Deadpool Daily Quests reward list (past and future)



  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm using this list more than I have in ages, which is kind of funny.

    Lets me look forward currently to see who I should champion, when will I get 3* covers.

    Also lets me look to who I should level on 4*'s to make DDQ's easier. I've found I can beat most of them pretty easily with 172 4*'s, so I'm looking today to see I don't need to really worry until March 2nd to put RHulk up a bit (Fal Cap I don't have up that high yet either, March 8th - but I think you pretty much had to have five red to win that one? 3/3/3 currently for me).

    ALSO lets me finally care about sweet/savory again. I'm tempted to pull this week since I have a 5/2/2 DPXF and I have a purple and a black of his cover in my vault...but only 100 tokens in Savory currently. Also would pull a bunch of 3*'s I don't currently have champed, like Doc Ock and Colossus.

    Instead I may as well hold until here:
    Round 80 March 19 - March 23 : Savory
    She-Hulk – 2016-03-19
    Deadpool – 2016-03-20
    Gamora – 2016-03-21
    Black Widow - 2016-03-22
    Loki - 2016-03-23
    Iceman vs 270 Jean Grey

    Round 81 March 24 - March 28 : Sweet
    Daken - 2016-03-24
    Squirrel Girl – 2016-03-25
    Doctor Doom - 2016-03-26
    Mystique – 2016-03-27
    Hulk - 2016-03-28
    Cyclops vs 270 Hulkbuster

    I'll have Savory at 200+ at that point, and enough sweet to empty that vault. I've been pretty unlucky with Iceman and have a 3/4/3 Cyc so may still need his covers as well. Have 9 of the 10 3*'s over those two cycles champed already.

    Fun to look forward like that! Still wish the vaults were sized 100 rather than 300, so I could look forward to opening something once every three months rather than once a year.
  • ThePants
    ThePants Posts: 15 Just Dropped In
    This is very helpful, thanks. I was originally thinking this might be my week to win Crash of Titans, on second thought my Lv 131 redflag.png 1/ blackflag.png 3/ purpleflag.png 2 X-Force Deadpool might not have a chance! Am I correct in stating that Deadpool's Black will not trigger if he doesn't have any allies in the fight? So if he is fighting alone, I would have to rely on my redflag.png 1 and my purpleflag.png 2. Anyone have any miracle stories who have won with less? Hah
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    ThePants wrote:
    This is very helpful, thanks. I was originally thinking this might be my week to win Crash of Titans, on second thought my Lv 131 redflag.png 1/ blackflag.png 3/ purpleflag.png 2 X-Force Deadpool might not have a chance! Am I correct in stating that Deadpool's Black will not trigger if he doesn't have any allies in the fight? So if he is fighting alone, I would have to rely on my redflag.png 1 and my purpleflag.png 2. Anyone have any miracle stories who have won with less? Hah

    Last time I won with 3/1/0, but it was one of the toughest ones I did. Consolation for next time: I'm now 5/2/2 (with another cover coming up at 1K in next PVP), so they run far enough from one another that you'll have a good chance to get quite a few more covers next time.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    SnowcaTT wrote:

    Last time I won with 3/1/0, but it was one of the toughest ones I did. Consolation for next time: I'm now 5/2/2 (with another cover coming up at 1K in next PVP), so they run far enough from one another that you'll have a good chance to get quite a few more covers next time.
    I also won with a 3/1/0 Deadpool last time, with a lot of boosts and lots of luck (including getting that third red the day of the Crash!), so it's definitely possible. The more red you have the better your chances though.
  • Just won with a 2/2/1 xpool. Got like 8 red on my first match and was eventually able to hit with three out of bullets in a row.

    Pulled a purple xpool cover with my legendary token, too!
  • ThePants wrote:
    This is very helpful, thanks. I was originally thinking this might be my week to win Crash of Titans, on second thought my Lv 131 redflag.png 1/ blackflag.png 3/ purpleflag.png 2 X-Force Deadpool might not have a chance! Am I correct in stating that Deadpool's Black will not trigger if he doesn't have any allies in the fight? So if he is fighting alone, I would have to rely on my redflag.png 1 and my purpleflag.png 2. Anyone have any miracle stories who have won with less? Hah

    I won today with 1/0/1 74, but it all relies on getting a decent board before you run out of damage and crit boosts. Deny, deny, deny...
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    I thought Dino was going to be skipped with Ant-Man, but it was with Elecktra. That's a bummer, wish he'd remain in rotation.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Round 73 February 13 - February 17 : Sweet
    Daken - 2016-02-13
    Squirrel Girl - 2016-02-14
    Doctor Doom - 2016-02-15
    Mystique - 2016-02-16
    Hulk - 2016-02-17
    PX vs 270 Carnage
    Round 74 February 18 - February 22 : Savory
    Falcon - 2016-02-18
    Psylocke - 2016-02-19
    Beast - 2016-02-20
    Bullseye - 2016-02-21
    Captain America - 2016-02-22
    KP vs 270 Luke Cage

    Edited the top part to indicate that the node matchups changed today, might as well try to keep the running history. Keep up with the changes weekly vs. matchups as they update on ZootSax's threads (thanks!), this week here:

  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    First change in 4* rotation (well, 2nd if you consider kicking Dino out) - Carnage was removed from PX battle in favor of Elektra. This after r94 changes where the last remaining invisible character could be hit by targeted abilities.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'll try to start bumping this once a week again, putting the spoilers from bottom of OP to the top of OP and in bump.

