After 1 Year and $1200 this is what I got



  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2023

    @bbigler said:
    @Daredevil217 I agree with your points. Old players are not concerned with building up their roster / farms, but focus on getting the best characters and supports possible (unless they’re casual old players). But I also think old players have forgotten what it’s like to build up their roster and their old strategies from 5+ yrs ago no longer apply.

    I never recommended that new players should spend 5-6 hrs per day on the game. I agree that’s not healthy, which is why I quit. But keep in mind that only 2-3 hrs of that time was doing battles. The other half was consumed reading and responding to posts on the forum and in LINE, plus opening tokens, applying covers, switching favorite shards to maximize rewards, researching characters and combos, and generally making plans and goals for the week. I could have cut out the social aspect of the game to spend less time, but talking about the game may be just as interesting as playing it. If you want my official recommendation for new players, here it is:

    Hear Ye! Hear Ye! All new players who wish to build their roster as fast as possible without spending too much time, money or effort:

    1) Play PVE nodes to full progression rewards but no more. Don’t worry about your speed or clearing order either. Just play for fun.
    2) Play PVP events to 25 wins but no more. Don’t worry about attacks or your rank or buying shields. Just play for fun.
    3) Buy VIP for $10 per month, which gives you some great rewards, slightly faster healing and most importantly Bonus rewards in PVE. Ignore all other offers.
    4) Join a good alliance, which also gives you lots of great alliance rewards.
    5) Don’t hoard resources; build your main fighters and farms at the same time.
    6) Focus your favorite shards on getting the best “meta” characters
    7) Don’t spend too much time chatting about the game, but it’s useful to learn the meta characters and teams.
    8) Play Lightning Rounds if you have time, but don’t worry about missing them.

    I think everything but #5 is pretty much conventional wisdom that the “old heads” would agree with. And even number 5 is something many would agree with, it’s just not as universal as the other 7 points.

    What is your take on investing in classics versus latests for a new player? Especially now that the odds have been increased on top of the lower price point?

  • mani82
    mani82 Posts: 151 Tile Toppler

    @BriMan2222 said:

    @HowDoIUnlockBatman said:
    No, what makes OP wrong is that his experience didn't take place within the last year, whereas mine did. Do you think he favourited the five stars he has champed or do you think it may be slightly more possible he pulled those covers when they were in latest legends, consecutively over a period of six months from sep21 onwards?

    He literally says Shang chi was in latest the post above mine. Do you even read peoples posts or are you just waiting to jump on new members to flex your mod powers that nobody cares about?

    You've pretty much just proved the point why i don't want to interact with you people in the game. I said nothing about the forum did i? I just don't want to have to shield 24/7 to prevent the constant attacks from whichever of the discord/line clique I've offended today.

    If you're worried about forumites attacking you in game, I think you've vastly over-estimated our power and our level of care. There's like 20 of us that are active here, and I really don't think any of us would go to the lengths to find out what slice you play pvp and then try to manipulate MMR to find you repeatedly. Even if somone was offended enough to want to do that, I think there's like 2 people here who would know how
    @BriMan2222 said:

    @HowDoIUnlockBatman said:
    No, what makes OP wrong is that his experience didn't take place within the last year, whereas mine did. Do you think he favourited the five stars he has champed or do you think it may be slightly more possible he pulled those covers when they were in latest legends, consecutively over a period of six months from sep21 onwards?

    He literally says Shang chi was in latest the post above mine. Do you even read peoples posts or are you just waiting to jump on new members to flex your mod powers that nobody cares about?

    You've pretty much just proved the point why i don't want to interact with you people in the game. I said nothing about the forum did i? I just don't want to have to shield 24/7 to prevent the constant attacks from whichever of the discord/line clique I've offended today.

    If you're worried about forumites attacking you in game, I think you've vastly over-estimated our power and our level of care. There's like 20 of us that are active here, and I really don't think any of us would go to the lengths to find out what slice you play pvp and then try to manipulate MMR to find you repeatedly. Even if somone was offended enough to want to do that, I think there's like 2 people here who would know how to do that.

    Who are those two people pls enlighten we can stay quite without offending them :)

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    You'll notice when you get 12 reds from them.

