How much have you spent on this game



  • ToryTory
    ToryTory Posts: 77 Match Maker
    UncleSam wrote:
    $2700 if you use my hour rate multiplied by the hours I've put into this game. Edit: and that's a conservative estimate.

    or $0 for my account and about $75 on my son's account for hero points to buy a 10pack and some roster slots.

    See, I'm glad you have that kind of perspective. I'm glad MPQ has it's current reward structure. You can still grind like a madman and obtain all you want. However, time is money. I'm glad some people can play 12 hours or more a day. That's a sign the game is enjoyable, or you're addicted, or both! However, playing 12 hours a day is bad for your health, and cuts into other things you can do.

    I'm not going to tell people how to play. I'm certainly not going to tell people how to spend their money. I would like however to bring into light that D3 is a company and that they too need to eat. If you enjoy The game, throw them a bone and "tip" them. I just want to disperse this taboo of P2W. I'm not saying I agree with everything they've done. But if I've spent nearly 400 hours on a game and played it more than 4 months, then they did a pretty damn good job. Kudos.
  • About $250 on a time span of 5 months I've played MPQ. So fifty bucks a month in average. Yikes, better cut down a little bit. icon_e_confused.gif
  • 316 hours so far.
  • Going by what steam says... If I were getting paid for this like I am at work, I'd be over $20k. Of course, that's coming up with an average of 6+ hours a day, which is far more than I'm actually playing. I just happen to leave the game running overnight or all day sometimes, playing a stray match when I pass by.

    In real money, a little over $100.
  • Well, I asked for it in my 1st post, so when they did the 2-mil download sale, I picked up the Stark Salary.

    I also bought Agency Expenses Solely to have my 25-man roster.(I hear MLB's rosters are 26 now...?)

    The problem is, as I mentioned before, I accidentally started on my sister's AppleID. So I am unable to give everyone an exact #.

    But I still wanted to be honest & share. icon_e_smile.gif