Do the devs play with test accounts in pvp?



  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,959 Chairperson of the Boards

    The person. We are looking at. Also has a 550 NC.

    Taken Feb 26, when still in their former alliance.

  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,457 Chairperson of the Boards

    @HowDoIUnlockBatman said:
    I think there has been some confusion. I wasn't and wouldn't suggest the person with the 550 2* nightcrawler was a cheat. Everyone who has ever looked at the season leaderboard knows who he is.

    The guy i posted is somebody nobody knows, not someone who has recently left an alliance. You don't get a 550 ikaris, dazzler or any of the other stupid stuff he has by emptying any vault.

    If you can send the in game name to CS, they will investigate. If there is something awry, then it will be dealt with.

  • ViralCore
    ViralCore Posts: 173 Tile Toppler

    Only a dev could have this big of a roster unless someone is dropping $10k per day...

  • ViralCore
    ViralCore Posts: 173 Tile Toppler

    @S0kun said:

    @ViralCore said:
    Is this team legit? Why are devs hitting actual players? They are fully maxed, ascended 3*s.

    I don't think anyone on the team is floating around and peacocking any maxed out rosters since that obviously would be horrible to see in the wild. Feel free to DM me the in-game name and I can investigate who this account is.

    DMed you

  • Tntmma
    Tntmma Posts: 2 Just Dropped In

    @S0kun , it's incredible that, after 100s of reports of this super notorious account, you folks are unaware of who this account is, and have to ask the community. If this account is driving so much revenue generation, it should be widely known only for that reason. It's difficult to understand how you can have someone with 5x more ascended 550s than anyone else, and you're not aware of it.

  • HowDoIUnlockBatman
    HowDoIUnlockBatman Posts: 44 Just Dropped In

    Taken today. What alliance were they in exactly?

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,959 Chairperson of the Boards

    @HowDoIUnlockBatman said:

    Taken today. What alliance were they in exactly?

    The account in question hasn’t been in one in a few weeks to my knowledge, but the old one was called VariantsOfTime.

  • HowDoIUnlockBatman
    HowDoIUnlockBatman Posts: 44 Just Dropped In

    And I'm not reporting them because

    A. Apparantly that's already happened numerous times.
    B. It's not my job, although if you want to pay me with all the money this guy has spent then I'm open to offers.
    C. They aren't doing any harm to anyone other than making the whales look like goldfish
    D. It's nice to have a reference for what characters are like at 550 because not everyone has been playing for a decade and those of us that aren't will never get out of iso debt so we have to choose who to put iso into.
    E'. 's are good

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,411 Chairperson of the Boards

    Wow, so much for my 'who can build a 550 bag man first contest' that I posted about when ascension first went live.

    It's the 550 bag man that makes this look out of wack because even if you had 8 fully champed on day 1 to get 4 3 stars that would eventually become 2 4 stars and 1 5 star you'd still need hundreds of bag man covers to drop in PvP.


  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,253 Chairperson of the Boards

    @KGB said:
    Wow, so much for my 'who can build a 550 bag man first contest' that I posted about when ascension first went live.

    It's the 550 bag man that makes this look out of wack because even if you had 8 fully champed on day 1 to get 4 3 stars that would eventually become 2 4 stars and 1 5 star you'd still need hundreds of bag man covers to drop in PvP.


    Bagman has been in a vault (one of the ascension ones).

  • HowDoIUnlockBatman
    HowDoIUnlockBatman Posts: 44 Just Dropped In

    I neglected to include the screenshot of the other bagman which was in the mid 400s. I believe there were 3 bagman covers in that vault, or was it five? Either way it would have taken clearing that vault over 600 times, which would have cost at least a million HP.

    So i want to stress that i don't really care either way. I just enjoy a good mystery and it was just by fortune this person fell into my lap again today when pvp served them up after I'd broken MMR on my climb. So i took the time to screenshot all their 550s just in case i never saw them again.

    After doing a bit of searching about the alliance they were supposed to be in, there was only one conclusion i could make to explain this account flying under the radar while amassing arguably the best roster in the game.

    It had to be a whales alt account that they used for whatever reason. Like calling flips or just getting a break from all the brown nosers whales attract. Whales gonna whale and over time they built up a decent roster on the alt account and then they made out like gangbusters when champions 2.0 launched and the early ascenders got 4x rewards (and another 1x when they fixed it).

    I say this because i went back and looked for what they didn't have at 550 and there are a good few omissions from as recently as two years ago. Gamora for example. Why would you have a 550 Gwenom but not Gamora,? why Abigail Brand and not Adam Warlock? If they have been doing swaps then why not have either of the 5* wolverines or hawkeye or Ronan?

    So that's my head canon until presented with a better explanation. I just wish he'd join an alliance so i can go and see what everyone's numbers are.

  • Zarqa
    Zarqa Posts: 387 Mover and Shaker

    Yeah, him leaving his alliance means we can’t easily source his roster for ascended stat numbers anymore. That was the one positive about all this for me lol

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,550 Chairperson of the Boards

    So like how much money do you need to spend to have an account like that? It is impressive somebody has that level of dedication to Iittle ol' MPQ!