  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Daredevil217 That’s an excellent question about Classic tokens; should new players open classics for PVE required characters OR obtain Classic 5s through feeders and PVE shards?

    If you noticed from my stats, I got 59 out of 89 5-stars, which is 66% of the tier. I did that without opening Classics (well, I pulled
    maybe 10 times). I was surprised at how many covers/shards I was getting for the Classic 5-stars without pulling Classics. Plus, I would rather champ the Latest 5s instead of a bunch of 1-cover 5s that each need a roster slot. But the increased odds in Classics with the lower price is more useful later in the game.

    So, I think the best course of action is to spend your CP on Latest until your farms produce enough LT to champ Latest without CP. Then spend CP on Classics. As for the meta 5s, build them up with favorite shards. That’s how I would do it.

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,379 Chairperson of the Boards

    I think once you have one of everyone you want on roster (which may not in fact be one of everyone possible) it's probably best to go hard on classics and keep a rotating "flex slot" that you fill with a single cover of the 4* reward from the previous PVE event and then replace with the required for the subsequent event. You'll have to be ready to throw away a lot of what seem like valuable covers, but just add new slots as you get the hp and start keeping your previous event's required, and eventually you'll have one of everyone on roster.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,607 Chairperson of the Boards

    As much as I love Classics, and as much as I think they're still undervalued among vets, I'm not sure I'd tell a new player to go into them. Once you've got everybody, then yes, for sure. Until then? I think I'd still recommend champing a set of 3 Latest first.

    Maybe I'm wrong though! Has anybody done this? Do the recent fixes make it a better idea?

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,607 Chairperson of the Boards

    ...and maybe the whole idea is wrong? Maybe we shouldn't be so focused on how to go from 0 to CL10 as fast as possible, maybe new players should enjoy gradual progression and take their time building everybody up slowly?

    I guess it depends on your individual goals. I do think we should normalize wanting to build up slowly and gradually though.

  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:
    As much as I love Classics, and as much as I think they're still undervalued among vets, I'm not sure I'd tell a new player to go into them. Once you've got everybody, then yes, for sure. Until then? I think I'd still recommend champing a set of 3 Latest first.

    Maybe I'm wrong though! Has anybody done this? Do the recent fixes make it a better idea?

    I was only recommending pulling Classics when your farms/rewards are producing more than 24 pulls per week (LT + CP). In that scenario, you’ll have extra CP to spend on Classics while continuing to champ Latest. It took me about 7 months to get to that point, but I never pulled Classics because I wanted to beef up Omega Red. If I continued playing, I would stop pulling Latest until CarMiles leaves, but use my CP on Classics each week. On a related note, my 5-star favorite shards produced 1 - 2 covers per week, so you can still build your metas to 550 without hoarding CP.

    But there’s another way you could do it: use your 5-Star favorite shards to finish/champ ALL Classics, then hoard CP for special stores a couple times a year to get your metas to 550. Personally, I like the idea of pulling Classics and slowly bringing my entire roster to 550 at the same time. This way I can fully take advantage of the weekly 5-star boosts, which slowly gets better over time.

  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:
    ...and maybe the whole idea is wrong? Maybe we shouldn't be so focused on how to go from 0 to CL10 as fast as possible, maybe new players should enjoy gradual progression and take their time building everybody up slowly?

    I guess it depends on your individual goals. I do think we should normalize wanting to build up slowly and gradually though.

    There’s a symbiotic relationship between building your top meta fighters and building your farms - they feed each other. I wouldn’t recommend building one side without the other. Even if you don’t care to be competitive, you can gain new usable characters faster this way (until you champ everyone).

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards

    @bbigler said:

    Meta breaking characters come along every 6 months or so. And the others in between them aren’t that bad, meaning good enough to win PVP battles. Perhaps you’ll need a health pack, but those are free every 35 min. From what I’ve seen, this can be done with any set of Latest 5-stars. Let’s say I missed Shang in Latest, what would have I done?

    No. You won't need just a healthpack every 35 minutes.
    Without meta characters restoring health like SC or okoye or OR you'll need health packs every battle, or just buying it: wasting resources and not playing optimally.
    Also in pve could mean x4 time and health packs.
    So you totally need meta characters in order to get more advantage of your resources.
    Not every LL serves.
    And of course, the time which is gold.