Character rankings 6/14 edition: the results!
put one storm on your life!0
Did you choose your characters based off personal preference or did you take what overs had to say into account? Just wondering.0
Ozark Boatswain wrote:Here's my current top tier choices, in order:
S tier C. Magneto 5/5/3 blue is overpowered Sentry 3/5/5 green is overpowered A+ Lazy Daken 5/5/3 great with Sentry Patch 3/5/5 or 5/*/* with CMags Black Panther 5/3/5 Nick Fury 5/5/3 blue is amazing Lazy Thor 3/5/5 The Hood 5/5/3
Agree exactly with those tiers. I could quibble slightly with the order in the "A+" tier but that's about it. I suppose there's arguments for both Patch and LaDaken that they are mostly only good with their broken tag team partners and that individually they are not as good as all that, and I would have them lower down in the tier because of that, especially LaDaken who is really not that dangerous on his own (whereas Patch can kill you by himself, no question).
After that there's a bunch of perfectly capable characters- Punisher, Psylocke, HT, Deadpool, Steve Rogers, even GSBW? and OBW?- who are perfectly capable killer characters with some efficient abilities but don't have quite the underpriced gamebreaker/s that the S and A+ characters have. OBW is a little hard to rank, since Aggressive Recon is still fantastic but the level change and true healing change have meant her HP is even further behind the curve, she can't heal to make up for it and tanking any colors for espionage is both tough and a bad idea at the 3* level. I personally think that means she falls out of the A tier and out of the top 15.
I wonder when the next survey will take place? We've had quite a few new characters and rule changes to shake things up since the last one...0 -
Another great trip down the ranking list. The Spidey result with the chart and everything was eye-opening & hilarious.
Speaking of eye-opening, the links to the previous surveys was immensely interesting. For my specifics, click away;Survey 1: Top 3 were all broken-tier; Rags, Spidey, & proven by the Final Node of the latest pass of Thick as Thieves. Really interesting how the #1 slot was consistently NERF-batted into oblivion.
Survey 2(Post Rags nerf): Spidey was #1, MagCheatO #2.
This one: #1 is MagCheatO. The last broken character,
Can't wait for the Fall/Winter rankings!0 -
As much as I love these character rankings, I think maybe you should postpone doing the next one coz, given the trend, I'm sure CMags will be officially nerfed as soon as you start it lol
I am curious to see where the recently released characters will rank...0 -
would love to see new rankings!!0
I believe rankings come out every 3 months so the next rankings post would be in September0
The schedule for rankings is a pretty inexact science (in fact, it's pretty generous to call it a science at all). Basically I track the new characters and major changes in the game, and once there are enough of them, and there aren't any impending announced major changes, and ideally when there's a dead time before a new character PvE is about to start, I'll start a new round of rankings. This typically works out to about 2-2.5 months, or six new characters.
I've thought about doing one for a couple of weeks now since the timing fits all the requirements, but the problem is that I've been too busy. The last round of rankings almost burned me out on the game entirely so I'm trying to find a time to do another round that will fit better with my schedule (my life schedule, not my PvE schedule, although sometimes those two wind up being more closely correlated than I'd like). Possibly next week, if nothing comes up.0 -
Could we maybe crowd-source some of the workload so that it wouldn't burn you out as much next time? I think we've all gotten a lot out of these rankings, and I'd be happy to pitch in a bit of time if it would make the process go a bit more smoothly.0
Excellent question, and thanks for the offer! The rankings themselves are actually quite easy; SurveyMonkey takes care of everything now, as long as I don't do another heat map, as it's a LOT of manual data entry. The time-consuming part is the writeups. In the past I've asked anyone who wants to contribute a guest writeup to do so, but I've only gotten a few takers, so still ended up doing most of it myself. Mainly the problem is that most people, myself included, have more interesting things to say about the top 5-10 guys, and nobody really wants to write up, say, Moonstone.
That being said, one project I've been putting off because it's time consuming and hard is finding a better free survey tool than SurveyMonkey. The main limiting function here is that it only allows 100 responses to surveys generated from free accounts. Being able to download the data would be nice too, but not essential. I was going to just cop out and use them again, and just limit responses to the first 100 as usual, but if an enterprising volunteer wants to find a better alternative, that could be a big win.
