loki - 2015-10-15
Daken - 2015-10-16
Squirrel Girl - 2015-10-17
Doctor Doom - 2015-10-18
Mystique - 2015-10-19
Hulk - 2015-10-20
Falcon - 2015-10-21
Psylocke - 2015-10-22
Beast - 2015-10-23
Bullseye - 2015-10-24
Captain America - 2015-10-25
Sentry - 2015-10-26
Punisher - 2015-10-27
Blade - 2015-10-28
Wolverine - 2015-10-29
Human Torch - 2015-10-30
Colossus - 2015-10-31
Cyclops - 2015-11-01
Hood - 2015-11-02
Doctor Octopus - 2015-11-03
Thor - 2015-11-04
]Captain Marvel - 2015-11-05
Iron Man - 2015-11-06
Iron Fist - 2015-11-07
Ragnarok - 2015-11-08
Kamala Khan - 2015-11-09
Quicksilver - 2015-11-10
Scarlet Witch - 2015-11-11
Vision - 2015-11-12
Black Panther - 2015-11-13 [Third run, second color]
Magneto - 2015-11-14
Storm - 2015-11-15
Luke Cage - 2015-11-16
Rocket and Groot – 2015-11-17
Spider-Man - 2015-11-18
Daredevil – 2015-11-19
She-Hulk – 2015-11-20
Deadpool – 2015-11-21
Gamora – 2015-11-22
Black Widow - 2015-11-23
Loki - 2015-11-24
Daken - 2015-11-25
Squirrel Girl – 2015-11-26
Doctor Doom - 2015-11-27
Mystique – 2015-11-28
Hulk - 2015-11-29
Falcon - 2015-11-30
Psylocke - 2015-12-01
Beast - 2015-12-02
Bullseye - 2015-12-03
Captain America - 2015-12-04
Sentry - 2015-12-05
Punisher - 2015-12-06
Blade - 2015-12-07
Wolverine - 2015-12-08
Human Torch - 2015-12-09
Colossus – 2015-12-10
Cyclops - 2015-12-11
Hood - 2015-12-12
Doctor Octopus - 2015-12-13
Thor - 2015-12-14
Captain Marvel - 2015-12-15
Iron Man - 2015-12-16
Iron Fist - 2015-12-17
Ragnarok - 2015-12-18
Kamala Khan - 2015-12-19
Quicksilver - 2015-12-20
Scarlet Witch - 2015-12-21
Vision - 2015-12-22
Black Panther – 2015-12-23 [Third run, third color]
Magneto - 2015-12-24
Storm - 2015-12-25
Luke Cage – 2015-12-26
Rocket and Groot - 2015-12-27
Spider-Man - 2015-12-28
Daredevil – 2015-12-29
She-Hulk - 2015-12-30
Deadpool – 2015-12-31
Gamora - 2016-01-01
Black Widow - 2016-01-02
Loki – 2016-01-03
Daken - 2016-01-04
Squirrel Girl – 2016-01-05
Doctor Doom - 2016-01-06
Mystique - 2016-01-07
Hulk - 2016-01-08
Falcon - 2016-01-09
Psylocke – 2016-01-10
Beast - 2016-01-11
Bullseye - 2016-01-12
Captain America - 2016-01-13
Sentry - 2016-01-14
Punisher - 2016-01-15
Blade – 2016-01-16
Wolverine – 2016-01-17
Human Torch - 2016-01-18
Colossus - 2016-01-19
Cyclops - 2016-01-20
Hood – 2016-01-21
Doctor Octopus - 2016-01-22
Thor - 2016-01-23
Captain Marvel – 2016-01-24
Iron Man - 2016-01-25
Iron Fist - 2016-01-26
Ragnarok - 2016-01-27
Kamala Khan -2016-01-28
Quicksilver – 2016-01-29
Scarlet Witch - 2016-01-30
Vision - 2016-01-31
Black Panther - 2016-02-01 [Fourth run, first color]
Magneto - 2016-02-02
Storm - 2016-02-03
Luke Cage - 2016-02-04
Rocket and Groot - 2016-02-05
Spider-Man - 2016-02-06
Daredevil - 2016-02-07
She-Hulk - 2016-02-08
Deadpool - 2016-02-09
Gamora - 2016-02-10
Black Widow - 2016-02-11
Loki - 2016-02-12
Daken - 2016-02-13
Squirrel Girl - 2016-02-14
Doctor Doom - 2016-02-15
Mystique - 2016-02-16
Hulk - 2016-02-17
Falcon - 2016-02-18
Psylocke - 2016-02-19
Beast - 2016-02-20
Bullseye - 2016-02-21
Captain America - 2016-02-22
Sentry - 2016-02-23
Punisher - 2016-02-24
Blade - 2016-02-25
Wolverine - 2016-02-26
Human Torch - 2016-02-27
Colossus - 2016-02-28
Cyclops - 2016-02-29
Hood - 2016-03-01
Doctor Octopus - 2016-03-02
Thor - 2016-03-03
]Captain Marvel - 2016-03-04
Iron Man - 2016-03-05
Iron Fist - 2016-03-06
Ragnarok - 2016-03-07