    Round 75 February 23 - February 27 : Sweet
    Sentry - 2016-02-23
    Punisher - 2016-02-24
    Blade - 2016-02-25
    Wolverine - 2016-02-26
    Human Torch - 2016-02-27
    Carnage vs 270 Doctor Octopus
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Round 77 March 04 - March 08 : Sweet
    Captain Marvel - 2016-03-04
    Iron Man - 2016-03-05
    Iron Fist - 2016-03-06
    Ragnarok - 2016-03-07
    Kamala Khan - 2016-03-08
    FalCap vs 270 Captain Marvel

    Last time I brought in a 2/2/2 Falcap (or similar), didn't even bother trying. This time RNG has "blessed" me with many covers, so I'm 3/4/5 level 172, should manage in five days. Reminder though - lots of folks said this was one of the more difficult matchups, some claiming you almost had to have a five-red FalCap to do it successfully. [Here's hoping they drop that Captain Marvel to level 220 or so].
  • Tarheelmax
    Tarheelmax Posts: 190 Tile Toppler
    Just an FYI: Round 83 is missing the 4* matchup. So I think every 4* match up after round 83 needs to be shifted back one.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tarheelmax wrote:
    Just an FYI: Round 83 is missing the 4* matchup. So I think every 4* match up after round 83 needs to be shifted back one.

    Ack! Thanks Tarheelmax, fixed that and added a few more future guesses in there.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Round 78 March 09 - March 13 : Savory
    Quicksilver - 2016-03-09
    Scarlet Witch - 2016-03-10
    Vision - 2016-03-11
    Black Panther - 2016-03-12
    Magneto - 2016-03-13
    Jean Grey vs 270 Moonstone
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2016
    Round 80 March 19 - March 23 : Savory
    She-Hulk – 2016-03-19
    Deadpool – 2016-03-20
    Gamora – 2016-03-21
    Black Widow - 2016-03-22
    Loki - 2016-03-23
    Iceman vs 270 Jean Grey [incorrect?]

    UPDATE: I was looking at wrong vault, there is a vault between my Tacos I forgot about! Iceman is next in rotation, as he was before.
  • bobbyfish
    bobbyfish Posts: 299
    so looks like Ghost Rider will be getting my next ISO boost then. Will be skipping Iceman with 0/1/2 anyway

    Does 4/3/0 Cyclops stand a chance against IMHB? Just wondering whether to level him
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    This is what I have for expected rotation - it looks like it will be Ghost Rider instead. (You can tell by looking at the non-active taco vault, the top 4* won't change when you flip back and forth in that vault. It is the previous week's 4* until the 4* DDQ node is active - then it changes to the next week's 4*.)

    The 4*'s may have been shuffled a bit to fix RHulk's matchup (followed Iceman, was a strange vs level 220 Hulk) or to insert the new 4*'s. I'll continue to update predictions when we see what is happening.

    Ghost Rider was against 270 Galactus the first time, that also may have been changed?
    that's just great. was on a good pace to finish rulk before I had to start on all the new bunch, now I might lose that rulk cover if I have to start on GR, venom, miles, nova, etc. not only that, one of my major iso sources now requires dozens of healthpacks that used to just require a few.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is TOTALLY MY BAD...I forget that the taco vaults aren't next to each other and EotS vault (mine has GR) is in between them!!!

    Ice-Man is next, whew, no adjusting post one.

    Good to hear GR is easy with less covers though. Didn't try it last time, but 3/2/2 now - may try to level him to his 147 max to try him out.

    IceMan in five days! All is right in the world.

    Round 80 March 19 - March 23 : Savory
    She-Hulk – 2016-03-19
    Deadpool – 2016-03-20
    Gamora – 2016-03-21
    Black Widow - 2016-03-22
    Loki - 2016-03-23
    Iceman vs 270 Jean Grey
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    bobbyfish wrote:
    so looks like Ghost Rider will be getting my next ISO boost then. Will be skipping Iceman with 0/1/2 anyway

    Does 4/3/0 Cyclops stand a chance against IMHB? Just wondering whether to level him
    Last time I won handily, and my Cyclops was like 5/2/0 at the time. I don't remember exactly, but if you have a lot of red covers it's Worth a try.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Round 81 March 24 - March 28 : Sweet
    Daken - 2016-03-24
    Squirrel Girl – 2016-03-25
    Doctor Doom - 2016-03-26
    Mystique – 2016-03-27
    Hulk - 2016-03-28
    Cyclops vs 270 Hulkbuster