Upcoming Character Rebalance - Chasm (9/21/23)



  • Bzhai
    Bzhai Posts: 544 Critical Contributor

    @tonypq said:

    @Punisher5784 said:
    My 5-Stars aren't champed yet, but I've used Chasm for specific PvE nodes because his matches took awhile.

    Prior to this rebalance, I used him in the current Class 2022 PvP and he was OK. Now using him in this PvP with his rebalance, I like him much more! He only died once in 7 matches versus dying nearly every match under his original abilities. I may end up using him much more

    Prior to the rebalance he wasn't healing properly. Some here acted like I was nuts when I brought it up, but it was the case nonetheless at least me and others. So it makes sense prior to the rebalance he was dying almost every match, because he was healing correctly for you then. Same thing was happening when I used him. I'd match like 30 something web tiles just to see him not heal and either die or need a health pack every match.

    After the rebalance every time I've used him seems he's been healing up. Not sure yet if it's working %100 but certainly a night and day difference prior to the rebalance. I'll have to use him a bit more for a larger sample size and see if there's still any irregularities, but hopefully he's as fixed as he'll ever get.

    Could it be because now his passive is not proccing the damage portion so he's not self-harming so much? It seems like this only happens during mirror matches.

  • Marc_Spector
    Marc_Spector Posts: 628 Critical Contributor

    @tonypq said:

    Prior to the rebalance he wasn't healing properly. Some here acted like I was nuts when I brought it up, but it was the case nonetheless at least me and others. So it makes sense prior to the rebalance he was dying almost every match, because he was healing correctly for you then. Same thing was happening when I used him. I'd match like 30 something web tiles just to see him not heal and either die or need a health pack every match.

    After the rebalance every time I've used him seems he's been healing up. Not sure yet if it's working %100 but certainly a night and day difference prior to the rebalance. I'll have to use him a bit more for a larger sample size and see if there's still any irregularities, but hopefully he's as fixed as he'll ever get.

    You definitely weren't nuts -- I noticed the same thing pre-rebalance and wasn't sure why he seemed so fragile. He heals SO much better / more consistently / correctly now, whether on his own or grouped with webtile spammers. I've been enjoying using him so much more now with that fix and the other tweaks! (And now looking forward to bringing a few 4* web-tile characters up to 5* land with the new champ2.0 system)

  • tonypq
    tonypq Posts: 557 Critical Contributor

    Not sure about the self damage part. But using him on 3rd clear of the SCL10 challenge node, he was healing enough that he never died once and he took a beating. Definitely happy this rebalance has seemingly fixed his healing as I was hoping it would.

  • Kolence
    Kolence Posts: 969 Critical Contributor

    Mirror matched Chasms still heal and spam the board too much.

    Otherwise, a good rebalance. Better teammate on offense and easier to kill when on defense (don't bring your own unless you're prepared and know what you're doing... XD )

    I could swear though, both mine and enemy Chasm (both at 5/5/3 too) were destroying 4 AP each turn. If I wasn't seeing things, that's a bug, right? Could it be "at the end of each turn" means both yours and the enemy's?