Skip Tax - There Shouldn't Be One (Right Now)



  • SO mr IX, do you have an explanation as to why I'm seeing level 67~100+ level enemies in my fight pool when my highest level character of the ones you people allowed me to use is a whopping level 40 2*? I understand it must be hard to get to such "lowly" mid-levelers with all the boohooing of hi levelers and their 230 woes.
    Because you've reached too high rating for your 2* team and now deserve to be brought down? Or did you expect to be no. 1 with your team?
  • IceIX wrote:
    As for where I've been all day, I've been in project planning/release meetings. Good stuff out of them in general, so time decently well spent (if meetings can ever be called good uses of time).

    You mean this thingy? ... o-die.html
  • Maybe you guys should change the 4 rotating rewards to include a boost against the current PvE content, not just the standard H.A.M.M.E.R. +20% damage boost. This current PvE would do well with a +20% Dark Avengers boost. My H.A.M.M.E.R. stockpile is full as i'm sure others are as well. Any thoughts?

    Better yet instead of a fixed boost we should win a 'boost token' that can be used to buy whatever basic boost is needed.

    In the meantime don't forget to remove the 10-cap of nonbasic boosts.

    Also, did you fiddle with the boost drop chances, especially for the AP type?
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    pasa_ wrote:
    Also, did you fiddle with the boost drop chances, especially for the AP type?
    Not recently, no. Looking at data I'm not seeing any changes in the frequency of any given boost either.
  • I'm still getting PvP fights with the tax button enabled, Ice. Here's a pic. Obviously, I won't skip this particular fight, but the problem persists.

  • DD-The-Mighty
    DD-The-Mighty Posts: 350 Mover and Shaker
    rowaasr13 wrote:
    Because you've reached too high rating for your 2* team and now deserve to be brought down? Or did you expect to be no. 1 with your team?
    Down boy. He already answered that question in a calm and civilized manner. He doesn't need you to defend his maiden honour, Sir Wh1teKnight of House GeneralDiscussion.

    "Remember kids, reading entire threads is FUNdamental."
  • Marquoz wrote:
    I'm still getting PvP fights with the tax button enabled, Ice. Here's a pic. Obviously, I won't skip this particular fight, but the problem persists.


    I've powerleveled B4c0n_M4g1c to two level 20's now?

    Sorry for that, everyone!
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lyrian wrote:

    I've powerleveled B4c0n_M4g1c to two level 20's now?

    Sorry for that, everyone!

    Not only that but he has 25 shield points this tournament too according to the screenshot.

    I wonder if by deliberately throwing matches we could make him place in a tourney. He probably isn't eligible for placings.
  • Eddiemon wrote:

    Not only that but he has 25 shield points this tournament too according to the screenshot.

    That's done to boost the points up to 27.

    Your points are based on your difference between point levels. Equally rated opponents give 25. So some of the seed teams start at 25 points themselves so you get 27 for your first battle.

    Then when you're at 27, you often find a seed team with 0 points that's now worth 23.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Eddiemon wrote:
    Not only that but he has 25 shield points this tournament too according to the screenshot.

    I wonder if by deliberately throwing matches we could make him place in a tourney. He probably isn't eligible for placings.
    Nope, the seed teams aren't on any brackets. In theory they could be, but you have to complete a fight to be placed into a bracket and there aren't any devices/saves attached to these guys.
  • Twysta
    Twysta Posts: 1,597 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would've happily agreed to a team effort and hard core tank to try get ol' B4CON to win an event.
    That would be a keeper.
  • rowaasr13 wrote:
    Because you've reached too high rating for your 2* team and now deserve to be brought down? Or did you expect to be no. 1 with your team?

    I think he expects to at least get a lot of iso so he doesn't continue to be a loser all his life. Placing high should mean you get a lot of what you normally can't get with strong characters - rare covers. Placing low you should get what no high level team wants - more iso.
  • MNKromann wrote:
    I would not mind a skip tax if the ISO went to the skipped player

    Haha. That would be pretty funny. The players with lvl 100+ heroes only need to show them off and then us with our lvl 50 and below will "skip". They won't need to play a single match and will accumulate loads of free ISO-8 at each tournament.

    BTW, I only see teams that are scaled better than me. So seeing lvl 100 is pretty common. Still working to develop my 2* heroes and bid my time. Not looking for huge results. Just trying to have some fun. Win some matches. And beg for no skip tax!

