Deadpool Daily Quests reward list (past and future)
Forgot to update last week, sorry.
12/23/2016 Spider-Gwen (Gwen Stacy) vs 270 Spider-Miles
-This is the matchup today...I had Gwen Poole first alphabetically. Not sure if next week?
Daredevil – 2016-12-24
She-Hulk - 2016-12-25
Deadpool – 2016-12-26
Gamora - 2016-12-27
Black Widow - 2016-12-28
12/28/2016 Gwenpool (Gwen Poole) vs ??? [Added Mid October 2016]
Loki – 2016-12-29
Daken - 2016-12-30
Squirrel Girl – 2016-12-31
Doctor Doom - 2017-01-01
Mystique - 2017-01-02
01/02/2017 Kate Bishop (Hawkeye) vs ???
If Gwen Poole is skipped (to recent?), then Kate would be moved up a week and you'd have:
01/02/2017 Iron Man (Hulkbuster) vs 270 Hulk0 -
BlackBoltRocks wrote:Needs to be updated again, since it'll be skipping War Machine, Wasp and Spiderwoman. I was actually interested to see how my 3/2/2 Wasp would have done
Don't mind though, since I'm set for Ghost Rider and Starlord. Quietly confident for Moon Knight (if they don't skip him) at 1/2/4 and Punmax (4/2/1)
I have moved all three of these to 172 (Spiderwoman champed), expecting to be able to beat these. I think I have 10 covers for Wasp and 12 for War Machine.
Last week I opened a bunch of CP to get my 5/6 cover Kate to 10 covers and beat it. Kate is my Unicorn, but still...wasn't Kate released after a couple of these they just skipped?!?0 -
Hulk - 2017-01-03
Falcon - 2017-01-04
Psylocke - 2017-01-05
Beast - 2017-01-06
Bullseye - 2017-01-07
01/07/2017 Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze) vs 270 Galactus
Captain America - 2017-01-08
Sentry - 2017-01-09
Punisher - 2017-01-10
Blade – 2017-01-11
Wolverine – 2017-01-12
02/01/2017 Star-Lord (Legendary Outlaw) [previously vs 270 Gamora]0 -
SnowcaTT wrote:BlackBoltRocks wrote:Needs to be updated again, since it'll be skipping War Machine, Wasp and Spiderwoman. I was actually interested to see how my 3/2/2 Wasp would have done
Don't mind though, since I'm set for Ghost Rider and Starlord. Quietly confident for Moon Knight (if they don't skip him) at 1/2/4 and Punmax (4/2/1)
I have moved all three of these to 172 (Spiderwoman champed), expecting to be able to beat these. I think I have 10 covers for Wasp and 12 for War Machine.
Last week I opened a bunch of CP to get my 5/6 cover Kate to 10 covers and beat it. Kate is my Unicorn, but still...wasn't Kate released after a couple of these they just skipped?!?
EDIT: looked into it a bit more. After the third run of Civil War (the one that awarded Winter Soldier and Cyclops covers), War Machine was Essential in ISO-8 Brotherhood in early September, so it looks like he was in fact only rewarded once, when he was released. My championed War Machine wouldn't have minded doing the Crash though...0 -
Kamala Khan -2017-01-23
Quicksilver – 2017-01-24
Scarlet Witch - 2017-01-25
Vision - 2017-01-26
Doctor Strange - 2017-01-27
01/27/2017 Mr. Fantastic (Reed Richards) [previously vs 270 Dr. Doom]
Black Panther - 2017-01-28 [Seventh run, first color]
Magneto - 2017-01-29
Storm - 2017-01-30
Luke Cage - 2017-01-31
Rocket and Groot - 2017-02-01
02/02/2017 Nova (Sam Alexander) vs 270 FalCap
Looks like confirmed MrF up next: Blade and Cage got skipped. Bummer again, already moved Blade to 172 in preparation and champed Cage.
Also in the Sweet week it's a run re-start: possibly Jan 28th is where 3* Thanos will be inserted?0 -
SnowcaTT wrote:Also in the Sweet week it's a run re-start: possibly Jan 28th is where 3* Thanos will be inserted?0
Rick OShay wrote:SnowcaTT wrote:Also in the Sweet week it's a run re-start: possibly Jan 28th is where 3* Thanos will be inserted?0
ooooommmmg thank you guys so much for the schedule, this makes a world of difference since I only care about like 3 or 4 characters. Wish I had known about this last year, lol. Now in case I get bored and uninstall I put some notes in google calendar to remind me to get in the game again in 2 or 3 months when my chars should be coming up.0
I'll put this here:
Vault information and DDQ History:(In the order you see them in the vault)
1x Legendary Token
1x 4* that will be essential for that DDQ week (main vault), or previous essential for that DDQ week (stockpiled vault)
1x Random 4* (random character, random color)
1x 1000 HP
1x 10000 ISO
2x 5000 ISO
5x Featured Character #1 (random color covers, not all covers guaranteed)
5x Featured Character #2
5x Featured Character #3
5x Featured Character #4
5x Featured Character #5
9x Random 3* (random character, random cover, can be another featured character copy)
11x 250 HP
10x 1500 ISO
42x +5 health packs
Lots of 2*'s.