Kamala Khan - 2016-03-08
Quicksilver - 2016-03-09
Scarlet Witch - 2016-03-10
Vision - 2016-03-11
Black Panther - 2016-03-12 [Fourth run, second color]
Magneto - 2016-03-13
Storm - 2016-03-14
Luke Cage - 2016-03-15
Rocket and Groot – 2016-03-16
Spider-Man - 2016-03-17
Daredevil – 2016-03-18
She-Hulk – 2016-03-19
Deadpool – 2016-03-20
Gamora – 2016-03-21
Black Widow - 2016-03-22
Loki - 2016-03-23
Daken - 2016-03-24
Squirrel Girl – 2016-03-25
Doctor Doom - 2016-03-26
Mystique – 2016-03-27
Hulk - 2016-03-28
Falcon - 2016-03-29
Psylocke - 2016-03-30
Beast - 2016-03-31
Bullseye - 2016-04-01
Captain America - 2016-04-02
Sentry - 2016-04-03
Punisher - 2016-04-04
Blade - 2016-04-05
Wolverine - 2016-04-06
Human Torch - 2016-04-07
Colossus – 2016-04-08
Cyclops - 2016-04-09
Hood - 2016-04-10
Doctor Octopus - 2016-04-11
Thor - 2016-04-12
Captain Marvel - 2016-04-13
Iron Man - 2016-04-14
Iron Fist - 2016-04-15
Ragnarok - 2016-04-16
Kamala Khan - 2016-04-17
Quicksilver - 2016-04-18
Scarlet Witch - 2016-04-19
Vision - 2016-04-20
Black Panther – 2016-04-21 [Fourth run, third color]
Magneto - 2016-04-22
Storm - 2016-04-23
Luke Cage – 2016-04-24
Rocket and Groot - 2016-04-25
Spider-Man - 2016-04-26
Daredevil – 2016-04-27
She-Hulk - 2016-04-28
Deadpool – 2016-04-29
Gamora - 2016-04-30
Black Widow - 2016-05-01
Loki – 2016-05-02
Daken - 2016-05-03
Squirrel Girl – 2016-05-04
Doctor Doom - 2016-05-05
Mystique - 2016-05-06
Hulk - 2016-05-07
Falcon - 2016-05-08
Psylocke – 2016-05-09
Beast - 2016-05-10
Bullseye - 2016-05-11
Captain America - 2016-05-12
Sentry - 2016-05-13
Punisher - 2016-05-14
Blade – 2016-05-15
Wolverine – 2016-05-16
Human Torch - 2016-05-17
Colossus - 2016-05-18
Cyclops - 2016-05-19
Hood – 2016-05-20
Doctor Octopus - 2016-05-21
Thor - 2016-05-22
Captain Marvel – 2016-05-23
Iron Man - 2016-05-24
Iron Fist - 2016-05-25
Ragnarok - 2016-05-26
Kamala Khan -2016-05-27
Quicksilver – 2016-05-28
Scarlet Witch - 2016-05-29
Vision - 2016-05-30
Black Panther - 2016-05-31 [Fifth run, first color]
Magneto - 2016-06-01
Storm - 2016-06-02
Luke Cage - 2016-06-03
Rocket and Groot - 2016-06-04
Spider-Man - 2016-06-05
Daredevil - 2016-06-06
She-Hulk - 2016-06-07
Deadpool - 2016-06-08
Gamora - 2016-06-09
Black Widow - 2016-06-10
Loki - 2016-06-11
Daken - 2016-06-12
Squirrel Girl - 2016-06-13
Doctor Doom - 2016-06-14
Mystique - 2016-06-15
Hulk - 2016-06-16
Falcon - 2016-06-17
Psylocke - 2016-06-18
Beast - 2016-06-19
Bullseye - 2016-06-20
Captain America - 2016-06-21
Sentry - 2016-06-22
Punisher - 2016-06-23
Blade - 2016-06-24
Wolverine - 2016-06-25
Human Torch - 2016-06-26
Colossus - 2016-06-27
Cyclops - 2016-06-28
Hood - 2016-06-29
Doctor Octopus - 2016-06-30
Thor - 2016-07-01
Captain Marvel - 2016-07-02
Iron Man - 2016-07-03
Iron Fist - 2016-07-04
Ragnarok - 2016-07-05
Kamala Khan - 2016-07-06
Quicksilver - 2016-07-07
Scarlet Witch - 2016-07-08
Vision - 2016-07-09
Black Panther - 2016-07-10 [Fifth run, second color]
Magneto - 2016-07-11
Storm - 2016-07-12
Luke Cage - 2016-07-13
Rocket and Groot – 2016-07-14
Spider-Man - 2016-07-15
Daredevil – 2016-07-16
She-Hulk – 2016-07-17
Deadpool – 2016-07-18
Gamora – 2016-07-19
Black Widow - 2016-07-20
Loki - 2016-07-21
Daken - 2016-07-22
Squirrel Girl – 2016-07-23
Doctor Doom - 2016-07-24
Mystique – 2016-07-25
Hulk - 2016-07-26
Falcon - 2016-07-27
Psylocke - 2016-07-28
Beast - 2016-07-29