  • HowDoIUnlockBatman
    HowDoIUnlockBatman Posts: 44 Just Dropped In

    Short answer is there's no amount of money that could currently get you that roster, simply because there's no way to get that many bagman covers. That's why i think it's a combination of factors in this case. It's buying out certain vaults hundreds of times plus whatever all the tokens and cp gets you.

    So instead, let's ask the question. If i started from scratch. How much would it cost me to 550 the characters in the march madness vault?

    To 550 a 5* you need 113 covers, so buy out the vault 113 times
    To 550 a 4* you need 526 covers. There are 3 of each 4* in the vault so you'd need to buy out the vault 176 times
    To 550 a 3* you need 952 covers. Alas there is only one of each cover, so you'd need to buy out the vault 952 times

    The vault is/was open for 31 days. You can buy it out once a day for 7800 HP. After that it will cost you 16000HP.

    So the minimum required to just 550 the 5* is
    (31x7800) + (82x16000)
    241,800 + 1,312,000 = 1,553,800 HP
    The cheapest way to get that much HP would be buying the stark salary HP offer during the 30% sale
    60 times which you can work out in your own currency but in the UK that would set you back a little over £3800

    So for £3800 you can get a 550
    Dr Strange
    Omega Red
    Shang Chi

    Which works out to £475 per 5* 550. Plus you also get 3 ascended 4*. 5 3* which are probably max champ. A load of roster slots, a ton of LL tokens and some ISO.

    And I've killed enough time doing that. If you want to work out how much the other tiers would cost then knock yourself out.

    Tl;dr : HP is the only thing worth spending serious money on and vaults are the best way to build a roster quickly

  • HowDoIUnlockBatman
    HowDoIUnlockBatman Posts: 44 Just Dropped In

    Oh and i forgot to factor in how much iso you would need to champion those 5*. Like between 4-5 million. I'm not even going to look up what that would cost. Screw buying ISO

  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 1,068 Chairperson of the Boards

    Unlock Batman for this man, he's earned it!

  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,457 Chairperson of the Boards

    @HowDoIUnlockBatman said:
    Short answer is there's no amount of money that could currently get you that roster, simply because there's no way to get that many bagman covers. That's why i think it's a combination of factors in this case. It's buying out certain vaults hundreds of times plus whatever all the tokens and cp gets you.

    So instead, let's ask the question. If i started from scratch. How much would it cost me to 550 the characters in the march madness vault?

    To 550 a 5* you need 113 covers, so buy out the vault 113 times
    To 550 a 4* you need 526 covers. There are 3 of each 4* in the vault so you'd need to buy out the vault 176 times
    To 550 a 3* you need 952 covers. Alas there is only one of each cover, so you'd need to buy out the vault 952 times

    The vault is/was open for 31 days. You can buy it out once a day for 7800 HP. After that it will cost you 16000HP.

    So the minimum required to just 550 the 5* is
    (31x7800) + (82x16000)
    241,800 + 1,312,000 = 1,553,800 HP
    The cheapest way to get that much HP would be buying the stark salary HP offer during the 30% sale
    60 times which you can work out in your own currency but in the UK that would set you back a little over £3800

    So for £3800 you can get a 550
    Dr Strange
    Omega Red
    Shang Chi

    Which works out to £475 per 5* 550. Plus you also get 3 ascended 4*. 5 3* which are probably max champ. A load of roster slots, a ton of LL tokens and some ISO.

    And I've killed enough time doing that. If you want to work out how much the other tiers would cost then knock yourself out.

    Tl;dr : HP is the only thing worth spending serious money on and vaults are the best way to build a roster quickly

    A really interesting summary. Having only a 501 SC a my highest 5* I've now realised they don't pay me enough to play this game...

    The calculation is from a 0-base though. There are plenty of 550s and duplicate 550s out there. During anniversary, there were people with 100,000+ HP saved up. If they spent that on the ascension vault, they could have got around 1500 (3 per 1800HP) Bagman covers from memory. So assuming, they were 10 year vets with 16 Fully covered 144 Bagmen (I don't know why either) they'd only need c725 covers to get a 550 Bagman based on my amateur maths.

    Each one of those Bagmen is 63 covers to get, so even if they had none to start with, it would still be possible to achieve with a couple of hundred covers to spare.

    In reality, the rewards from that vault x 500 probably netted a fair chunk of HP from 1,2, and 3* covers so the overall cost would have been far less and of course progressed other characters towards ascension too.

  • ViralCore
    ViralCore Posts: 173 Tile Toppler
    edited March 2024

    Are the devs at it again?

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,959 Chairperson of the Boards

    The account has been reported multiple times…it’s still around doing its thing.

    Seems to enjoy running their 550 3s and 4s in PvP while not actually trying to get high placement or anything.

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,845 Chairperson of the Boards

    American FYI - According to Google £3800 is around $4,800.

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