New Boss Event: Quandary Info



  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,246 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Daredevil217 said:
    Is that really the predominant feedback of those who don’t like this event? That it’s too hard? Has anyone in here said that they want one move victories all the time? Come on now…

    Dunno, sure sounds like that's what that other guy wants. He went as far as to accuse me of "try-harding" for the devs, whatever that is.

  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2023

    @entrailbucket said:

    @Daredevil217 said:
    Is that really the predominant feedback of those who don’t like this event? That it’s too hard? Has anyone in here said that they want one move victories all the time? Come on now…

    Dunno, sure sounds like that's what that other guy wants. He went as far as to accuse me of "try-harding" for the devs, whatever that is.

    Yeah I don’t know what that means either. But my point goes back to the whole bias/fallacy stuff. Recognize that most in this thread are not screaming at the devs, being insulting, or are in any way shape or form out of line. They simply don’t like it, or would like to see changes, or like it but feel it may have a negative impact on the greater game. Feel free to report the few unruly posts, but as you said you “dunno”, I think it’s important not to write the narrative of people who have a different opinion than you do. Plenty don’t like it for plenty of reasons. Maybe some really don’t like it because it’s too hard? But that’s not at all the majority of what I’ve seen here so I’m not going to paint that picture. I’ve seen tedious, too much RNG and not enough skill involved (ie not puzzley enough), wanting to be able to fire powers, too time consuming… many complaints from all different types of folks. Some have no reason at all, just “my alliance refuses to play”. I’d just ask not to assume intention when we don’t know is all.

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2023

    Last week appeared quandary pve. Many players played the whole event, they got all 18 cps, they played for the quandary daily tasks, they even completed almost all PvE, all puzzles. Then comes quandary boss event. Those players have no problem at all doing it, they already mastered it. They provide useful feedback for a better future experience.

    Other players didn't want to complete the event. It's awful, rewards are trash, puzzles confusing, I hate this event and I won't try to even understand it. Then comes quandary boss event. It's awful, it's impossible, I hate every second I play, I'll quit this game, we don't want anything new, listen to me devs and not experienced players because they are ruining this game.
    And devs what will do? To analyze their tracks, listen to the best feedback they can read, maybe apologize for it, and continue their course adjusting some elements in order to provide a better experience.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,246 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2023

    @Daredevil217 said:

    @entrailbucket said:

    @Daredevil217 said:
    Is that really the predominant feedback of those who don’t like this event? That it’s too hard? Has anyone in here said that they want one move victories all the time? Come on now…

    Dunno, sure sounds like that's what that other guy wants. He went as far as to accuse me of "try-harding" for the devs, whatever that is.

    Yeah I don’t know what that means either. But my point goes back to the whole bias/fallacy stuff. Recognize that most in this thread are not screaming at the devs, being insulting, or are in any way shape or form out of line. They simply don’t like it, or would like to see changes, or like it but feel it may have a negative impact on the greater game. Feel free to report the few unruly posts, but as you said you “dunno”, I think it’s important not to write the narrative of people who have a different opinion than you do. Plenty don’t like it for plenty of reasons. Maybe some really don’t like it because it’s too hard? But that’s not at all the majority of what I’ve seen here so I’m not going to paint that picture. I’ve seen tedious, too much RNG and not enough skill involved (ie not puzzley enough), wanting to be able to fire powers, too time consuming… many complaints from all different types of folks. Some have no reason at all, just “my alliance refuses to play”. I’d just ask not to assume intention when we don’t know is all.

    That's all fair. I was trying to have an actual discussion about ways they could run an event that was controversial or divisive without creating a backlash.

    Suggesting that's somehow shilling for the devs, argued in bad faith, or that there's no way such an event can EVER be run, is not productive, so I responded to the other player in kind.

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards

    I'll give a hint(for not being so Bad) to all people complaining about corners rng (who actually didn't understand the puzzle).

    You only have to match or destroy the SHELL GAME.

