How to beat Quandry?



  • Domsouth04
    Domsouth04 Posts: 56 Match Maker

    Quandary is coming as a boss? So says FB post with schedule

  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2023

    For Quandary’s color code test: You can take a short video of the beginning of the battle to see how the colors swap, thus your key

    EDIT: apparently that doesn’t work either! The key appears to change every time you replay the node! This is literally the most frustrating MPQ battle ever invented!

  • Punter1
    Punter1 Posts: 729 Critical Contributor

    The 2nd Clea test appears to have a specific match order requirement for the board, ie one solution for the 6 matches you need to make.

    If you match the wrong color, the board resets to the start. As noted use the order - Red-Green-Purple-Blue-Yellow-Black, watch for cascades and puzzle the correct match order.

  • gmp72
    gmp72 Posts: 164 Tile Toppler

    Just node rewards in this event ? No progression rewards ?

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,409 Chairperson of the Boards

    @UnityGamer said:
    After you pass her three tests, you battle her directly, with her true powers and HP, dealing real damage to her without any compromises (your powers will finally be usable, unless one of her powers disables it). There is one final catch: she automatically downs a random hero, forcing you to go two on one, or mano-a-mano if you already lost one hero in any of her previous tests. You do not want to pass the three tests with just one hero remaining because, once that auto down comes into effect, you automatically lose. The auto down can be a boss feature.

    Question to developers: have you already given Quandary actual powers? This is with regards to her as a possible future character or boss-only.

    Where did you battle her directly? After I finished her 4th test (the combined one) it ended the trials for Wiccan and Clea and I 'won'. I never fought her directly and she never downed a hero.


  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,409 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2023

    The only one that I had trouble with was Clea's 3rd challenge. The one where the tiles are locked and gradually ascend to the top of the board every 4th move or so. Getting them to the bottom can be frustrating if the board locks up so that you are stuck with forced matches that don't help move the locked tiles. Doesn't matter much in the individual challenge since you just restart it, but in the combined wave, you don't want to lose progress.


    P.S. I definitely feel for those who are color blind and can't see any tile differences.

  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards

    I didn't realize there are this many color-blind players.

    Color-blind or not, this event is not fun or interesting at all. Purely luck based

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,844 Chairperson of the Boards

    Not colorblind, and I can totally understand why people who are have found this one brutal.

    I kind of liked it. I especially enjoyed the riddle-like nature of having to figure out how to win.

    If I had one complaint, it's that character powers and AP accumulation are made meaningless. I already have my issues with the game being so heavily skewed towards passives. I prefer puzzles where your characters aren't just meat shields.

  • Punter1
    Punter1 Posts: 729 Critical Contributor

    @Borstock said:
    Not colorblind, and I can totally understand why people who are have found this one brutal.

    I kind of liked it. I especially enjoyed the riddle-like nature of having to figure out how to win.

    If I had one complaint, it's that character powers and AP accumulation are made meaningless. I already have my issues with the game being so heavily skewed towards passives. I prefer puzzles where your characters aren't just meat shields.

    Agreed on the kinda like it! Neat new twists on the puzzle approach means you have to think different and pay more attention than normal mindless matching.

    However, feels a bit limiting making it just matching. Some matches are just impossible if the board isn't set just right and it's frustrating having no scope to do anything other than restart.

  • GJSchaller
    GJSchaller Posts: 21 Just Dropped In

    @Riguez said:
    For anyone struggling with Clea’s second chamber, as @Xception81 mentioned above, you need to match the colors in order… in my case the board always comes up arranged the same so I made a video to share,
    but I can’t post it here… any ideas how I can share that?

    Can you upload it to YouTube, and share it there, then post the link here? If worst comes to worst, DM me, and I'll host it on my personal webserver.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,409 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2023

    Lets label the rows A-H and the columns 1-8:


    1) Red Gem G5->G6
    2) Green Gem C6->D6
    3) Purple Gem B4->B3 (this cascades a Blue match on the 1 column)
    4) Yellow Gem H4->H5
    5) Black Gem G6->H6


  • GJSchaller
    GJSchaller Posts: 21 Just Dropped In

    @KGB - thank you! I made a Spreadsheet, will try to fill it in with colors when I get to that node.

    I had to swap your numbers / letters to match Google Sheets, but it's a GREAT idea. Thank you!

  • UnityGamer
    UnityGamer Posts: 49 Just Dropped In
    edited October 2023

    @KGB said:
    Where did you battle her directly? After I finished her 4th test (the combined one) it ended the trials for Wiccan and Clea and I 'won'. I never fought her directly and she never downed a hero.