Here are the requirements:
- Create a survey where you can rank 47 things.
- Be free.
- Resulting survey as easy to use as possible.
- Validate the input (all characters ranked, all characters spelled right, etc.)
- Output an aggregate ranking.
- Allow an arbitrarily large number of responses.
- Support ties.
- Be able to download or manipulate the data in interesting ways (standard deviation, heat map, etc.)0 -
You could do a smaller survey with character that are new or that have been changed. A few others could be tossed in as markers.
Nick Fury
Black Panther
Storm (Mohawk)
Captain Marvel
Human Torch (Johnny Storm)0 -
I like this idea, but there are a couple of problems. One, changes to the game affect rankings across the board (true healing, level shift, team ups). Two, even if there were no major game changes, changes to one character might have a significant effect on other characters (e.g. if Magneto didn't exist, Patch would be less good, same for Daken/Falcon, etc.).0
Anyone have a webserver they can install LimeSurvey or Survey Project on? says:
Survey & quiz builder - FREE
Unlimited questions
Unlimited responses
Full results export
Powerful report builder
SSL encryption0 -
I looked into Google Sheets a while back. The problem is that there's no good format for "rank 47 characters". The best I could do was to create a grid of 47 rows and 47 columns with custom labels, which was terrible to use and doesn't validate the input (allowing you to rank everyone #1, for example).0
I just checked out kwiksurveys. It's awesome! Drag and drop editing, unlimited responses, fully downloadable data. It does basically everything I want, except allow ties (no big deal) and input arbitrary text (which means I can't ask for your username, which means if you make a mistake, I won't be able to correct it).
I'll almost certainly go with this once I have some free time to put up a survey and do writeups. Thanks Junebugkiller for doing the research!0 -
mischiefmaker wrote:I just checked out kwiksurveys. It's awesome! Drag and drop editing, unlimited responses, fully downloadable data. It does basically everything I want, except allow ties (no big deal) and input arbitrary text (which means I can't ask for your username, which means if you make a mistake, I won't be able to correct it).
I'll almost certainly go with this once I have some free time to put up a survey and do writeups. Thanks Junebugkiller for doing the research!
New conspiracy: they refuse to nerf anymore character until the new character rankings come out. Magneto & Daken nerf waiting on mischiefmaker0 -
my vote for top 10 3* going forward after the Cmags "Adjustment". I don't have enough Fury covers or Xforce to feel confident where they go.
1: Sentry- The shield hopping specialist
2: Lthor-The human meat shield whose red feeds his yellow which feeds his green which Gulp wreaks your whole day
3:Patch- Did anyone say true healing? He can one shot someone with TBTI or cause massive detruction with Berserker Rage.
4: LDaken- Strike tiles that go with everyone, true healing, big Nuke.
5: Hood-Hood makes everyone better, Hood is like Robin Hood stealing HP from the rich giving to the poor, Hood will now only talk in the 3rd person now that he is in the top 5.
6: Cmags-I think his "adjustment" is being overly complained about. He might actually get back up into the top 5 depending on how he plays. 2 nukes and some really strong protect tiles? Sounds like a really good character to me. If you twist my arm I would even switch him with Hood. I just since Cmags does not have an AOE ability he falls to 6.
6: BP-big strike tiles check. Huge AOE check. Good health check. He just misses out on being a top 5 with that **** blue. Maybe if it cost 6 AP it would be better.
7: Punisher-3 really solid ablities. He doesn't one shot you but if you use him you almost always win.
8:HT-If you can protect him he will destroy the enemy! Can you protect him?
9: Hulk-does anyone benifit from the Cmags nerf more than Hulk? You still have to 1 shot him and he limits the small AOE abilities and strike tiles.
10: Deadpool- I really wanted to put Psylock here but her red really needs LDaken to be great and Deadpool's red is awsome at 6 red. So for Deadpool 6 red can do up to 65% damage or over 3k damage whichever is less. He has the once a week I kill all super Whales, Whales, Whales. and he with take one for the team with true healing. Boosted he can hit the other team for 3k damage before a match is done. Once there are more Deadpool PVP's he will become a staple.0 -
It's getting harder to rank everyone.