300 total vault items, when you draw one over that five-day period it leaves for good. The vault resets every five-day period. The tacos rotate between sweet and savory vaults. You can visually see what is left in either vault for your tacos to pull.
Command points were given out in DDQ's from 11/5/15-11/9/15, the introduction run of CP's. They were the reward at 15,000 points (if you cleared the five main nodes, the legendary node was not required to be cleared).
Before taco vaults there were two types of tacos (dubbed "even" and "odd", they were not called spicy and savory at the time) that had random draw rates, but did not include 4*'s. These were discontinued on 6-26-2015.
The 4* DDQ vs node AI had access to a team-up through approximately the first rotation of 4*'s, then it was removed.
The rotating matches were the same from 2-18-15 through 2-12-16, and then were changed for the anniversary of this event.
Getting to hard to find what I'm looking for scrolling through long lists and tabs in OP0 -
Thanos green - 2017-01-28
Black Panther - 2017-01-29 [Seventh run, first color]
Magneto - 2017-01-30
Storm - 2017-01-31
Luke Cage - 2017-02-01
02/02/2017 Nova (Sam Alexander) vs 270 FalCap
Thanos indeed added today.
Updated OP with 42 characters under thetag, plus a space for an additional character at the end of each cover run...that's the spacing that Strange/Thanos came in, perhaps a sign of things to come in 3* land.
Will update "future 3* matchups" breaking that out into sweet/savory/dates when I have a bit more time.0 -
BlackBoltRocks wrote:SnowcaTT wrote:Sweet
Thanos green - 2017-01-28
Black Panther - 2017-01-29 [Seventh run, first color]
Magneto - 2017-01-30
Storm - 2017-01-31
Luke Cage - 2017-02-01
02/02/2017 Nova (Sam Alexander) vs 270 FalCap
Thanos indeed added today.
Updated OP with 42 characters under thetag, plus a space for an additional character at the end of each cover run...that's the spacing that Strange/Thanos came in, perhaps a sign of things to come in 3* land.
Will update "future 3* matchups" breaking that out into sweet/savory/dates when I have a bit more time.
Thanks! I noticed that yesterday at the top, but hadn't gotten a chance to look and see if other dates are wrong...time to go fix (again)0 -
Rocket and Groot - 2017-02-02
Spider-Man - 2017-02-03
Daredevil - 2017-02-04
She-Hulk - 2017-02-05
Deadpool - 2017-02-06
02/06/2017 Ant-Man (Scott Lang) vs 270 Jean Grey0 -
Yep, black. You can find them under the "future
" tag in OP.
Gamora - 2017-02-07
Black Widow - 2017-02-08
Loki - 2017-02-09
Daken - 2017-02-10
Squirrel Girl - 2017-02-11
02/11/2017 Red Hulk (Thunderbolt Ross) vs 222 Hulk
Doctor Doom - 2017-02-12
Mystique - 2017-02-13
Hulk - 2017-02-14
Falcon - 2017-02-15
Psylocke - 2017-02-16
02/16/2017 Miles Morales (Spider-Man) vs 270 Starlord
Heard someone mention Rulk was next, glad to see Miles got put back in rotation (they are reversed from expected dates)0 -
Beast - 2017-02-17
Bullseye - 2017-02-18
Captain America - 2017-02-19
Sentry - 2017-02-20
Punisher - 2017-02-21
02/21/2017 Hulk (Totally Awesome) vs 2/2/2 level 270 Beast
Blade - 2017-02-22
Wolverine - 2017-02-23
Human Torch - 2017-02-24
Colossus - 2017-02-25
Cyclops - 2017-02-26
02/26/2017 Deadpool (Uncanny X-Force) vs 270 Wolvy X-force0 -
I'll try to start tracking Behemoth Burritos here as well, since the required characters are needed to get the "rewards" (2cp), and that's what this thread is tracking. Also I'm already tracking the order of the 4*'s, so I can update the BB's. I PM'd Birgy - interesting that they have Medusa in the Behemoth order, but not Gwenpool who was released much earlier (possibly just an oversight...easy to do with so many characters, believe me, I know!)
New DDQ starts today, now the 4* clash of the titan starts first day of cycle and lasts all five days.
