New Boss Event: Quandary Info



  • Blackstone
    Blackstone Posts: 626 Critical Contributor

    @Meg6775 said:

    @Alfje17 said:
    Hurray, another Puzzle Box! Because with 6 open PVE, I definitely have the time to figure out a bleeping puzzle box!

    Yea I have no idea how to beat the puzzle box levels. Anyone have any advice?

    "Puzzle box" node has a poem telling you what order to match colors. The other you just mach the 10% damage CD.

    As others said, there's a full breakdown on the house to beat quandary thread.

  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,581 Chairperson of the Boards

    The premise of a boss event being more puzzle-based is a great one since it doesn't have the same time restraints of regular pve, but this is a truly horrible example where rng is just far too dominant a factor already, even without the hefty scaling jump we get after 24 hours on the side nodes of boss events.

  • MegaBee
    MegaBee Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards

    I am A-OK with this event. Team Genius Magic is cleaning up.

  • Dogface
    Dogface Posts: 1,000 Chairperson of the Boards

    Does anyone have a good way to beat the Breakthrough node? Or is it just down to luck to destroy all fortified tiles before you get slammed by the enemy attack tiles?

  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2023

    The worst Quantary form is the color changing one. It'd be OK if it was consistent (e.g., green always damages red), but it changes every time you face this form. I play this game on the go and I hate the need to grab a pen and paper every time I face this form to know what colors to match to damage her

  • MoosePrime
    MoosePrime Posts: 969 Critical Contributor

    @Dogface said:
    Does anyone have a good way to beat the Breakthrough node? Or is it just down to luck to destroy all fortified tiles before you get slammed by the enemy attack tiles?

    Use the loaners so the health lose doesn't matter.

  • qandols
    qandols Posts: 1,186 Chairperson of the Boards

    We should make a poll where people can vote for the shutting down of this plague.

  • Xception81
    Xception81 Posts: 429 Mover and Shaker

    @MoosePrime said:

    @Dogface said:
    Does anyone have a good way to beat the Breakthrough node? Or is it just down to luck to destroy all fortified tiles before you get slammed by the enemy attack tiles?

    Use the loaners so the health lose doesn't matter.

    Yeah pretty much just luck. And trying to think ahead a few moves (but still luck). And use high health 5s. I haven’t actually tried a self-healing character like OML, so maybe someone should verify if he heals each turn or if his passive is turned off like all other powers.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,410 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Xception81 said:

    @MoosePrime said:

    @Dogface said:
    Does anyone have a good way to beat the Breakthrough node? Or is it just down to luck to destroy all fortified tiles before you get slammed by the enemy attack tiles?

    Use the loaners so the health lose doesn't matter.

    Yeah pretty much just luck. And trying to think ahead a few moves (but still luck). And use high health 5s. I haven’t actually tried a self-healing character like OML, so maybe someone should verify if he heals each turn or if his passive is turned off like all other powers.

    The healing is off.


  • MoosePrime
    MoosePrime Posts: 969 Critical Contributor

    @Xception81 said:

    @MoosePrime said:

    @Dogface said:
    Does anyone have a good way to beat the Breakthrough node? Or is it just down to luck to destroy all fortified tiles before you get slammed by the enemy attack tiles?

    Use the loaners so the health lose doesn't matter.

    Yeah pretty much just luck. And trying to think ahead a few moves (but still luck). And use high health 5s. I haven’t actually tried a self-healing character like OML, so maybe someone should verify if he heals each turn or if his passive is turned off like all other powers.

    I haven't tested in the boss event, but in the earlier event, the attack tiles' strengths scaled based on your characters' levels.

  • Msd
    Msd Posts: 2 Just Dropped In

    There are not words to describe how I feel about this event.

  • Aizen
    Aizen Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    edited October 2023

    Personally I like and despise the events. I like them because they are innovative, it's not something that was in game before and it's being reproposed with different stats. So in some way it's refreshing, someething that a 10 year game needs. But the node where you need to match specific colors to damage Quandary, which change every bloody time you do the node, to say it's frustating is an understatement. I'm still enjoying the anniversary, I'm finding good stuff from all the stuff they are giving us and it definetely feels like THE time of the year, but I do understand the frustation that other players are feeling

  • bigjojo04
    bigjojo04 Posts: 420 Mover and Shaker

    I honestly feel like a lot of people are just blowing this completely way out of proportion. Ultimately, this is a BOSS event, is it not supposed to be the most difficult event to complete since the rewards are the best you can be rewarded for completion of it? Has anyone in the past here really had that much of a difficulty completing any of the previous bosses? Have any of them really been much of a challenge?

    I applaud BCS for trying something new and implementing a new strategy element to completing this and making it seemingly a little more challenging to be able to earn those 5* covers this time around.

    Granted there seems to be a fair bit of RNG to the challenge nodes in terms of getting a good enough board to be able to complete these. Maybe in the future they can figure out a way to make it less random and more strategic to complete them, how they would do that is beyond me because I have a pea brain. But anyone that’s going crazy or threatening to quit the game over this is seriously overreacting. I would think you could probably even complete individual progression without even completing all of the challenge nodes as long as you completed all of the rest of the missions so if it’s giving you that much of a headache then just don’t do them. Simple as that.