Silly Tier - Sentry can trivially win the game on round three against any team when boosted, so he's in a class by himself.
61/79/13/11/70/12/3.0 - _8/11/__/__/_7/__ -10200 - Sentry (Dark Avengers)
Top Tier. They'll hurt you, and tough to take down. Thor, X-Force, Hulk, Fury, and Panther are all dangerous on their own. Daken/Hood are the best supporting characters in the game, but need to support someone. Captain Marvel is a power generator, which can be highly dangerous.
70/79/12/11/61/13/3.5 - 12/_8/__/__/14/__ -10200 - Thor (Modern)
64/09/11/10/82/73/4.0 - _9/__/__/__/_8/11 -10960 - Wolverine (X-Force)
12/70/13/11/79/61/3.0 - __/14/__/__/10/PA -11475 - The Hulk (Indestructible)
82/10/73/64/11/09/3.5 - 12/__/10/12/__/__ - 9590 - Nick Fury (Director of SHIELD)
11/12/61/70/13/79/4.0 - __/__/_5/PA/__/PA - 6800 - Daken (Classic)
79/13/70/12/11/61/4.5 - 15/__/PA/__/__/_9 - 5100 - The Hood (Classic)
79/13/70/12/11/61/3.5 - _9/__/_8/__/__/12 - 8500 - Black Panther (Man Without Fear)
70/79/12/11/13/61/4.5 - PA/_7/__/__/__/_9 - 8500 - Captain Marvel (Modern)
Middle tier. They'll hurt you. All these characters are strong and decent to play with, and work well on many teams.
79/70/61/11/12/13/3.0 - 19/11/12/__/__/__ - 8500 - Captain America (Steve Rogers)
61/70/13/12/79/11/4.0 - PA/14/__/__/_9/__ - 6800 - Wolverine (Patch)
61/70/79/11/12/13/3.2 - _9/_8/10/__/__/__ - 6800 - Magneto (Classic)
13/61/11/79/12/70/4.5 - __/_6/__/14/__/PA - 6800 - Deadpool (It's Me, Deadpool)
13/79/12/11/61/70/3.0 - __/_8/__/__/_5/10 - 5950 - Human Torch (Classic)
79/13/70/61/12/11/3.0 - PA/__/PA/12/__/__ - 5950 - Falcon (Mighty Avengers)
11/79/70/13/12/61/3.8 - __/_8/10/__/__/_6 - 6800 - Psylocke (Classic)
11/61/12/13/70/79/4.0 - __/_8/__/__/_8/_7 - 6800 - The Punisher (Dark Reign)
11/61/12/79/70/13/4.0 - __/14/__/11/19/__ - 5950 - Black Widow (Grey Suit)
70/12/11/13/79/61/3.5 - _9/__/__/__/10/_9 - 5100 - Storm (Mohawk)
Bottom tier. They might hurt you. Most have low damage, or abilities that are slow or tricky to use.
70/13/79/12/61/11/3.5 - 11/__/_8/__/_9/__ - 6800 - Beast (Modern)
11/61/70/79/12/13/3.5 - __/_7/_7/11/__/__ - 6800 - Daredevil (Classic)
10/11/69/54/12/61/3.0 - __/__/_9/__/__/12 - 7176 - Doctor Doom (Classic)
70/79/61/13/12/11/3.5 - 14/13/20/__/__/__ - 8500 - Iron Man (Model 40)
11/10/12/69/54/61/3.0 - __/__/__/_5/__/11 - 5023 - Loki (Dark Reign)
11/61/11/12/61/12/3.0 - __/_6/__/__/_6/__ - 8611 - Ragnarok (Dark Avengers)
13/70/79/12/61/11/3.0 - __/_9/_9/__/12/__ -10200 - She-Hulk (Modern)
82/11/73/09/64/09/3.0 - 14/__/13/__/_9/__ - 8220 - Invisible Woman (Classic)
79/13/61/70/12/11/3.0 - 12/__/_5/PA/__/__ - 6800 - Spider-Man (Classic)0
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