Would you continue playing if a 6* is released?



  • DrClever
    DrClever Posts: 584 Critical Contributor

    @DAZ0273 said:
    Spider-Man alone has the ability to dodge bullets, is strong enough to lift a car, has a danger sense AND a long ranged weapon. The Punisher would stand no chance

    They have a swathe of potential customers who do not want "nerd beats guns" stories.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,072 Chairperson of the Boards

    @DrClever said:

    @DAZ0273 said:
    Spider-Man alone has the ability to dodge bullets, is strong enough to lift a car, has a danger sense AND a long ranged weapon. The Punisher would stand no chance

    They have a swathe of potential customers who do not want "nerd beats guns" stories.

    This is true. It is also why Frank at his very basic level doesn't really work in superhero stories.

    I don't mind suspending disbelief obviously but the extra suspending of the suspending of the disbelief just wears thin. Then Punisher gets beaten up by a blind man who has some sticks and THAT is what it takes to bring him down. No. If we have to have Frank let us keep him away from the superhero stuff, occasional DD appearance and I guess Wolverine (another person who would kill Frank in under 30 seconds due to his being an unkillable knife maniac).

  • Cataliban
    Cataliban Posts: 50 Match Maker

    Who could be a potential 6* character?

    Each of us has a favourite. Think like Beyonder, Molecule Man, Doom Supreme, Phoenix Force, Mephisto...
    Being extemely powerful as stated in the comics canon, a solution in game could be:

    • Only one 6* per player (avatar of each player)
    • Customizable powers choosing between all the abilities of the rest of the characters
    • If they're 6 colours (without blank) in the game, 6 abilities for the 6* character,
    • No support allowed on him. Nor Team-Ups if choosed as playable. Nor boosts.
    • Same levels as 5* tier (champed 450/550) but without the 13 covers/powers limit. 6* chars can have 5 covers in each of the 6 powers choosed, that is 30 covers.
    • If choosed and paired against a boosted opposite character, 6* is max boosted too.
    • Minimun SCL to be able to roost him
    • Expensive slot (5, 10 times a normal one)

    This can add an extra of interest to the game. Not just only pump up the volume


  • MNboundWalrus
    MNboundWalrus Posts: 16 Just Dropped In

    I’m a total fanboy of course I wouldn’t quit.
    I think a 6* would have to be by themselves though, no other characters, to make it playable without making an impossibly strong team.
    6* like Galactus would ignore any “teammates” and damage could affect everyone equally; this is why being by themselves makes more sense,
    The In-Betweener
    Lord Chaos and Master Order
    6*’s would just be massively strong in their own rights and wouldn’t need teammates.

  • meadowsweet
    meadowsweet Posts: 252 Mover and Shaker

    @MNboundWalrus said:
    I’m a total fanboy of course I wouldn’t quit.

    It looks like you misunderstood the poll. The question was "Would you continue playing...?" and you responded "No" - meaning that you would quit.

  • dxanders
    dxanders Posts: 120 Tile Toppler

    It's a bit like that Spinal Tap "This one goes to 11" joke isn't it? Adding 6s isn't going to make me leave the game - but I agree with others here that for it to feel justified and exciting 10 years into the game's existence, it would need to signify a pretty major shift in not just the match-level gameplay but on the collection level as well. I'm a big proponent of expanding the affiliations system, because I feel like it hypothetically encourages specialization rather than just broadly trying to expand your 4/5 roster in the mid-to-late game. In the big picture, I'd propose something like this:

    • Each 6* is affiliation-specific. Each affiliation only gets one accompanying 6*. Begin the rollout with three 6*s but then promote a release schedule that emphasizes their rarity (closer to two or three releases a year rather than one a month).
    • Roll out a "prestige" version of the higher PvE SCL levels (8/9/10 maybe?). The events are functionally the same nodes and difficulty, but you pick from three available affiliations when you register. Events pay out 6* shards and other rewards specific to that affiliation, but you're restricted to using affiliation characters for that event. (e.g. beat the nodes with X-Men for Phoenix shards, Fantastic Four for Watcher shards, or Wakandans for Bast shards).
    • In and outside of prestige events, make it so that 6s can only be paired with characters that share that affiliation. Or possibly have 6s go into battle solo?
    • If you really want to lean hard into the affiliation angle, give the 6s passive buffs that are affiliation-specific but manifest even if your 6 is rostered but not on the team (e.g. if you have 6* Phoenix in your roster, all X-Men characters get an X boost to red damage).

    Is that a pipe dream? Of course! I have no idea what sort of engineering restrictions BCS might have inherited nor what their internal milestones or corporated-mandated objectives might be, so I'm not expecting anything like it! That said, something similarly focused would definitely help retain my interest. Regardless, if 6s ever are rolled out, I hope they're more than just 5s with amplified power damage and health pools.