    I didn't. In my post, I was describing what I would have liked to see in the fourth encounter. I didn't like that in the final meeting against Quandary, it was basically the first three tests you passed in waves of power ("Find the tile that deals 10% damage to enemy team", "find the trap in a select group of tiles," and what I think is "match the previous color" (eg. if she's red now, but yellow on the previous match, match yellow)). It would have been cool if they threw in a fourth and final curveball that you did not expect, a basic battle against Quandary with her real HP amount and abilities. This was why I asked a question to the developers if she has a completely different set of powers planned when she becomes available in the future. That automatic down thing was just a suggestion on my part.

  • qandols
    qandols Posts: 1,186 Chairperson of the Boards

    Well I'm not colorblind but happens to hate puzzles like these. Will probably totally ignore this.

  • Blackstone
    Blackstone Posts: 626 Critical Contributor

    I firmly believe nothing will be enjoyed by everyone.

    I like the event. I'm enjoying having to think about what I'm doing.

    Would I want to do it everyday? No, I just wouldn't have the time and it would get tedious as a regular event. But, as a new event, and possible occasional challenge I like it.

    I can see the hue node being frustrating to those that are colorblind because it would feel like they have a disadvantage... If I'm being honest, I don't know that seeing color helps. It's the one node I haven't really nailed down. I beat that challenge simply by using high health characters and trying to get cascades because I couldn't remember which matches were working on which colors... Which brings me to my own disadvantage-poor memory due to too many head injuries.

    I like the look of Quandary and am interested to what future events with them looks like. But I'm assuming their power set will be different in other events.

    I respect the opinion of those that don't like it. Hopefully there's something else you do like, I'm sorry this event isn't too your liking; if it makes you feel better, I despise oscorp Spidey and hate this game every time he's boosted or required... I even skip otherwise easy points/rewards just to avoid dealing with needing to have him on my team... But others like him. (Or so I've been told)

    I might be ranting at this point, but I'm happy with the event and hope others are able to get enjoyment out of it as well.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,545 Chairperson of the Boards

    I would not have chosen puzzle ops the most tedious part of MPQ for Anniversary so this is a no thanks for me.

    Not sure why this had to remain a big mystery.

    Can't say I really care for Quandary design wise either.

    So...yeah. Sorry. 🙁🙁

  • Captain_Trips88
    Captain_Trips88 Posts: 268 Mover and Shaker

    Love having a new event and the puzzle aspect to it.
    Only one that I really think is a miss is the colour changing one.
    Obvious colour blind issues, but more to that even if you can see the colours and work out what colour is the right one to match, with there being no powers you have no proper board control. So you are just hoping that there is a correct match available. As with other people commenting, I’ve not bothered actually keeping track of the colour required and instead will just take high health characters in and try and cascade my way to victory.

  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,581 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Blackstone said:
    I feel like people got used to easy wins and are upset about having a puzzle they don't know the answer to going in.

    We'll figure it out, just need patience.

    It is overly reductive to accuse people of disliking it for that reason though, even if you ignore those who are colour-blind, at least some of the puzzles are overly reliant on not having bad luck with your board, which isn't any more fun in this one than those nodes in some of the puzzle gauntlets.

  • Zarqa
    Zarqa Posts: 386 Mover and Shaker

    @Blackstone said:
    I despise oscorp Spidey and hate this game every time he's boosted or required... I even skip otherwise easy points/rewards just to avoid dealing with needing to have him on my team... But others like him. (Or so I've been told)

    YES! So much this. I do the exact same haha.

  • stef_focus
    stef_focus Posts: 123 Tile Toppler

    @Blackstone said:
    I can see the hue node being frustrating to those that are colorblind because it would feel like they have a disadvantage... If I'm being honest, I don't know that seeing color helps. It's the one node I haven't really nailed down. I beat that challenge simply by using high health characters and trying to get cascades because I couldn't remember which matches were working on which colors... Which brings me to my own disadvantage-poor memory due to too many head injuries.

    If I understand the issue correctly, the problem is not the color of the tiles, but the color of Quandary standing beside the board, indicating the color to match. If you don't know the color to match you will have to brute-force/cascade your way to victory.
    Getting the color key can be done somewhat easily by watching your AP gain. If you match 3 red and get 1 black AP for that, you know that when Quandary is black, you need to match red. In 5 matches you can have the whole color key decoded and that can make it a lot easier to win.
    Also try to make the matches to set up as many different color matches for the next move to speed things up.

    Other than having to note down the color key, I kinda liked this one. Also good for grinding out the later quandary quests, because there are no team-up tiles -> more matches.