  • BeetleGeorge
    BeetleGeorge Posts: 76 Match Maker

    Is it just my own personal (wrong) impression or has the event really changed to a nice one. There is no more "color change" puzzle and no "puzzle interrupts" during the boss fights. For me quandary boss event could stay and come again as it is today.

  • turbomoose
    turbomoose Posts: 817 Critical Contributor

    My alliance normally gets to round 8 and we sometimes complete it

    There’s less than a day left and we haven’t reached round 7 yet. That tells me that at least half my alliance either found it too hard or got bored with it and stopped.

    It was nice to see them try something different but I don’t think it works as a boss event

    Games should be challenging but fun and sadly a large number of players have found it no fun at all

    I have not enjoyed it as much as I hoped I would and knowing we have this again in a couple of weeks is not something I’m looking forward to

  • rg72
    rg72 Posts: 120 Tile Toppler

    For what it's worth, the feedback from my alliance is that whilst the puzzles are challenging but fun, it's too time consuming - especially split over the 2 Boss events. We've usually finished round 8 by now with at leat half if not more having hit personal progression - on Quandary we're about half way through the last round so hopefully should complete it, whilst on Heroic we've only just started round 7 with only 3 on PP. People just can't commit the time needed - They preferred the single mode.

  • scottishhaig
    scottishhaig Posts: 18 Just Dropped In

    @LavaManLee said:
    I'm not threatening to quit but if this boss event never comes back, I would be happy. I play MPQ while I walk and the color one, specifically, is a PITA. I do not play MPQ to memorize things or write them down. That is the exact opposite of why I play. Maybe if that one was removed, it would be better. But as it is, please never come back.

    As someone said earlier, this feels like a punishment and not a reward for the 10th Anniversary.

    This 100%

  • scottishhaig
    scottishhaig Posts: 18 Just Dropped In

    I think what it boils down to for me is time. If I had 3-4 hours at 12, 8 and 4, then maybe I'd be okay with this event (scratch that) would still be tedious. It's not a's just an aggravating time sink.

    I play MPQ because I can complete the dailies in 15-30 minutes and regular PVE events in about 45 minutes. This event requires a much longer time commitment. It's a color match mobile game for goodness sake, not WoW or New World. We shouldn't have to set aside a block of time to complete a 'raid' event. I would venture most people play MPQ on their breaks / lunch period - this event really isn't conducive for such a short time frame.

    We certainly have the option to 'skip' it...and while I don't feel like my alliance 'forces' me to participate in these events, I do feel a sense of obligation to help my fellow players to at least try and get the alliance progression/placement rewards. These events are why I'm in an alliance. We are never going to be competitive in PVP or PVE so the 'raid' event rewards are why we participate. The game shouldn't be rewarding for the top 20 teams with no regard for the 1000s of other players/alliances.

    So I think the challenge to the Devs in this scenario is to make the event actually fun (NOT tedious) AND keep the time requirements as they have been. FUN, fast, and rewarding. I have no idea how they might accomplish that...I don't design games.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,550 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2023

    I hit personal prog on the main and have left it there. I dunno if I can make personal prog on Heroic as we are in round 4 so may not be enough points but will try.

    If this is Miles covers on next run will probably not bother as I am happy skipping him. Adding the puzzles to the clone to the damage reduction for boss Quandary just seems a bit of a stretch too far, especially the colour changing one which really needs looking at in my opinion.

    Thanks though Devs, a lot of effort has clearly gone into this. Feel free to lose it down the back of the sofa with places of power though!

    How about some Boss Rush next run instead? Intrigued what that would look like in 2023 (might still regret it also)

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2023

    I'm in same spot as Daz. I think I'll end up about 20K short of 600K needed for the costume (the only thing I really want. Wish we could spend HP or CP to boost our progression score to reach the target we want).

    I found some of the puzzles took a lot of time. But, after doing them for 4 days, I've gotten much better at retreating if I see a bad board and the completing ones that look promising (maybe 5 minutes in absolute worst case, most done in 1 minute or so).