Last Clash run at the beginning I had listed "Released but not run: Quake, Punisher, Drax, Winter Soldier, War Machine, Kate Bishop, Moon Knight, Peggy Carter, Wasp, Spider Woman". It looks like they may not insert the 5*'s until the DDQ run is completed - these were all relesed in 4th run and (basically) all run in 5th run. They skipped a chunk that were bundled together - Spiderwoman, War-Machine, and Wasp...still don't know those opponents.
I'm guessing following that they'll skip Agent Venom and I've updated Clash date guesses for almost a year (includes a Duck and Dino guesses). Released during last (5th) run and not run: Agent Venom, Gwenpool, Medusa, Mordo, Blade, Agent Colson, Ironheart: I would tentatively guess that all of these will be added in the 6th run (starting in a couple of weeks) - I'd also tentatively guess the Behemoth Burritos may be updated at that time, to keep the updates simple and also keep the players having a decent amount of covers for the required 4*'s before they become required. They may choose to not run some of the characters near the cut-off (like Mordo and Colson).0 -
February 22-26 Savory
Weekly 4* Clash of the Titans: Deadpool (Uncanny X-Force) vs 270 Wolvy X-force
Blade - 2017-02-22 ; BB required: Sam Wilson (cap), Beast, Bullseye
Wolverine - 2017-02-23 ; BB required: Peggy Carger (cap), 3thor, 2Cap
Human Torch - 2017-02-24 ; BB required: Professor X (Charles), 3Blade, 2Torch
Colossus - 2017-02-25 ; BB required: 4Cyc (Classic), Kamala, Capt. Marvel
Cyclops - 2017-02-26 ; BB required: Thing (Classic), 3Cap, OBW
February 27-March 3 Sweet
Weekly 4* Clash of the Titans: Elektra (Unkillable) vs 270 Blade
Hood - 2017-02-27 ; BB required: Invisible Woman (classic), Patch, 2Thor
Doctor Octopus - 2017-02-28 ; BB required: Carnage (Cletus), Doc Ock, 2Daken
Thor - 2017-03-01 ; BB required: Quake (Daisy), Ragnarok, Bullseye
Captain Marvel - 2017-03-02 ; BB required: Drax (Destroyer), Squirrel Girl, Hawkeye
Iron Man - 2017-03-03 ; BB required: Fury (Director), Loki, Hawkeye0 -
Savory 03-04-17 to 03-08-17
Enchilada: Kingpin (Wilson Fisk) vs 270 Luke Cage
Iron Fist - 2017-03-04
Behemoth Burrito required: Venom (Eddie), Bullseye, Moonstone
Ragnarok - 2017-03-05
Behemoth Burrito required: 4Thor (Goddess), IM40, 2Torch
Kamala Khan - 2017-03-06
Behemoth Burrito required: Spider-Gwen (Gwen), Spider-Man, 2Thor
Quicksilver - 2017-03-07
Behemoth Burrito required: Kate Bishop (hawkeye), 3Pun, 2Thor
Scarlet Witch - 2017-03-08
Sweet 03-09-17 to 03-13-17
Enchilada: Wolverine (X-Force) vs 270
Vision - 2017-03-09
Behemoth Burrito required: Iron Man (Hulkbuster), Doom, Ares
Doctor Strange - 2017-03-10
Behemoth Burrito required: Medusa (Inhuman), Patch, Bullseye
Thanos - 2017-03-11
Behemoth Burrito required: War Machine (James), 3Hulk, Hawkeye
Black Panther - 2017-03-12 [Seventh run, second color]
Behemoth Burrito required: Wasp (Janet), Falcon, Bullseye
Magneto - 2017-03-13
Behemoth Burrito required: Spider-Woman (Jessica), Mystique, 2Wolvy
NOTE: This will be my final update. I have the Behemoth Burrito rotation, the 4* rotation, and the 3* rotation under tags below, you could still figure them out. The vaulting of most of the 4*'s and half of the 3*'s has really sapped any desire I have to continue this, after so many seasons of doing so.0 -
SnowcaTT wrote:NOTE: This will be my final update. I have the Behemoth Burrito rotation, the 4* rotation, and the 3* rotation under tags below, you could still figure them out. The vaulting of most of the 4*'s and half of the 3*'s has really sapped any desire I have to continue this, after so many seasons of doing so.
Wow it's almost been two years since you first started this post. I am sorry to see this great thread come to an end. Honestly I used to frequently visit this post but once I fully completed 3* land, I didn't need to visit anymore. It's a shame for new players but with the consistent monthly updates from Brigby on the main page, it's for the best. Enjoy the extra time to gather more Iso! It is your day!0 -
At OP's request, made this thread unsticky.0
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