    When you have a big, bad, and ugly team, you'll never skip. When you can be honest that your team is mediocre and have teams 20 lvls above as your challenger, we certainly would like some skipping or we may be done playing for the day and heading to bed.

    Many of the comments are coming from experienced and high level players. The newer ones who have no 3* ready to be used have a different perspective. We need to continue to grow the game for newer players or the game will ultimately fail. How can we get people with 1* heroes up to 3* heroes in a timely and reasonable manner?
  • DD-The-Mighty
    DD-The-Mighty Posts: 350 Mover and Shaker
    pulis wrote:

    I think he expects to at least get a lot of iso so he doesn't continue to be a loser all his life. Placing high should mean you get a lot of what you normally can't get with strong characters - rare covers. Placing low you should get what no high level team wants - more iso.
    Pretty much this.

    All snark and sarcasm aside, The most consistent thing i notice from talking to IRL freinds who play and the hi levelers i see on the forums as that no one is really satisfied (for the most part) with whats going on on their prospective levels.
    Entry level wants better instruction on the finer points of the game, --in game, so they can make better informed decisions. Mid levelers want better cover opportunities, free of dragging it out with hi and low levelers. Hi level players want to not feel burdened by everyone else not on their level just yet for loot/prizes that they really don't even need (yet). and everyone mid level and up would like more iso as the leveling bell curves hard past 30-40.

    To end on a positive note, I think Lighting rounds Do a good job of this (as planned?) in that the crowded fast nature of the tourney structure seem to make it a great place for hi levelers to compete with other hi levelers for 3* rewards, as they are the only ones (short of cash shoppers) to be able to get the consecutive wins it takes to make top 10 or so. for the rest they may not get the good tokens but with the lessened point loss system you can make out with some decent ISO before you inevitably burn out your heroes. a very rare win/win for almost everyone. More of stuff like this for all levels of play as well as the Progression based rewards of powered pve events would go along way of improving a very promising game.
  • Eddiemon wrote:

    Yes the matchmaking is broken. Because you get to pick and choose your opponents it has no idea how good an opponent it should be targeting you with. How is it meant to select adequate opponents for you when it has no information on your limits?

    It's always the same circular logic.
    A: Matchmake me correctly before implementing low skipping.
    B: But they cannot get a correct rating for you when you skip anything that doesn't appeal to you. You get an artificially high win rate when you can select your opponents and so get matched higher. They need to force you into fights so they can rate you correctly.
    A: They can force me into fights once they have made matches correctly.
    B: But they cannot until they have the correct performance data that they cannot get from selective matches
    A: Yeah but they need to matchmake me correctly first.

    Ad infinitum. You cannot be matched until you can be rated correctly. You cannot be rated correctly if you get to pick your matches. But you won't give up picking your matches until you are matched correctly.

    There is only one way to break that cycle and it isn't hoping that the correct matchmaking data magically appears.

    This is a pretty one-sided view. People skip for several distinct reasons and "matchmaking data" does not play in all, guess even in most.
    Several times we asked for *filters* in the match selection, that are not mandatory but can be used -- and would be a huge boost to the gaming experience. As skipping is not fun at all even without cost. It's boring and painful.

    The most evident filter on the want list is for matches with X+ points (x may be 24, 20, 30, whatever). And as long as the system of point-grabbing is not changed will stay on top. Those who want to progress do not want to play down that leaves a net point loss after retal. And not want waste time on single-digit matches even if it wasn't an invitation to put you at net -30.

    Other reason for skipping is team composition, that is way harder on the interfaces certainly, but a raw version could use stock categories or strength-comparison wit the last played team, to pick easy or similar or hard fights.

    The current state of offers is usually too far from the desired filtered thing and potential tax on the already painful skip is just insult to the injury.
  • PorkBelly
    PorkBelly Posts: 535 Critical Contributor
    I currently have the skip tax on my Shield Training.

    Anyone else?

    EDIT: Gone now. Weird.
  • Had skip tax show up. Restarted and it went away
  • my 2 cents; there shouldn't ever be a skip tax unless the matchmaking system becomes near perfect.
    Otherwise I would have to fight matches like these, and where is justice in that?
    For info, my strongest and most used heroes in this tourney are 69 oBW, 53 Wolverne**, 45 mStorm.


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