    What's strange is that if you have even a semi competitive alliance (which I don't have), you should still finish R8 even if you skipped those 2 puzzle side nodes (or only played the 1 that has the repeated board and can be finished in 10 seconds). So I find it hard to believe that 2 puzzle side nodes has lowered engagement that much. Instead, I wonder if we just have a case of 'too much to do' given it's PvP season end so people are finishing Simulator and the final PvP event, plus doing puzzle gauntlet and 2 boss events plus grinding quandry quests (tho we don't need to). That's an awful lot of time required.


  • Seph1roth5
    Seph1roth5 Posts: 450 Mover and Shaker

    They're not difficult, just very RNG where it can be super annoying/frustrating. Kind of like Puzzle gauntlet, but there you have the option of powers to finagle the board. Can still be annoying, but with Quandry a lot of times you just have to give up and restart because of tile placement/luck.

  • tonypq
    tonypq Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2023

    I both semi enjoyed this boss event and absolutely hated it at the same time lol. It's nice to see something new I guess, especially as I'm one that's complained all we ever get is the same old events we've had for 10 years. So it's nice to see a new event certainly..

    I didn't like not being able to use powers on many of the nodes. I can see how players with less advanced rosters may have decided to skip the event. I enjoyed the event a little more when I stopped trying to guess what to do and came here to get some pointers.The event was still pretty long and felt like a major chore to burn through all the clears.

    Overall I applaud BC for trying something new. I'm just not a fan of it's mechanics and implementation. Maybe they tweak a little next time around who knows.

  • crakker
    crakker Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    edited October 2023

    @BeetleGeorge said:
    Is it just my own personal (wrong) impression or has the event really changed to a nice one. There is no more "color change" puzzle and no "puzzle interrupts" during the boss fights. For me quandary boss event could stay and come again as it is today.

    The boss puzzles come randomly I believe. I’ve had 2 or 3 fights without them happening, during round 8. If not for those, or if it wasn’t 90% dmg reduction, I wouldn’t have minded.

  • StanleyBurrell
    StanleyBurrell Posts: 145 Tile Toppler

    Enjoyed it for the most part. Worst one was the colors in order one because it was always the same. Other than that, quite fun,

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards

    This is the first boss event in many years that supposed a challenge to me, so I've enjoyed it.
    Max personal prog and we almost got the vulture cover.
    The pick one support was really nice (symbiote of course).

  • itsuka7
    itsuka7 Posts: 111 Tile Toppler

    My pve alliance, AoP 3, has always enjoyed doing boss events. We were often one of the first to close the event, not something we can ever match in normal pve. Given our track record, we are doing Heroic versions as well.

    Sadly, this time our 4* transitioning players could not do Heroic well enough to contribute in round 7 and 8, and some other players lacked time. That was a first for us. With other Heroic boss events early roster players hang in there best as they can - here they had to give up. I am sure there were some genius 3* or 4* options, we just did not find then soon enough to keep these players in and allow them to participate in a reasonable amount of time.

    To the people here saying: so what, don’t play, it is a free world - yeah, but our alliance is partly build around the joy of doing boss events together.

    The puzzle gauntlet type challenges are fun to some, but it divides the player base, and should be restricted to those that want to play them, without impacting those that do not. Puzzle on - but these don’t belong in an alliance event imo. Alliance events should be inclusive, not divisive.

  • Zalasta
    Zalasta Posts: 302 Mover and Shaker

    @StanleyBurrell said:
    Enjoyed it for the most part. Worst one was the colors in order one because it was always the same. Other than that, quite fun,

    I noticed that the colors in order puzzle, always seemed to have the same board, which made it particularly easy to solve.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,550 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Zalasta said:

    @StanleyBurrell said:
    Enjoyed it for the most part. Worst one was the colors in order one because it was always the same. Other than that, quite fun,

    I noticed that the colors in order puzzle, always seemed to have the same board, which made it particularly easy to solve.

    Yes, it also conveniently dropped and made the blue match for you when you matched one of the purple ones which was nice!