Bullseye - 2016-07-30
Captain America - 2016-07-31
Sentry - 2016-08-01
Punisher - 2016-08-02
Blade - 2016-08-03
Wolverine - 2016-08-04
Human Torch - 2016-08-05
Colossus – 2016-08-06
Cyclops - 2016-08-07
Hood - 2016-08-08
Doctor Octopus - 2016-08-09
Thor - 2016-08-10
Captain Marvel - 2016-08-11
Iron Man - 2016-08-12
Iron Fist - 2016-08-13
Ragnarok - 2016-08-14
Kamala Khan - 2016-08-15
Quicksilver - 2016-08-16
Scarlet Witch - 2016-08-17
Vision - 2016-08-18
Black Panther – 2016-08-19 [Fifth run, third color]
Magneto - 2016-08-20
Storm - 2016-08-21
Luke Cage – 2016-08-22
Rocket and Groot - 2016-08-23
Spider-Man - 2016-08-24
Daredevil – 2016-08-25
She-Hulk - 2016-08-26
Deadpool – 2016-08-27
Gamora - 2016-08-28
Black Widow - 2016-08-29
Loki – 2016-08-30
Daken - 2016-08-31
Squirrel Girl – 2016-09-01
Doctor Doom - 2016-09-02
Mystique - 2016-09-03
Hulk - 2016-09-04
Falcon - 2016-09-05
Psylocke – 2016-09-06
Beast - 2016-09-07
Bullseye - 2016-09-08
Captain America - 2016-09-09
Sentry - 2016-09-10
Punisher - 2016-09-11
Blade – 2016-09-12
Wolverine – 2016-09-13
Human Torch - 2016-09-14
Colossus - 2016-09-15
Cyclops - 2016-09-16
Hood – 2016-09-17
Doctor Octopus - 2016-09-18
Thor - 2016-09-19
Captain Marvel – 2016-09-20
Iron Man - 2016-09-21
Iron Fist - 2016-09-22
Ragnarok - 2016-09-23
Kamala Khan -2016-09-24
Quicksilver – 2016-09-25
Scarlet Witch - 2016-09-26
Vision - 2016-09-27
Round 116 August 31 – September 4 : SweetDaken - 2016-08-31Round 117 September 5 – September 9 : Savory
Squirrel Girl – 2016-09-01
Doctor Doom - 2016-09-02
Mystique - 2016-09-03
Hulk - 2016-09-04
Miles vs 270 StarlordFalcon - 2016-09-05Round 118 September 10 – September 14 : Sweet
Psylocke – 2016-09-06
Beast - 2016-09-07
Bullseye - 2016-09-08
Captain America - 2016-09-09
Venom vs 270 CarnageSentry - 2016-09-10Round 119 September 15 – September 19 : Savory
Punisher - 2016-09-11
Blade – 2016-09-12
Wolverine – 2016-09-13
Human Torch - 2016-09-14
Nova vs 270 FalCapColossus - 2016-09-15Round 120 September 20 – September 24 : Sweet
Cyclops - 2016-09-16
Hood – 2016-09-17
Doctor Octopus - 2016-09-18
Thor - 2016-09-19
Spider-Gwen vs 270 Spider-MilesCaptain Marvel – 2016-09-20Round 121 September 25 – September 29 : Savory
Iron Man - 2016-09-21
Iron Fist - 2016-09-22
Ragnarok - 2016-09-23
Kamala Khan -2016-09-24
Quake vs 270???Quicksilver – 2016-09-25
Scarlet Witch - 2016-09-26
Vision - 2016-09-27
(29th) Punisher vs 270???
See a mistake? Let me know.
Big thanks to Yogi’s thread that this is based off of: ... 1&start=40
Big props to dearbluey, who has been updating weeks with node information; I attempt to link to this information at the top each week.[/quote]0 -
Round 114 August 21 – August 25 : Sweet
Storm - 2016-08-21
Luke Cage – 2016-08-22
Rocket and Groot - 2016-08-23
Spider-Man - 2016-08-24
Daredevil – 2016-08-25
Ghost Rider vs 270 Galactus
Round 115 August 26 – August 30 : Savory
She-Hulk - 2016-08-26
Deadpool – 2016-08-27
Gamora - 2016-08-28
Black Widow - 2016-08-29
Loki – 2016-08-30
Cho-Hulk vs 2/2/2 level 270 Beast
Oh wow, I only have seven more predictions after this - I'm going to have to update again soon! I may do only a month or two out (into October) and see what the "big changes" have in store for DDQ, if anything :pray:0 -
Love this post thanks so much for doing it0
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